This structure represents the complete details of a retrieved invoice
- PwsInvoiceElement
- AdjustmentHistory: PwsInvoiceAdjustmentHistory[]
- AllowAccountingPeriodOverrideFlag: Boolean
- ApprovedByFinanceFlag: Boolean
- ApprovedByFinanceTimestamp: DateTime
- ApprovedByFinanceUser: PwsUserSummary
- ApprovedByManagementFlag: Boolean
- ApprovedByManagementTimestamp: DateTime
- ApprovedByManagementUser: PwsUserSummary
- ApprovedByProjectManagerFlag: Boolean
- ApprovedByProjectManagerTimestamp: DateTime
- ApprovedByProjectManagerUser: PwsUserSummary
- AutoManagementApprovalFlag: Boolean
- AvailableBalances: PwsInvoiceAvailableBalance[]
- AvailableMilestones: PwsInvoiceAvailableMilestone[]
- CardBeginDate: DateTime
- CardEndDate: DateTime
- Client: PwsClientSummary
- CompanyIdentity: PwsCompanyRef
- CostCardAdjustmentAmount: Double
- CostCardExclusionsAmount: Double
- CostCardInvoicedAmount: Double
- CostCardRequireLocationFlag: Boolean
- CostCenterIdentity: PwsCostCenterRef
- CreatedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- CreatedTimestamp: DateTime
- DeletedFlag: Boolean
- DraftCostCardCount: Int32
- DraftInvoiceNumber: String
- DraftTimeCardCount: Int32
- Engagement: PwsEngagementSummary
- ExcludeZeroAmountCostCardsFlag: Boolean
- ExcludeZeroAmountTimeCardsFlag: Boolean
- ExcludedCostCardAmount: Double
- ExcludedCostCardCount: Int32
- ExcludedMilestoneAmount: Double
- ExcludedMilestoneCount: Int32
- ExcludedTimeCardAmount: Double
- ExcludedTimeCardCount: Int32
- GrossInvoiceAmount: Double
- IncludedCostCardCount: Int32
- IncludedMilestoneCount: Int32
- IncludedMilestones: PwsInvoiceMilestone[]
- IncludedTimeCardCount: Int32
- InvoiceContent: String
- InvoiceCurrencyDecimalDigits: Byte
- InvoiceCurrencyIdentity: PwsCurrencyRef
- InvoiceDetail: PwsInvoiceDetail
- InvoiceNumberHistory: String
- InvoiceRecipients: PwsUserSummary[]
- InvoiceScope: String
- InvoiceStatus: String
- IssuedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- IssuedTimestamp: DateTime
- LastUpdatedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- LastUpdatedTimestamp: DateTime
- ManagementApprovalThresholdAmount: Double
- ManagementApprovalThresholdPercent: Double
- MilestoneInvoicedAmount: Double
- NetInvoiceAmount: Double
- PaidByUser: PwsUserSummary
- PaidTimestamp: DateTime
- PaymentComment: String
- PostFailedFlag: Boolean
- PostFailureStatusMessage: String
- PostStatus: String
- PostedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- PostedFlag: Boolean
- PostedTimestamp: DateTime
- Project: PwsProjectSummary
- RejectedCostCardCount: Int32
- RejectedTimeCardCount: Int32
- RevaluePlEffect: Double
- SendFailedFlag: Boolean
- SendFailureStatusMessage: String
- SendStatus: String
- SentByUser: PwsUserSummary
- SentFlag: Boolean
- SentTimestamp: DateTime
- TimeCardAdjustmentAmount: Double
- TimeCardExclusionsAmount: Double
- TimeCardInvoicedAmount: Double
- TimeCardRequireLocationFlag: Boolean
- UnapprovedCostCardCount: Int32
- UnapprovedTimeCardCount: Int32
- VoidedByUser: PwsUserSummary
- VoidedTimestamp: DateTime
- WebInvoiceFlag: Boolean
- WriteUpWriteDownPlEffect: Double
Element | Data Type | Description |
AdjustmentHistory | The complete adjustment history in association with this invoice | |
AllowAccountingPeriodOverrideFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the accounting period can be overridden on this invoice |
ApprovedByFinanceFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the invoice has been approved by Finance |
