Complete List of Errors and Warnings
Error Number | Error Code | Error Text |
-101 | InvalidSession | The specified session is not valid or is no longer valid. Please re-establish a session. |
101 | ClientInactivated | The client could not be deleted and instead it was marked inactive. |
102 | TaskTypeInactivated | The project task type is in use and cannot be deleted. It was marked inactive instead. |
103 | TaskClosed | The project task, or one or more child tasks are in use and cannot be deleted. Those tasks were closed for time instead. |
104 | RowCountExceeded | Not all data rows were returned by this request because the specified row count was smaller than the total number of rows available. |
105 | AtLeastOneItemNotFound | At least one requested item was not found. The remaining items, if any, were returned. |
106 | TaskRoleDeallocated | The project task role could not be removed because time has been reported against it. The effort was zeroed out instead. |
107 | ClientNumberTruncated | The specified client number exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
108 | ClientNameTruncated | The specified client name exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
109 | AddressAttentionTruncated | The specified address attention line exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
110 | AddressCompanyNameTruncated | The specified address company name line exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
111 | AddressLine1Truncated | The specified address line 1 exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
112 | AddressLine2Truncated | The specified address line 2 line exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
113 | AddressCityTruncated | The specified address city line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
114 | AddressStateOrProvinceTruncated | The specified address state or province line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
115 | AddressZipOrPostalCodeTruncated | The specified address zip or postal code line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
116 | AddressCountryTruncated | The specified address country line exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
117 | BillingInstructionsTruncated | The specified billing instructions exceeded the maximum length of 1000 characters and was truncated. |
118 | ClientMessageTruncated | The specified client message exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated. |
119 | PurchaseOrderNumberTruncated | The specified purchase order number exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
120 | EngagementCodeTruncated | The specified engagement code exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
121 | EngagementNameTruncated | The specified engagement name exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
122 | ProjectCodeTruncated | The specified project code exceeded the maximum length of 24 characters and was truncated. |
123 | ProjectNameTruncated | The specified project name exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
124 | ProjectDescriptionTruncated | The specified project description exceeded the maximum length of 1000 characters and was truncated. |
125 | TimeGlccOverrideTruncated | The specified time GLCC override exceeded the maximum length of 159 characters and was truncated. |
126 | CostGlccOverrideTruncated | The specified cost GLCC override exceeded the maximum length of 159 characters and was truncated. |
127 | RoleNameTruncated | The specified role name exceeded the maximum length of 32 characters and was truncated. |
128 | KeywordsTruncated | The specified keywords exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
129 | RoleDescriptionTruncated | The specified role description exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
130 | TaskTypeNameTruncated | The specified project task type name exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
131 | TaskExternalSystemIdentifierTruncated | The specified project task external system identifier exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
132 | TaskNameTruncated | The task name exceeded the maximum length of 512 characters and was truncated. |
133 | TaskDescriptionTruncated | The task description exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
134 | TaskTypeExternalSystemIdentifierTruncated | The specified project task type external system identifier exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
135 | ProjectRoleExternalSystemIdentifierTruncated | The specified project role external system identifier exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
136 | NonProductionEnvironment | This web service request was executed against a non-production instance of Projector. |
137 | CostCardDescriptionTruncated | The specified cost card description exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated. |
138 | ExpenseDocumentNameTruncated | The specified expense document name exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
139 | VendorInvoiceReferenceNumberTruncated | The specified vendor invoice reference number exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
141 | DocumentNameTruncated | The specified document name exceeded the maximum length of 260 characters and was truncated. |
142 | DocumentUriTruncated | The specified document URI exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
143 | DocumentVersionCommentsTruncated | The specified document version comments exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
144 | ReceiptNotesTruncated | The specified receipt note exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated. |
145 | ReceiptReferenceNumberTruncated | The specified receipt reference number exceeded the maximum length of 20 characters and was truncated. |
146 | DocumentArchived | The requested document has been archived. |
147 | IssueDescriptionTruncated | The specified issue description exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
148 | IssueResolutionTruncated | The specified issue resolution exceeded the maximum length of 4000 characters and was truncated. |
149 | ExplanationTruncated | The specified explanation exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
150 | SearchStringTruncated | The specified search string exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
151 | FavoriteLabelTruncated | The specified favorite label exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
152 | ExpenseRejectedReasonTruncated | The specified cost card reject reason exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
153 | TimeRejectedReasonTruncated | The specified time card reject reason exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
154 | ExpenseApVoucherNumberTruncated | The specified AP voucher number exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
155 | ExpenseApPaymentInformationTruncated | The specified AP payment information exceeded the maximum length of 50 characters and was truncated. |
156 | InvalidCharacterDataRemoved | Unprintable or invalid characters were detected and removed from the field ' |
157 | PaymentVoucherNumberTruncated | The specified payment voucher number exceeded the maximum length of 40 characters and was truncated. |
158 | DeprecatedField | The field ' |
159 | TruncatedField | The value specified for the field " |
160 | VendorInactivated | The vendor could not be deleted and instead it was marked inactive. |
161 | DeprecatedService | The service request ' |
162 | TimeoffCommentTruncated | The specified time off comment exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
163 | TimeoffApproverCommentTruncated | The specified time off approver comment exceeded the maximum length of 255 characters and was truncated. |
165 | ProjectNoteTruncated | The project note exceeded the maximum length of 1024 characters and was truncated. |
167 | FilterTagNotFound | No filter with tag |
168 | SummaryTagNotFound | No summary item with tag |
169 | ColumnTagNotFound | No display item with tag |
170 | GroupingTagNotFound | No summary item with tag |
171 | SortTagNotExpected | Sort tag |
172 | ColumnConfigurationTagNotExpected | Column configuration tag |
173 | ColumnTagRedundant | A specified column tag ( |
174 | TimePhaseSettingIgnored | Time phase setting was ignored because the specified search type does not support time-phased searches. |
175 | NonSummarizableColumnIgnored | Column |
176 | RoleTypeInactivated | The role type is in use and cannot be deleted. It was marked inactive instead. |
177 | EntityInactivated | The |
178 | FutureResourceHistoryPurged | The resource had history records following the termination/inactivation date, and they were purged. |
180 | PasswordSetWillNotBeUsed | User password was set, but will not be available to user due to Single Sign On (SSO) or Delegated Authentication (DA) settings. |
181 | RevalueNeeded | As a result of this change, some time and/or cost cards would have outdated contract or billing adjusted rates. No update was made. |
1205 | Deadlock | The request failed because of a deadlock condition. Please retry the request. If it continues to fail, please contact Projector technical support. |
10000 | SystemInMaintenanceMode | The system is currently not available, due to a software release or system maintenance. Please retry your request later. |
10001 | SessionTicketRequired | The session ticket was not supplied. |
10002 | InvalidCredentials | The specified credentials are not valid. Please try again. |
