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-101InvalidSessionThe specified session is not valid or is no longer valid. Please re-establish a session.
101ClientInactivatedThe client could not be deleted and instead it was marked inactive.
102TaskTypeInactivatedThe project task type is in use and cannot be deleted. It was marked inactive instead.
103TaskClosedThe project task is in use and cannot be deleted. It was closed for time instead.
104RowCountExceededNot all data rows were returned by this request because the specified row count was smaller than the total number of rows available.
105AtLeastOneItemNotFoundAt least one requested item was not found. The remaining items, if any, were returned.
106TaskRoleDeallocatedThe project task role could not be removed because time has been reported against it. The effort was zeroed out instead.
107ClientNumberTruncatedThe specified client number exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
108ClientNameTruncatedThe specified client name exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
109AddressAttentionTruncatedThe specified address attention line exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
110AddressCompanyNameTruncatedThe specified address company name line exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
111AddressLine1TruncatedThe specified address line 1 exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
112AddressLine2TruncatedThe specified address line 2 line exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
113AddressCityTruncatedThe specified address city line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
114AddressStateOrProvinceTruncatedThe specified address state or province line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
115AddressZipOrPostalCodeTruncatedThe specified address zip or postal code line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
116AddressCountryTruncatedThe specified address country line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
117BillingInstructionsTruncatedThe specified billing instructions exceeded the maximum length of 1000 characters and was truncated.
118ClientMessageTruncatedThe specified client message exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated.
119PurchaseOrderNumberTruncatedThe specified purchase order number exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
120EngagementCodeTruncatedThe specified engagement code exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
121EngagementNameTruncatedThe specified engagement name exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
122ProjectCodeTruncatedThe specified project code exceeded the maximum length of 24 characters and was truncated.
123ProjectNameTruncatedThe specified project name exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
124ProjectDescriptionTruncatedThe specified project description exceeded the maximum length of 1000 characters and was truncated.
125TimeGlccOverrideTruncatedThe specified time GLCC override exceeded the maximum length of 159 characters and was truncated.
126CostGlccOverrideTruncatedThe specified cost GLCC override exceeded the maximum length of 159 characters and was truncated.
127RoleNameTruncatedThe specified role name exceeded the maximum length of 32 characters and was truncated.
128KeywordsTruncatedThe specified keywords exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
129RoleDescriptionTruncatedThe specified role description exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
130TaskTypeNameTruncatedThe specified project task type name exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
131TaskExternalSystemIdentifierTruncatedThe specified project task external system identifier exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
132TaskNameTruncatedThe task name exceeded the maximum length of 512 characters and was truncated.
133TaskDescriptionTruncatedThe task description exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
134TaskTypeExternalSystemIdentifierTruncatedThe specified project task type external system identifier exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
135ProjectRoleExternalSystemIdentifierTruncatedThe specified project role external system identifier exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
136NonProductionEnvironmentThis web service request was executed against a non-production instance of Projector.
137CostCardDescriptionTruncatedThe specified cost card description exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated.
138ExpenseDocumentNameTruncatedThe specified expense document name exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
139VendorInvoiceReferenceNumberTruncatedThe specified vendor invoice reference number exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
141DocumentNameTruncatedThe specified document name exceeded the maximum length of 260 characters and was truncated.
142DocumentUriTruncatedThe specified document URI exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
143DocumentVersionCommentsTruncatedThe specified document version comments exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
144ReceiptNotesTruncatedThe specified receipt note exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated.
145ReceiptReferenceNumberTruncatedThe specified receipt reference number exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated.
146DocumentArchivedThe requested document has been archived.
147IssueDescriptionTruncatedThe specified issue description exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
148IssueResolutionTruncatedThe specified issue resolution exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated.
149ExplanationTruncatedThe specified explanation exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
150SearchStringTruncatedThe specified search string exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
151FavoriteLabelTruncatedThe specified favorite label exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
152ExpenseRejectedReasonTruncatedThe specified cost card reject reason exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
153TimeRejectedReasonTruncatedThe specified time card reject reason exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
154ExpenseApVoucherNumberTruncatedThe specified AP voucher number exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
155ExpenseApPaymentInformationTruncatedThe specified AP payment information exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated.
156InvalidCharacterDataRemovedUnprintable or invalid characters were detected and removed from the field '{FieldName}' in the class '{TypeName}'.
157PaymentVoucherNumberTruncatedThe specified payment voucher number exceeded the maximum length of 40 characters and was truncated.
158DeprecatedFieldThe field '{FieldName}' in the class '{TypeName}' has been deprecated. Please refer to the Projector Web Services documentation for the preferred replacement.
159TruncatedFieldThe value specified for the field "{FieldName}" in the class "{TypeName}" exceeded the maximum allowable length of {MaxLength} characters and was truncated.
160VendorInactivatedThe vendor could not be deleted and instead it was marked inactive.
161DeprecatedServiceThe service request '{TypeName}' has been deprecated. Please refer to the Projector Web Services documentation for the preferred replacement.
162TimeoffCommentTruncatedThe specified time off comment exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
163TimeoffApproverCommentTruncatedThe specified time off approver comment exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated.
165ProjectNoteTruncatedThe project note exceeded the maximum length of 1024 characters and was truncated.
167FilterTagNotFoundNo filter with tag {FilterTag} exists.
168SummaryTagNotFoundNo summary item with tag {SummaryTag} exists.
169ColumnTagNotFoundNo display item with tag {DisplayTag} exists.
170GroupingTagNotFoundNo summary item with tag {GroupingTag} exists.
171SortTagNotExpectedSort tag {DisplayTag} ignored because the tag is not present amongst the display columns.
172ColumnConfigurationTagNotExpectedColumn configuration tag {DisplayTag} ignored because the tag is not present amongst the display columns.
173ColumnTagRedundantA specified column tag ({DisplayTag}) was ignored because it was already specified as a grouping item.
174TimePhaseSettingIgnoredTime phase setting was ignored because the specified search type does not support time-phased searches.
175NonSummarizableColumnIgnoredColumn {DisplayTag} was ignored in the column list for the summary search because it is not marked summarizable.
1205DeadlockThe request failed because of a deadlock condition. Please retry the request. If it continues to fail, please contact Projector technical support.
10000SystemInMaintenanceModeThe system is currently not available, due to a software release or system maintenance. Please retry your request later.
10001SessionTicketRequiredThe session ticket was not supplied.
10002InvalidCredentialsThe specified credentials are not valid. Please try again.
10003PasswordExpiredThe specified password has expired. Please contact your Projector administrator to reset your password.
10004InvalidSessionTicketThe specified session ticket is invalid. Please verify you are issuing this request against the correct instance of Projector.
10005MissingOrInvalidCrossoverTicketThe crossover ticket is missing or invalid.
10006SsoAssertionParseErrorProjector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the assertion could not be parsed. Please contact your IT department for assistance.
10007SsoAssertionIllFormedProjector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the assertion is ill-formed. Please contact your IT department for assistance.
10008SsoAssertionUserMismatchProjector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the user you entered for Log On is not the same as the one asserted by your Identity Provider.
10009SsoAssertionFailedValidationProjector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the credentials provided by your Identity Provider could not be validated.  Please contact your IT department for assistance.
10100MaxRowsToReturnOutOfRangeThe value specified for MaxRowsToReturn is outside of the allowable range. It must be non-negative, and may have an upper limit. Refer to the documentation for this request.
10102InvalidTimestampThe specified timestamp was not recognized as a valid timestamp. Timestamp values should be a base64 encoded 8 byte stream.
10103NothingToDoThere is nothing to do.
10105ValidationErrorThere was an error while validating your request. Please contact Projector technical support.
10106InvalidUrlThe value specified in the field "{FieldName}" in the class "{TypeName}"was not recognized as a proper URL.
10109InvalidValueForFlexItemTypeThe value specified for flex item type is invalid.
10110CurrencyIdentityRequiredA currency identity must be specified.
10111RequiredFieldMissingA required field is missing: {FieldName}
10112DocumentServerErrorAn unknown error has occurred communicating with the document server.
10113FieldIllegallySpecifiedA field is illegally specified: {FieldName}
10115FieldExceedsMaxLengthThe value specified in the field "{FieldName}" in the class "{TypeName}" exceeds the maximum allowable length of {MaxLength} characters.
10116InvalidDateValueSpecifiedThe date specified in the field "{FieldName}" in the class "{TypeName}" is invalid or out of range. The time component of the specified date must be midnight UTC.
10117ValueOutOfRangeThe value specified in the field "{FieldName}" in the class "{TypeName}" is out of range. The value must be between {Minimum} and {Maximum}.
10118ValueExceedsMaximumThe value specified in the field "{FieldName}" in the class "{TypeName}" is out of range. The value must not be greater than {Maximum}.
10119ValueBelowMinimumThe value specified in the field "{FieldName}" in the class "{TypeName}" is out of range. The value must not be less than {Minimum}.
10120OneOrMoreItemsMustBeSpecifiedPlease specify one or more items in the "{FieldName}" collection in the class "{TypeName}".
10121UnauthorizedCallerThe caller ({CallerIp}) is not authorized for this web service.
10122MaximumInputItemsExceededMore than the maximum allowed number of items were requested
10123ExternalConnectorErrorAn error occurred communicating with an external system: {ErrorMessage}
10124ArithmeticOverflowArithmetic overflow error encountered. Please check your inputs.
10125ResourceNotFoundInExternalSystemResource matching '{ResourceIdentifier}' not found in external system.
10127DuplicateUdfValueSpecifiedA UDF value (key = {UdfKey}) was specified multiple times.
10500InvalidValueForUdfDateValueA date-valued user defined field was specified with a date value that is not expressed as of midnight UTC on a given date.
10501AccountIdentityRequiredAccount identity is required for retrieving proxy users.
11004StandardRateCardNotSpecifiedWithInheritanceOffThe standard rate card is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off.
11005StandardContractDiscountPercentOutOfRangeThe standard contract discount percent is out of range. The value must not exceed 100%.
11006StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercentOutOfRangeThe standard billing adjusted discount percent is out of range. The value must not exceed 100%.
11026InvalidValueForTimeBillingTypeThe value specified for time billing type is invalid. Valid values are H for hourly and D for Daily.
11029InvalidValueForInvoiceScopeThe value specified for invoice scope is invalid. Valid values are C for client, E for engagement, N for purchase order number and P for project.
11032InvalidValueForInvoiceContentThe value specified for invoice content is invalid. Valid values are B for both time and cost and S for time and cost separately.
11037ClientNotSpecifiedForSaveNo client was specified to be saved.
11038NoClientsSpecifiedNo clients were specified for retrieval by this request.
11040MaximumClientIdentitiesExceededPlease specify between 1 and 100 client identities for retrieval.
11041ParentClientMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe parent client clear flag was set and a non-null value was specified for parent client.
11042InappropriateStandardRateCardSpecifiedThe specified standard rate card is not appropriate (it is likely an RDC rate card).
11043InvalidValueForInvoiceEmailTypeThe value specified for invoice email type is invalid. Valid values are H for HTML, P for PDF attachment and W for workspace link.
11044UserIdentityRequiredForEmailRecipientNo user identity specified for at least one email recipient.
11045InvalidValueForRecipientTypeThe value specified for recipient type is invalid. Valid values are T for To:, C for Cc: and B for Bcc:.
11046SearchIdentityRequiredA search identity must be specified.
12003InvalidValueForTimeAlertsBasisTypeThe value specified for the time alerts basis type is invalid. Valid values are A for actuals to date and E for estimate at completion.
12004InvalidValueForCostAlertsBasisTypeThe value specified for the cost alerts basis type is invalid. Valid values are A for actuals to date and E for estimate at completion.
12005InvalidValueForTimeContractTermsThe value specified for time contract terms is invalid. Valid values are T for time and materials, F for fixed price, C for not to exceed and N for non-chargeable.
12010TimeContractAmountsCannotBeSpecifiedMinimum and maximum time contract amounts may not be specified if time contract terms are not specified.
12011InvalidValueForCostContractTermsThe value specified for cost contract terms is invalid. Valid values are T for time and materials, F for fixed price, C for not to exceed and N for non-chargeable.
12016CostContractAmountsCannotBeSpecifiedMinimum and maximum cost contract amounts may not be specified if cost contract terms are not specified.
12017InvalidValueForTimeBudgetMetricThe value specified for time budget metric is invalid. Valid values are C for contract revenue, B for billing adjusted revenue, R for resource direct cost, G for chargeable hours and H for working hours.
12018InvalidValueForCostBudgetMetricThe value specified for cost budget metric is invalid. Valid values are D for base amount, C for client amount and E for expense amount.
12019BillingAdjustedRevenueMayNotBeSpecifiedThe billing adjusted revenue time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is B.
12020BillingAdjustedRevenueOutOfRangeThe billing adjusted revenue time budget amount must be non-negative.
12021ContractRevenueMayNotBeSpecifiedThe contract revenue time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is C.
12022ContractRevenueOutOfRangeThe contract revenue time budget amount must be non-negative.
12023ResourceDirectCostMayNotBeSpecifiedThe resource direct cost time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is R.
12024ResourceDirectCostOutOfRangeThe resource direct cost time budget amount must be non-negative.
12025WorkMinutesMayNotBeSpecifiedThe working hours time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is H.
12026WorkMinutesOutOfRangeThe working hours time budget amount must be non-negative.
12027ClientAmountMayNotBeSpecifiedThe client amount cost budget amount may not be specified unless the cost budget metric is C.
12028ClientAmountOutOfRangeThe client amount cost budget amount must be non-negative.
12029DisbursedAmountMayNotBeSpecifiedThe base amount cost budget amount may not be specified unless the cost budget metric is D.
12030DisbursedAmountOutOfRangeThe base amount cost budget amount must be non-negative.
12031ExpenseAmountMayNotBeSpecifiedThe expense amount cost budget amount may not be specified unless the cost budget metric is E.
12032ExpenseAmountOutOfRangeThe expense amount cost budget amount must be non-negative.
12033InvalidValueForRevenueRecognitionMethodThe value specified for revenue recognition method is invalid. Valid values are P for percent complete or R for revenue schedule.
12035HoldbackAmountCannotBeSpecifiedThe holdback amount may not be specified unless the holdback type is A.
12036HoldbackPercentCannotBeSpecifiedThe holdback percent may not be specified unless the holdback type is P.
12039HoldbackPercentOutOfRangeThe value specified for holdback percent must be between 0 and 100.
12040HoldbackAmountOutOfRangeThe value specified for holdback amount must be non-negative.
12042NoEngagementsSpecifiedNo engagements were specified for retrieval by this request.
12044MaximumEngagementIdentitiesExceededPlease specify between 1 and 100 engagement identities for retrieval.
12045InvalidValueForRevenueEarnedByDateThe revenue earned by date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
12046ChargeableMinutesMayNotBeSpecifiedThe chargeable hours time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is G.
12047ChargeableMinutesOutOfRangeThe chargeable hours time budget amount must be non-negative.
13003InvalidValueForTimePlccMappingTypeThe specified value for time PLCC mapping type is invalid. Valid values are R for resource and E for engagement.
13004InvalidValueForCostPlccMappingTypeThe specified value for cost PLCC mapping type is invalid. Valid values are R for resource and E for engagement.
13005InvalidValueForDefaultSchedulingModeThe specified value for default scheduling mode is invalid. Valid values are W for weekly and D for daily.
13006InvalidValueForTimeApproverTypeThe specified value for time approver type is invalid. Valid values are E for engagement manager, P for project manager, T for project management team, M for project management team with engagement manager approving project manager's time, U for specific user, R for resource-based time approval and A for automatic approval.
13007TimeApprovalUserMayNotBeSpecifiedThe time approval user may not be specified unless time approver type is U.
13008TimeApprovalUserMustBeSpecifiedThe time approval user must be specified for time approval type U.
13009InvalidValueForExpenseApproverTypeThe specified value for expense approver type is invalid. Valid values are E for engagement manager, P for project manager, T for project management team, M for project management team with engagement manager approving project manager's expenses, U for specific user and R for resource-based expense approval.
13010ExpenseApprovalUserMayNotBeSpecifiedThe expense approval user may not be specified unless expense approver type is U.
13011ExpenseApprovalUserMustBeSpecifiedThe expense approval user must be specified for expense approval type U.
13016ProjectNotSpecifiedForSaveNo project was specified to be saved.
13017NoProjectsSpecifiedNo projects were specified for retrieval by this request.
13018ProjectNotSpecifiedForDeleteNo project was specified to be deleted.
13019MaximumProjectIdentitiesExceededPlease specify between 1 and 100 project identities for retrieval.
13020ProjectRateGapOrOverlapA gap or overlap was detected in the specified project rate date ranges. Project rates must cover all of time with no overlaps.
13021ProjectRateBeginDateOutOfRangeA project rate begin date is out of range.
13022ProjectRateEndDateOutOfRangeA project rate end date is out of range.
13023RateCardNotSpecifiedForProjectRateAt least one specified project rate is missing a rate card.
13024ProjectRateContractDiscountPercentOutOfRangeAt least one project rate has an invalid value for contract discount percent. The discount percent must be less than or equal to 100.
13025ProjectRateBillingAdjustedDiscountPercentOutOfRangeAt least one project rate has an invalid value for billing adjusted discount percent. The discount percent must be less than or equal to 100.
13027ProjectCloseDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe project close date may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
13028ProjectDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe project description may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
13029TimeGlccOverrideMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe time GLCC override may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
13030CostGlccOverrideMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe cost GLCC override may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
13031PercentLikelihoodMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe percent likelihood may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
13032NoPermissionToUpdateRatesYou do not have appropriate permission to update project rates.
13033InvalidValueForProjectRateBeginDateProject rate begin dates must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
13034InvalidValueForProjectRateEndDateProject rate end dates must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
13035InvalidValueForProjectOpenDateThe specified project open date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
13036InvalidValueForProjectCloseDateThe specified project close date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
13037WorkspaceMessagesMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe workspace messages may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
13038InvalidValueForBookTimeResourcesAllowCodeThe specified value for book time resources allow code is invalid. Valid values are A for any resource, B for booked resources only and C for cost center based.
13039InvalidValueForBookExpenseResourcesAllowCodeThe specified value for book expense resources allow code is invalid. Valid values are A for any resource, B for booked resources only and C for cost center based.
13040InvalidValueForProjectPlccMappingTypeThe specified value for PLCC mapping type is invalid. Valid values are TR for time revenue, RDC for resource direct cost, SRDC for subcontractor resource direct cost, OR for ODC revenue and OE for ODC expense.
13041InvalidValueForProjectPlccCostCenterTypeThe specified value for PLCC cost center type is invalid. Valid values are R for resource cost center, E for engagement cost center and S for specific cost center.
13042CannotSpecifyCostCenterUnlessCostCenterTypeIsSpecificCost center may not be specified unless the PLCC cost center type is S for specific.
13043MustSpecifyCostCenterForCostCenterTypeSpecificA cost center identity is required when the specified PLCC cost center type is S for specific.
13044CannotSpecifyGlccOverrideForCostCenterTypeResourceGLCC overrides may not be specified for PLCC mappings with a cost center type of R for resource.
14003RoleStartDateOutOfRangeThe specified role start date is out of range.
14004RoleEndDateOutOfRangeThe specified role end date is out of range.
14006ProjectNotSpecifiedForSaveRoleNo project was specified for saving project role.
14007ProjectRoleNotSpecifiedForSaveNo project role was specified for saving.
14008ProjectRoleNotSpecifiedForDeleteNo project role specified for delete.
14009RoleResourceMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetResource may not be specified when resouce clear flag is set.
14010RoleCostCenterMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetCost center may not be specified when cost center clear flag is set.
14011RoleLocationMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetLocation may not be specified when location clear flag is set.
14012RoleTitleMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetTitle may not be specified when title clear flag is set.
14013RoleKeywordsMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetKeywords may not be specified when keywords clear flag is set.
14014ShareCostCenterMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetShare cost center may not be specified when share cost center clear flag is set.
14015BaseRatesOnTitleMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetBase rates on title may not be specified when base rates on title clear flag is set.
14016RoleStartDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetRole start date may not be specified when role start date clear flag is set.
14017RoleEndDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetRole end date may not be specified when role end date clear flag is set.
14018RoleDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetRole description may not be set when role description clear flag is set.