ApprovedByFinanceTimestamp | DateTime | The date / time the invoice was approved by Finance |
ApprovedByFinanceUser | The user from finance who approved the invoice | |
ApprovedByManagementFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the invoice has been approved by Management |
ApprovedByManagementTimestamp | DateTime | The date / time the invoice was approved by Management |
ApprovedByManagementUser | The user from management who approved the invoice | |
ApprovedByProjectManagerFlag | Boolean | |
ApprovedByProjectManagerTimestamp | DateTime | |
ApprovedByProjectManagerUser | ||
AutoManagementApprovalFlag | Boolean | |
AvailableBalances | ||
AvailableMilestones | ||
CardBeginDate | DateTime | |
CardEndDate | DateTime | |
Client | ||
CompanyIdentity | ||
CostCardAdjustmentAmount | Double | |
CostCardExclusionsAmount | Double | |
CostCardInvoicedAmount | Double | |
CostCardRequireLocationFlag | Boolean | |
CostCenterIdentity | ||
CreatedByUser | ||
CreatedTimestamp | DateTime | |
DeletedFlag | Boolean | |
DraftCostCardCount | Int32 | |
DraftInvoiceNumber | String | |
DraftTimeCardCount | Int32 | |
Engagement | ||
ExcludeZeroAmountCostCardsFlag | Boolean | |
ExcludeZeroAmountTimeCardsFlag | Boolean | |
ExcludedCostCardAmount | Double | |
ExcludedCostCardCount | Int32 | |
ExcludedMilestoneAmount | Double | |
ExcludedMilestoneCount | Int32 | |
ExcludedTimeCardAmount | Double | |
ExcludedTimeCardCount | Int32 | |
GrossInvoiceAmount | Double | |
IncludedCostCardCount | Int32 | |
IncludedMilestoneCount | Int32 | |
IncludedMilestones | ||
IncludedTimeCardCount | Int32 | |
InvoiceContent | String | |
InvoiceCurrencyDecimalDigits | Byte | |
InvoiceCurrencyIdentity | ||
InvoiceDetail | ||
InvoiceNumberHistory | String | |
InvoiceRecipients | ||
InvoiceScope | String | |
InvoiceStatus | String | |
IssuedByUser | ||
IssuedTimestamp | DateTime | |
LastUpdatedByUser | ||
LastUpdatedTimestamp | DateTime | |
ManagementApprovalThresholdAmount | Double | |
ManagementApprovalThresholdPercent | Double | |
MilestoneInvoicedAmount | Double | |
NetInvoiceAmount | Double | |
PaidByUser | ||
PaidTimestamp | DateTime | |
PaymentComment | String | |
PostFailedFlag | Boolean | |
PostFailureStatusMessage | String | |
PostStatus | String | |
PostedByUser | ||
PostedFlag | Boolean | |
PostedTimestamp | DateTime | |
Project | ||
RejectedCostCardCount | Int32 | |
RejectedTimeCardCount | Int32 | |
RevaluePlEffect | Double | |
SendFailedFlag | Boolean | |
SendFailureStatusMessage | String | |
SendStatus | String | |
SentByUser | ||
SentFlag | Boolean | |
SentTimestamp | DateTime | |
TimeCardAdjustmentAmount | Double | The amount of the time cards inclusive of adjustments |
TimeCardExclusionsAmount | Double | The amount associated with excluded time cards |
TimeCardInvoicedAmount | Double | The amount on the invoice associated with time cards |
TimeCardRequireLocationFlag | Boolean | If "true", locations are required on time cards |
UnapprovedCostCardCount | Int32 | The number of unapproved cost cards associated with the invoice |
UnapprovedTimeCardCount | Int32 | The number of unapproved time cards associated with the invoice |
VoidedByUser | The user who voided the invoice | |
VoidedTimestamp | DateTime | The date / time the invoice was voided |
WebInvoiceFlag | Boolean | If "true" the invoice was created in PWEB |
WriteUpWriteDownPlEffect | Double | The effect a write up/down adjustment has on profit/loss |