10003 | PasswordExpired | The specified password has expired. Please contact your Projector administrator to reset your password. |
10004 | InvalidSessionTicket | The specified session ticket is invalid. Please verify you are issuing this request against the correct instance of Projector. |
10005 | MissingOrInvalidCrossoverTicket | The crossover ticket is missing or invalid. |
10006 | SsoAssertionParseError | Projector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the assertion could not be parsed. Please contact your IT department for assistance. |
10007 | SsoAssertionIllFormed | Projector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the assertion is ill-formed. Please contact your IT department for assistance. |
10008 | SsoAssertionUserMismatch | Projector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the user you entered for Log On is not the same as the one asserted by your Identity Provider. |
10009 | SsoAssertionFailedValidation | Projector could not log you in via Single Sign-On because the credentials provided by your Identity Provider could not be validated. Please contact your IT department for assistance. |
10010 | IllegalPassword | Illegal password specified. |
10100 | MaxRowsToReturnOutOfRange | The value specified for MaxRowsToReturn is outside of the allowable range. It must be non-negative, and may have an upper limit. Refer to the documentation for this request. |
10101 | ExcessiveWebServiceUsage | Web service failed due to excessive web service usage. Please retry your request later. |
10102 | InvalidTimestamp | The specified timestamp was not recognized as a valid timestamp. Timestamp values should be a base64 encoded 8 byte stream. |
10103 | NothingToDo | There is nothing to do. |
10105 | ValidationError | There was an error while validating your request. Please contact Projector technical support. |
10106 | InvalidUrl | The value specified in the field " |
10109 | InvalidValueForFlexItemType | The value specified for flex item type is invalid. |
10110 | CurrencyIdentityRequired | A currency identity must be specified. |
10111 | RequiredFieldMissing | A required field is missing: |
10112 | DocumentServerError | An unknown error has occurred communicating with the document server. |
10113 | FieldIllegallySpecified | A field is illegally specified: |
10115 | FieldExceedsMaxLength | The value specified in the field " |
10116 | InvalidDateValueSpecified | The date specified in the field " |
10117 | ValueOutOfRange | The value specified in the field " |
10118 | ValueExceedsMaximum | The value specified in the field " |
10119 | ValueBelowMinimum | The value specified in the field " |
10120 | OneOrMoreItemsMustBeSpecified | Please specify one or more items in the " |
10121 | UnauthorizedCaller | The caller ( |
10122 | MaximumInputItemsExceeded | More than the maximum allowed number of items were requested. |
10123 | ExternalConnectorError | An error occurred communicating with an external system: |
10124 | ArithmeticOverflow | Arithmetic overflow error encountered. Please check your inputs. |
10125 | ResourceNotFoundInExternalSystem | Resource matching ' |
10126 | InvalidEnumerationValueSpecified | An invalid value was specified for |
10127 | DuplicateUdfValueSpecified | A UDF value (key = |
10128 | InvalidUseOfDeprecatedField | Invalid use of deprecated field |
10129 | UdfDatatypeMismatch | Unexpected value specified for data type of UDF |
10130 | IncompleteEntityIdentity | An entity identity specified in locks to steal is incomplete. LockType is required and at least one of EntityId, EntityUid or EntityCode must be specified. |
10131 | DuplicateEntityIdentity | Multiple entity identities specified in locks to steal refer to the same entity. |
10132 | UnexpectedEntityIdentity | An unexpected entity identity was specified in locks to steal. |
10133 | TooManyItemsSpecified | Too many items were specified in " |
10134 | CandidateSearchTooManyResults | Too many results returned by this operation. Please refine your criteria and fuzzy match options. You must narrow the results to no more than |
10135 | BothOrNeitherMustBeSpecified | Entities |
10136 | SetClearFlagIllegalForNullParentEntity | Clear Flag for entity |
10137 | IllegalNullItemInCollection | Illegal null item in collection |
10138 | CollectionHasTwoItemsWithSameProperty | Collection |
10139 | UdfEntityNotSpecified | No entity was identified when saving user defined field values. |
10500 | InvalidValueForUdfDateValue | A date-valued user defined field was specified with a date value that is not expressed as of midnight UTC on a given date. |
10501 | AccountIdentityRequired | Account identity is required for retrieving proxy users. |
11001 | CannotSpecifyCostCentersAndEntireOrganization | Cannot specify specific cost centers and entire organization flag. |
11002 | PropertyCannotBeNullIfOverrideFlagSet | Property |
11003 | PropertyMustBeNullIfOverrideFlagIsNull | Property |
11004 | StandardRateCardNotSpecifiedWithInheritanceOff | The standard rate card is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off. |
11005 | StandardContractDiscountPercentOutOfRange | The standard contract discount percent is out of range. The value must not exceed 100%. |
11006 | StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercentOutOfRange | The standard billing adjusted discount percent is out of range. The value must not exceed 100%. |
11026 | InvalidValueForTimeBillingType | The value specified for time billing type is invalid. Valid values are H for hourly and D for Daily. |
11029 | InvalidValueForInvoiceScope | The value specified for invoice scope is invalid. Valid values are C for client, E for engagement, N for purchase order number and P for project. |
11032 | InvalidValueForInvoiceContent | The value specified for invoice content is invalid. Valid values are B for both time and cost and S for time and cost separately. |
11037 | ClientNotSpecifiedForSave | No client was specified to be saved. |
11038 | NoClientsSpecified | No clients were specified for retrieval by this request. |
11040 | MaximumClientIdentitiesExceeded | Please specify between 1 and 100 client identities for retrieval. |
11042 | InappropriateStandardRateCardSpecified | The specified standard rate card is not appropriate (it is likely an RDC rate card). |
11043 | InvalidValueForInvoiceEmailType | The value specified for invoice email type is invalid. Valid values are H for HTML, P for PDF attachment and W for workspace link. |
11044 | UserIdentityRequiredForEmailRecipient | No user identity specified for at least one email recipient. |
11045 | InvalidValueForRecipientType | The value specified for recipient type is invalid. Valid values are T for To:, C for Cc: and B for Bcc:. |
11046 | SearchIdentityRequired | A search identity must be specified. |
12003 | InvalidValueForTimeAlertsBasisType | The value specified for the time alerts basis type is invalid. Valid values are A for actuals to date and E for estimate at completion. |
12004 | InvalidValueForCostAlertsBasisType | The value specified for the cost alerts basis type is invalid. Valid values are A for actuals to date and E for estimate at completion. |
12005 | InvalidValueForTimeContractTerms | The value specified for time contract terms is invalid. Valid values are T for time and materials, F for fixed price, C for not to exceed and N for non-chargeable. |
12010 | TimeContractAmountsCannotBeSpecified | Minimum and maximum time contract amounts may not be specified if time contract terms are not specified. |
12011 | InvalidValueForCostContractTerms | The value specified for cost contract terms is invalid. Valid values are T for time and materials, F for fixed price, C for not to exceed and N for non-chargeable. |
12016 | CostContractAmountsCannotBeSpecified | Minimum and maximum cost contract amounts may not be specified if cost contract terms are not specified. |
12017 | InvalidValueForTimeBudgetMetric | The value specified for time budget metric is invalid. Valid values are C for contract revenue, B for billing adjusted revenue, R for resource direct cost, G for chargeable hours and H for working hours. |
12018 | InvalidValueForCostBudgetMetric | The value specified for cost budget metric is invalid. Valid values are D for base amount, C for client amount and E for expense amount. |
12019 | BillingAdjustedRevenueMayNotBeSpecified | The billing adjusted revenue time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is B. |
12020 | BillingAdjustedRevenueOutOfRange | The billing adjusted revenue time budget amount must be non-negative. |
12021 | ContractRevenueMayNotBeSpecified | The contract revenue time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is C. |
12022 | ContractRevenueOutOfRange | The contract revenue time budget amount must be non-negative. |
12023 | ResourceDirectCostMayNotBeSpecified | The resource direct cost time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is R. |
12024 | ResourceDirectCostOutOfRange | The resource direct cost time budget amount must be non-negative. |
12025 | WorkMinutesMayNotBeSpecified | The working hours time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is H. |
12026 | WorkMinutesOutOfRange | The working hours time budget amount must be non-negative. |
12027 | ClientAmountMayNotBeSpecified | The client amount cost budget amount may not be specified unless the cost budget metric is C. |
12028 | ClientAmountOutOfRange | The client amount cost budget amount must be non-negative. |