14020NoPermissionToChangeResourceYou do not have appropriate permission to change the resource on this role.
14021InvalidValueForRoleStartDateThe specified role start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
14022InvalidValueForRoleEndDateThe specified role end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
14025RdcTransferRateIncompleteRDC transfer hourly rate specified without and RDC transfer currency, or vice versa.
15002ProjectNotSpecifiedForSaveTaskTypeNo project was specified for saving project task type.
15003ProjectTaskTypeNotSpecifiedForSaveNo project task type was specified for saving.
15004ProjectTaskTypeNotSpecifiedForDeleteNo project task type was specified for delete.
16004TaskDurationOutOfRangeThe specified task duration must be non-negative.
16005ProjectNotSpecifiedForSaveTaskThe specified project identity is missing or incomplete.
16006ProjectTaskNotSpecifiedForSaveNo project task was specified to be asved.
16007ProjectTaskNotSpecifiedForDeleteNo project task was specified to be deleted.
16008ParentTaskMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe parent task may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
16009TaskDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe task description may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
16010EarliestStartDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetThe task earliest start date may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set.
16011InvalidValueForEarliestStartDateThe value specified for task earliest start date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
16012InvalidValueForPlannedStartDateThe specified value for planned start date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
16013InvalidValueForPlannedEndDateThe specified value for planned end date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
16014InvalidPredecessorSpecifiedAn invalid predecessor was specified. Tasks cannot be dependent on themselves or their ancestors, and circular dependencies cannot be established.
16020SuccessorOrPredecessorNotFoundInTaskPlanTask plan failed validation: specified successor or predecessor task not found.
17003ProjectTaskRoleNotSpecifiedForSaveNo project task role was specified to be saved.
17005ProjectTaskRoleNotSpecifiedForDeleteNo project task role was specified to be deleted.
18001NoTimeIncludedNo time cards will ever be returned based on the given parameters to this service.
18003InvalidBookmarkThe specified bookmark is not recognized as a valid bookmark. The bookmark, if specified, must have been returned by a prior call to this service or provided by Projector technical support.
18004InvalidValueForTimeCardWorkDateThe value specified for time card work date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
18005InvalidValueForTimeOffCardWorkDateThe value specified for time off card date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
18009InvalidValueForTransferTypeThe specified value for transfer type is invalid. Valid values are T for time and C for cost.
19001CostCardErrorsOne or more cost cards could not be saved. The expense document was not created. Check CostCardResults for specific errors.
19004ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForRetrieveNo expense document was specified for retrieval.
19005CloneParametersMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenNotCloningClone parameters were specified, but the clone flag was not set.
19006DelayDaysMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenNotCloningDatesThe delay days parameter may not be specified when not cloning dates.
19007CloneDatesOrAmountsRequiresRetrieveCostCardsThe clone flags may not be specified unless you are retrieving the cost cards with the expense document.
19008CostCardNotSpecifiedForRetrieveNo cost card was specified for retrieval.
19009PaymentVoucherNotSpecifiedForRetrieveNo payment voucher was specified for retrieval.
19010PaymentVouchersNotSpecifiedForMarkingNo payment vouchers were specified for marking received.
19011ExpenseDocumentAndPaymentVoucherMayNotBothBeSpecifiedMust specify an expense document or a payment voucher, but not both.
19012NewCostCardProjectIdentityRequiredNew project identity is required for the cost card transfer.
19013ExpenseTypeRequiredForGetDefaultVatPercentageNo expense type was specified.
19014LocationRequiredForGetDefaultVatPercentageNo location was specified.
19015ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForSaveNo expense document was specified for saving.
19016PaymentVoucherRequiredA payment voucher must be specified.
19017InvalidValueForCostAdjustmentTypePlease specify either TPC or CCC for the cost card transfer adjustment type.
19020ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForSaveCostCardNo expense document was specified.
19021ExpenseDocumentOrDisbursingCostCenterRequiredMust specify either an expense document or a disbursing cost center for retrieving approvers.
19022NoProjectReferencesProvidedWhen no expense document is specified, at least one project identity must be specified.
19023IncompleteProjectReferenceInProjectListAt least one of the specified project identities is incomplete.
19024CostCardNotSpecifiedForDeleteNo cost card was specified for delete.
19025ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForDeleteNo expense document was specified for delete.
19026ProjectIdentityRequiredForExpenseEntryMemoryNo project was specified.
19027ExpenseTypeIdentityRequiredForExpenseEntryMemoryNo expense type was specified
19028InvalidValueForGetCurrenciesEffectiveDateThe value specified for the effective date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
19029InvalidValueForGetMileageRateEffectiveDateThe value specified for the effective date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
19030InvalidValueForExpenseScheduleStartDateThe value specified for the start date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
19031InvalidValueForExpenseScheduleEndDateThe value specified for the end date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
19032InvalidValueForVendorInvoiceDateThe value specified for the vendor invoice date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
19033InvalidValueForCostCardIncurredDateThe value specified for the cost card incurred date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC).
19034InvalidValueForExpenseDocumentTypeThe value specified for expense document type is invalid. Value values are E for Expense Report, V for Vendor Invoice and S for Soft Card Batch.
19035CashAdvanceReturnAmountNegativeThe specified value for the cash advance return amount may not be negative.
19037ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForDeleteCostCardExpense document identity is required.
19038CostCardIdentityRequiredForReceiptCostCardCost card identity is required.
19039ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForSaveReceiptExpense document identity is required.
19040ReceiptNotSpecifiedForDeleteReceipt identity is required.
19041ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForDeleteReceiptExpense document identity is required.
19042ReceiptLockedThe specified receipt is locked.
19043DocumentTypeNotSpecifiedForSaveExpenseDocumentDocument type is required.
19044DocumentTypeInvalidDocument type is invalid. Valid values are E for Expense Report, V for Vendor Invoice and S for Soft Cost Batch.
19045CostCardIdentitiesRequiredOne or more cost card identities must be specified.
19046InvalidValueForCostCardApprovalWorkflowStatusThe specified value for cost card approval workflow status is invalid. Valid values are D for Draft, R for Rejected, S for Submitted and A for Approved.
19047SendApprovalRejectionEmailFlagDoesNotApplyInContextSendApprovalEmailFlag may only be specified when approving cost cards.
19048RejectedReasonOnlyValidWhenRejectingRejectReason may only be specified when rejecting cost cards.
19049SendRejectionEmailFlagOnlyValidWhenRejectingSendRejectionEmailFlag may only be specified when rejecting cost cards.
19050RejectedReasonRequiredWhenRejectingA reject reason is required when rejecting cost cards.
19051PaymentVoucherIdentityRequiredA payment voucher identity must be specified.
19052InvalidValueForCostCardPaymentWorkflowStatusThe specified value for cost card payment workflow status is invalid. Valid values are N for Not Approved to Pay, F for Approved to Pay, T for Transmitted, P for Paid and C for Received.
19053SendApprovalToPayEmailFlagOnlyValidWhenApprovingToPaySendApprovalToPayEmailFlag may only be specified when approving to pay cost cards.
19055ApVoucherNumberOnlyValidWhenTransmittingThe AP voucher number may only be specified when transmitting payment vouchers.
19056ApPaymentInformationOnlyValidWhenMarkingPaidThe AP payment information may only be specified when marking payment vouchers paid.
19057InvalidValueForCostCardInvoiceWorkflowStatusThe specified value for cost card invoice workflow status is invalid. Valid values are N for Not Approved to Invoice, A for Approved to Invoice, D for Draft Invoiced and I for Invoiced. Values of D and I are only valid when querying for existing data.
19058AdjustmentOrdersRequiredOne or more adjustment orders must be specified
19059CostCardIdentityRequiredA cost card identity must be specified.
19060NewExpenseTypeIdentityIsRequiredA new expense type identity must be specified.
19063CostCardSplitPercentOutOfRangeThe specified split percentage is out of range. Please specify a value greater than 0% and less than 100%.
19064MustSpecifyCostSplitAmountWhen splitting a cost card, either a split client amount, split total amount disbursed currency or a split percent must be specified.
19065SpecifyOnlyOneCostSplitAmountWhen splitting a cost card, only one of split client amount, split total amount disbursed currency or split percent may be specified.
19066NewUnitsOutOfRangeThe specified value for new units is out of range. Please specify a value greater than zero.
19067MustSpecifyMarkupAmountMarkupPercentOrClientAmountWhen writing up or down cost cards, either a markup amount, markup percent or client amount must be specified.
19068SpecifyOneOfMarkupAmountMarkupPercentOrClientAmountWhen writing up or down cost cards, only one of markup amount, markup percent or client amount may be specified.
19069InvalidValueForExpenseSummarizeByCodeThe specified value for summarize by code is invalid.
19071VendorIdentityRequiredA vendor identity must be specified.
19073ExpenseDocumentIdentityRequiredAn expense document identity must be specified.
19075InvalidValueForExpenseDateFilterTypeThe specified value for date filter type is invalid.
19076InvalidValueForLocationTypeCodeThe specified value for location type code is invalid. Valid values are P for Project Location, R for Resource Location and T for Time Card Location.
19079SpecifiedExpenseSearchTypeInvalidInThisContextSpecified search type is not expected by this service.
19080InvalidValueForCostCardApprovalPaymentWorkflowStatusThe specified value for cost card approval/payment workflow status is invalid. Valid values are D for Draft, R for Rejected, S for Submitted, A for Approved, F for Approved to Pay, T for Transmitted, P for Paid and C for Received.
19088CannotSpecifyBothSearchStringAndFlexItemIdentityPlease specify a search string or a flex item identity, but not both.
19089InvalidValueForExpenseManagementStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
19090InvalidValueForExpenseManagementEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
19091PaymentVoucherIdentitiesRequiredOne or more payment voucher identities must be specified.
19092InvalidValueForOperationCodeUnexpected value for OperationMode. Valid values are A, B, I or P.
19093UnexpectedTimeCardTypeUnexpected value for TimeCardType. Valid values are T or R.
19096CannotSpecifyResourceForListTypeEmA resource identity may not be specified for list type EM (Expense Management).
19097CannotSpecifyMruFlagForListTypeEmThe MRU flag may not be set for list type EM (Expense Management).
19098ResourceDisplayNameCannotBeSpecifiedResource display name may not be specified when saving resource expense import pool items.
19099OverrideClientAmountCannotBeSpecifiedOverride client amount may not be specified when saving resource expense import pool items
20001TimeCardStartDateRequiredThe range start date must be specified.
20002TimeCardEndDateRequiredThe range end date must be specified.
20003InvalidValueForTimeCardStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20004InvalidValueForTimeCardEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20005DraftOrRejectedTimeAlertsCannotBeDismissedDraft or rejected time alerts currently may not be dismissed.
20006WorkingScheduleStartDateRequiredThe range start date must be specified.
20007WorkingScheduleEndDateRequiredThe range end date must be specified.
20008InvalidValueForWorkingScheduleStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20009InvalidValueForWorkingScheduleEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20010ProjectRequiredForGetTimeEntryProjectRoleA project must be specified.
20011TimeEntryProjectRoleStartDateRequiredThe range start date must be specified.
20012TimeEntryProjectRoleEndDateRequiredThe range end date must be specified.
20013InvalidValueForTimeEntryProjectRoleStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20014InvalidValueForTimeEntryProjectRoleEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20015TimeEntryTimeOffStartDateRequiredThe range start date must be specified.
20016TimeEntryTimeOffEndDateRequiredThe range end date must be specified.
20017InvalidValueForTimeEntryTimeOffStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20018InvalidValueForTimeEntryTimeOffEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20019InvalidValueForSubmitStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20020InvalidValueForSubmitEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20021InvalidValueForMissingTimeAlertDateThe specified minimum alert date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20022InvalidValueForSaveTimeCardStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20023InvalidValueForSaveTimeCardEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20024StartDateRequiredForGetResourceScheduleA start date must be specified.
20025InvalidValueForResourceScheduleStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20026EndDateRequiredForGetResourceScheduleAn end date must be specified
20027InvalidValueForResourceScheduleEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20028TimeCardErrorsOne or more time cards or time off cards could not be saved.
20032RoleOrTaskIdentityRequiredForTimeEntryMemoryPlease specify either a role identity or a task identity.
20033TimeCardIdentitiesRequiredOne or more time card identities must be specified.
20034TimeTcmSearchDetailRequiredSearch detail/criteria must be specified.
20035TimeCardIdentityRequiredA time card identity must be specified.
20036NumberOfDaysOutOfRangeThe specified value for number of days is out of range. Please specify a value greater than zero.
20037TimeCardSplitPercentOutOfRangeThe specified split percentage is out of range. Please specify a value greater than 0% and less than 100%.
20040MustSpecifyHourlyRateOrTotalAmountWhen writing up or down time cards, either an hourly rate or a total amount must be specified.
20041CannotSpecifyBothHourlyRateAndTotalAmountWhen writing up or down time cards, only one of hourly rate or total amount may be specified.
20043MustSpecifySplitAmountMinutesOrPercentWhen splitting a time card, either a split amount, split minutes or split percentage must be specified.
20044SpecifyOnlyOneOfSplitAmountMinutesOrPercentWhen splitting a time card, only one of split amount, split minutes or split percentage may be specified.
20045CannotSplitReportedTimeOffReported time off cannot be split.
20046InvalidValueForTimeSummarizeByCodeThe specified value for summarize by code is invalid.
20050InvalidValueForTimeCardApprovalWorkflowStatusThe specified value for time card approval workflow status is invalid. Valid values are D for Draft, R for Rejected, S for Submitted, A for Approved, I for Invoiced (draft), B for Billed and M for Missing. Values of I, B and M are only valid when querying for existing data.
20051InvalidValueForTimeCardTypeThe specified value for time card type is invalid. Valid values are T for Time Card and R for Reported Time Off.
20052InvalidValueForTimeEntryPeriodStartDateThe specified period start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20053InvalidValueForTimeManagementStartDateThe specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20054InvalidValueForTimeManagementEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
20056MissingTimeThresholdMinutesOutOfRangeThe specified missing time threshold minutes is out of range. Please specify a value greater than or equal to zero.
20057FlexItemIdentityRequiredA flex item identity must be specified.
20060InvalidValueForTimePeriodTypeThe specified value for period type is invalid. Valid values are W for Weekly and M for Monthly.
20061SpecifiedTimeSearchTypeInvalidInThisContextSpecified search type is not expected by this service.
20064InvalidValueForMissingTimeTypeSpecified value for missing time type is invalid. Valid values are D for day, W for week, M for month and A for accounting period.
20065InvalidValueForAlertsPeriodTypeSpecified value for alerts period type is invalid. Valid values are D for day, W for week, M for month and A for accounting period.
20066InvalidValueForTimeAdjustmentTypePlease specify either TPT, TRT or CTT for the time card transfer adjustment type.
20067TimeSplitOrdersRequiredOne or more split orders must be specified.
20068TimeWriteUpDownOrdersRequiredOne or more write up/down orders must be specified.
20069FlexItemTypeMustBeResourceIn this context, the specified flex item type must be R for resource.
20071InvalidValueForPeriodTypeSpecified value for period type is invalid. Valid values are D for day, W for week, M for month and A for accounting period.
21000FolderTypeCodeRequiredForGetFolderA folder type code must be specified.
21001FolderRequiredForGetFolderContentsA folder identity must be specified.
21002DocumentRequiredForGetDocumentHistoryA document identity must be specified.
21003FolderRequiredForUploadDocumentA folder identity must be specified.
21004DocumentVersionRequiredForDownloadDocumentA document version identity must be specified.
21005DocumentRequiredForLockDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21006DocumentRequiredForUnlockDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21007DocumentRequiredForPurgeDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21008DocumentRequiredForRollbackDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21009DocumentRequiredForRenameDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21010DocumentRequiredForSetDocumentUriA document identity must be specified.
21011DocumentRequiredForDeleteDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21012DocumentRequiredForUndeleteDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21013DocumentNameOrDocumentIdentityMustBeSpecifiedA document name or document identity must be specified.
21014DocumentNameAndDocumentIdentityMayNotBothBeSpecifiedDocument name and identity may not both be specified.
21015DocumentUriOrDocumentStreamMustBeSpecifiedA document URI or document stream must be specified.
21016DocumentUriAndDocumentStreamMayNotBothBeSpecifiedA document URI and document stream may not both be specified.
21017InvalidValueForFolderTypeCodeThe specified folder type code is not recognized.
21019InvalidValueForRotateDegreeThe value specified for rotation degree is invalid. Valid values are 0, 90, 180 and 270.
21021ThumbnailFlagAndPreviewFlagMayNotBothBeSpecifiedThumbnail flag and preview flag may not both be specified.
21022ThumbnailsNotSupportedThumbnails not supported for this document.
21023PreviewNotSupportedPreview not supported for this document.
21024SpecifiedDocumentSizeIncorrectSpecified document size does not match actual size of uploaded document.
21025UnknownErrorUploadingDocumentAn unknown error occurred while uploading the document. Please contact Projector technical support.
21026UnknownErrorDownloadingDocumentAn unknown error occurred while downloading the document. Please contact Projector technical support.
21027DocumentArchiveRequiredForDownloadArchiveA document archive identity must be specified.
21028DocumentArchiveRequiredForSetArchiveStatusA document archive identity must be specified.
21029DocumentArchiveStatusInvalidThe specified document archive status is invalid. Valid values are A for Accepted, D for Downloaded, E for Expired and X for Deleted.
21030SearchStringRequiredForSearchDocumentsA search string must be specified.
21032DocumentCannotBeRotatedThis document cannot be rotated because it either does not support rotation or is archived.
21033DocumentRequiredForGetDocumentA document identity must be specified.
21034DocumentVersionRequiredForDeleteDocumentVersionA document version identity must be specified.
21035ProjectIdentityRequiredForManageUserWorkspaceMemoryA project identity must be specified.
21036InvalidValueForActionThe specified action is invalid. Valid values are A for A and R for Remove.
21037UnknownErrorDownloadingArchiveAn unknown error has occurred while attempting to download an archive. Please contact Projector support.
21038UnknownErrorRotatingImageAn unknown error has occurred while attempting to rotate image. Please contact Projector support.
21039CorruptPdfDetectedThe uploaded PDF document appears to be invalid or corrupted.
22001InvalidValueForReportFormatInvalid value for Format parameter.
22002InvalidValueForReportDateFormatInvalid value for DateFormat parameter.
22003InvalidValueForReportColumnHeadersInvalid value for ColumnHeaders parameter.
22005InvalidValueForReportIncludeMetadataThe specified value for include metadata is invalid. Valid values are YES and NO.
22006InvalidValueForReportDelimiterThe value specified for delimiter is invalid. Valid values are COMMA and TAB.
22007InvalidValueForReportExplicitFieldsOnlyThe specified value for explicit fields only is invalid. Valid values are YES and NO.
22008InvalidValueForReportAamGanttThe specified value for AAM gantt is invalid. Valid values are YES and NO.
23000ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetContactsA project identity must be specified.
23001ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetIssueListA project identity must be specified.
23002ProjectIssueIdentityRequiredForGetIssueHistoryA project issue identity must be specified.
23003ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetIssueCategoriesA project identity must be specified.
23004ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetIssueStatusesA project identity must be specified.
23005ProjectIdentityRequiredForSaveIssueA project identity must be specified.
23009ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetPostedInvoicesA project identity must be specified.
23010InvalidValueForIssueDueDateThe specified issue due date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
24000DocumentSearchFailedUnable to complete search request. Your search string may be invalid or incomplete -- it must contain at least one letter or digit.
25001ServiceTemporarilyUnavailableThis functionality is not available at this moment. Please try again later or contact Projector technical support at 617-431-4111 x1 or
26001InvalidValueForFavoriteTypeThe specified value for favorite type is invalid. Valid values are F for Favorite and R for Recent.
26002FavoriteLinkRequiredA favorite link must be specified.
26003FavoriteLabelRequiredA favorite label must be specified.
26004FavoriteLinkExceedsMaximumLengthThe specified link exceeds the maximum length of 255 characters.
27002VendorNotSpecifiedVendor Not Specified.
27003NewVendorMustHaveNameAndNumberSpecifiedNew Vendor Must have both New Name and New Number Specified.
27004NewVendorMustHaveCostCenterSpecifiedNew Vendor Must be placed in an existing Cost Center.