12029 | DisbursedAmountMayNotBeSpecified | The base amount cost budget amount may not be specified unless the cost budget metric is D. |
12030 | DisbursedAmountOutOfRange | The base amount cost budget amount must be non-negative. |
12031 | ExpenseAmountMayNotBeSpecified | The expense amount cost budget amount may not be specified unless the cost budget metric is E. |
12032 | ExpenseAmountOutOfRange | The expense amount cost budget amount must be non-negative. |
12033 | InvalidValueForRevenueRecognitionMethod | The value specified for revenue recognition method is invalid. Valid values are P for percent complete or R for revenue schedule. |
12035 | HoldbackAmountCannotBeSpecified | The holdback amount may not be specified unless the holdback type is A. |
12036 | HoldbackPercentCannotBeSpecified | The holdback percent may not be specified unless the holdback type is P. |
12039 | HoldbackPercentOutOfRange | The value specified for holdback percent must be between 0 and 100. |
12040 | HoldbackAmountOutOfRange | The value specified for holdback amount must be non-negative. |
12042 | NoEngagementsSpecified | No engagements were specified for retrieval by this request. |
12044 | MaximumEngagementIdentitiesExceeded | Please specify between 1 and 100 engagement identities for retrieval. |
12045 | InvalidValueForRevenueEarnedByDate | The revenue earned by date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
12046 | ChargeableMinutesMayNotBeSpecified | The chargeable hours time budget amount may not be specified unless the time budget metric is G. |
12047 | ChargeableMinutesOutOfRange | The chargeable hours time budget amount must be non-negative. |
13003 | InvalidValueForTimePlccMappingType | The specified value for time PLCC mapping type is invalid. Valid values are R for resource and E for engagement. |
13004 | InvalidValueForCostPlccMappingType | The specified value for cost PLCC mapping type is invalid. Valid values are R for resource and E for engagement. |
13005 | InvalidValueForDefaultSchedulingMode | The specified value for default scheduling mode is invalid. Valid values are W for weekly and D for daily. |
13006 | InvalidValueForTimeApproverType | The specified value for time approver type is invalid. Valid values are E for engagement manager, P for project manager, T for project management team, M for project management team with engagement manager approving project manager's time, U for specific user, R for resource-based time approval and A for automatic approval. |
13007 | TimeApprovalUserMayNotBeSpecified | The time approval user may not be specified unless time approver type is U. |
13008 | TimeApprovalUserMustBeSpecified | The time approval user must be specified for time approval type U. |
13009 | InvalidValueForExpenseApproverType | The specified value for expense approver type is invalid. Valid values are E for engagement manager, P for project manager, T for project management team, M for project management team with engagement manager approving project manager's expenses, U for specific user and R for resource-based expense approval. |
13010 | ExpenseApprovalUserMayNotBeSpecified | The expense approval user may not be specified unless expense approver type is U. |
13011 | ExpenseApprovalUserMustBeSpecified | The expense approval user must be specified for expense approval type U. |
13016 | ProjectNotSpecifiedForSave | No project was specified to be saved. |
13017 | NoProjectsSpecified | No projects were specified for retrieval by this request. |
13018 | ProjectNotSpecifiedForDelete | No project was specified to be deleted. |
13019 | MaximumProjectIdentitiesExceeded | Please specify between 1 and 100 project identities for retrieval. |
13020 | ProjectRateGapOrOverlap | A gap or overlap was detected in the specified project rate date ranges. Project rates must cover all of time with no overlaps. |
13021 | ProjectRateBeginDateOutOfRange | A project rate begin date is out of range. |
13022 | ProjectRateEndDateOutOfRange | A project rate end date is out of range. |
13023 | RateCardNotSpecifiedForProjectRate | At least one specified project rate is missing a rate card. |
13024 | ProjectRateContractDiscountPercentOutOfRange | At least one project rate has an invalid value for contract discount percent. The discount percent must be less than or equal to 100. |
13025 | ProjectRateBillingAdjustedDiscountPercentOutOfRange | At least one project rate has an invalid value for billing adjusted discount percent. The discount percent must be less than or equal to 100. |
13032 | NoPermissionToUpdateRates | You do not have appropriate permission to update project rates. |
13033 | InvalidValueForProjectRateBeginDate | Project rate begin dates must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
13034 | InvalidValueForProjectRateEndDate | Project rate end dates must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
13035 | InvalidValueForProjectOpenDate | The specified project open date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
13036 | InvalidValueForProjectCloseDate | The specified project close date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
13038 | InvalidValueForBookTimeResourcesAllowCode | The specified value for book time resources allow code is invalid. Valid values are A for any resource, B for booked resources only and C for cost center based. |
13039 | InvalidValueForBookExpenseResourcesAllowCode | The specified value for book expense resources allow code is invalid. Valid values are A for any resource, B for booked resources only and C for cost center based. |
13040 | InvalidValueForProjectPlccMappingType | The specified value for PLCC mapping type is invalid. Valid values are TR for time revenue, RDC for resource direct cost, SRDC for subcontractor resource direct cost, OR for ODC revenue and OE for ODC expense. |
13041 | InvalidValueForProjectPlccCostCenterType | The specified value for PLCC cost center type is invalid. Valid values are R for resource cost center, E for engagement cost center and S for specific cost center. |
13042 | CannotSpecifyCostCenterUnlessCostCenterTypeIsSpecific | Cost center may not be specified unless the PLCC cost center type is S for specific. |
13043 | MustSpecifyCostCenterForCostCenterTypeSpecific | A cost center identity is required when the specified PLCC cost center type is S for specific. |
13044 | CannotSpecifyGlccOverrideForCostCenterTypeResource | GLCC overrides may not be specified for PLCC mappings with a cost center type of R for resource. |
14003 | RoleStartDateOutOfRange | The specified role start date is out of range. |
14004 | RoleEndDateOutOfRange | The specified role end date is out of range. |
14006 | ProjectNotSpecifiedForSaveRole | No project was specified for saving project role. |
14007 | ProjectRoleNotSpecifiedForSave | No project role was specified for saving. |
14008 | ProjectRoleNotSpecifiedForDelete | No project role specified for delete. |
14020 | NoPermissionToChangeResource | You do not have appropriate permission to change the resource on this role. |
14021 | InvalidValueForRoleStartDate | The specified role start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
14022 | InvalidValueForRoleEndDate | The specified role end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
14025 | RdcTransferRateIncomplete | RDC transfer hourly rate specified without an RDC transfer currency, or vice versa. |
14026 | DuplicateRoleInInput | Duplicate project role specified in input. |
14027 | DuplicateBucketStartDateInInput | Duplicate bucket start date specified for a role in input. |
14028 | DailyMinutesArrayMustContainSevenValues | Daily minutes array must contain exactly seven values. |
14029 | NotesArrayMustContainSevenValues | Notes array must contain exactly seven values. |
14030 | NoProjectRolesSpecified | No project roles were specified for retrieval by this request. |
14031 | MaximumProjectRoleIdentitiesExceeded | Please specify between 1 and 100 project role identities for retrieval. |
14032 | SpecifyOnlyOneOfSubmitApproveRejectOrder | No more than one additional role action (submit, approve, reject) may be specified. |
15002 | ProjectNotSpecifiedForSaveTaskType | No project was specified for saving project task type. |
15003 | ProjectTaskTypeNotSpecifiedForSave | No project task type was specified for saving. |
15004 | ProjectTaskTypeNotSpecifiedForDelete | No project task type was specified for delete. |
16004 | TaskDurationOutOfRange | The specified task duration must be non-negative. |
16005 | ProjectNotSpecifiedForSaveTask | The specified project identity is missing or incomplete. |
16006 | ProjectTaskNotSpecifiedForSave | No project task was specified to be asved. |
16007 | ProjectTaskNotSpecifiedForDelete | No project task was specified to be deleted. |
16011 | InvalidValueForEarliestStartDate | The value specified for task earliest start date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
16012 | InvalidValueForPlannedStartDate | The specified value for planned start date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
16013 | InvalidValueForPlannedEndDate | The specified value for planned end date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
16014 | InvalidPredecessorSpecified | An invalid predecessor was specified. Tasks cannot be dependent on themselves or their ancestors, and circular dependencies cannot be established. |