28001DynamicQueryMetadataParseTokenMismatchUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28002DynamicQueryMissingFilterPanelIdUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28003DynamicQueryMetadataFilterPanelNotFoundUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28004DynamicQueryFilterPanelPlaceholderNotFoundUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28005DynamicQueryIllegalFilterPanelPlaceholderUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28006DynamicQueryBadMetadataUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28007DynamicQueryJoinMapFailureUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28008InvalidFilterSearchSpecifiedInvalid search. Filter tag not recognized or an invalid reference to a non-existent entity encountered in a filter.
28010InvalidSearchOptionValueSpecifiedInvalid value specified for search options. Values may only contain upper and lower case letters and digits.
28011InvalidValueForFilterSearchTypeThe specified value for search type is invalid. Valid values are D for detail and A for aggregated.
28012DynamicQueryCacheHitMismatchUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28013FilterPanelTagRequiredA filter panel tag must be specified.
28014FilterPanelTagNotRecognized{FilterTag} is not a recognized filter panel tag.
28015FilterItemTagRequiredA filter item tag must be specified for all filter items in a filter search.
28016FilterItemTagNotRecognized{FilterItemTag} is not a recognized filter item tag.
28017UnexpectedFilterTypeType of filter item for filter {FilterItemTag} does not match expected type of {FilterType}.
28018SummaryItemTagRequiredA summarize by item tag must be specified for all summarize by items in a filter search.
28019SummaryItemTagNotRecognized{SummaryItemTag} is not a recognized summarize by item tag.
28020DuplicateSummaryItemsSpecified{SummaryItemTag} was specified more than one time in the summarize by items for a filter search.
28021ColumnItemTagRequiredA display item tag must be specified for all display items in a filter search.
28022ColumnItemTagNotRecognized{DisplayItemTag} is not a recognized display item tag.
28023DuplicateColumnItemsSpecified{DisplayItemTag} was specified more than one time in the display items for a filter search.
28024SpecifiedColumnItemNotSummarizableThe display item with tag {DisplayItemTag} is not summarizable, and cannot be included in an aggregated filter search.
28025NoValidColumnItemsSpecifiedNo valid display items included in column items.
28026UnexpectedFilterTypeForEnumeratedSetUnexpected failure executing filter search.
28027MultipleEnumeratedSetFiltersSpecifiedEnumerated set filter {FilterTag} specified multiple times. Only one instance of enumerated set filters may be specified.
28028TooManySummaryItemsSpecifiedToo many summary items were specified. Please specify no more than 8.
28029TooManyGroupingItemsSpecifiedToo many grouping items were specified. Please specify no more than 8.
28030GroupingItemTagRequiredA grouping item tag must be specified for all grouping items in a filter search.
28031GroupingItemTagNotRecognized{GroupingItemTag} is not a recognized grouping item tag.
28032DuplicateGroupingItemsSpecified{GroupingItemTag} was specified more than one time in the grouping items for a filter search.
28034SortItemTagRequiredA sort item tag must be specified for all sort items in a filter search.
28035SortItemTagNotRecognized{DisplayItemTag} was specified as a sort item, but is not present in the column items.
28036DuplicateSortItemsSpecified{DisplayItemTag} was specified more than one time in the sort items for a filter search.
28037ColumnConfigurationItemTagRequiredA column configuration item tag must be specified for all column configuraion items in a filter search.
28038ColumnConfigurationItemTagNotRecognized{DisplayItemTag} was specified as a column configuration item, but is not present in the column items.
28039DuplicateColumnConfigurationItemsSpecified{DisplayItemTag} was specified more than one time in the column configuration items for a filter search.
28040TagMayNotBeInBothColumnsAndGroupings{DisplayItemTag} was specified in both the Columns collection and the Groupings collection.
28041UnexpectedColumnDataTypeData type mismatch for column {Tag}. Expected {ColumnType}.
28042NoSummaryItemsSpecifiedAt least one valid summarize by item must be specified.
28043TimePhasedSearchNotSupportedThe specified search type does not support time-phased searches.
28044DuplicateReferenceDataFilterTagsThe same FilterTag was specified multiple times in reference data requests.
28045MixedCollectionInSearchResultsA subsidiary result set in the search results contains mixed collection tags.
28046InvalidCollectionTagUsedA subsidiary result set refers to an invalid collection tag.
28047MissingRowIdInSubsidiaryResultsAll subsidiary result sets must contain a row ID column (__rowID).
28048OrphanSubsidiaryResultFoundA row in a subsidiary result set refers to a non-existant item in the base results.
28049InvalidColumnNameInSubsidiaryResultsA column name used in a subsidiary result set is not in the correct format ('{collection-tag}/{column-type}/{tag}').
28050InvalidColumnNameInImportResultsA column name used in a validated import item result set is not in the correct format ('{tag}/{field}' or '{tag}/{field}/{member}')
28051InvalidFieldNameInImportResultsA column name used in a validated import item result set refers to an unrecognized field name ('{tag}/{field}' or '{tag}/{field}/{member}')
28052InvalidMemberNameInImportResultsA column name used in a validated import item result set refers to an unrecognized member name ('{tag}/{field}' or '{tag}/{field}/{member}')
29000NoContractLineItemSpecifiedForRevRecNo Contract Line Item specified on which to apply Revenue Recognition Adjustment.
29001InvalidValueForRevRecCutoffDateInvalid value for Revenue Recognition Adjustment Cutoff Date.
29002InvalidValueForRevRecBeginDateInvalid value for Revenue Recognition Adjustment Begin Date.
29003RevRecFractionCompleteOutOfRangeRevenue Recognition Adjustment Fraction Complete out of range.
29004RevRecTotalRevenueRecognizedOutOfRangeRevenue Recognition Adjustment Total Revenue Recognized out of range.
29005RevRecNotesTruncatedRevenue Recognition Adjustment Notes truncated.
29006InvalidRevRecDateCombinationSpecifiedIllegal combination of Revenue Recognition Adjustment Dates specified.
29007SpecifyNoMoreThanOneRevRecAxisMay specify at most one of Fraction Complete, Include Requests Flag, and Total Revenue Recognized on Revenue Recognition Adjustment.
29008MustSpecifyRevRecCurrencyIfSpecifyingAmountWhen specifying Total Revenue Recognized on Revenue Recognition Adjustment, must also specify Currency.
29009RevRecIntervalRevenueRecognizedOutOfRangeRevenue Recognition Adjustment Interval Revenue Recognized out of range.
30001InvalidValueForUdfTypeThe specified value for UDF type is invalid. Valid values are C for client, E for engagement, P for project, A for role, R for resource, T for time card and X for cost card.
31000DailyTimeoffMinutesOutOfRangeNo more than 24 time off hours may be requested in a single day.
31001TimeOffBeginDateRequiredPlease specify a begin date.
31002TimeOffEndDateRequiredPlease specify an end date.
31003TimeOffEndDatePriorToBeginDateThe specified end date may not be prior to the the specified begin date.
31004TimeOffReasonRequiredPlease specify a time off reason.
31005InvalidValueForTimeOffBeginDateThe specified begin date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
31006InvalidValueForTimeOffEndDateThe specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date.
32000InstallationNotEnabledForAdvancedAnalyticsThis account is not enabled for advanced analytics.
32001UserNotEnabledForAdvancedAnalyticsThis user is not enabled for advanced analytics.
32003UserNotAuthorizedToOverrideAdvancedAnalyticsUserNameYou do not have sufficient permission to override advanced analytics user name.
32004GeneralAdvancedAnalyticsIntegrationFailureAn unknown error has occurred in advanced analystics integration.
32005MalformedDashboardParametersThe specified dashboard parameters are invalid, due to improper parameter substition syntax or substitution indexes out of range: {Parameters}
33000RevenueScheduleGapOrOverlapA gap or overlap was detected in the specified revenue schedule date ranges. The revenue schedule must start at the beginning of time and have no overlaps.
33001ContractLineItemMilestoneDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetContract Line Item Milestone Description was specified when Clear Flag Was Set.
33002ContractLineItemMilestonePlannedDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetContract Line Item Milestone Planned Date was specified when Clear Flag Was Set.
33003ContractLineItemMilestoneAchievedDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetContract Line Item Milestone Acheived Date was specified when Clear Flag Was Set.
33004ProjectIdentityMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetProject Identity was specified when Clear Flag Was Set.
33005ProjectTaskIdentityMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetProject Task Identity was specified when Clear Flag Was Set.
34000InvalidValueForProjectTimeBaselineBasisThe value specified for time baseline basis is invalid. Valid values are T for Task Plan, R for Resource Requests, P for Previous Resource Requests, S for Scheduled Resources, A for Approved And Current Requested, B for Approved And Current Booked, and for None.
34001InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineBasisThe value specified for cost baseline basis is invalid. Valid values are P for Cost Plan and N for None.
34002InvalidValueForProjectTimeBaselineDimensionThe value specified for time baseline dimension is invalid. Valid values are M for Rate Type, K for Task Type, D for Resource Department, T for Resource Title, R for Role, S for Resource, and N for None.
34003InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineDimensionThe value specified for cost baseline dimension is invalid. Valid values are E for Expense Type, G for Expense Type Group, and N for None.
34004InvalidValueForBaselineTimePhaseThe value specified for baseline time phase is invalid. Valid values are D for Daily, W for Weekly, H for Hourly, M for Monthly, Q for Quarterly, Y for Yearly, and N for None.
34005SpecifyUpToOneDimensionInBaselineBucketMore than one dimension specified in Baseline Bucket.
34006StartDateLaterThanEndDateStart Date specified is later than End Date.
34007ParametersIgnoredForTimePhaseNoneTime Phase Parameters StartDate and IntervalCount are ignored when Time Phase specified as N for None.
34008IllegalNullStartDateForTimePhaseTime Phase may not have a null Start Date.
34009IllegalIntervalCountForTimePhaseTime Phase must have a positive non-zero Interval Count.
34010BaselineMustHaveAtLeastOneMetricBaseline must have at least one metric.
34011PrimaryMetricNotAvailableSpecified primary metric is not listed as active metric in baseline.
34012InvalidToSpecifyBucketsOnSeededBaselineCreationInvalid to specify any buckets on baseline creation with basis/seed.
34013NoBucketsSpecifiedOnUnseededBaselineCreationNo buckets were specified on baseline creation with no basis/seed.
34014NewExternalSystemIdentifierMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetNew External System Identifier may not be specified when clear flag is set.
34015BaselineDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSetBaseline Description may not be specified when clear flag is set.
34016BaselineBucketsMayNotBeProvidedWhenClearFlagSetBaseline Buckets may not be provided when clear flag is set.
45000Excel2003MaxRowsExceededAn Excel 2003 spreadsheet cannot have more than 65536 rows.
49999NotImplementedThis service has not yet been implemented.
50002SystemInRestrictedModeThe system is currently not available, due to a software release or system maintenance. Please retry your request later.
50007ItemHasBeenUpdatedUnable to complete request -- another user changed the data while you were editing.
50032CannotUpdateRecentSearchFilterPanelTagThe filter panel tag for an existing recent search may not be updated.
50038FilterPanelTagRequiredForNewRecentSearchA filter panel tag must be specified for new recent searches.
50039UdfRefRequiredA specified user defined field reference was missing or incomplete. Please verify all specified user defined fields are properly identified by id or name.
50045ViewPermissionDeniedYou do not have permission to view this item.
50046UpdatePermissionDeniedYou do not have permission to update this item.
50047PermissionDeniedYou do not have permission to perform this action.
50050CannotSetModifiedFromSourceFlagOnRecentSearchUpdateThe modified from source flag may not be specified when updating an existing recent search.
50051CannotUpdateRecentSearchSearchSpecificationA search specification may not be specified when updating an existing recent search.
50052CostCenterListTypePermissionExpectedSpecified cost center list type name must refer to a permission cost center list.
50053CostCenterListTypeSpecifiedForMultipleFlexItemTypesWhen specifying a cost center list type name, you may only search among a single flex item type.
50077SpecifiedFlexItemTypeDoesNotSupportCostCenterListTypeSpecified flex item type does not support filtering on cost center list type.
50142UdfNotFoundA specified user defined field does not exist.
50198UnableToParseBookmarkInvalid bookmark specified.
50212UnrecognizedSearchItemTypeUnrecognized search item type specified.
50214ModuleNotEnabledAn attempt was made to access functionality that is not enabled for this account.
50217SpecifiedCultureNotRecognizedThe specified culture is not recognized. Please specify a valid ISO culture code.
50220WebServicesPermissionDeniedThe specified user does not have permission to execute web services, or web services is not enabled for this account.
50223NoPermissionToActOnBehalfOfResourceThe specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource.
50249FlexSearchItemTypeNotSpecifiedItem type not specified for flex search.
50250InvalidValueForLogicalDateRangeMissing or invalid value specified for logical date range.
50251AggregateSearchesNotSupportedAggregate searches are not supported for this filter panel.
50255SearchSpecificationXmlRequiredPlease specific search XML.
50256PwsCreateTimeBucketsInvalidArgumentsSpecified time phase is not valid or start and/or end date missing or invalid.
50262PageMustBeSpecifiedA page identity must be specified.
50265SpecifiedPageNotFoundThe specified page was not found.
50266PageViewMustBeSpecifiedA page view must be specified.
50269CannotDeleteValueOfInactiveUdfInactive UDF values may not be deleted
50270CannotUpdateValueOfInactiveUdfUser-defined field is inactive and may not be updated
50287NonSessionAuthenticationFailureAuthentication failure.
50289FlexSearchUnavailableForLimitedUsersLimited and client users may not use flex search functionality
50290LimitedUsersMayNotSavePublicSearchesLimited and client users may not save public searches
50291SpecifiedPageViewNotFoundThe specified page view was not found.
50292UnexpectedValueForMappingTypeUnexpected value specified for mapping type.
50296FilterNotSpecifiedFilter is required.
50298FilterNotFoundSpecified filter does not exist.
50304FilterSearchNotSpecifiedFilterSearchRef is required.
50305FilterSearchNotFoundThe specified search was not found.
50308DuplicateFilterSearchNameDuplicate search name specified.
50312DynamicQueryAbsoluteRowLimitExceededRequest exceeds query cost limitation. Please refine your criteria.
50313DynamicQueryOutputRowLimitExceededRow limit exceeded. Please refine your criteria.
50318CostCenterListTypeNotFoundSpecified cost center list type does not exist.
50321OpsTimeZoneNotFoundSpecified time zone does not exist.
50322LogicalDateRangeUnitsOutOfRangeValue specified for units is out of range. It must be one or greater.
50329FilterSearchNameRequiredPlease specify a saved search name.
50330LayoutSpecificationXmlRequiredPlease specify layout XML.
50331InvalidPublicFilterSearchPublic searches must either be global or be shared with at least one user type or user.
50333FilterSearchIdentityOrFilterPanelTagRequiredPlease specify a filter panel tag.
50334OneOrMoreItemsInSetDeniedAccessYou do not have permission to view one or more items in the set.
50335OneOrMoreItemsInSetNotFoundOne or more items in the set has been deleted.
50339OnOrMoreFlexItemsIncompleteOne or more flex item identities are not complete.
50341RecentSearchNotFoundSpecified recent search not found.
50342RecentSearchMustBeSpecifiedA recent search identity must be specified.
50344DuplicateRecentSearchNameSpecifiedThere is already a recent search by the specified name.
50348MissingInputsForSelectingDateRangeA logical date range code must be specified.
50351SpecifiedTemplateSearchNotFoundSpecified template search not found.
50353LimitedAndClientUsersMayNotShareSearchesLimited and client users may not share searches.
50356SpecifiedFilterTemplateTagNotFoundSpecified filter template tag is not recognized.
50361SpecifiedImportMappingNotFoundSpecified import mapping not found.
50363SpecifiedPageViewNotValidForPageSpecified page view is not valid for specified page.
50365InvalidValueForPageNameInvalid value specified for page name.
50366LimitedAndClientUsersMayNotSavePublicPageViewsLimited and client users may not save public page views.
50367LimitedAndClientUsersMayNotSharePageViewsLimited and client users may not share page views.
50368SpecifiedPageViewNotAssociatedWithSpecifiedPageSpecified page view is not associated with the specified page.
50369PageNameRequiredForNewPageViewsPage name is required for new page views.
50370PageLayoutNameRequiredForNewPageViewsPage view name is required for new page views.
50371LayoutXmlRequiredForNewPageViewsLayout XML is required for new page views.
50372DuplicatePageNameSpecifiedThe specified page view name is already in use.
50373PublicPageViewMustBeGlobalOrSharedPublic page views must either be global or be shared with one or more user types or users.
50374MayNotSpecifyBothBaseFilterSearchAndBaseTemplateTagBase filter search and base filter template tag may not both be specified.
50375CannotUpdateBaseSearchForExistingRecentSearchThe base filter search for an existing recent search may not be updated.
50376SpecifiedBaseSearchNotOfExpectedTypeSpecified base filter search is not of the correct search type.
50377CannotUpdateBaseTemplateTagForExistingRecentSearchThe base filter template tag for an existing recent search may not be updated.
50378SpecifiedTemplateSearchNotFoundForRecentSearchSpecified template search not found.
50381SpecifiedFilterPanelNotFoundSpecified filter panel not found.
50384SpecifiedPageViewNotValidForPageForCustomizeLayoutSpecified page view is not valid for specified page.
50386SpecifiedFilterPanelTagMismatchSpecified filter panel tag does not match filter panel for given page view.
50389UnrecognizedDestinationFieldCodeDestination field code was not recognized.
50396SpecifiedImportMappingDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedUserSpecified import mapping does not belong to specified user.
50397SpecifiedMappingTypeMismatchSpecified mapping type does not match mapping type of specified mappings.
50399InvalidFilterPanelTagSpecifiedValue specified for filter panel tag is not valid.
50401RequiredInputReferenceMissingA required input reference for this mapping type is missing.
50403InvalidValueSpecifiedForMappingTypeAn invalid value was specified for mapping type.
50406InvalidParametersForWebServiceParameter values provided are invalid.
50408DefaultSearchesCannotBeNamedDefault searches cannot be assigned a name.
50409DefaultSearchesCannotBePublicSharedOrFavoritedDefault searches cannot be made public, shared to other users, or favorited.
50411ExternalConnectorNotFoundThe specified connector was not found.
50413SpecifiedRecentSearchNotFoundThe specified recent search was not found.
50426UserPageViewMustBeSpecifiedA page viewport identity must be specified.
50428SpecifiedUserPageViewportNotFoundThe specified page viewport does not exist.
50429FilterPanelTagOrSearchIdentityRequiredEither a filter panel tag or filter search identity is required when resetting a filter search.
50431OnlyDefaultSearchesMayBeResetOnly default searches may be reset.
50432SpecifiedFilterSearchNotDefaultForSpecifiedTagThe specified filter search does not refer to the default search for the specified filter panel tag.
50433FilterPanelTagRequiredForNewFilterSearchA filter panel tag is required for new filter searches.
50434SpecifiedViewportNotPartOfSpecifiedPageA page viewport referenced in this layout refers to an existing page viewport that belongs to a different layout.
50435SpecifiedSystemDefaultViewNotFoundSavingLayoutA page viewport referenced in this layout refers to a system default view that does not exist.
50436SpecifiedPageViewNotAssociatedWithSpecifiedFilterPanelThe specified page view is not associated with the specified filter panel tag.
50437FilterPanelTagRequiredForNewPageViewsFilter panel tag is required for new page views.
50438SectionNameRequiredForNewPageViewsSection name is required for new page views.
50440SpecifiedPageViewportNotAssociatedWithSpecifiedPageSpecified page viewport is not associated with specified page.
50441PageNameRequiredForNewViewportPage  name is required for new viewports based on system default views.
50442PageViewOrDefaultViewRequiredForNewViewportsEither a page view identity or a system default view name is required for new page viewports.
50443SectionNameRequiredForNewViewportsSection name is required for new page viewports.
50444StoplightUdfsNotSupportedForTasksStoplight user defined fields are not supported for task user defined fields.
50445SpecifyOnlyOneOfPageViewOrDefaultViewNameA page view, or a system default view name, but not both, is required.
50446SpecifiedSystemDefaultViewNotFoundSpecified system default view not found.
50454MaxTimeBucketLimitExceededTime bucket limit exceeded. Please refine your criteria.
50455NoPermissionToUpdateUdfYou do not have permission to update the user defined field "{udfName}".