16020 | SuccessorOrPredecessorNotFoundInTaskPlan | Task plan failed validation: specified successor or predecessor task not found. |
17003 | ProjectTaskRoleNotSpecifiedForSave | No project task role was specified to be saved. |
17005 | ProjectTaskRoleNotSpecifiedForDelete | No project task role was specified to be deleted. |
18001 | NoTimeIncluded | No time cards will ever be returned based on the given parameters to this service. |
18003 | InvalidBookmark | The specified bookmark is not recognized as a valid bookmark. The bookmark, if specified, must have been returned by a prior call to this service or provided by Projector technical support. |
18004 | InvalidValueForTimeCardWorkDate | The value specified for time card work date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
18005 | InvalidValueForTimeOffCardWorkDate | The value specified for time off card date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
18009 | InvalidValueForTransferType | The specified value for transfer type is invalid. Valid values are T for time and C for cost. |
19001 | CostCardErrors | One or more cost cards could not be saved. The expense document was not created. Check CostCardResults for specific errors. |
19004 | ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForRetrieve | No expense document was specified for retrieval. |
19005 | CloneParametersMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenNotCloning | Clone parameters were specified, but the clone flag was not set. |
19006 | DelayDaysMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenNotCloningDates | The delay days parameter may not be specified when not cloning dates. |
19007 | CloneDatesOrAmountsRequiresRetrieveCostCards | The clone flags may not be specified unless you are retrieving the cost cards with the expense document. |
19008 | CostCardNotSpecifiedForRetrieve | No cost card was specified for retrieval. |
19009 | PaymentVoucherNotSpecifiedForRetrieve | No payment voucher was specified for retrieval. |
19010 | PaymentVouchersNotSpecifiedForMarking | No payment vouchers were specified for marking received. |
19011 | ExpenseDocumentAndPaymentVoucherMayNotBothBeSpecified | Must specify an expense document or a payment voucher, but not both. |
19012 | NewCostCardProjectIdentityRequired | New project identity is required for the cost card transfer. |
19013 | ExpenseTypeRequiredForGetDefaultVatPercentage | No expense type was specified. |
19014 | LocationRequiredForGetDefaultVatPercentage | No location was specified. |
19015 | ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForSave | No expense document was specified for saving. |
19016 | PaymentVoucherRequired | A payment voucher must be specified. |
19017 | InvalidValueForCostAdjustmentType | Please specify either TPC or CCC for the cost card transfer adjustment type. |
19020 | ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForSaveCostCard | No expense document was specified. |
19021 | ExpenseDocumentOrDisbursingCostCenterRequired | Must specify either an expense document or a disbursing cost center for retrieving approvers. |
19022 | NoProjectReferencesProvided | When no expense document is specified, at least one project identity must be specified. |
19023 | IncompleteProjectReferenceInProjectList | At least one of the specified project identities is incomplete. |
19024 | CostCardNotSpecifiedForDelete | No cost card was specified for delete. |
19025 | ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForDelete | No expense document was specified for delete. |
19026 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForExpenseEntryMemory | No project was specified. |
19027 | ExpenseTypeIdentityRequiredForExpenseEntryMemory | No expense type was specified. |
19028 | InvalidValueForGetCurrenciesEffectiveDate | The value specified for the effective date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
19029 | InvalidValueForGetMileageRateEffectiveDate | The value specified for the effective date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
19030 | InvalidValueForExpenseScheduleStartDate | The value specified for the start date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
19031 | InvalidValueForExpenseScheduleEndDate | The value specified for the end date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
19032 | InvalidValueForVendorInvoiceDate | The value specified for the vendor invoice date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
19033 | InvalidValueForCostCardIncurredDate | The value specified for the cost card incurred date is invalid. Dates must be specified in UTC, with no time component (e.g. midnight UTC). |
19034 | InvalidValueForExpenseDocumentType | The value specified for expense document type is invalid. Value values are E for Expense Report, V for Vendor Invoice and S for Soft Card Batch. |
19035 | CashAdvanceReturnAmountNegative | The specified value for the cash advance return amount may not be negative. |
19037 | ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForDeleteCostCard | Expense document identity is required. |
19038 | CostCardIdentityRequiredForReceiptCostCard | Cost card identity is required. |
19039 | ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForSaveReceipt | Expense document identity is required. |
19040 | ReceiptNotSpecifiedForDelete | Receipt identity is required. |
19041 | ExpenseDocumentNotSpecifiedForDeleteReceipt | Expense document identity is required. |
19042 | ReceiptLocked | The specified receipt is locked. |
19043 | DocumentTypeNotSpecifiedForSaveExpenseDocument | Document type is required. |
19044 | DocumentTypeInvalid | Document type is invalid. Valid values are E for Expense Report, V for Vendor Invoice and S for Soft Cost Batch. |
19045 | CostCardIdentitiesRequired | One or more cost card identities must be specified. |
19046 | InvalidValueForCostCardApprovalWorkflowStatus | The specified value for cost card approval workflow status is invalid. Valid values are D for Draft, R for Rejected, S for Submitted and A for Approved. |
19047 | SendApprovalRejectionEmailFlagDoesNotApplyInContext | SendApprovalEmailFlag may only be specified when approving cost cards. |
19048 | RejectedReasonOnlyValidWhenRejecting | RejectReason may only be specified when rejecting cost cards. |
19049 | SendRejectionEmailFlagOnlyValidWhenRejecting | SendRejectionEmailFlag may only be specified when rejecting cost cards. |
19050 | RejectedReasonRequiredWhenRejecting | A reject reason is required when rejecting time or cost cards. |
19051 | PaymentVoucherIdentityRequired | A payment voucher identity must be specified. |
19052 | InvalidValueForCostCardPaymentWorkflowStatus | The specified value for cost card payment workflow status is invalid. Valid values are N for Not Approved to Pay, F for Approved to Pay, T for Transmitted, P for Paid and C for Received. |
19053 | SendApprovalToPayEmailFlagOnlyValidWhenApprovingToPay | SendApprovalToPayEmailFlag may only be specified when approving to pay cost cards. |
19055 | ApVoucherNumberOnlyValidWhenTransmitting | The AP voucher number may only be specified when transmitting payment vouchers. |
19056 | ApPaymentInformationOnlyValidWhenMarkingPaid | The AP payment information may only be specified when marking payment vouchers paid. |
19057 | InvalidValueForCostCardInvoiceWorkflowStatus | The specified value for cost card invoice workflow status is invalid. Valid values are N for Not Approved to Invoice, A for Approved to Invoice, D for Draft Invoiced and I for Invoiced. Values of D and I are only valid when querying for existing data. |
19059 | CostCardIdentityRequired | A cost card identity must be specified. |
19060 | NewExpenseTypeIdentityIsRequired | A new expense type identity must be specified. |
19063 | CostCardSplitPercentOutOfRange | The specified split percentage is out of range. Please specify a value greater than 0% and less than 100%. |
19064 | MustSpecifyCostSplitAmount | When splitting a cost card, either a split client amount, split total amount disbursed currency or a split percent must be specified. |
19065 | SpecifyOnlyOneCostSplitAmount | When splitting a cost card, only one of split client amount, split total amount disbursed currency or split percent may be specified. |
19066 | NewUnitsOutOfRange | The specified value for new units is out of range. Please specify a value greater than zero. |
19067 | MustSpecifyMarkupAmountMarkupPercentOrClientAmount | When writing up or down cost cards, either a markup amount, markup percent or client amount must be specified. |
19068 | SpecifyOneOfMarkupAmountMarkupPercentOrClientAmount | When writing up or down cost cards, only one of markup amount, markup percent or client amount may be specified. |
19069 | InvalidValueForExpenseSummarizeByCode | The specified value for summarize by code is invalid. |
19071 | VendorIdentityRequired | A vendor identity must be specified. |
19073 | ExpenseDocumentIdentityRequired | An expense document identity must be specified. |
19075 | InvalidValueForExpenseDateFilterType | The specified value for date filter type is invalid. |
19076 | InvalidValueForLocationTypeCode | The specified value for location type code is invalid. Valid values are P for Project Location, R for Resource Location and T for Time Card Location. |
19079 | SpecifiedExpenseSearchTypeInvalidInThisContext | Specified search type is not expected by this service. |
19080 | InvalidValueForCostCardApprovalPaymentWorkflowStatus | The specified value for cost card approval/payment workflow status is invalid. Valid values are D for Draft, R for Rejected, S for Submitted, A for Approved, F for Approved to Pay, T for Transmitted, P for Paid and C for Received. |
19088 | CannotSpecifyBothSearchStringAndFlexItemIdentity | Please specify a search string or a flex item identity, but not both. |
19089 | InvalidValueForExpenseManagementStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
19090 | InvalidValueForExpenseManagementEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
19091 | PaymentVoucherIdentitiesRequired | One or more payment voucher identities must be specified. |
19092 | InvalidValueForOperationCode | Unexpected value for OperationMode. Valid values are A, B, I or P. |
19093 | UnexpectedTimeCardType | Unexpected value for TimeCardType. Valid values are T or R. |
19096 | CannotSpecifyResourceForListTypeEm | A resource identity may not be specified for list type EM (Expense Management). |
19097 | CannotSpecifyMruFlagForListTypeEm | The MRU flag may not be set for list type EM (Expense Management). |
19098 | ResourceDisplayNameCannotBeSpecified | Resource display name may not be specified when saving resource expense import pool items. |
19099 | OverrideClientAmountCannotBeSpecified | Override client amount may not be specified when saving resource expense import pool items. |
19100 | CostCardUdfDatatypeMismatch | Unexpected value specified for data type of UDF |
19101 | CostCardUdfIdentityMismatch | Specified identity of UDF |
20001 | TimeCardStartDateRequired | The range start date must be specified. |
20002 | TimeCardEndDateRequired | The range end date must be specified. |
20003 | InvalidValueForTimeCardStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20004 | InvalidValueForTimeCardEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20005 | DraftOrRejectedTimeAlertsCannotBeDismissed | Draft or rejected time alerts currently may not be dismissed. |
20006 | WorkingScheduleStartDateRequired | The range start date must be specified. |
20007 | WorkingScheduleEndDateRequired | The range end date must be specified. |
20008 | InvalidValueForWorkingScheduleStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20009 | InvalidValueForWorkingScheduleEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20010 | ProjectRequiredForGetTimeEntryProjectRole | A project must be specified. |
20011 | TimeEntryProjectRoleStartDateRequired | The range start date must be specified. |
20012 | TimeEntryProjectRoleEndDateRequired | The range end date must be specified. |
20013 | InvalidValueForTimeEntryProjectRoleStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20014 | InvalidValueForTimeEntryProjectRoleEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20015 | TimeEntryTimeOffStartDateRequired | The range start date must be specified. |
20016 | TimeEntryTimeOffEndDateRequired | The range end date must be specified. |
20017 | InvalidValueForTimeEntryTimeOffStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20018 | InvalidValueForTimeEntryTimeOffEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20019 | InvalidValueForSubmitStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20020 | InvalidValueForSubmitEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20021 | InvalidValueForMissingTimeAlertDate | The specified minimum alert date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20022 | InvalidValueForSaveTimeCardStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20023 | InvalidValueForSaveTimeCardEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20024 | StartDateRequiredForGetResourceSchedule | A start date must be specified. |
20025 | InvalidValueForResourceScheduleStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20026 | EndDateRequiredForGetResourceSchedule | An end date must be specified. |
20027 | InvalidValueForResourceScheduleEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20028 | TimeCardErrors | One or more time cards or time off cards could not be saved. |
20032 | RoleOrTaskIdentityRequiredForTimeEntryMemory | Please specify either a role identity or a task identity. |
20033 | TimeCardIdentitiesRequired | One or more time card identities must be specified. |
20034 | TimeTcmSearchDetailRequired | Search detail/criteria must be specified. |
20035 | TimeCardIdentityRequired | A time card identity must be specified. |
20036 | NumberOfDaysOutOfRange | The specified value for number of days is out of range. Please specify a value greater than zero. |
20037 | TimeCardSplitPercentOutOfRange | The specified split percentage is out of range. Please specify a value greater than 0% and less than 100%. |
20040 | MustSpecifyHourlyRateOrTotalAmount | When writing up or down time cards, either an hourly rate or a total amount must be specified. |
20041 | CannotSpecifyBothHourlyRateAndTotalAmount | When writing up or down time cards, only one of hourly rate or total amount may be specified. |
20043 | MustSpecifySplitAmountMinutesOrPercent | When splitting a time card, either a split amount, split minutes or split percentage must be specified. |
20044 | SpecifyOnlyOneOfSplitAmountMinutesOrPercent | When splitting a time card, only one of split amount, split minutes or split percentage may be specified. |
20045 | CannotSplitReportedTimeOff | Reported time off cannot be split. |
20046 | InvalidValueForTimeSummarizeByCode | The specified value for summarize by code is invalid. |
20050 | InvalidValueForTimeCardApprovalWorkflowStatus | The specified value for time card approval workflow status is invalid. Valid values are D for Draft, R for Rejected, S for Submitted, A for Approved, I for Invoiced (draft), B for Billed and M for Missing. Values of I, B and M are only valid when querying for existing data. |
20051 | InvalidValueForTimeCardType | The specified value for time card type is invalid. Valid values are T for Time Card and R for Reported Time Off. |
20052 | InvalidValueForTimeEntryPeriodStartDate | The specified period start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20053 | InvalidValueForTimeManagementStartDate | The specified start date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20054 | InvalidValueForTimeManagementEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
20056 | MissingTimeThresholdMinutesOutOfRange | The specified missing time threshold minutes is out of range. Please specify a value greater than or equal to zero. |
20057 | FlexItemIdentityRequired | A flex item identity must be specified. |
20060 | InvalidValueForTimePeriodType | The specified value for period type is invalid. Valid values are W for Weekly and M for Monthly. |
20061 | SpecifiedTimeSearchTypeInvalidInThisContext | Specified search type is not expected by this service. |
20064 | InvalidValueForMissingTimeType | Specified value for missing time type is invalid. Valid values are D for day, W for week, M for month and A for accounting period. |
20065 | InvalidValueForAlertsPeriodType | Specified value for alerts period type is invalid. Valid values are D for day, W for week, M for month and A for accounting period. |
20066 | InvalidValueForTimeAdjustmentType | Please specify either TPT, TRT or CTT for the time card transfer adjustment type. |
20067 | TimeSplitOrdersRequired | One or more split orders must be specified. |
20068 | TimeWriteUpDownOrdersRequired | One or more write up/down orders must be specified. |
20069 | FlexItemTypeMustBeResource | In this context, the specified flex item type must be R for resource. |
20071 | InvalidValueForPeriodType | Specified value for period type is invalid. Valid values are D for day, W for week, M for month and A for accounting period. |
20072 | TimeCardUdfDatatypeMismatch | Unexpected value specified for data type of UDF |
20073 | TimeCardUdfIdentityMismatch | Specified identity of UDF |
20074 | UnexpectedValueForTimeCardType | Unexpected value for time card type. Expected " |
21000 | FolderTypeCodeRequiredForGetFolder | A folder type code must be specified. |
21001 | FolderRequiredForGetFolderContents | A folder identity must be specified. |
21002 | DocumentRequiredForGetDocumentHistory | A document identity must be specified. |
21003 | FolderRequiredForUploadDocument | A folder identity must be specified. |
21004 | DocumentVersionRequiredForDownloadDocument | A document version identity must be specified. |
21005 | DocumentRequiredForLockDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21006 | DocumentRequiredForUnlockDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21007 | DocumentRequiredForPurgeDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21008 | DocumentRequiredForRollbackDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21009 | DocumentRequiredForRenameDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21010 | DocumentRequiredForSetDocumentUri | A document identity must be specified. |
21011 | DocumentRequiredForDeleteDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21012 | DocumentRequiredForUndeleteDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21013 | DocumentNameOrDocumentIdentityMustBeSpecified | A document name or document identity must be specified. |
21014 | DocumentNameAndDocumentIdentityMayNotBothBeSpecified | Document name and identity may not both be specified. |
21015 | DocumentUriOrDocumentStreamMustBeSpecified | A document URI or document stream must be specified. |
21016 | DocumentUriAndDocumentStreamMayNotBothBeSpecified | A document URI and document stream may not both be specified. |