50458InvalidChangeToFixedViewsPageThe number of page views and the search type of each may not be modified for this page because the views are fixed.
50459MaximumPageViewportsExceededThe number of page views exceeds the maximum of {maximumPageViews}.
50461SystemDefaultViewNotFoundSpecified system default view does not exist.
50462OlderTimeCardsExcludedLimit to Time Cards Awaiting My Approval maximum card count exceeded. Please work with your internal Projector administrator to reduce the number of time cards awaiting approval. Projector limits the scope of searches with the "Limit to Timecards Awaiting My Approval" criterion to the {maxAwaitingMyApprovalWorkingSetSize} most recent time cards awaiting approval. At the moment, there are {itemCount} time cards that meet the criteria for the current search. The work date for the oldest cards within the set of {maxAwaitingMyApprovalWorkingSetSize2} evaluated cards is {oldestSurvivingTimeCardWorkDateString}.
50469EntityAlreadyLockedOne or more existing locks prevent acquisition of requested lock.
50470UnsupportedOperationUnsupported operation.
50471LockStolenLock {referenceId1} has been stolen.
50472LockReleasedLock {referenceId1} of type {lockType} has been released.
50473InvalidLockInvalid lock specified.
50474InvalidLockTypeSpecifiedInvalid lock type specified.
50475SpecifiedLockNotFoundInvalid lock specified.
50476LockAlreadyReleasedWarning: Lock {referenceId1} has already been released.
50997MessageInConstructionFriendly error message in construction ({message} [{mnemonic}]).
50999UnknownDatabaseErrorA database error has occurred.
51004ReportIdentityRequiredForGetReportOutputReportRequestRef is required.
51006ReportRequestNotFoundThe specified report request was not found or you are not on the distribution list for this report.
51008ReportRequestNotCompletedReport request not yet completed.
51009ReportRequestEmptyReport is empty.
51010ReportRequestFailedReport failed.
51011ReportRequestDeletedReport was deleted.
54024UnexpectedErrorRetrievingEngagementListThere was an unexpected error while trying to retrieve the engagement listing.
54039BookedResourceOnlyFlagConflictUse of obsolete booked resources only flags in conflict with booked resources allowed code.
54043CostCenterCannotBeSpecifiedUnlessAllowCodeIsCBook resource cost center may only be specified when allow code is C.
54059EngagementNotSpecifiedA specified engagement identity was incomplete. Each engagement identity must specify either an engagement id, and engagement uid or an engagement code.
54061EngagementNotFoundThe specified engagement does not exist.
54064UnexpectedErrorRetrievingEngagementsThere was an unexpected error while trying to retrieve an engagement.
54065UnexpectedErrorDeletingProjectRoleThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete a project role.
54066NoPermissionToDeleteProjectRoleYou do not have appropriate permission to delete this project role.
54067RoleAssignedToTaskThis project role cannot be deleted because it is currently assigned to a project task.
54068RoleHasReportedTimeThis project role cannot be deleted because there is time reported against it or a there is a pending incoming transfer of time.
54074RoleHasHoursBookedOrRequestedThis project role cannot be deleted because it has hours booked or requested to it.
54076EngagementIsLockedThe engagement is locked by {ownerDisplayName} and may not be updated.??The engagement is locked and may not be updated.
54078ProjectRoleReferenceInvalidA specified project role identity was incomplete. Each project role identity must specify either a project role id, project role uid or project role external system identifier.
54080ProjectRoleNotFoundSpecified project role does not exist.
54081UnexpectedErrorDeletingProjectTaskTypeThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete a project task type.
54083BookResourceCostCenterRequiredBook resource cost center is required when allow code is C
54087NoPermissionToDeleteProjectTaskTypeYou do not have appropriate permission to delete this project task type.
54099ProjectTaskTypeAssignedToTaskThis project task type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one project task.
54138ProjectTaskTypeAssignedToTimeBaselineThis project task type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one time baseline bucket.
54150UnableToUpdateProjectPlccMappingsP&L routings may not be updated for this project using the deprecated PLCC type and GLCC override settings. Please use the PlccMappings instead.
54172DuplicateProjectPlccMappingsDuplicate PLCC mappings have been specified.
54177InvalidProjectPlccMappingTypeInvalid value specified for project PLCC mapping type. Valid values are TR for time card revenue, RDC for resource direct cost, SRDC for subcontractor resource direct cost, OR for ODC revenue and OE for ODC expense.
54179ProjectPlccRevenueMappingsOnNonBillableProjectNon-billable projects may not have routings for time revenue and ODC revenue.
54180ProjectPlccMappingsMissingPLCC mappings are incomplete.
54181ProjectPlccMappingsCostCenterInvalidCost center is required when cost center type is 'Specific', and may not be specified when cost center type is not 'Specific'.
54182ProjectPlccMappingsAllocationFractionOutOfRangeAllocation percentages must be between 0% and 100%.
54183ProjectPlccMappingsAllocationsIncompleteAllocation percentages must add up to exactly 100% for a single mapping type.
54184ProjectTaskTypeReferenceInvalidA specified project task type identity was incomplete. Each project task type identity must specify either a project task type id, project task type uid or project task type external system identifier.
54195InvalidValueForPrimaryMetricAn invalid value was specified for project baseline primary metric.
54196ProjectTaskTypeNotFoundThe specified project task type does not exist.
54197UnexpectedErrorDeletingProjectTaskThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete a project task.
54198NoPermissionToDeleteProjectTaskYou do not have appropriate permission to delete this project task.
54199RdcTransferDataIncompleteRDC transfer hourly rate specified without and RDC transfer currency, or vice versa.
54200SpecifiedRdcTransferCurrencyInactiveThe specified RDC transfer currency is inactive.
54201TaskHasTimeReportedThis project task cannot be deleted because time has been reported against it or there has been invoicing activity involving the project.
54202TaskHasChildTasksThis project task cannot be deleted because it has child tasks. Specify CascadeDeleteFlag to recursively delete child tasks.
54203NoPermissionToChangeRevenueTransferRateYou do not have permission to change the revenue transfer rate.
54204NoPermissionToChangeRdcTransferRateYou do not have permission to change the RDC transfer rate.
54205ProjectTaskReferenceInvalidA specified project task identity was incomplete. Each project task identity must specify either a project task id, project task uid or project task external system identifier.
54207ProjectTaskNotFoundThe specified project task does not exist.
54223UnexpectedErrorDeletingProjectTaskRoleThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete a project task role.
54233NoPermissionToDeleteContractLineItemYou do not have permission to delete this contract line item.
54234NoPermissionToDeleteProjectTaskRoleYou do not have appropriate permission to delete this project task role.
54235ContractLineItemContainsInvoicedOrAchievedMilestonesA contract line item may not be deleted if it contains invoiced or achieved milestones.
54242ProjectTaskRoleHasTimeReportedThis project task role cannot be deleted because time has been reported against it.
54246NoPermissionToDeleteMilestonesYou do not have permission to maintain milestones.
54247CannotDeleteInvoicedOrAchievedMilestonesA contract line item milestone may not be deleted if it contains achieved milestones.
54248SpecifiedContractLineItemNotUnderSpecifiedEngagementThe specified contract line item is not under the specified engagement.
54251ContractLineItemRequiredForMultipleCliEngagementContract line item is required on project creation when engagement contains multiple contract line items.
54252ProjectsCannotBeMovedUnderDifferentContractLineItemProjects can not be moved among contract line items.
54260ContractLineItemMilestoneNotFoundSpecified contract line item milestone not found.
54261ContractLineItemMilestoneRequiredA contract line item must be specified.
54273ProjectTaskRoleReferenceInvalidA specified project task role identity was incomplete. Each project task role identity must specify either a project task role id, project task role uid or a project task identity and a project role identity.
54274ProjectTaskRoleNotFoundThe specified project task role does not exist.
54279ProjectReferenceInvalidA specified project identity was incomplete. Each project identity must specify either a project id, a project uid or a project code.
54282ProjectNotFoundSpecified project does not exist.
54284CannotUseThisServiceToUpdateBaselinesThis service can be used to create new baselines only, not to update an existing baseline.
54285BaselineNameIsRequiredA baseline name is required.
54286AtLeastOneBaselineMetricMustBeActiveAt least one metric must be made active.
54288UnexpectedErrorRetrievingProjectListThere was an unexpected error while trying to retrieve the project listing.
54289UnexpectedErrorRetrievingProjectsThere was an unexpected error while trying to retrieve a project.
54292PrimaryBaselineMetricMustBeEnabledPrimary baseline metrics must be an enabled metric in the baseline.
54324InvalidValueSpecifiedForBasisDimensionOrTimephaseAn invalid value was specified for basis, dimension or time phase when creating a project baseline.
54370NoPermissionToViewEngagementYou do not have appropriate permission to view this engagement.
54483StartDateOrIntervalCountSpecifiedForNonTimephasedBaselineNon-timephased baselines must not have a start date or an interval count other than zero.
54484StartDateAndIntervalCountRequiredForTimephasedBaselineTimephased baselines require a start date and a positive interval count.
54487BucketsSpecifiedOnCreatedForBaselineWithBasisOnly baselines created from no basis may have bucket values specified at creation.
54488NoPermissionToCreateProjectBaselineYou do not have appropriate permissions to create this project baseline.
54489BaselineDimensionMismatchA value for a dimension that does not match the project baseline's dimension setting was specified.
54490BudgetValueSpecifiedForInactiveMetricA budget value was specified for a metric that is not active in the project baseline.
54517NegativeBudgetAmountSpecifiedForProjectBaselineProject baselines may not contain negative budgeted amounts.
54518SpecifiedProjectBaselineBucketDatesInvalidThe specified bucket dates for a project baseline bucket are invalid.
54519DuplicateKeyFoundInBaselineBucketsDuplicate key found in specified baseline buckets.
54520ProjectBaselineNameAlreadyInUseThe specified project baseline name is already in use.
54526ProjectBaselineExternalSystemIdentifierAlreadyInUseThe specified project baseline external system identifier is already in use.
54532UnexpectedErrorDeletingEngagementThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete the engagement.
54536NoPermissionToDeleteEngagementYou do not have appropriate permissions to delete this engagement.
54537EngagementHasProjectsThis engagement could not be deleted because there are one or more projects associated with it.
54556EngagementHasInvoicesThis engagement could not be deleted because there are one or more invoices associated with it.
54569ActualsCutoffDateRequiredForSpecifiedBasisAn actuals cutoff date is required for basis types A and B.
54583InvalidValueForModeThe value specified for mode is invalid. Valid values are R for Request, A for Allocate and E for Effective (for retrieval operations only).
54584NoPermissionToViewProjectYou do not have appropriate permissions to view this project.
54585UnexpectedErrorDeletingPojectThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete this project.
54586NoPermissionToDeleteProjectYou do not have appropriate permission to delete this project.
54588NoPermissionToDeleteProjectBaselineYou do not have appropriate permission to delete this project baseline.
54591ProjectRoleHasAdjustmentsProject cannot be deleted because it is the only project underneath an engagement that has adjustments associated with it.
54592ProjectRoleHasTimeCardsProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more draft, submitted, rejected, approved or deleted time cards associated with the roles on this project.
54593ProjectRoleHasInvoicesProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more invoices associated with the roles on this project.
54596ProjectHasUndeletedRolesProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more undeleted roles.
54597ProjectHasInvoicesProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more invoices associated with the project.
54598ProjectHasTimeCardsProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more draft, submitted, rejected, approved or deleted time cards that are now or have been at one time associated with the project.
54599ProjectHasAdjustmentsProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more adjustments associated with the project.
54600ProjectHasCostCardsProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more draft, submitted, rejected, approved or deleted cost cards that are now or have been at one time associated with the project.
54601UnexpectedErrorSavingEngagementThere was an unexpected error while trying to save an engagement.
54602CreateEngagementPermissionDeniedYou do not have appropriate permissions to create this engagement.
54603EngagementCodeAlreadyInuseThe specified engagement code is already in use.
54604EngagementNameRequiredForNewEngagementsThe engagement name is required for new engagements.
54605EngagementCodeRequiredForNewEngagementsThis account is configured for manual engagement numbering. An engagement code must be specified for insert.
54606EngagementCodeMayNotBeSpecifiedForNewEngagementsThis account is configured for automatic engagement numbering. An engagement code cannot be explicitly specified for insert or update.
54607HoldbackPercentMissingOrInvalidThe holdback percent is required when the holdback type is P, and it must be between 0 and 100.
54608HoldbackAmountMissingOrInvalidThe holdback amount is required when the holdback type is A, and it must be between 0 and the time contract amount.
54609InvalidValueForHoldbackTypeThe value specified for holdback type is invalid. Valid values are N for none, P for percent and A for amount.
54610CostCenterNotEnabledForEngagementsThe specified cost center is currently not enabled for engagements.
54611CostCenterCannotBeChangedDueToActivityThe cost center may not be changed for this engagement because there has been accounting or invoicing activity.
54612EngagementTypeNotFoundThe specified engagement type does not exist.
54613EngagementCurrencyCannotBeChangedThe engagement currency for an existing engagement may not be changed.
54614EngagementCurrencyNotFoundThe specified engagement currency does not exist.
54615EngagementPaymentTermIsInactiveThe specified payment term is inactive.
54616EngagementInvoiceTemplateIsInactiveThe specified invoice template is inactive.
54617EngagementBillabilityCannotBeChangedEngagements may not be changed from billable to non-billable or vice versa.
54618NewCostCenterHasDifferentFunctionalCurrencyThe cost center may not be changed to a different cost center that uses a different functional currency.
54619TimeContractTermsCannotBeChangedThe time contract terms may not be changed for this contract line item because there are approved time cards associated with the contract line item.
54620InvalidFixedPriceContractAmountsFor fixed price contract terms, both the minimum and maximum contract amounts must be specified and must be equal.
54621InvalidNotToExceedContractAmountsFor not to exceed contract terms, the minimum contract amount may not be specified and the maximum contract amount must be specified.
54622InvalidTimeAndMaterialsContractAmountsNeither minimum nor maximum contract amounts may be specified for time and materials contract terms.
54624HoldbackAmountsClearedThe holdback amount was cleared for this contract line item because the time contract terms were changed from fixed price.
54625HolbackAmountCannotBeSpecifiedForFpEngagementThe holdback amount may only be specified for fixed price contract line items
54628NoPermissionToChangeCostCenterYou do not have appropriate permission to update the cost center for this engagement.
54629NoPermissionToChangeEngagementTypeYou do not have appropriate permission to update the engagement type for this engagement.
54630NoPermissionToUpdateBillingInformationYou do not have appropriate permission to update billing information for this engagement.
54631NoPermissionToUpdateContractTermsYou do not have appropriate permission to update contract terms for this contract line item.
54632NoPermissionToUpdateEngagementBudgetsYou do not have appropriate permission to update engagement budgets for this engagement.
54633NoPermissionToUpdateEngagementYou do not have appropriate permission to update this engagement.
54634EngagementHasInvoicedOrAchievedMilestonesThis engagement could not be deleted because there are one or more achieved or invoiced milestones associated with it.
54635EngagementManagerIsInactiveThe specified engagement manager is inactive.
54636EngagementClientIsInactiveThe specified client is inactive.
54637OnlyPercentCompleteMethodIsSupportedCurrently, only the Percent Complete revenue recognition method is supported.
54638RevenueEarnedByDateMayNotBeSpecifiedThe revenue earned by date may not be specified when the revenue recognition method is not Percent Complete (P).
54639RevenueEarnedByDateOutOfRangeThe revenue earned by date may not be prior to the last revenue recognition cutoff date.
54640BilledAmountExceedsContractAmountThe total billed amount exceeds the contract amount for time or cost.
54641UnexpectedErrorSavingProjectTaskTypeThere was an unexpected error while trying to save project task type.
54642NoPermissionToSaveProjectTaskTypeYou do not have appropriate permission to save this project task type.
54643TaskTypeIsInactiveThe specified standard task type is inactive.
54644CannotDeleteActiveProjectBaselineActive project baselines cannot be deleted.
54645ProjectTaskTypeNameIsRequiredThe project task type name is required for new project task types.
54646ProjectTaskTypeNameAlreadyInUseThe specified project task type name is already in use.
54647ProjectRateTypeIsRequiredThe default project rate type is required for new project task types.
54648UnexpectedErrorDeletingProjectRateTypeThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete a project rate type.
54650ProjectRateTypeNotFoundThe specified default project rate type does not exist.
54651UnexpectedErrorSavingProjectTaskThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a project task.
54652NoPermissionToSaveProjectTaskYou do not have appropriate permission to save this project task.
54653PlannedStartDateAfterPlannedEndDateThe specified planned start date may not be after the specified planned end date.
54654ParentOrSiblingNotOnSameProjectThe task identified as this task's parent or previoud sibling does not belong to the same poject as the task itself.
54655PreviousSiblingNotChildOfParentThe task identified as this task's previous sibling is not a child of the task specified as the parent task (or it is not a top level task if the specified parent task is null or being cleared).
54656ProjectTaskTypeIsInactiveThe specified project task type is inactive.
54657ProjectTaskNameIsRequiredThe project task name is required for new project tasks.
54658CircularReferenceInProjectTaskHierarchyThe proposed change in the task plan structure would result in a circular reference.
54660ProjectTaskHasTimeReportedThe specified parent task cannot be converted from a leaf task to a non-leaf task because time has been reported against it or there has been invoicing activity associated with it.
54661TaskExternalSystemIdentifierAlreadyInUseThe specified project task external system identifier is already in use. External system identifiers must be globally unique.
54662NoActiveProjectTaskTypesA new project task cannot be created because there are no active project task types on the project.
54663UnexpectedErrorSavingProjectThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a project.
54664NoPermissionToCreateProjectYou do not have appropriate permission to create this project.
54665NoPermissionToUpdateProjectYou do not have appropriate permission to update this project.
54666LocationNotEnabledForProjectsThe specified location is not enabled for projects.
54667ProjectManagerIsInactiveThe specified project manager is inactive.
54668TimeApprovalUserIsInactiveThe specified time approval user is inactive.
54669ExpenseApprovalUserIsInactiveThe specified expense approval user is inactive.
54670ProjectNameRequiredProject name is required for new projects.
54671CloseDatePriorToOpenDateThe specified project close date may not be prior to the project open date.
54672PercentLikelihoodOutOfRangeThe specified value for percent likelihood is out of range. The value must be between 0 and 100.
54673ProjectCodeRequiredForNewProjectsThis account is configured for manual engagement and project numbering. An project code must be specified for insert.
54674ProjectCodeMayNotBeSpecifiedForNewProjectsThis account is configured for automatic engagement and project numbering. An project code cannot be explicitly specified for insert or update.
54675NoPermissionToChangeProjectStageYou do not have appropriate permission to change the project stage.
54676NoPermissionToUpdateAdvancedSetupYou do not have appropriate permission to update advanced project setup.
54677GlccOverrideMayNotBeSpecifiedA time or cost GLCC override may not be specified unless the time or cost PLCC mapping type is E.
54678NoPermissionToUpdateOpenFlagsYou do not have appropriate permission to update project open flags.
54679NoPermissionToUpdateProjectAttributesYou do not have appropriate permission to update this project.
54680InvalidOrMissingTimeCardApproverThe specified time card approver is invalid or missing.
54682MinutesPerDayOutOfRangeThe specified value for minutes per day is out of range. The value must be between 0 and 1440.
54683PlccMappingCannotBeChangedTimePLCC mappings cannot be changed because there is at least one time card transaction associated with this project.
54684PlccMappingCannotBeChangedCostPLCC mappings cannot be changed because there is at least one cost card transaction associated with this project.
54685ProjectDatesCannotBeChangedTimeProject cannot be saved because time cards exist outside of specified open and close dates.
54686ProjectDatesCannotBeChangedCostProject cannot be saved because cost cards exist outside of specified open and close dates.
54687ProjectCodeAlreadyInUseThe specified project code is already in use.
54698PermissionDeniedToDeleteProjectRateTypeYou do not have appropriate permission to delete this project rate type.
54700RoleNotOnSameProjectA role was specified that does not belong to the specified project.
54701ProjectRateTypeReferencedByTaskTypeThe project rate type cannot be deleted because there is at least one project task type that references it.