21017 | InvalidValueForFolderTypeCode | The specified folder type code is not recognized. |
21019 | InvalidValueForRotateDegree | The value specified for rotation degree is invalid. Valid values are 0, 90, 180 and 270. |
21021 | ThumbnailFlagAndPreviewFlagMayNotBothBeSpecified | Thumbnail flag and preview flag may not both be specified. |
21022 | ThumbnailsNotSupported | Thumbnails not supported for this document. |
21023 | PreviewNotSupported | Preview not supported for this document. |
21025 | UnknownErrorUploadingDocument | An unknown error occurred while uploading the document. Please contact Projector technical support. |
21026 | UnknownErrorDownloadingDocument | An unknown error occurred while downloading the document. Please contact Projector technical support. |
21027 | DocumentArchiveRequiredForDownloadArchive | A document archive identity must be specified. |
21028 | DocumentArchiveRequiredForSetArchiveStatus | A document archive identity must be specified. |
21029 | DocumentArchiveStatusInvalid | The specified document archive status is invalid. Valid values are A for Accepted, D for Downloaded, E for Expired and X for Deleted. |
21030 | SearchStringRequiredForSearchDocuments | A search string must be specified. |
21032 | DocumentCannotBeRotated | This document cannot be rotated because it either does not support rotation or is archived. |
21033 | DocumentRequiredForGetDocument | A document identity must be specified. |
21034 | DocumentVersionRequiredForDeleteDocumentVersion | A document version identity must be specified. |
21035 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForManageUserWorkspaceMemory | A project identity must be specified. |
21036 | InvalidValueForAction | The specified action is invalid. Valid values are A for A and R for Remove. |
21037 | UnknownErrorDownloadingArchive | An unknown error has occurred while attempting to download an archive. Please contact Projector support. |
21038 | UnknownErrorRotatingImage | An unknown error has occurred while attempting to rotate image. Please contact Projector support. |
21039 | UploadingCorruptDocument | The uploaded document appears to be invalid or corrupted. |
22001 | InvalidValueForReportFormat | Invalid value for Format parameter. |
22002 | InvalidValueForReportDateFormat | Invalid value for DateFormat parameter. |
22003 | InvalidValueForReportColumnHeaders | Invalid value for ColumnHeaders parameter. |
22005 | InvalidValueForReportIncludeMetadata | The specified value for include metadata is invalid. Valid values are YES and NO. |
22006 | InvalidValueForReportDelimiter | The value specified for delimiter is invalid. Valid values are COMMA and TAB. |
22007 | InvalidValueForReportExplicitFieldsOnly | The specified value for explicit fields only is invalid. Valid values are YES and NO. |
22008 | InvalidValueForReportAamGantt | The specified value for AAM gantt is invalid. Valid values are YES and NO. |
23000 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetContacts | A project identity must be specified. |
23001 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetIssueList | A project identity must be specified. |
23002 | ProjectIssueIdentityRequiredForGetIssueHistory | A project issue identity must be specified. |
23003 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetIssueCategories | A project identity must be specified. |
23004 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetIssueStatuses | A project identity must be specified. |
23005 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForSaveIssue | A project identity must be specified. |
23009 | ProjectIdentityRequiredForGetPostedInvoices | A project identity must be specified. |
23010 | InvalidValueForIssueDueDate | The specified issue due date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
24000 | DocumentSearchFailed | Unable to complete search request. Your search string may be invalid or incomplete – it must contain at least one letter or digit. |
25001 | ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable | This functionality is not available at this moment. Please try again later or contact Projector technical support at 617-431-4111 x1 or |
26001 | InvalidValueForFavoriteType | The specified value for favorite type is invalid. Valid values are F for Favorite and R for Recent. |
26002 | FavoriteLinkRequired | A favorite link must be specified. |
26003 | FavoriteLabelRequired | A favorite label must be specified. |
26004 | FavoriteLinkExceedsMaximumLength | The specified link exceeds the maximum length of 255 characters. |
27002 | VendorNotSpecified | Vendor Not Specified. |
27003 | NewVendorMustHaveNameAndNumberSpecified | New Vendor Must have both New Name and New Number Specified. |
27004 | NewVendorMustHaveCostCenterSpecified | New Vendor Must be placed in an existing Cost Center. |
28001 | DynamicQueryMetadataParseTokenMismatch | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28002 | DynamicQueryMissingFilterPanelId | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28003 | DynamicQueryMetadataFilterPanelNotFound | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28004 | DynamicQueryFilterPanelPlaceholderNotFound | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28005 | DynamicQueryIllegalFilterPanelPlaceholder | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28006 | DynamicQueryBadMetadata | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28007 | DynamicQueryJoinMapFailure | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28008 | InvalidFilterSearchSpecified | Invalid search. Filter tag not recognized or an invalid reference to a non-existent entity encountered in a filter. |
28010 | InvalidSearchOptionValueSpecified | Invalid value specified for search options. Values may only contain upper and lower case letters and digits. |
28011 | InvalidValueForFilterSearchType | The specified value for search type is invalid. Valid values are D for detail and A for aggregated. |
28012 | DynamicQueryCacheHitMismatch | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28013 | FilterPanelTagRequired | A filter panel tag must be specified. |
28014 | FilterPanelTagNotRecognized |
28015 | FilterItemTagRequired | A filter item tag must be specified for all filter items in a filter search. |
28016 | FilterItemTagNotRecognized |
28017 | UnexpectedFilterType | Type of filter item for filter |
28018 | SummaryItemTagRequired | A summarize by item tag must be specified for all summarize by items in a filter search. |
28019 | SummaryItemTagNotRecognized |
28020 | DuplicateSummaryItemsSpecified |
28021 | ColumnItemTagRequired | A display item tag must be specified for all display items in a filter search. |
28022 | ColumnItemTagNotRecognized |
28023 | DuplicateColumnItemsSpecified |
28024 | SpecifiedColumnItemNotSummarizable | The display item with tag |
28025 | NoValidColumnItemsSpecified | No valid display items included in column items. |
28026 | UnexpectedFilterTypeForEnumeratedSet | Unexpected failure executing filter search. |
28027 | MultipleEnumeratedSetFiltersSpecified | Enumerated set filter |
28028 | TooManySummaryItemsSpecified | Too many summary items were specified. Please specify no more than 8. |
28029 | TooManyGroupingItemsSpecified | Too many grouping items were specified. Please specify no more than 8. |
28030 | GroupingItemTagRequired | A grouping item tag must be specified for all grouping items in a filter search. |
28031 | GroupingItemTagNotRecognized |
28032 | DuplicateGroupingItemsSpecified |
28034 | SortItemTagRequired | A sort item tag must be specified for all sort items in a filter search. |
28035 | SortItemTagNotRecognized |
28036 | DuplicateSortItemsSpecified |
28037 | ColumnConfigurationItemTagRequired | A column configuration item tag must be specified for all column configuraion items in a filter search. |
28038 | ColumnConfigurationItemTagNotRecognized |
28039 | DuplicateColumnConfigurationItemsSpecified |
28040 | TagMayNotBeInBothColumnsAndGroupings |
28041 | UnexpectedColumnDataType | Data type mismatch for column |
28042 | NoSummaryItemsSpecified | At least one valid summarize by item must be specified. |
28043 | TimePhasedSearchNotSupported | The specified search type does not support time-phased searches. |
28044 | DuplicateReferenceDataFilterTags | The same FilterTag was specified multiple times in reference data requests. |
28045 | MixedCollectionInSearchResults | A subordinate result set in the search results contains mixed collection tags. |
28046 | InvalidCollectionTagUsed | A subordinate result set refers to an invalid collection tag. |
28047 | MissingRowIdInSubordinateResults | All subordinate result sets must contain a row ID column (__rowID). |
28048 | OrphanSubordinateResultFound | A row in a subordinate result set refers to a non-existant item in the base results. |
28049 | InvalidColumnNameInSubordinateResults | A column name used in a subordinate result set is not in the correct format (' |
28050 | InvalidColumnNameInImportResults | A column name used in a validated import item result set is not in the correct format (' |
28051 | InvalidFieldNameInImportResults | A column name used in a validated import item result set refers to an unrecognized field name (' |
28052 | InvalidMemberNameInImportResults | A column name used in a validated import item result set refers to an unrecognized member name (' |
28053 | MissingRequiredFilter | A required filter is missing. This search must include a |