54702UnexpectedErrorSavingProjectRateThere was an unexpected error while trying to save project rates.
54703ProjectRateRateCardInactiveA specified project rate card is inactive.
54704UnexpectedErrorSavingCandidateThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a candidate.
54705UnexpectedErrorSavingCostCenterCriteriaThere was an unexpected error while trying to save cost center criteria.
54706CriteriaCostCenterInactiveAt least one specified cost center is inactive.
54707CriteriaCostCenterNotEnabledForResourcesAt least one specified cost center is not enabled for resources.
54708UnexpectedErrorSavingLocationCriteriaThere was an unexpected error while trying to save location criteria.
54709CriteriaLocationInactiveAt least one specified location is inactive.
54710CriteriaLocationNotEnabledForResourcesAt least one specified location is not enabled for resources.
54711UnexpectedErrorSavingSkillCriteriaThere was an unexpected error while trying to save skill criteria.
54712CriteriaSkillInactiveAt least one specified skill is inactive.
54713UnexpectedErrorSavingTitleCriteriaThere was an unexpected error while trying to save title criteria.
54714CriteriaTitleInactiveAt least one specified title is inactive.
54715UnexpectedErrorSavingPredecessorsThere was an unexpected error while trying to save project task predecessors.
54716UnexpectedErrorSavingProjectTaskRoleThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a project task role.
54717NoPermissionToUpdateTasksYou do not have appropriate permission to update this project task.
54718EffortMinutesOutOfRangeThe effort minutes associated with a project task role must be non-negative.
54719InternalTasksCannotBeAssignedA project task role cannot be created for the specified project task because it is not a leaf task and roles may only be assigned to leaf tasks.
54720UnexpectedErrorSavingAllowedProjectRateTypeThere was an unexpected error while trying to save allowed project rate types for a project task type.
54722ProjectTaskNotSpecifiedA project task is required for new project task roles.
54723ProjectRoleNotSpecifiedA project role is required for new project task roles.
54724ProjectsCannotChangeEngagementsProjects may not be moved from one engagement to another.
54725NoRateCardsExistInCostCenterCompanyCurrencyCannot create nonbillable projects under a cost center until a rate card exists in the company's currency.
54726CannotSetRatesOnNonbillableEngagementsRates may not be set for non-billable engagements.
54727EngagementRateCardCurrencyMismatchOne or more rate cards are designated in a currency that does not match the engagement currency.
54730UnexpectedErrorSavingProjectRoleThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a project role.
54731ProjectRateTypeReferencedByInvoiceThe project rate type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one invoice.
54732NoPermissionToCreateRequestedRoleYou do not have appropriate permission to create this requested role.
54733NoPermissionToCreateBookedRoleYou do not have appropriate permission to create this booked role.
54734NoPermissionToUpdateRoleYou do not have appropriate permission to update this project role.
54735PrimaryCostCenterNotEnabledForResourcesThe specified preferred or allocated cost center is not enabled for resources.
54736PrimaryLocationNotEnabledForResourcesThe specified preferred or allocated location is not enabled for resources.
54737PrimaryTitleInactiveThe specified preferred or allocated title is inactive.
54738ShareCostCenterInactiveThe specified share cost center is inactive.
54739InvalidResourceOrCriteriaOnUpdateUpdate would result in a role without valid effective resource or criteria.
54740InvalidResourceOrCriteriaOnInsertEither a resource or a valid set of criteria are required to create a role.
54741RoleNameNotSpecifiedRole name is required for new roles.
54742RoleDatesMustBeWithinProjectDatesRole start and end dates must be within project dates.
54743RoleNameAlreadyInUseSpecified role name is already in use.
54744NoPermissionToChangeRequestedResourceYou do not have appropriate permission to change the requested resource on this role.
54745NoPermissionToChangeBookedResourceYou do not have appropriate permission to change the booked resource on this role.
54746NoPermissionToChangeShareCostCenterYou do not have appropriate permission to change the share cost center for this role.
54747NoPermissionToChangeBaseRatesOnTitleYou do not have appropriate permission to change the base rates on title for this role.
54748ResourceOrCriteriaCannotBeChangedTimeResource or criteria cannot be changed because time has been reported against this role or there is a pending incoming transfer of time.
54749CannotDisableDtmDueToInvoicingActivityDTM cannot be disabled for this project because of invoicing activity involving the project
54750ResourceOrCriteriaCannotBeChangedBookedRequested resource or criteria cannot be changed because there are booked hours.
54751InvalidProjectRateDateRangeA specified project rate date range is invalid. Begin dates must be prior to end dates.
54752ProjectRateOverlapDetectedThere is an overlap in the specified project rate date ranges.
54753CannotMoveRoleToDifferentProjectExisting roles may not be moved to a different project.
54754BaseRatesOnTitleMayNotBeSetForNonbillableProjectsBase rates on title may not be specified for roles on non-billable projects.
54755InvalidRoleDateRangeRole start date may not be after role end date.
54756RoleHasTimeReportedOutsideSpecifiedDatesRole cannot be saved because there are actuals outside of the specified role dates.
54757DuplicateCostCenterCriteriaSpecifiedDuplicate cost center criteria specified.
54758DuplicateSkillCriteriaSpecifiedDuplicate skill criteria specified.
54759PredecessorTaskInvalidA specified project task predecessor is invalid. Predecessor tasks must be part of the same project as the task itself.
54760DuplicatePredecessorSpecifiedThe same task was specified more than once in the list of predecessor tasks.
54761ProjectRateTypeReferencedByTimecardThe project rate type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one time card.
54763TimeBillingTypeRequiredForEngagementThe time billing type is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off.
54764CannotMoveTaskTypeToDifferentProjectProject task types cannot be moved to a different project.
54765DefaultProjectRateInvalidThe value specified for the default project rate type is invalid. The default project rate type must belong to the same project that the project task type belongs to.
54766AllowedProjectRateInvalidAt least one value specified for allowed project rate types is invalid. All allowed project rate types must belong to the same project that the project task type belongs to.
54768SoleRemainingTaskCannotBeDeletedThis project task cannot be deleted because it is the sole remaining task on the project.
54769ProjectTaskCannotBeConvertToLeafDeleting or moving this project task would result in the parent task becoming a leaf task. The parent task could not be converted to a leaf task because there are no active project task types on the project.
54770ProjectRoleExternalSystemIdentifierInUseSpecified project role external system identifier is already in use.
54771ProjectTaskCannotMoveToDifferentProjectA project task cannot be moved from one project to another.
54772ProjectTaskTypeMayNotBeSpecifiedForInternalTasksThis project task is a non-leaf task and therefore no project task type can be specified.
54773DurationMayNotBeSpecifiedForInternalTasksThis project task is a non-leaf task and therefore duration may not be specified.
54774ProjectTaskTypeExternalSystemIdentifierInUseThe specified project task type external system identifier is already in use.
54775ProjectRateDateRangeInvalidThere is an gap or overlap in project rate date ranges. Project rates must cover all of time without overlaps.
54776MissingPreferredAllocatedCostCenterMissing preferred or allocated cost center.
54777MissingPreferredAllocatedLocationMissing preferred or allocated location.
54778MissingPreferredAllocatedTitleMissing preferred or allocated title.
54779MissingEffectiveResourceMissing effective resource (named or unnamed).
54780InvoiceScopeRequiredForEngagementThe invoice scope is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off.
54781InvoiceContentRequiredForEngagementThe invoice content is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off.
54782UnexpectedErrorSavingProjectRateTypeThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a project rate type.
54783ProjectRateTypeCannotBeMovedToDifferentProjectProject rate types may not be moved from one project to another.
54784PermissionDeniedToUpdateProjectRateTypeYou do not have appropriate permission to update this project rate type.
54785StandardRateTypeInactiveThe specified standard rate type is inactive.
54786ProjectRateTypeNameRequiredProject rate type name is required for new project rate types.
54787ProjectRateTypeNameInUseThe specified project rate type name is already in use by a different project rate type on this project.
54788ProjectRateTypeExternalSystemIdentifierInUseThe specified project rate type external system identifier is already in use by a different project rate type. External system identifiers must be globally unique.
54789InvalidZeroTaskDurationThe duration for this task cannot be set to zero because there are project task roles associated with this task that have non-zero effort.
54790MilestoneTasksMayNotHaveEffortProject task roles associated with milestone tasks may not have non-zero effort.
54792ProjectTasksCannotBeDeletedOnNonDtmProjectsProject tasks may not be deleted on non-DTM projects.
54793CannotDeleteSoleProjectTaskTypeProject task type cannot be deleted because it is the sole project task type on this project.
54794ProjectTasksCannotBeMaintainedOnNonDtmProjectsProjects tasks may not be inserted or updated on non-DTM projects.
54795InvalidArgumentsToPwsGetBaselineBucketDateIntervalsInvalid arguments have been specified to this service.
54815TaskOrTaskTypeHasTimeCardsThis task type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one time card.
54820LinkTypeInvalidThe value specified for link type is invalid. Valid link types are FS, FF, SF or SS.
54822TaskPlanSummarizationPendingWARNING: Task plan summarization is not complete. Some task plan information (full WBS codes, planned dates) will be missing or invalid.
54823AssignedResourcesOnlyFlagInvalidForNonDtmProjectsThe assigned resources only flag may only be set for DTM projects,
54830ProjectIsReferencedByInvoiceAdjustmentsProject cannot be deleted because there are one or more adjustments associated with the project.
54831ProjectIssueReferenceInvalidProjectIssueRef is required.
54833ProjectIssueNotFoundProject issue not found.
54854CannotChangedProjectAdvancedSetupCannot change advanced setup because invoices have been issued or time and/or cost cards have been approved
54855AdvancedSetupChangeWarningInvoices have been issued or time and/or cost cards have been approved. This may be overridden using the ForceAdvancedSetupChange flag.
54861EngagementEmailRecipientNotFoundForDeleteOne or more email recipients is not valid.
54862SpecifiedEngagementManagerNotValidThe specified engagement manager is not valid.
54863EngagementInvoiceTemplateNotValidInThisContextSpecified invoice template is not valid for use in this context. It may be intended as an email template.
54864EngagementEmailTemplateNotValidInThisContextSpecified email template is not valid for use in this content. It may be intended as an invoice template.
54865EngagementEmailTemplateIsInactiveSpecified email template is not active.
54866EngagementBudgetAmountsMayNotBeSpecifiedEngagement budget amounts may not be specified when engagement budget is set to be calculated.
54869EngagementEmailRecipientNotValidOne or more email recipients is not valid.
54870SpecifiedProjectManagerNotValidThe specified engagement manager is not valid.
54871SpecifiedTimeApprovalUserNotValidThe specified time approval user is not valid.
54872SpecifiedExpenseApprovalUserNotValidThe specified expense approval user is not valid.
54873NoPermissionToChangeProjectManagerYou do not have permission to change the project manager.
54874NoPermissionToChangeWorkspaceConfigurationYou do not have permission to change the project workspace configuration.
54875MissingValueForCostCenterOrLocationAnyFlagsCost center and location any flags are required for new roles.
54876ProjectRateCurrencyMismatchAll project rate cards must be in the same currency as the engagement.
54879SpecifiedProjectCostBaselineNotFoundSpecified project cost baseline was not found.
54883ProjectCostBaselineRefRequiredA project cost baseline must be specified.
54884ProjectRateTypeIsReferencedByBaselineProject rate type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more baselines.
54885ProjectTaskIsReferencedByEngagementMilestoneProject task cannot be deleted because it is linked to one or more contract line item milestones.
54886CannotAssignRoleToLinkedTaskProject tasks linked to contract line item milestones may not have any roles.
54887ClosedProjectsHaveFutureHoursWARNING: Project has been moved to a closed stage but there are future scheduled hours.
54888EngagementEmailFromUserIsInactiveSpecified sender email address is not active.
54889LinkedTasksCannotBeOpenForTimeEntryProject tasks linked to contract line item milestones may not be open for time.
54890InternalTasksCannotBeLinkedProject tasks linked to contract line item milestones may not be internal tasks.
54911EngagementEmailFromUserNotValidSpecified sender email address is not valid.
54912EngagementEmailFromUserNotAuthorizedSpecified sender email address is not properly authorized.
54916SpecifiedEngagementStageIsInactiveThe selected engagement stage is not active.
54917SpecifiedProjectStageIsInactiveSpecified engagement stage is not valid.
54923SpecifiedProjectTimeBaselineNotFoundSpecified project time baseline was not found.
54940BaseRatesOnTitleRequiredForThisRoleBase rates on title is required for this role.
54948SpecifiedContractLineItemNotFoundSpecified contract line item not found.
54949ContractLineItemMustBeSpecifiedA contract line item identity must be specified.
54950SaveProjectUnsupportedForMultipleContractTermsThis service is unsupported for updating contract terms when multiple contract line items are in use.
54961ProjectTimeBaselineRefRequiredA project time baseline must be specified.
54962ContractLineItemInUseA contract line item may not be deleted if it has projects related to it.
54964CannotMoveContractLineItemContract line items cannot be moved among engagements.
54965InvalidContractInfoForNonbillableEngagementInvalid contract line item properties requested for non-billable engagement.
54966EngagementCurrencyMismatchCurrency specified does not match engagement currency.
54967RevenueScheduleBucketsInvalidForRevRecMethodPRevenue schedule buckets only be specified on revenue schedules and service contracts.
54968RevenueSchedulesAreForFixedPriceContractsOnlyRevenue recognition method may be specified for fixed price time contract terms only.
54969RevenueScheduleIntegrityErrorThe specified revenue schedule is not valid.
54970ContractLineItemCodeIsRequiredContract line item code is required for new contract line items because account is configured to use manual contract line item numbering.
54971ContractLineItemCodeUnexpectedContract line item code may not be specified because account is configured to use automatic contract line item numbering.
54972ContractLineItemCodeAlreadyInUseSpecified contract line item code already in use.
54974MilestoneNameAndAmountAreRequiredMilestone name and amount are required when creating new milestones.
54975CannotMoveMilestoneMilestones cannot be moved from one contract line item to another.
54976CannotClearAchievedDateOnInvoicedMilestoneAchieved date may not be cleared for milestones that are on an invoice.
54977CannotForegoInvoicedMilestoneAchieved milestones may not be marked as foregone.
54978NoPermissionToMaintainMilestonesYou do not have permission to maintain milestones.
54979MilestonProjectMismatchSpecified project does not belong to the same contract line item as the milestone.
54980ProjectProjectTaskMismatchSpecified project task does not belong to specified project.
54981CannotLinkMilestoneToInternalOrOpenTaskMilestones cannot be linked to tasks that are open for time or that are parent tasks.
54982CannotLinkMilestoneToTaskWithAssignedRoleMilestones cannot be linked to tasks that have roles assigned.
54983ProjectTaskSpecifiedWithoutProjectTask may not be specified when no project is specified.
54984SpecifyEitherLinkedTaskOrPlannedDateEither planned date must be set or milestone must be linked to a task, but not both.
54985ContractLineItemCodeOrNameInvalidForNonbillableEngagementContract line item name and code cannot be specified for non-billable engagements.
54986ContractLineItemMilestoneNameInUseThere is already a milestone in the specified contract line item with the specified name.
54991NoPermissionToUpdateProjectBaselineYou do not have appropriate permissions to update this project baseline.
54992CannotUpdateEnabledBaselineMetricsEnabled baseline metrics cannot be changed after baseline creation.
54993CurrentActiveBaselineCannotBeDeselectedThis service may be used to select a new active baseline, but not to deselect the current active baseline.
54996CannotCreateBaselineSummarizationPendingA baseline based on the task plan cannot be created at the moment because task plan summarization is still pending.
55000TaxTypeInactiveSavingClientA specified tax type is not active.
55001SchedulingDataOutsideProposedDateRangeScheduling data exists outside of proposed project date range.
55002BillingMilestonesInvalidOnNonbillableEngagementsBilling milestones can only be associated with contract line items on billable engagements.
55003NoPermissionToChangeRatesOrRdcExceptionsYou do not have permission to change rates or RDC exceptions.
55004RoleRateRdcExceptionErrorDetectedAn error was detected in the role rates and RDC exceptions.
55005RoleRateRdcExceptionOverlapDetectedAn overlap was detected in RDC exception date ranges.
55014CannotRevRecNonbillableContractRevenue recognition cannot be performed on non-billable contract line items.
55015NoPermissionToPerformRevenueRecognitionYou do not have permission to perform revenue recognition on this contract line item.
55016CutoffDateMustBeEligibleBucketDateFor revenue schedules, the cutoff date must be an eligible bucket end date.
55017RecognizedAmountExceedsTimeContractAmountRevenue recognized cannot be set to an amount exceeding the time contract amount less any holdback.
55018NoPermissionToPerformRevRecOnRdcBasisYou do not have permission to perform automatic revenue recognition using RDC basis for percent complete.
55019SpecifiedCurrencyMustMatchEngagementCurrencyThe specified currency does not match the engagement's currency.
55020DraftRejectedUnapprovedCardsExistsPriorToCutoffDateThere are draft, rejected, or unapproved time cards on or prior to the revenue recognition cutoff date.
55021NoBasisUnitsUponWhichToCalculatePercentCompleteRevenue to recognize cannot be calculated because there are no basis units upon which to allocate revenue.
55022RevenueToRecognizeMayNotDifferFromScheduledRevenueFor revenue schedules, revenue to recognize cannot differ from the scheduled revenue amount.
55023NoBasisUnitsAfterCutoffDateUponWhichToAllocateRevenueThere is revenue remaining, but there are no basis units after the cutoff date to which revenue can be allocated.
55024NoAppropriateTimeCardsToReceiveProposedAdjustmentThere are no appropriate time cards to receive the proposed revenue recognition adjustment.
55025NoBasisUnitsUponWhichToAllocateRevenueThere are no basis units upon which to allocate revenue.
55026SpecifiedRevenueToRecognizeForIntervalWouldCauseNegativeTotalSpecified revenue to recognize for interval would cause the total revenue recognized to date to become negative.
55030CannotSpecifyRelatedFieldWithoutSpecifyingInheritFlagInherit flag not specified when related field was specified.
55031InheritanceOnSpecifiedValuesIgnoredForEngagementWARNING - Some related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to on. Ignoring those values.
55032EmailEnabledFlagMustBeSpecifiedForEngagementEmail enabled flag must be specified when not inheriting email settings.
55033EmailNotEnabledSettingsMayNotBeSpecifiedForEngagementInvoice email settings may not be specified when invoice emails not enabled.
55034DuplicateRecipientsSpecifiedForEngagementDuplicate, conflicting recipients specified in email recipient list.
55035CliFieldsSpecificiedWhenNotCreatingCliCLI values may not be specified in this request when suppressing the creation of a CLI.
55042TaskSummarizationPendingAt least one task plan pending recalculation.
55043CliPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlagPurchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag.
55044CliPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheritingPurchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number.
55045CliSpecifiedContractTypeIsInactiveSpecified contract type is not active.
55046CannotSpecifyContractAttributesWhenContractTypeSpecifiedFor contract line items of a specific contract type, individual contract terms settings may not be specified.
55047CliInvalidValueForTimeContractTermsInvalid value for time contract terms. Valid values are F for fixed price, T for time and materials, C for time and materials with cap and N for non0chargeable.
55048CliInvalidValueForCostContractTermsInvalid value for cost contract terms. Valid values are F for fixed price, T for time and materials, C for time and materials with cap and N for non0chargeable.
55049CliInvalidValueForRevRecMethodInvalid value for revenue recognition method. Valid values are P for percent complete and R for revenue schedule.
55050CliInvalidContractAmountsForSpecifiedTermsMinimum and maximum contract amounts must be NULL for non-chargeable contract terms.
55051CliHoldbackAmountOrPercentMayNotBeSpecifiedForHoldbackTypeNHioldback percent and holdback amount may not be specified when holdback type is N.
55052CliSpecifyOnlyHoldbackPercentForHoldbackTypePHoldback percent must be specified and holdback amount may not be specified when holdback type is P.
55053CliSpecifyOnlyHoldbackAmountForHoldbackTypeAHoldback amount must be specified and holdback percent may not be specified when holdback type is A.
55054CliCannotModelContractHoursForCurrentContractTermsService contracts are not compatible with selected time contract terms.
55055CliOverageProjectCannotBeSpecifiedNotModelingContractedHoursOverage project cannot be specified if not modelling contracted hours and overages.
55056ScheduledRevenueCannotBeSpecifiedForRevRecMethodPScheduled revenue is required on and limited to revenue schedules.
55057ContractedHoursCannotBeSpecifiedWhenNotModelingContractedHoursContracted hours are required on and limited to service contracts.
55058CliInheritPONumberFlagRequiredForNewContractLineItemsInherit purchase order number flag is required for new contract line items.
55059ProjectPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlagPurchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag.
55060ProjectPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheritingPurchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number.
55061ProjectInheritPONumberFlagRequiredForNewContractLineItemsInherit purchase order number flag is required for new projects.
55062RolePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlagPurchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag.
55063RolePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheritingPurchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number.
55064RoleInheritPONumberFlagRequiredForNewContractLineItemsInherit purchase order number flag is required for new projects roles.
55065TaskPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlagPurchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag.
55066TaskPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheritingPurchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number.
55067TaskInheritPONumberFlagRequiredForNewContractLineItemsInherit purchase order number flag is required for new projects tasks.
55068TaskTypePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlagPurchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag.
55069TaskTypePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheritingPurchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number.
55070TaskTypeInheritPONumberFlagRequiredForNewContractLineItemsInherit purchase order number flag is required for new projects task types.
55072CalendarInfoNotAvailableForUnlinkedUserCalendar data cannot be retrieved because the user is not linked with a resource.
55087WebCalendarNotEnabledWeb calendar integration is not enabled
55088HoldbackAmountOnlyApplicableForPercentCompleteThe holdback amount may only be specified for contract line items using Percent Complete as the revenue recognition method.
55100CannotRevRecDueToOverageHoursRevenue recognition cannot be completed when there are approved hours in excess of contracted hours during the period
55101OverageProjectNotInSameEngagementThe project specified as the overage project must be a part of the same engagement.
55102OverageProjectMayNotBeOnSameCliThe project specified as the overage project may not be on the same contract line item.
55103OverageProjectMayNotBeDtmThe project specified as the overage project may not have the project management module enabled.
55104InvalidOverageProjectContractTermsOverage projects must be part of a contract line item with time contract terms of non-chargeable, time and materials or not to exceed.
55105OverageProjectCannotBeServiceContractOverage projects may not be part of another service contract.
55106MultipleServiceContractsCannotShareOverageProjectMultiple service contracts may not refer to the same overage project.
55107RevenueScheduleDataNotAllowedRevenue schedule data may only be specified on contract line items that are revenue schedules or service contracts
55108SpecifiedContractTermsNotCompleteSpecified contract terms are incomplete.
55109CannotModelContractedHoursPmEnabledModel contracted hours and overages flag cannot be enabled because one or more projects associated with this contract line item have the PM module enabled, or the designated overage project has the PM module enabled
55110CliCannotIncludeDtmProjectsProjects under a contract line item that is configured to model contracted hours and overages may not have the project management module enabled.
55111DtmCannotBeEnabledForOverageProjectProjects designated as overage projects may not have the project management module enabled.
55112CannotDisableDtmDueToMilestoneOrWatchedTasksDTM cannot be disabled for this project because there are tasks that are either associated with milestones or are being watched
55113CannotConvertTaskToInternalSubscribersDesignated parent task has one or more subscribers and cannot be converted to an internal task.
55114CannotConvertTaskToInternalMilestonesDesignated parent task has one or more milestones linked to it and cannot be converted to an internal task.
55115ProxyUsersCannotBeSubscribedToTasksProxy users may not be registered for task notifications.
55116InactiveUsersCannotBeSubscribedToTasksInactive users may not be registered for task notifications.
55117SubscribedTaskCannotBeOpenForTimeTasks can only have subscribers when they are not open for time.
55118LinkedTaskCannotBeOpenForTimeTask cannot be subscribed to because it has one or more roles assigned.
55119RoleAssignedToLinkedTaskTasks linked to milestones may not have roles assigned to them.
55120RoleAssignedToSubscribedTaskTasks that are subscribed to may not have roles assigned to them.
55128CannotDeleteOverageProjectProject cannot be deleted because it has been designated as the overage project for a service contract.
55129TimeContractTermsCannotBeSetNonchargeableThe time contract terms may not be changed for this contract line item because there are approved time cards associated with the contract line item.
55130CostContractTermsCannotBeSetNonchargeableThe cost contract terms may not be changed for this contract line item because there are approved cost cards associated with the contract line item.
55131ServiceContractHasInvoicedPeriodsCannot disable modeling of contracted hours and overages because at least one service period has been invoiced.
55134ProjectTaskBaselineNotFoundSpecified project task baseline is not valid.
55135ProjectTaskBaselineNotSpecifiedProject task baseline is required.
55138IncompleteContractTypeAttributesWhen creating a contract line item with a custom contract type, all contract type attributes must be specified.
55139BaselineBelongsToDifferentProjectBaseline belongs to a different project than the one being updated.
55140NoPermissionToSetActiveBaselinesNo permission to switch active baselines.
56003RevenueEarnedByDateMustBeAfterLastRevRecCutoffDateThe revenue earned by date must be after last rev rec cutoff date if there is revenue remaining to be earned.
56004CannotConvertContractToRevenueScheduleOn conversion from percent complete to a revenue schedule, there must be a single bucket for revenue through the existing cutoff date for recognized revenue to date.
56005CannotModifyScheduledBucketPriorToRevRecCutoffDateRevenue schedule buckets prior to the revenue recognition cutoff date cannot be modified.
56006OnOrMorePmTeamMemberInactiveOrInvalidOne or more project management team members are inactive or invalid.
57029AdjustmentCodeNotSpecifiedAdjustment code is required.
57031AdjustmentCodeNotFoundSpecified adjustment code is not valid.
57099TaxTypeNotFoundSpecified tax type does not exist.
57142UnexpectedErrorRetrievingAccountingPeriodListA specified accounting period identity was incomplete. Each accounting period identity must specify either an accounting period id, accounting period uid, accounting period name or accounting period code.
57264RssFeedRequiredAn RSS feed reference is required.
57278SpecifiedRssFeedNotFoundSpecified RSS feed was not found.
57279TaxTypeInactiveSavingEngagementA specified tax type is not active.
57323SpecifiedCultureNotFoundSpecified culture not found.
57324CultureMustBeSpecifiedA culture is required.
57335AccountingPeriodNotFoundThe specified accounting period was not found.
57337UnexpectedErrorRetrievingCompanyListA specified company identity was incomplete. Each company identity must specify either a company id, company uid, company name or company number.
57339CompanyNotFoundThe specified company was not found.
57343DepartmentNotSpecifiedA specified department identity was incomplete. Each department identity must specify either a department id, department uid or department name.
57382ResourceTypeNotSpecifiedA specified resource type identity was incomplete. Each resource type identity must specify either a resource type id, resource type uid or resource type name or resource type code.
57437ResourceTypeNotFoundThe specified resource type was not found.
57524CostCenterNotSpecifiedCost center is required.
57525CostCenterNotFoundThe specified cost center does not exist.
57526CultureOrCurrencyNotSpecifiedThe culture and currency are required.
57527CultureNotFoundThe specified culture does not exist.
57528CultureNotValidForAccountThe specified culture is not enabled for this account.
57529CurrencyNotFoundThe specified currency does not exist.
57530CurrencyNotValidForAccountThe specified currency is not enabled for this account.
57531CultureCurrencyIncompatibilityThe specified culture is incompatible with the specified currency.
57535TitleNotFoundThe specified title does not exist.
57536EngagementStageNotSpecifiedEngagement stage is required.
57537EngagementStageNotFoundSpecified engagement stage does not exist.
57538EngagementTypeNotSpecifiedEngagement type is required.
57540LocationNotSpecifiedLocation is required.
57541LocationNotFoundSpecified location does not exist.
57542ProjectStageNotSpecifiedProject stage is required.
57543ProjectStageNotFoundThe specified project stage does not exist.
57545ResourceNotFoundThe specified resource does not exist.
57550UserNotSpecifiedUser is required.
57551UserNotFoundSpecified user does not exist.
57552ParentClientIsInactiveThe specified parent client is inactive.
57553ClientRateCardIsInactiveThe specified rate card is inactive.
57554ClientPaymentTermIsInactiveThe specified payment term is inactive.
57555ClientInvoiceTemplateIsInactiveThe specified invoice template is inactive.
57556TaskTypeNotSpecifiedThe standard task type is required for new project task types.
57558TaskTypeNotFoundThe specified standard task type does not exist.
57562InvalidRateTypeA specified rate type identity was incomplete. Each rate type identity must specify either a rate type id, rate type uid, rate type name or rate type code.
57564SpecifiedRateTypeDoesNotExistThe specified rate type does not exist.
57565InvalidTimeOffReasonA specified time off reason identity was incomplete. Each tmie off reason identity must specify either a time off reason id, time off reason uid or time off reason name.
57567SpecifiedTimeOffReasonDoesNotExistThe specified time off reason does not exist.
57568TimeBillingTypeRequiredForClientThe time billing type is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off.
57569InvoiceScopeRequiredForClientThe invoice scope is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off.
57570InvoiceContentRequiredForClientThe invoice content is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off.
57575DepartmentNotFoundThe specified department does not exist.
57623UnexpectedErrorDeletingClientThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete the client.
57624ClientHasChildClientsThe client could not be deleted because there are one or more child clients of this client.
57625ChildClientCouldNotBeDeletedThe client could not be deleted because one of its child clients could not be deleted.
57626ChildIsReferencedByEngagementThe client could not be deleted because at least one engagement is associated with this client.
57627ChildIsReferencedByUserThe client could not be deleted because at least one user is associated with this client.
57628ChildIsReferencedByInvoiceThe client could not be deleted because at least one invoice is associated with this client.
57629ClientNotFoundThe specified client was not found.
57631ClientNotSpecifiedA specified client identity was incomplete. Each client identity must specify either a client id, client uid or client number.
57633UnexpectedErrorRetrievingClientListThere was an unexpected error while trying to retrieve the client listing.
57634UnexpectedErrorRetrievingClientsThere was an unexpected error while trying to retrieve a client.
57635UnexpectedErrorSavingClientThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a client.
57637CircularClientRelationshipDetectedChanging this client's parent client to the specified parent would result in a circular relationship within the client hierarchy.
57638MaxClientDepthExceededChanging this client's parent client to the specified parent would result in the configured maximum client tree depth being exceeded.
57639ClientNameRequiredForNewClientA client name must be specified when creating new clients.
57642ClientNumberRequiredForNewClientThis account is configured for manual client numbering. A client number must be specified for insert.
57643ClientNumberSpecifiedForAutoNumberingThis account is configured for automatic client numbering. A client number cannot be explicitly specified for insert or update.
57644ClientNumberAlreadyInUseThe specified client number is already in use.
57645RootClientsMayNotInheritBillingInfoThe specified client has no parent client and cannot inherit billing information.
57648RateCardNotSpecifiedRate card is required.
57649RateCardNotFoundThe specified rate card does not exist.
57653PaymentTermNotFoundThe specified payment term does not exist.
57656InvoiceTemplateNotFoundThe specified invoice template does not exist.
57659BillingCycleNotFoundThe specified billing cycle does not exist.
57714ClientEmailRecipientNotFoundForDeleteOne or more email recipients is not valid.
57715ClientInvoiceTemplateNotValidInThisContextSpecified invoice template is not valid for use in this context. It may be intended as an email template.
57716ClientEmailTemplateNotValidInThisContextSpecified email template is not valid for use in this content. It may be intended as an invoice template.
57717ClientEmailTemplateIsInactiveSpecified email template is not active.
57718ClientEmailFromUserIsInactiveSpecified email from user is inactive.
57719ClientEmailFromUserNotValidSpecified email from user is not valid.
57723ClientEmailRecipientNotValidOne or more email recipients is not valid.
57731ClientEmailFromUserNotAuthorizedSpecified sender email address is not properly authorized.
57738RoleNotSpecifiedA specified user type identity was incomplete. Each user type identity must specify either a user type id, user type uid or user type name.
57741RoleNotFoundThe specified user type was not found.
57745RenderReceiptFlagMustBeSpecifiedIfNotInheritedRender receipts flag must be either inherited or specified
57747SpecifiedVacationDayNotFoundSpecified time off request was not found.
57748VacationDayNotSpecifiedVacationDayRef is required.
57758NotificationTypeNotFoundThe notification type was not found.
57759NotificationTypeRequiredA notification type is required.
57762CannotSpecifyValueWhenInheritFlagNotSetInherit flag must be specified when related value is specified.
57764SkillsCannotBeUpdatedForNonResourceUsersSkills cannot be updated for non-resource users.
57765NoPermissionToUpdateSkillsUser does not have permission to update skills.
57766SelfServiceNotSupportedForNotificationTypeThe specified notification type does not allow user self service.
57767NotificationSettingRequiredA notification setting is required.
57768DuplicateNotificationTypeSpecifiedInInputA duplicate notification type was found in the input.
57769InvalidValueSpecifiedForSkillLevelAn invalid value for skill level was specified.
57771DuplicateSkillSpecifiedInInputA duplicate skill was found in the input.
57772DulicateSkillApproverSpecifiedInInputA duplicate approver was found in the input.
57773SpecifiedSkillIsInactiveSpecified skill is inactive.
57789DuplicateEngagementTypePlccMappingsDuplicate PLCC mappings have been specified.
57794EngagementTypePlccRevenueMappingsOnNonBillableProjectAllocation percentages must add up to exactly 100% for a single mapping type.
57829ClientAutoApplyAvailableBalanceMustBeSpecifiedAuto apply available balance flag must be either inherited or specified.
57857NotAllRequiredFieldsSpecifiedNot all related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to off.
57858NoRelatedFieldsSpecifiedSettingInheritedWARNING - No related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to off. Treating as if inherit flag was set to on.
57859InheritanceOnSpecifiedValuesIgnoredForClientWARNING - Some related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to on. Ignoring those values.
57865EmailEnabledFlagMustBeSpecifiedForClientEmail enabled flag must be specified when not inheriting email settings.
57866EmailNotEnabledSettingsMayNotBeSpecifiedForClientInvoice email settings may not be specified when invoice emails not enabled.
57867DuplicateRecipientsSpecifiedForClientDuplicate, conflicting recipients specified in email recipient list.
57876SpecifiedContractTypeNotFoundSpecified contract type not found.
57877ContractTypeIsRequiredA contract type identity must be specified.
59910ExpenseTypeRefInvalidCostCodeRef is required.
59912ExpenseTypeNotFoundExpense type not found.
59913OpsCurrencyRefRequiredOpsCurrencyRef is required.
59915OpsCurrencyNotFoundOPS currency not found.
59916VendorRefInvalidVendorRef is required.
59918VendorNotFoundVendor not found. Another user may have deleted it.
59919VendorNumberNotUniqueVendor number is not unique.
59928VendorReconciliationAcctNotNullVendorReconciliationGlAccount must be null if ClearVendorReconciliationGlAcctFlag is set.
59929ResourceVendorPayeeListNotNullList of resource vendor payees must be empty if ClearResourceVendorPayeesFlag is set.
59930VendorMgtServiceMayNotManageResourcesInvalid use of Vendor Management Web Service to manage Resource Vendors.
59932ExpenseReportPayeeFlagCannotBeClearedAnyResourceFlag must be null and there may be no ResourceVendorPayees when ExpenseReportPayeeFlag is to be cleared.
59933AnyResourceFlagCannotBeSetOperation would result in AnyResourceFlag being set, but ResourceVendorPayees are specified.
59934VendorNameInUseSpecified vendor name already in use.
59935NewVendorNameRequiredNew Vendor Name is required on insert.
59936NewVendorNumberRequiredNew Vendor Number is required on insert.
59937ClearResourceVendorPayeesFlagNotSetOperation would result in clearing Resource Vendor Payees, but ClearResourceVendorPayeesFlag is not set.
59938VendorDeletionFailedVendor could not be deleted because it exists in at least one {entity}.
59945ExpenseTypeGroupMustBeSpecifiedAn expense type group identity must be specified.
59947SpecifiedExpenseTypeGroupNotFoundThe specified expense type group was not found.
59957SpecifiedUserIsAProxyUserThe specified user is a proxy user.
62436InvalidUdfValueThe specified value for a text list user defined field is not recognized.
62437AttemptToDeleteRequiredUdfRequired user defined field values may not be deleted.
62438UdfValueUnexpectedWhen specifying user defined field values, be sure to only populate the proper type-specific value, based on the UDF data type.
64116SpecifiedScheduledTimeOffDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedResourceThe specified scheduled time off record does not belong to the specified resource.
64117EstimateCannotBeDeletedPerAccountSettingResources are not permitted to update hours to go.
64125EstimateCannotBeSavedPerAccountSettingResources are not permitted to update hours to go.
64138CannotTransferOverageDueToWrongCliTypeThis adjustment is only supported for contract line items that support contracted hours and overages
64142CannotTransferOverageDueToNoPriorPeriodThere is no completed contract period prior to the cutoff date
64144UnexpectedErrorDeletingTimeOffCardThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete a time off card.
64145TimeOffCardResourceMismatchThe specified resource is not the same resource as is currently associated with the time off card.
64146UnableToDeleteTimeOffCardThis time off card could not be deleted.
64155CannotTransferOverageDueToClosedForTimeTransfersOverage project is closed for time transfers
64157CannotTransferOverageDueToNoOverageHoursThere are no overage hours to be transferred
64158UnexpectedErrorDeletingTimeCardThere was an unexpected error while trying to delete a time card.
64161TimeCardResourceMismatchThe specified resource is not the same resource as is currently associated with the time card.
64162CannotTransferOverageDueToTooFewTransferableHoursThere are not enough transferable hours available to be transferred
64163SpecifiedTaskIsSubscribedToSpecified task is being watched by at least one user, and may not have time reported to it.
64170UnableToDeleteTimeCardThis time card could not be deleted.
64171UnexpectedErrorDismissingTimeAlertThere was an unexpected error while trying to dismiss a time alert.
64175ReportedTimeOffHasBeenChangedReported time off record has been changed by another user.
64182TimecardHasBeenChangedTime card has been changed by another user.
64213UserCannotReportTimeThis user cannot report time or expenses because there is no resource associated with this user.
64214UnexpectedErrorWhileExportingIncrementalTimeFeedThere was an unexpected error while trying to export the incremental time feed.
64215InvalidValueForIncludeModeThe value specified for IncludeMode is invalid. Valid values are S for submissions, A for approvals or B for both submissions and approvals.
64216InvalidValueForResourceTimeEntryMemoryActionThe value specified for action is invalid. Valid values are A for add or R for remove.
64217InvalidTimeOffCardA specified time off card identity was incomplete. Each time off card identity must specify either a time off card id or time off card uid.
64219SpecifiedTimeoffCardDoesNotExistThe specified time off card does not exist.
64220InvalidTimeCardA specified time card identity was incomplete. Each time card identity must specify either a time card id or time card uid.
64222SpecifiedTimeCardDoesNotExistThe specified time card does not exist.
64223InvalidValueForListTypeThe specified value for ListType is invalid. Valid values are T for time or C for cost.
64225EstimateAsOfDateIsRequiredThe estimate as of date is required.
64226EstimateRemainingMinutesInvalidThe value specified for remaining minutes is invalid. Remaining minutes must be non-negative.
64227UnexpectedErrorSavingEstimateThere was an unexpected error while trying to save an estimate.
64228TaskNotesIsRequiredThe notes are required when saving project task notes.
64229UnexpectedErrorSavingTaskNoteThere was an unexpected error while trying to save project task notes.
64230UnexpectedErrorSavingTimeOffCardThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a time off card.
64231UnexpectedErrorSavingMemoryThere was an unexpected error while trying to save resource time entry memory.
64232TimeOffCardWorkDateRequiredWork date is required for new time off cards.
64233InvalidValueForTimeOffCardMinutesThe value specified for work minutes must be non-negative.
64234UnableToUpdateTimeOffCardThis time off card could not be updated.
64237UnexpectedErrorSavingTimeCardThere was an unexpected error while trying to save a time card.
64238MemorizedRoleTaskMismatchThe project associated with the specified project role is not the same project that is associated with the specified project task.
64239TimeCardWorkDateRequiredWork date is required for new time cards.
64240InvalidValueForTimeCardWorkMinutesThe value specified for work minutes must be non-negative.