28054 | MissingRequiredSummaryItem | A required summary item is missing. This search must be summarized by |
28055 | DateFilterMaximumRangeExceeded | The filter ' |
28056 | DateFilterMinimumDateOutOfRange | The filter ' |
28057 | DateFilterMaximumDateOutOfRange | The filter ' |
28058 | NumericFilterMinimumDateOutOfRange | The filter ' |
28059 | NumericFilterMaximumDateOutOfRange | The filter ' |
28060 | NoDataItemsRequestedInAnalysisSearch |
28061 | DetailSearchNotSupported | The specified search type does not support detail searches. |
28062 | SummarySearchNotSupported | The specified search type does not support summary searches. |
28063 | DateFilterMissingStartDate | The filter ' |
28064 | DateFilterMissingEndDate | The filter ' |
29000 | NoContractLineItemSpecifiedForRevRec | No Contract Line Item specified on which to apply Revenue Recognition Adjustment. |
29001 | InvalidValueForRevRecCutoffDate | Invalid value for Revenue Recognition Adjustment Cutoff Date. |
29002 | InvalidValueForRevRecBeginDate | Invalid value for Revenue Recognition Adjustment Begin Date. |
29003 | RevRecFractionCompleteOutOfRange | Revenue Recognition Adjustment Fraction Complete out of range. |
29004 | RevRecTotalRevenueRecognizedOutOfRange | Revenue Recognition Adjustment Total Revenue Recognized out of range. |
29005 | RevRecNotesTruncated | Revenue Recognition Adjustment Notes truncated. |
29006 | InvalidRevRecDateCombinationSpecified | Illegal combination of Revenue Recognition Adjustment Dates specified. |
29007 | SpecifyNoMoreThanOneRevRecAxis | May specify at most one of Fraction Complete, Include Requests Flag, Total Revenue Recognized, and Interval Revenue Recognized on Revenue Recognition Adjustment. |
29008 | MustSpecifyRevRecCurrencyIfSpecifyingAmount | When specifying Total Revenue Recognized on Revenue Recognition Adjustment, must also specify Currency. |
29009 | RevRecIntervalRevenueRecognizedOutOfRange | Revenue Recognition Adjustment Interval Revenue Recognized out of range. |
30001 | InvalidValueForUdfType | The specified value for UDF type is invalid. Valid values are C for client, E for engagement, P for project, A for role, R for resource, T for time card and X for cost card. |
31000 | DailyTimeoffMinutesOutOfRange | No more than 24 time off hours may be requested in a single day. |
31001 | TimeOffBeginDateRequired | Please specify a begin date. |
31002 | TimeOffEndDateRequired | Please specify an end date. |
31003 | TimeOffEndDatePriorToBeginDate | The specified end date may not be prior to the the specified begin date. |
31004 | TimeOffReasonRequired | Please specify a time off reason. |
31005 | InvalidValueForTimeOffBeginDate | The specified begin date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
31006 | InvalidValueForTimeOffEndDate | The specified end date must be expressed as midnight UTC on the desired date. |
32000 | InstallationNotEnabledForAdvancedAnalytics | This account is not enabled for advanced analytics. |
32001 | UserNotEnabledForAdvancedAnalytics | This user is not enabled for advanced analytics. |
32003 | UserNotAuthorizedToOverrideAdvancedAnalyticsUserName | You do not have sufficient permission to override advanced analytics user name. |
32004 | GeneralAdvancedAnalyticsIntegrationFailure | An unknown error has occurred in advanced analystics integration. |
32005 | MalformedDashboardParameters | The specified dashboard parameters are invalid, due to improper parameter substition syntax or substitution indexes out of range: |
33000 | RevenueScheduleGapOrOverlap | A gap or overlap was detected in the specified revenue schedule date ranges. The revenue schedule must start at the beginning of time and have no overlaps. |
34000 | InvalidValueForProjectTimeBaselineBasis | The value specified for time baseline basis is invalid. Valid values are T for Task Plan, R for Resource Requests, P for Previous Resource Requests, S for Scheduled Resources, A for Approved And Current Requested, B for Approved And Current Booked, and for None. |
34001 | InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineBasis | The value specified for cost baseline basis is invalid. Valid values are P for Cost Plan and N for None. |
34002 | InvalidValueForProjectTimeBaselineDimension | The value specified for time baseline dimension is invalid. Valid values are M for Rate Type, K for Task Type, D for Resource Department, T for Resource Title, R for Role, S for Resource, L for Role Type, and N for None. |
34003 | InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineDimension | The value specified for cost baseline dimension is invalid. Valid values are E for Expense Type, G for Expense Type Group, and N for None. |
34004 | InvalidValueForBaselineTimePhase | The value specified for baseline time phase is invalid. Valid values are D for Daily, W for Weekly, H for Hourly, M for Monthly, Q for Quarterly, Y for Yearly, and N for None. |
34005 | SpecifyUpToOneDimensionInBaselineBucket | More than one dimension specified in Baseline Bucket. |
34006 | StartDateLaterThanEndDate | Start Date specified is later than End Date. |
34007 | ParametersIgnoredForTimePhaseNone | Time Phase Parameters StartDate and IntervalCount are ignored when Time Phase specified as N for None. |
34008 | IllegalNullStartDateForTimePhase | Time Phase may not have a null Start Date. |
34009 | IllegalIntervalCountForTimePhase | Time Phase must have a positive non-zero Interval Count. |
34010 | BaselineMustHaveAtLeastOneMetric | Baseline must have at least one metric. |
34011 | PrimaryMetricNotAvailable | Specified primary metric is not listed as active metric in baseline. |
34012 | InvalidToSpecifyBucketsOnSeededBaselineCreation | Invalid to specify any buckets on baseline creation with basis/seed. |
34013 | NoBucketsSpecifiedOnUnseededBaselineCreation | No buckets were specified on baseline creation with no basis/seed. |
34017 | NoProjectBaselinesSpecified | No project baselines were specified for retrieval by this request. |
34018 | MaximumProjectBaselineIdentitiesExceeded | Please specify between 1 and 100 project baseline identities for retrieval. |
35001 | SfaIntegrationIsDisabled | SFA integration is currently disabled due to a prior failure. It must be manually re-enabled prior to further integrations. |
35002 | SfaIntegrationIsInactive | SFA integration is currently not enabled for this account. It must be enabled before any integrations can be performed. |
35003 | SfaProjectorXmlInvalid | SFA integration produced invalid results. |
45000 | Excel2003MaxRowsExceeded | An Excel 2003 spreadsheet cannot have more than 65536 rows. |
45001 | ReportIdentityRequiredForGetReportOutput | ReportRequestRef is required. |
49998 | UnitTestFailure | Unit test ' |
49999 | NotImplemented | This service has not yet been implemented. |
50002 | SystemInRestrictedMode | The system is currently not available, due to a software release or system maintenance. Please retry your request later. |
50007 | ItemHasBeenUpdated | Unable to complete request – another user changed the data while you were editing. |
50020 | RequiredUdfNotSpecified | No value was specified for at least one required user defined field. |
50021 | RefStructureMismatch |
50022 | EntityRequired |
50024 | EntityNotFound |
50026 | EntityInactive | Entity |
50032 | CannotUpdateRecentSearchFilterPanelTag | The filter panel tag for an existing recent search may not be updated. |
50038 | FilterPanelTagRequiredForNewRecentSearch | A filter panel tag must be specified for new recent searches. |
50045 | ViewPermissionDenied | You do not have permission to view this item. |
50046 | UpdatePermissionDenied | You do not have permission to update this item. |
50047 | PermissionDenied | You do not have permission to perform this action. |
50049 | DefaultLayoutViewCannotBeDeleted | View may not be deleted because it is part of a public layout. |
50050 | CannotSetModifiedFromSourceFlagOnRecentSearchUpdate | The modified from source flag may not be specified when updating an existing recent search. |
50051 | CannotUpdateRecentSearchSearchSpecification | A search specification may not be specified when updating an existing recent search. |
50052 | CostCenterListTypePermissionExpected | Specified cost center list type name must refer to a permission cost center list. |
50053 | CostCenterListTypeSpecifiedForMultipleFlexItemTypes | When specifying a cost center list type name, you may only search among a single flex item type. |
50065 | MissingRequiredField |
50070 | AccessPermissionDenied | Permission denied. |
50077 | SpecifiedFlexItemTypeDoesNotSupportCostCenterListType | Specified flex item type does not support filtering on cost center list type. |
50109 | FunctionalityNotAvailable | This functionality is not available. |
50138 | NoSupportUserToImpersonate | There is no support user for given installation, so impersonation is not possible. |
50174 | InvalidValue | Invalid value for |
50198 | UnableToParseBookmark | Invalid bookmark specified. |
50211 | MaxLogicalDateRangeSizeExceeded | Specified value for units is out of range. The maximum date range is exceeded. |
50212 | UnrecognizedSearchItemType | Unrecognized search item type specified. |
50213 | RHBeginDateAfterEndDate | Begin date must be prior to end date. |
50214 | ModuleNotEnabled | An attempt was made to access functionality that is not enabled for this account. |
50217 | RHOverlapFoundInXml | Overlapping entity found in input XML. |