64241ProjectRoleConflictThe specified project role does not belong to the specified project.
64242ProjectRateTypeConflictThe specified project rate type does not belong to the specified project.
64243ProjectTaskConflictThe specified project task does not belong to the specified project.
64244UnableToUpdateTimeCardThis time card could not be updated.
64245UnexpectedErrorWhileSelectingOnBehalfOfResourcesThere was an unexpected error while selecting on behalf of resources.
64249SpecifiedDateRangeMissingIncompleteOrInvalidA specified date range was missing, incomplete or invalid. Both the start and end dates must be specified, and the start date may not be after the end date.
64250UnexpectedErrorSelectingResourceWorkingScheduleThere was an unexpected error selecting a resource working schedule.
64251UnexpectedErrorSelectingMemoryThere was an unexpected error while trying to select resource time entry memory.
64253UnexpectedErrorSelectingTimeCardsThere was an unexpected error seleting time cards.
64254UnexpectedErrorMaintainingResourceTimeEntryMemoryThere was an unexpected error while trying to manage resource time entry memory,
64255UnexpectedErrorSelectingTimeEntryParametersThere was an unexpected error selecting time entry parameters.
64256MustSpecifyRemainingMinutesOrCompletedFlagRemaining minutes or completed flag must be specified when saving estimates.
64257UnexpectedErrorSelectingProjectRoleThere was an unexpected error seleting project/role information.
64258RemainingMinutesInvalidWhenCompletedFlagSpecifiedA non-zero value for remaining minutes may not be specified when completed flag is set to true.
64259SpecifiedProjectIsClosedThe specified project is closed.
64260RoleMustBelongToSpecifiedProjectThe specified role does not belong to the specified project.
64261LimitedUserNotBookedOnSpecifiedProjectRoleThe specified resource is not booked on the specified role, and the user is a limited user. Therefore the project/role information cannot be retrieved.
64262ProjectRoleResourceMismatchThe specified role is not for the specified resource.
64263EstimateCouldNotBeCreatedThe estimate could not be saved.
64264UnexpectedErrorSelectingTimeOffThere was an unexpected error while selecting time off cards.
64266SubmitStartDateAfterEndDateThe specified submit start date is after the specified submit end date.
64267UnexpectedErrorSubmittingTimeThere was an unexpected error while trying to submit time.
64268AdministratorCommentsRequiredAdministrator comments are required due to account settings.
64269InvalidParametersToSubmitTimeWhen submitting time, please specify only a date range, only a time card identity or only a time off card identity,
64291NotAllCardsCouldBeSubmittedWarning: At least one time card or reported time off card could not be submitted because you do not have the proper permissions.
64292EstimateAsOfDateOutOfRangeSpecified as of date is outside of the supported date range.
64293TimeOffDateOutOfRangeSpecified time off date is outside of the supported date range.
64294UnexpectedTimeCardUdfValueUnexpected UDF value provided (UDF metadata may have changed)
64295TimeCardWorkDateOutOfRangeSpecified work date outside of supported date range.
64296ResourceScheduleDateRangeNotValidRequested date range falls outside of supported dates.
64297WorkingScheduleDateRangeNotValidRequested date range falls outside of supported dates.
64299OneOrMoreTimeCardsNotFoundOne or more time cards does not exist.
64300OneOrMoreTimeOffCardsNotFoundOne or more time off cards does not exist.
64314CannotChangeStatusOfFroTimecardsCannot change the status of for reporting only time cards.
64318CannotChangeSubmittedTimecardsApClosedCannot save changes to submitted time card because the accounting period is closed for time.
64319CannotChangeSubmittedTimeOffApClosedCannot save changes to submitted time off because the accounting period is closed for time.
64329FunctionNotAvailableToLimitedUsersThis function is not available to limited access users.
64332TimeCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced time card is deleted.
64333TimeOffCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced time off card is deleted.
64334SaveCardTimeCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced time card is deleted.
64335NoPermissionToSaveTimeCardYou do not have permission to save time card.
64338SplitCardTimeCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced time card is deleted.
64340SubmitCardTimeCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced time card is deleted.
64341OneOrMoreTimecardsOutsideProjectRoleDateRangeOne or more time cards outside of project or role date range.
64342ProjectRoleDatesAdjustedToAccomodateTimecardsWarning - Project or role dates adjusted to accommodate time card work date(s).
64349NoPermissionToDeleteTimeOffRequestUser does not have permission to delete time off request.
64350TimeOffRequestHasBeenModifiedTime off request was changed by someone else.
64354NoPermissionToRequestTimeOffUser does not have permission to request time off.
64355TimeOffRequestOverlapsExistingTimeOffTime off request overlaps with an existing time off request for the same time off reason.
64357TimeOffReasonInactiveOverRangeTime off reason is inactive for at least part of the specified range.
64365OneOrMoreTimeCardsIneligibleForAdjustmentAdjustment cannot be completed because one or more cards has changed or is ineligible for adjustment.
64367TimeCannotBeTransferredBookedResourcesOnlyTime cards that are associated with a subcontractor invoice cannot be unapproved.
64368RoleCannotBeCreatedForTransferTime cannot be transferred onto this project because the project has no role for the resource, and it only allows time for booked resources.
64521NoPermissionToDeleteTimeOffOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDateThe specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date.
64522NoPermissionToDeleteTimeCardOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDateThe specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date.
64523NoPermissionToSaveEstimateOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDateThe specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date.
64524NoPermissionToSaveTimeOffOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDateThe specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date.
64526AtLeastOneTimeCardNotApprovedAccountingPeriodClosedThe status of one or more time cards could not be updated because the accounting period is closed.
64558AllTimecardsMustShareResourceAndDateAll time cards in a daily billing adjustment operation must belong to a single resource and work date.
64564MissingTimeByPeriodNotSupportedMissing time by accounting period is not supported in installations with no accounting periods defined.
64565DuplicateTimeCardSpecifiedA duplicate time card was found in the input XML.
64572TimeCardSplitMinutesOutOfRangeSplit minutes must be between 0 and the number of minutes on the time card.
64573TimeCardSplitAdjustedAmountOutOfRangeSplit adjusted amount must be between zero and the adjusted value of the time card.
64574SplitWouldResultInZeroHourTimeCardThe requested split adjustment would result in a time card with zero minutes of effort.
64579ProjectClosedForTimeTransfersThe specified project is not open for time transfers.
64584AllTimecardsMustShareResourceAll time cards in a transfer operation must belong to a single resource.
64585AllTimecardsMustShareProjectAll time cards in a transfer-to-role or change rate/task type adjustment must be from a single project.
64586SpecifiedProjectTaskMismatchThe specified project and task do not match.
64587SpecifiedTaskNotALeafTaskThe specified task is not a leaf task.
64588SpecifiedTaskLinkedToBillingMilestoneThe specified task is linked to a billing milestone, and may not have time reported to it.
64589SpecifiedRoleNameRoleIdentityMismatchThe specified role name and role do not match.
64590SpecifiedProjectRoleMismatchThe specified project and role do not match.
64591SpecifiedResourceMismatchThe effective resource of the specified role does not match the time card resource.
64592RoleRequiredForTransferA role must be specified.
64594SpecifiedProjectRateTypeMismatchThe specified project and rate type do not match.
64595SpecifiedRateNotValidForSpecifiedTaskThe specified project rate type  is not valid for use with this task.
64596SpecifiedRoleNameAlreadyInUseThe specified new role name is already in use.
64604SpecifiedLocationInactiveOrNotEnabledForTimeCardsSpecified location is inactive or not enabled for time cards.
64607AttemptToChangeUnavailableTimeCardUdfSpecified user-defined field value is unavailable for at least one selected time card.
64609UserDefinedFieldValueIsRequiredUser-defined field is required.
64618NoPermissionToViewTimecardNo permission to view time card.
64624CannotTransferTimeToNewRoleWhenRoleExistsTime cannot be transferred to a new role on this project because the resource already has at least one role.
64625RateTypeAutoMatchFailureRate type auto-matching requested, but at least one time card cannot be automatically matched to a rate type on the target project.
64629TimecardRejectReasonRequiredA reject reason is required when rejecting time cards or reported time off.
64630TimeCardProjectMismatchOnTransferTime cards specified in this adjustment must match the ProjectRef specified.
64631TimeCardProjectRoleMismatchOnTransferTime cards specified in this adjustment must match the ProjectRoleRef specified.
64632CttCannotBeAppliedToCardsFromMultipleRolesAll time cards in a CTT adjustment must be from a single role.
64635StatusChangeCannotBeCompletedTimeCardsChangedOrIneligibleStatus change cannot be completed because one or more cards has changed or is ineligible.
64636OneOrMoreTimeCardsRejectedDuringSubmissionThere was a problem with one or more time cards and the request could not be processed by the system. No updates were made.
64639NoPermissionToApproveOrRejectTimeOffNo permission to approve or reject time off request
64640SpecifiedTimeOffRequestNotPendingApprovalTime off request is not pending approval
64641RequestedTimeOffReasonIsInactiveRequested time off reason is inactive
64645SpecifiedCostRelationshipTypeUdfValidIncompleteThe specified relationship type UDF value is incomplete.
65127CostCardPaymentVoucherCostCenterMismatchCost card's cost center does not match payment voucher's cost center
65128CostCardPaymentVoucherVendorMismatchCost card's vendor does not match payment voucher's vendor.
65140OneOrMoreCardsAlreadyOnPaymentVoucherOne or more of the specified cost cards are already on a payment voucher.
65141CannotAddFroCardsToPaymentVouchersFor reporting only cost cards cannot be placed on payment vouchers.
65144CannotAddCreditCostCardsToPaymentVouchersCredit cost cards cannot be placed on payment vouchers.
65149CannotAddUnapprovedCardsToPaymentVouchersOnly approved cost cards can be placed on payment vouchers.
65152UnexpectedCostCardUdfValueUnexpected UDF value provided (UDF metadata may have changed)
65153CostCardIncurredDateRangeNotValidSpecified incurred date outside the supported date range.
65154ExpenseScheduleDateRangeNotValidRequested date range falls outside of supported dates.
65157SpecifyOneOfSearchStringOrProjectIdentityPlease specify a search string or a project identity, but not both.
65160ImportPoolIdentityIsRequiredForDeleteResource expense import pool identity is required.
65163CannotChangeExpenseImportMappingOwnerThe owner of an expense import mapping cannot be updated.
65164CannotChangeExpenseImportMappingDocumentTypeThe document type of an expense import mapping cannot be updated.
65165SpecifiedMappingDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedUserThe specified expense import mapping does not belong to the specified user.
65166SpecifiedDocumentTypeDoesNotMatchSpecifiedMappingThe specified expense import mapping does not match the specified document type.
65168SpecifiedResourceDoesNotMatchExpenseReportResourceThe resource display name for an expense report mapping item must match the expense report resource.
65169CostCenterInactiveSavingExpenseDocumentThe specified cost center is inactive.
65170CannotMarkVoucherReceivedUnlessAlreadyPaidOnly paid payment vouchers may be marked received.
65171ImportMappingIdentityIsRequiredUser expense import mapping identity is required.
65173ImportMappingNotFoundUser expense import mapping not found.
65176ImportMappingNameIsRequiredUser expense import mapping name is required.
65190ClientAmountLockedNonBillableClient amount must be zero when cost card is on a non-billable engagement.
65194ClientAmountLockedNonChargeableClient amount must be zero when cost card is on a non-chargeable contract line item.
65195ReceiptsMayNotBeAssociatedWithEntireExpenseDocumentAccount is configured not to allow receipts to be attached to an entire expense document.
65196ReceiptsMayNotBeAssociatedWithIndividualCostCardsAccount is configured not to allow receipts to be attached to individual cost cards.
65197NoPermissionToSubmitOneOrMoreCostCardsYou do not have permission to submit one or more cost cards.
65198SubcontractorInvoiceIncurredDateCannotBeChangedIncurred date cannot be changed on subcontractor invoice cost cards.
65199SubcontractorInvoiceProjectCannotBeChangedProject cannot be changed on subcontractor invoice cost cards.
65200CostCardHasBeenChangedCost card has been changed by another user.
65201PaymentVoucherHasBeenChangedPayment voucher operation cannot be completed because the payment voucher has changed, is ineligible or you do not have proper permission.
65206ClientAmountLockedPassthroughClient amount must match disbursed amount when cost card uses a treat costs as passthrough expense type.
65207PassthroughInvalidForNonChargeableCliPassthrough expense types may not be used for non-chargeable contract line items.
65214CannotTransferPassthroughToNonChargeableCliPassthrough costs cannot be transferred to non-chargeable contract line items.
65215CannotTransferClientAmountToDifferentCurrencyCost cards with client amount overrides cannot be transferred to an engagement with a different currency.
65217CannotMoveReconciliationItemReconciliation items may not be moved from one payment voucher to another.
65219InvalidOrMissingReconciliationItemAmountSpecified reconciliation item amount is missing or invalid.
65336CannotChangeSubmittedCostCardsApClosedCannot save changes to submitted cost card because the accounting period is closed for expenses.
65337DeleteReceiptCostCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced cost card has been deleted.
65374CostCardHasBeenDeletedOne or more referenced cost card(s) have been deleted.
65379SaveCardCostCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced cost card has been deleted.
65385SaveReceiptCostCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced cost card has been deleted.
65393SelectCardCostCardHasBeenDeletedReferenced cost card has been deleted.
65414CannotIncludeCardsOnVoucherCardsChangedUnable to add cost cards to payment voucher because one or more included cost cards has changed.
65420SessionNotFoundThe specified session was not found.
65463SpecifiedVendorForVendorChangeInvalidSpecified vendor is inactive or not enabled for expense reports.
65468SpecifiedReceiptDoesNotBelogToSpecifiedExpenseDocumentReceipt/expense document mismatch
65470SpecifiedCostCardDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedExpenseDocumentCost card/expense document mismatch
65476FullyApprovedExpenseDocumentsMayNotBeUpdatedExpense document is fully approved and can no longer be modified
65477NoPermissionToMaintainExpenseDocumentThe expense document is locked. You do not have permission to modify the expense document.
65481CannotRemoveLockedReceiptReceipt is locked and cannot be removed
65487LocationInactiveOrNotEnabledForCostCardsSpecified location is inactive or not enabled for cost cards.
65489CostCardRefInvalidCostCardRef is required
65491CostCardNotFoundCostCard not found
65492ExpenseDocumentRefInvalidExpenseDocumentRef is required
65494ExpenseDocumentNotFoundExpense document not found
65495ExpenseDocumentHasBeenUpdatedByAnotherUserExpense document has been changed.
65497PaymentVoucherRefInvalidPaymentVoucherRef is required
65499PaymentVoucherNotFoundPayment voucher not found
65502ReceiptRefInvalidReceiptRef is required
65504ReceiptNotFoundReceipt not found
65506MemoryNotSupportForThisTypeOfExpenseDocumentMemory is supported only for expense report expense documents
65509MustSpecifyPaymentVoucherOrExpenseDocumentButNotBothEither an expense document or a payment voucher must be specified, but not both
65510ReceivedFlagIsRequiredReceived flag must not be null
65513RejectReasonIsRequiredA reject reason is required when rejecting cost cards.
65519CostCardAlreadyApprovedThis cost card cannot be saved because it is already approved
65520IncurredDateIsRequiredForNewCostCardsIncurred date is required for new cost cards
65521TotalAmountDisbursedCurrencyIsRequiredForNewCostCardsTotal amount in disbursed currency is required for new cost cards
65522IncurredAmountIsRequiredForNewFxCostCardsIncurred amount is required for new cost cards with differing incurred and disbursed currencies
65523IncurredAndDisbursedAmountMismatchIncurred/disbursed total amount mismatch
65525UserDefinedFieldValueUnavailableSpecified user defined field value is unavailable on at least one selected cost card.
65528ResourceNotActiveOverEntireDateRangeResource is not active for at least part of requested date range.
65529ExpenseReportResourceMustMatchCostCardResourceExpense report resource must match cost card resource
65531VendorInvoiceVendorMismatchVendor invoice vendor mismatch
65532VendorSpecifiedOnSoftCostVendor specified on soft cost card
65534ExpenseDocumentTypeCannotBeChangedDocument type cannot be changed
65535MissingOrInvalidDocumentTypeMissing or invalid document type
65536ExpenseDocumentNameIsRequiredDocument name is required
65537ExpenseReportsMustBeAssociatedWithResourceExpense reports must be associated with a resource
65538CashAdvanceAmountMustBeNonnegativeCash advance return amount must not be negative
65540VendorIsRequiredForNewVendorInvoicesVendor must be specified for new vendor invoices
65541VendorInvoiceVendorMustBeAVendorInvoicePayeeVendor on vendor invoice must be enabled as a vendor invoice payee
65542VendorCannotBeChangedOnExistingVendorInvoicesVendor cannot be changed on existing vendor invoices
65543VendorCannotBeSpecifiedForSoftCostsVendor cannot be specified for soft cost batches
65544ExpenseReportCostCenterMustMatchResourceCostCenterExpense report cost center, if specified, must match resource cost center
65545VendorInvoiceCostCenterMustMatchVendorCostCenterVendor invoice cost center, if specified, must match vendor cost center
65546CostCenterIsRequiredForSoftCostBatchesCost center must be specified for soft cost batches
65547DisbursingCostCenterMayNotBeChangedOnExistingExpenseDocumentsDisbursing cost center may not be changed on existing expense documents
65549VendorInvoiceDateIsRequiredForVendorInvoicesVendor invoice date must be specified on vendor invoices
65550VendorInvoiceDateMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForVendorInvoicesVendor invoice date may only be specified on vendor invoices
65551VendorInvoiceReferenceNumberMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForVendorInvoicesVendor invoice reference number may only be specified on vendor invoices
65552CashAdvanceAmountMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForExpenseReportsCash advance return amount can only be specified for expense reports
65554DocumentNumberIsRequiredForNewExpenseDocumentsDocument number is required for new expense documents because account is configured to use manual expense document numbering (document type =%s)
65555AccountConfiguredForAutomaticExpenseDocumentNumberingDocument number may not be specified because account is configured to use automatic expense document numbering
65556SpecifiedExpenseDocumentNumberAlreadyInUseSpecified document number already in use
65562EntireExpenseReportFlagIsRequiredForNewReceiptsEntire expense report flag is required when attaching a new receipt
65563ReceiptMayNotBeTransferredBetweenExpenseDocumentsReceipt may not be transferred between expense documents
65564ReceiptMayNotBeAssociatedWithADifferentDocumentReceipt may not be associated with a different document
65565SpecifiedReceiptHasBeenDeletedSpecified receipt has been deleted
65567ReceiptsCannotBeAddedOrUpdatedForExpenseDocumentExpense document is locked for addition/update of receipts associated with entire document
65568DocumentNotFoundInUserReceiptPoolFolderDocument not found in user receipt pool folder
65570LockedReceiptCannotBeModifiedReceipt is locked and cannot be modified
65572ReceiptsAttachedToLockedCostCardCannotBeChangedOrRemovedCost card is locked, and receipts associated with it cannot be changed or removed
65577ExpenseDocumentMustBeSpecifiedForCloningExpenseDocumentWhen cloning, an expense document to clone from must be specified
65578NoPermissionToViewExpenseDocumentNo permission to view expense document
65586NoPermissionToViewPaymentVoucherNo permission to view payment voucher
65588MaximumDateRangeExceededNotAllDatesReturnedMaximum date range is 365 days; not all requested dates returned
65593CannotSendSubmittedExpenseEmailRecipientIsInactiveCannot send submitted expense email, as recipient is inactive
65608CashAdvanceAmountBelowMinimumAllowableValueCash advance return amount cannot be reduced below the amount already on payment vouchers
65609CashAdvanceAmountCannotExceedTotalOfResourcePaidCostCardsCash advance return amount cannot exceed total of resource-paid cost cards
65610RemainingCashAdvanceExceedsTotalOfFreeResourcePaidCostCardsThe remaining cash advance amount (the portion of the cash advance amount not already allocated to payment vouchers) may not exceed the total disbursed amount among all cost cards on this expense document not already on payment vouchers.
65622CannotCreateSubcontractorInvoiceCardsChangedUnable to create subcontractor invoice because one or more included time cards has changed.
65628CanGetMileageRatesForExpenseReportsOnlyThe PwsGetMileageRate service supports expense report expense documents only.
65629ResourceNotOwnerOfExpenseReportThe specified resource does not match the expense report resource.
65630GivenCurrencyNotSameAsReportCurrencyThe specified currency does not match the expense document's disbursed currency.
65632ReconciliationItemNotSpecifiedA reconciliation item must be specified.
65634ReconciliationItemNotFoundThe specified reconciliation item does not exist.
65635DuplicateCostCardSpecifiedA duplicate cost card was found in the input XML.
65637VoucherNumberLockedOnApprovedVoucherThe payment voucher number cannot be changed on approved payment vouchers.
65638VoucherDateLockedOnApprovedVoucherThe payment voucher date cannot be changed on approved payment vouchers.
65639VoucherRefNumberLockedOnApprovedVoucherThe payment voucher vendor invoice number cannot be changed on approved payment vouchers.
65642CannotChangeVendorForExistingVoucherThe vendor cannot be changed on an existing payment voucher.
65644PaymentVoucherNumberAlreadyInUseThe specified payment voucher number is already in use.
65648SpecifiedDocumentNotOfSpecifiedTypeSpecified document type and expense document do not match.
65649DisbCostCenterDiffersFromEdCostCenterThe specified disbursing cost center and expense document do not match.
65650ExpDocOrCostCtrReqdForViScEither an expense document or cost center must be specified for vendor invoices and soft cost batches.
65651ExpDocOrRrscReqdForExpenseReportEither expense document or resource must be specified for expense reports.
65661CostCardSplitClientAmountOutOfRangeThe split client amount must be between zero and the client amount of the cost card.
65672OneOrMoreCostCardsCannotBeDeletedOne or more cost cards cannot be deleted.
65678ResourceCannotBeDeterminedForMileageRateResource cannot be determined in order to look up mileage rate.
65680SpecifiedVendorNotEnabledForSubcontractorInvoicesSpecified vendor not enabled for subcontractor invoices.
65681SpecifiedExpenseTypeNotEnabledForSubcontractorInvoicesSpecified expense type not enabled for subcontractor invoices.
65682NoCostCardsFoundForSubcontractorInvoiceNo cost cards found for subcontractor invoice.
65685SubcontractorInvoicesCannotBeCreatedByServiceSubcontractor invoices cannot be created or cloned via this service.
65686CanOnlyRetrieveApproversForExistingExpenseReportsApprovers can only be retrieved for existing non-ER expense documents.
65695CompanyPaidExpensesNotPermittedOnVendorExpenseReportExpense reports paid to a non-resource vendor may not include company-paid expenses.
65696CashAdvanceNotPermittedOnVendorExpenseReportCash advance return amount may not be specified for expense reports paid to non-resource vendors.
65708SubcontractorInvoiceNumberMayNotBeSpecifiedDocument number may not be specified when numbering mode is automatic.
65709SubcontractorInvoiceNumberRequiredDocument number must be specified when numbering mode is manual.
65711SoftCostsInvalidOnPaymentVouchersSoft cost cards cannot be placed on payment vouchers.
65712TotalAmountLockedForCardsOnApprovedVouchersTotal amount in disbursed currency cannot be changed when cost card is on an approved payment voucher.
65713SpecifiedIncurrredCurrencyIsInactiveSpecified incurred currency is inactive.
65714IncurredAndDisbursedAmountsMayNotDifferForNonFxCardsTotal amounts in incurred and disbursed currencies can only differ when incurred and disbursed currencies differ.
65717ClientAmountLockedForInvoicedCardsClient amount cannot be changed when cost card is on draft or issued invoice.
65719VendorLockedForCardsOnVouchersVendor cannot be changed for cost cards that are on payment vouchers.
65720SpecifiedVendorNotAvailableForAtLeastOneCardThis vendor is not available for one or more selected cost cards.
65722NonbillableCardsMayNotBeChangedToPassthroughExpenseTypeCosts on non-billable projects cannot be changed to a passthrough expense type.
65723StatusChangeCannotBeCompletedCostCardsChangedOrIneligibleStatus change cannot be completed because one or more cards has changed or is ineligible.
65724AtLeastOneCardAlreadyOnApprovedVoucherAt least one cost card is already on an approved payment voucher.
65725AtLeastOneAffectedVoucherNotFullyRepresentedUnable to complete action due to contents of associated payment voucher(s). At least one affected payment voucher includes cost cards or reconciliation items not represented in this operation.
65728NoPermissionToCheckVoucherStatusYou do not have permission to check payment voucher status for one or more cost cards.
65731MustSpecifyEitherExpenseDocumentOrResourceWhen searching for expense report vendors, either an expense document or resource must be specified.
65733InvalidCostCardGroupingForPwsChangeAll cards in a grouping must be either on a single payment voucher or not on a voucher but eligible to be on a single payment voucher.
65734SplitDisbursedAmountOutOfRangeSplit base amount must be between 0 and the base amount of the cost card.
65735SplitUnitsOutOfRangeSplit units must be between 0 and the units on the cost card.
65737TargetProjectNotOpenForCostTransferTarget project is not open for cost transfers.
65738NoPermissionToTransferCostToSpecifiedProjectYou do not have permission to transfer cost cards to selected project.
65739PassthroughCostsCannotBeTransferredToNonBillablePassthrough costs cannot be transferred to non-billable projects.
65740CostCardIncurredDatesOutsideProjectDateRangeTransfer cannot be completed because at least one cost card incurred date is outside of project date range.
65741ProjectDatesAdjustedToAccomodateCostCardDatesWarning - Project dates adjusted to accommodate cost card incurred date(s).
65743AtLeastOneSpecifiedCardNotApprovedToPayAt least one specified cost card is not approved to pay.
65744AtLeastOneSpecifiedCardCurrencyMismatchAt least one cost card currency does not match the adjustment currency.
65745SpecifiedSubcontractorInvoiceNumberAlreadyInUseSpecified expense document number is already in use.
65746OneOrMoreCostCardsRejectedDuringSubmissionAt least one cost card being operated on was rejected by the system during the submission process.
65750OneOrMoreExpenseDocumentsCannotBeDeletedOne or more expense documents cannot be deleted.
65751OneOrMorePaymentVouchersCannotBeDeletedOne or more payment vouchers cannot be deleted.
65752NoPermissionToDeleteReceiptYou do not have permission to delete this receipt.
65756ReconciliationCompleteFlagMustBeSpecifiedReconciliation complete flag must be specified.
65757CannotCompleteOperationPaymentVouchersChangedPayment voucher operation cannot be completed because one or more payment vouchers has changed or is ineligible.
65758CannotMarkThisVoucherReceivedOnly payment vouchers associated with expense reports may be marked received.
65759OneOrMoreVouchersCannotBeMarkedReceivedOne or more payment vouchers cannot be marked received or unreceived.
65761DuplicateExpenseDocumentSpecifiedDuplicate expense document specified.
65763DuplicatePaymentVoucherSpecifiedDuplicate payment voucher specified.
65764NoPermissionToSaveCostCardYou do not have permission to save this cost card.
65765InvalidValueForOverrideClientAmountOverride client amount cannot be set to a non-zero amount for expense report or subcontractor invoice cost cards.
65766CannotChangeResourceForSiCostCardsResource cannot be changed on subcontractor invoice cost cards.
65767VendorExpenseReportCompanyMismatchVendor cost center and expense report cost center must be in the same company.
65772SubcontractorInvoiceDateMustBeSpecifiedSubcontractor invoice date must be specified on subcontractor invoices.
65773SubcontractorInvoiceDateCannotBeSpecifiedSubcontractor invoice date may only be specified on subcontractor invoices.
65774SubcontractorInvoiceReferenceNumberCannotBeSpecifiedSubcontractor invoice reference number may only be specified on subcontractor invoices.
65775CanOnlyAssociatedExpenseReportsWithResourceOnly expense report expense documents can be associated with a resource.
65776ExpenseReportResourceCannotBeChangedAn expense report resource cannot be changed after expense document creation.
65777ExpenseReportVendorCannotBeChangedVendor cannot be changed on existing expense reports.
65778SubcontractorInvoiceVendorCannotBeChangedVendor cannot be changed on existing subcontractor invoices.
65779SubcontractorInvoiceVendorMustBeSpecifiedVendor must be specified for new subcontractor invoices.
65780SpecifiedSubcontractorInvoiceVendorInvalidVendor on subcontractor invoice must be enabled as a subcontractor invoice payee.
65781ExpenseReportResourceVendorMismatchVendor on expense report must match the resource expense report vendor.
65782SpecifiedExpenseReportVendorInvalidVendor on expense report must be enabled as an expense report payee.
65783SpecifiedExpenseDocumentVendorInvalidVendor is inactive.
65784ExpenseReportPayeeVendorCostCenterMismatchNon-resource payee expense report cost center, if specified, must match payee vendor cost center.
65785SubcontractorInvoiceVendorCostCenterMismatchSubcontractor invoice cost center, if specified, must match vendor cost center.
65786NoPermissionToMaintainReceiptsYou do not have permission to maintain receipts on this expense document.
65787NoPermissionToViewCostCardYou do not have permission to view this cost card.
65788CannotRetrieveReceiptsWithoutCostCardsCannot retrieve receipts without cost cards.
65794OperationCannotByCompletedPaymentVouchersChangedPayment voucher operation cannot be completed because one or more payment vouchers has changed, is ineligible or you do not have proper permission.
65795CannotAlterTotalDisbursedAmountOnApprovedVoucherPayment voucher total disbursed amount cannot change for approved payment vouchers.
65796SiCostsCannotBeChangedToPassthroughCosts on subcontractor invoices cannot be changed to a passthrough expense type.
65797AtLeastOneCardNotFromSpecifiedExpenseDocumentAt least one cost card is not from specified expense document.
65798VatAmountMayNotExceedTotalAmountOnDacVAT amount may not exceed total amount.
65799DisbursedAndVatAmountsDifferingSignsBase amount and VAT amount must have the same sign.
65800DisbursedAndClientAmountsDifferingSignsBase amount and client amount must have the same sign.
65801VatAmountMayNotExceedTotalAmountOnSaveVAT amount may not exceed total amount.
65802CostCardMarkupPercentageOutOfRangeMarkup percentage may not be less than -100%.
65803DisbursedAndClientAmountsDifferingSignsOnWcAdjustment would create one or more cost cards with disbursed and client amounts with opposing signs.
65804SubcontractorInvoiceExpectedSpecified expense document is not a subcontractor invoice.
65805NoPermissionToMaintainSubcontractorInvoiceYou do not have permission to maintain this subcontractor invoice.
65807UserOrInstallationNotEnabledForAdancedAnalyticsThis user or installation is not enabled for advanced analytics.
65808NoValidUserTypeFoundSpecified user type does not exist.
65809UserTypeMismatchGettingDashboardUrlSpecified dashboard is not available for this user.
65811UserTypeDashboardNotFoundSpecified dashboard not found.
65812UserTypeDashboardNotSpecifiedA dashboard must be specified.
65816ExpenseDocumentRefOrDocumentTypeRequiredPlease specify either an expense document identity or a valid document type.
65817ExpenseDocumentRefOrProjectRefRequiredPlease specify either an expense document identity or a project identity.
65818ResourceMismatchSelectingApproversThe specified resource does not match the resource associated with the specified expense document.
65819ResourceMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForExpenseReportsA resource identity may only be specified when retrieving approvers for an expense report.
65820ExpenseDocumentRefOrResourceRefRequiredForExpenseReportsPlease specify either an expense document identity or a resource identity, or both. When retrieving approvers for an expense report.
65821CannotSpecifyOverrideClientAmountOnSubcontractorInvoiceCostsOverride client amount cannot be specified for subcontractor invoice cost cards.
65822VendorsInvoiceNumberAlreadyInUseSpecified vendor's invoice number is already in use.
65824PassthroughExpensesNotAllowedOnSubcontractorInvoicesPass-through expense types cannot be used on subcontractor invoices.
65825VATAmountAndTotalAmountSignMismatchVAT and total amounts in incurred and disbursed currencies must all share a common sign.
65826OverrideClientAmountAndDisbursedAmountSignMismatchOverride client and base amounts must share a common sign.
65827CannotUnsubmitCostCardApClosedThis cost card cannot be unsubmitted because its accounting period is closed.
65829SpecifiedTimeRelationshipTypeUdfValidIncompleteThe specified relationship type UDF value is incomplete.
65830CannotSaveTaskNoteOnNonDtmProjectNotes can only be saved for tasks on DTM projects.
68197InvoiceRefInvalidInvoiceRef is required.
68199InvoiceNotFoundInvoice not found.
75003DocumentStorageOrWorkspacesNotEnabledDocument storage or workspaces are not enabled for this installation
75011MaximumDocumentSizeExceededThis file is too large. Please upload a smaller file or contact your Projector administrator about increasing the maximum file size.
75012DocumentStorageCapacityExceededYour company has exceeded its Projector storage space. Please delete some documents or contact your Projector administrator about increasing your company's storage capacity.
75013WorkspaceQuotaExceededYou have exceeded the storage space for this workspace. Please delete some documents or contact your Projector administrator about increasing the workspace storage capacity.
75027InvalidValueForNumberPagesInvalid value specified for number of pages.
75033DocumentTypeMismatchOnUploadPlease upload a file of the same type if you are attempting to create a new version of an existing document.
75035FolderCostCardDeletedThis cost card has been deleted.
75038DocumentExtensionInvalidDocument extension is not valid. Extensions may not exceed 10 characters, including the period.
75040NotesNotSupportedForFolderFolder type does not support attachment notes.
75050AssociatedItemTypeFolderTypeMismatchAssociated item type does not match folder type.
75062DocumentIsPendingArchiveAndCannotBeDeletedSorry, this document cannot be deleted because it is being archived
75074AssociatedItemMustBelongToSpecifiedFolderSpecified associated item must be associated with the given folder.
75078DocumentNameAlreadyInUseThis folder already contains a document with the same name. Operation cannot be completed.
75079OneOrMoreAssociatedCostCardsNotFoundOne or more cost cards do not exist.
75080AssociatedCostCardsMustBelongToSpecifiedExpenseDocumentOne or more cost cards do not belong to the specified expense document.
75081NoPermissionToViewPaymentVoucherReceiptsYou do not have permission to view this payment voucher.
75085DocumentViewPermissionDeniedYou do not have permission to view this document or folder.
75086DocumentUpdatePermissionDeniedYou do not have permission to update this document or folder.
75087DocumentNameContainsInvalidCharactersThe document name is missing or contains invalid characters.
75094InvalidReceiptPoolFolderSpecifiedSpecified receipt pool folder is invalid.
75097NotesNotSupportedForDocumentNotes are not applicable to given document.
75098AssociatedItemsDoNotApplyToDocumentAssociated items are not applicable to given document.
75100CannotChangeDocumentExtensionYou cannot change the extension associated with a document.
75112SpecifiedAttachmentHasBeenDeletedSpecified attachment has been deleted.
75113SpecifiedDocumentDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedFolderSpecified document does not belong to specified folder.
75170UnexpectedErrorUploadingDocumentDocument upload row not found.
75175DocumentStorageModuleNotEnabledDocument storage module not enabled for this installation.
75176DocumentSizeCannotBeNegativeDocument size cannot be negative.
75178DocumentLinksMayNotBeUpdatedDocument links may be added and removed, but not updated.
75179DocumentNameIsRequiredDocument name is required when uploading a new document.
75180DocumentIsLockedDocument is locked.
75181DocumentOrFolderRefRequiredEither an existing document ref or a target folder must be specified.
75182DocumentNotInSpecifiedFolderDocument is not housed in specified folder.
75183DocumentCannotBeAddedDirectlyToThisFolderThis type of folder does not support having documents added to it directly.
75184FolderTypeDoesNotSupportVersioningThis type of folder does not support file versioning.
75185FolderTypeDoesNotSupportDocumentLinksThis type of folder does not support file links.
75186DocumentTypeCannotBeUploadedDocuments of this type may not be uploaded.
75189InvalidIssueAttachmentPoolFolderSpecifiedSpecified issue attachment pool folder is invalid.
75191DocumentTypeCanNotBeLogicallyDeletedLogical deletion of this type of document is not supported.
75193FolderTypeCodeInvalidInvalid folder type.
75196DocumentLinksDoNotSupportVersioningOrLockingLink-type documents do not support version control and/or locking.
75197DocumentRefInvalidDocumentRef is required.
75199DocumentNotFoundDocument not found.
75200DocumentVersionRefInvalidDocumentVersionRef is required.
75202DocumentVersionNotFoundDocument version not found.
75203FolderRefInvalidFolderRef is required.
75205FolderNotFoundFolder not found.
75207VersionNumberDoesNotExistSpecified version number does not exist.
75208CannotPurgeDocumentPendingArchivalDocument cannot be purged because at least one version is pending archival.
75211NewDocumentNameRequiredForRenameNew document name must be specified.
75214DocumentVersionHasBeenArchivedCannot rollback to specified version because it has been archived.
75215AtLeastOneVersionPendingArchivalDocument cannot be rolled back because at least one version is pending archival.
75218NewUriRequiredForSetDocumentUriNew document URI must be specified.
75220DocumentIsNotALinkDocument is not a link-type document.
75230ArchiveNotReadyForDownloadArchive is not ready for download.
75231ArchiveFailedCannotDownloadArchiving process failed, cannot download archive.
75232ArchiveNoLongerAvailableForDownloadArchive is no longer available for download.
75233CannotDeleteVersionDocumentLockedDocument version cannot be deleted because the document is locked.
75234CannotDeleteOnlyVersionOfDocumentCannot delete only version of document.
75235CannotDeleteDocumentPendingArchivalDocument version is pending archival and cannot be deleted.
75237DocumentArchiveMustBeSpecifiedDocumentArchiveRef is required.
75238DocumentArchiveNotFoundSpecified document archive not found.
75240ResourceMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenSearchingWorkspacesResource may not be specified when searching project workspaces.
75241ProjectmayNotBeSpecifiedWhenSearchingResumesProject may not be specified when searching resource resumes.
75243ArchiveNotReadyForSetStatusArchive is not ready, cannot set status.
75244ArchiveFailedCannotSetStatusArchiving process failed, cannot set status.
75245ArchiveDeletedCannotSetStatusArchive has been deleted, cannot set status.
75246UnsupportedArchiveStatusChangeUnsupported document archive status change.
75254DocumentPendingArchiveCannotBeLockedDocument cannot be locked because it is pending archival.
75255UnrenderableReceiptCannotBeUploadedReceipt cannot be uploaded because it cannot be previewed.
84004ProjectWorkspaceNotEnabledForProjectProject workspace is not enabled for this project.
84005ProjectIssueRefInvalidProjectIssueRef is required.
84007WorkspaceProjectIssueNotFoundProject issue not found.
84008ProjectIssueHasBeenUpdatedByAnotherUserProject issue has been changed.
84009ProjectIssueCategoryRefInvalidProjectIssueCategoryRef is required.
84011ProjectIssueCategoryNotFoundProject issue category not found.
84012ProjectIssueStatusRefInvalidProjectIssueStatusRef is required.
84014ProjectIssueStatusNotFoundProject issue status not found.
84015InvalidValueForIssuePriorityInvalid priority value.
84017PriorityRequiredForSaveProjectIssuePriority is required.
84018DescriptionRequiredForSaveProjectIssueDescription is required.
84019SpecifiedIssueDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedProjectProject mismatch.
84020NoPermissionToUpdateProjectIssuesNo permission to update project issues.
84021ProjectIssueCategoryIsInactiveProject issue category is inactive.
84022ProjectIssueStatusIsInactiveProject issue status is inactive.
84024NoPermissionToViewPostedInvoicesNo permission to view posted invoices.
84026NoPermissionToViewProjectTeamNo permission to view project team.
84028NoPermissionToViewProjectIssuesNo permission to view project issues.
84039DocumentNotAttachedToThisIssueDocument is not attached to this issue, cannot delete it.
84041IssueOwnerIsNotValidSpecified issue owner is not valid.
84042SpecifiedIssueAttachmentNotInPoolDocument is not in the issue attachment pool, cannot attach to this issue.
84046NoPermissionToViewProjectWorkspaceInfoYou do not have permission to view project workspace information.
84052SpecifiedProjectDashboardNotFoundThe specified project dashboard was not found.
84053ProjectDashboardMustBeSpecifiedA project workspace dashboard identity must be specified.
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