50218 | DateGapFoundInXml | Date interval gap found in input XML beginning. |
50220 | WebServicesPermissionDenied | The specified user does not have permission to execute web services, or web services is not enabled for this account. |
50223 | NoPermissionToActOnBehalfOfResource | The specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource. |
50225 | CannotUpdateProperty |
50249 | FlexSearchItemTypeNotSpecified | Item type not specified for flex search. |
50250 | InvalidValueForLogicalDateRange | Missing or invalid value specified for logical date range. |
50251 | AggregateSearchesNotSupported | Aggregate searches are not supported for this filter panel. |
50255 | SearchSpecificationXmlRequired | Please specific search XML. |
50256 | PwsCreateTimeBucketsInvalidArguments | Specified time phase is not valid or start and/or end date missing or invalid. |
50262 | ValueAlreadyInUse | The |
50265 | DateOutOfRange | The specified begin or end date is outside of the range of dates supported by Projector. |
50266 | RequiredParameterMissing | A required parameter ( |
50269 | CannotDeleteValueOfInactiveUdf | Inactive UDF values may not be deleted. |
50270 | CannotUpdateValueOfInactiveUdf | User-defined field is inactive and may not be updated. |
50287 | NonSessionAuthenticationFailure | Authentication failure. |
50292 | UnexpectedValueForMappingType | Unexpected value specified for mapping type. |
50308 | DuplicateFilterSearchName | Duplicate search name specified. |
50312 | DynamicQueryAbsoluteRowLimitExceeded | Request exceeds query cost limitation. Please refine your criteria. |
50313 | DynamicQueryOutputRowLimitExceeded | Row limit exceeded. Please refine your criteria. |
50322 | LogicalDateRangeUnitsOutOfRange | Value specified for units is out of range. It must be one or greater. |
50330 | LayoutSpecificationXmlRequired | Please specify layout XML. |
50331 | InvalidPublicFilterSearch | Public searches must either be global or be shared with at least one user type or user. |
50333 | FilterSearchIdentityOrFilterPanelTagRequired | Please specify a filter panel tag. |
50334 | OneOrMoreItemsInSetDeniedAccess | You do not have permission to view one or more items in the set. |
50335 | OneOrMoreItemsInSetNotFound | One or more items in the set has been deleted. |
50339 | OnOrMoreFlexItemsIncomplete | One or more flex item identities are not complete. |
50344 | DuplicateRecentSearchNameSpecified | There is already a recent search by the specified name. |
50348 | MissingInputsForSelectingDateRange | A logical date range code must be specified. |
50351 | SpecifiedTemplateSearchNotFound | Specified template search not found. |
50356 | SpecifiedFilterTemplateTagNotFound | Specified filter template tag is not recognized. |
50363 | SpecifiedPageViewNotValidForPage | Specified page view is not valid for specified page. |
50365 | InvalidValueForPageName | Invalid value specified for page name. |
50367 | LimitedAndClientUsersMayNotSharePageViews | Limited and client users may not share page views. |
50368 | SpecifiedPageViewNotAssociatedWithSpecifiedPage | Specified page view is not associated with the specified page. |
50369 | PageNameRequiredForNewPageViews | Page name is required for new page views. |
50370 | PageLayoutNameRequiredForNewPageViews | Page view name is required for new page views. |
50371 | LayoutXmlRequiredForNewPageViews | Layout XML is required for new page views. |
50372 | DuplicatePageNameSpecified | The specified page view name is already in use. |
50373 | PublicPageViewMustBeGlobalOrShared | Public page views must either be global or be shared with one or more user types or users. |
50374 | MayNotSpecifyBothBaseFilterSearchAndBaseTemplateTag | Base filter search and base filter template tag may not both be specified. |
50375 | CannotUpdateBaseSearchForExistingRecentSearch | The base filter search for an existing recent search may not be updated. |
50376 | SpecifiedBaseSearchNotOfExpectedType | Specified base filter search is not of the correct search type. |
50377 | CannotUpdateBaseTemplateTagForExistingRecentSearch | The base filter template tag for an existing recent search may not be updated. |
50378 | SpecifiedTemplateSearchNotFoundForRecentSearch | Specified template search not found. |
50389 | UnrecognizedDestinationFieldCode | Destination field code was not recognized. |
50396 | SpecifiedImportMappingDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedUser | Specified import mapping does not belong to specified user. |
50397 | SpecifiedMappingTypeMismatch | Specified mapping type does not match mapping type of specified mappings. |
50399 | InvalidFilterPanelTagSpecified | Value specified for filter panel tag is not valid. |
50401 | RequiredInputReferenceMissing | A required input reference for this mapping type is missing. |
50403 | InvalidValueSpecifiedForMappingType | An invalid value was specified for mapping type. |
50406 | InvalidParametersForWebService | Parameter values provided are invalid. |
50408 | DefaultSearchesCannotBeNamed | Default searches cannot be assigned a name. |
50409 | DefaultSearchesCannotBePublicSharedOrFavorited | Default searches cannot be made public, shared to other users, or favorited. |
50411 | ExternalConnectorNotFound | The specified connector was not found. |
50413 | SpecifiedRecentSearchNotFound | The specified recent search was not found. |
50429 | FilterPanelTagOrSearchIdentityRequired | Either a filter panel tag or filter search identity is required when resetting a filter search. |
50431 | OnlyDefaultSearchesMayBeReset | Only default searches may be reset. |
50432 | SpecifiedFilterSearchNotDefaultForSpecifiedTag | The specified filter search does not refer to the default search for the specified filter panel tag. |
50433 | FilterPanelTagRequiredForNewFilterSearch | A filter panel tag is required for new filter searches. |
50436 | SpecifiedPageViewNotAssociatedWithSpecifiedFilterPanel | The specified page view is not associated with the specified filter panel tag. |
50437 | FilterPanelTagRequiredForNewPageViews | Filter panel tag is required for new page views. |
50438 | SectionNameRequiredForNewPageViews | Section name is required for new page views. |
50439 | ClientUserAccessRestricted | Client users are restricted from using this feature. |
50440 | LimitedUserAccessRestricted | Limited access users are restricted from using this feature. |
50441 | InvalidPermissionSetting | Invalid permission setting for " |
50442 | DateTooOld | Date " |
50443 | PageLayoutPageMismatch | The given page layout does not belong to the given page. |
50444 | StoplightUdfsNotSupportedForTasks | Stoplight user defined fields are not supported for task user defined fields. |
50445 | NoPermissionToDeletePageLayout | You do not have permission to delete page layout |
50446 | PrivateLayoutNotOwnedByUser | You do not have permission to modify this page layout. |
50454 | MaxTimeBucketLimitExceeded | Time bucket limit exceeded. Please refine your criteria. |
50455 | NoPermissionToUpdateUdf | You do not have permission to update the user defined field " |
50458 | InvalidChangeToFixedViewsPage | The number of page views and the search type of each may not be modified for this page because the views are fixed. |
50459 | MaximumPageViewportsExceeded | The number of page views exceeds the maximum of |
50461 | PageLayoutNameRequiredForNewPageLayouts | Name required for saving a new page layout. |
50462 | OlderTimeCardsExcluded | Limit to Time Cards Awaiting My Approval maximum card count exceeded. Please work with your internal Projector administrator to reduce the number of time cards awaiting approval. Projector limits the scope of searches with the "Limit to Timecards Awaiting My Approval" criterion to the |
50469 | EntityAlreadyLocked | One or more existing locks prevent acquisition of requested lock. |
50470 | UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |
50471 | LockStolen | Lock |
50472 | LockReleased | Lock |
50473 | InvalidLock | Invalid lock specified. |
50474 | InvalidLockTypeSpecified | Invalid lock type specified. |
50475 | SpecifiedLockNotFound | Invalid lock specified. |
50476 | LockAlreadyReleased | Warning: Lock |
50477 | LockPreviouslyStolen | Warning: Lock |
50483 | InvalidLockDuration | Lock duration must between one second and five days. |
50484 | LockSetInvalidOrStolen | Specified lock set is invalid or has been stolen. |
50485 | CannotRenewLockReleased | Cannot renew lock because it has been released. |
50486 | DuplicatePageLayoutNameSpecified | The specified page layout name is already in use. |
50487 | StoplightUdfsNotSupportedForIssues | Stoplight user defined fields are not supported for issues. |
50502 | BothStealLockFlagAndLocksToStealSpecified | StealLockFlag should not be set to true when LocksToSteal is specifed. |
50503 | PublicLayoutCannotContainPrivateViews | Public layouts may not be saved with private views. View |
50504 | PrivateViewsMustBeOwnedByLayoutOwner | Private page layouts may only contain public views or private views owned by the same user. View |
50505 | StoplightAsOfDateRquired | Stoplight as of date is required. |
50506 | PageLayoutViewportMismatch | Given page layout viewport does not belong to given page layout. |
50507 | CanotModifyUnderlyingViewportOrView | The underlying viewport or page view may not be modified for an existing user page layout viewport. |
50508 | PageLayoutMismatch | Specified page layout does not belong to specified page. |
50509 | PageLayoutRequiredNoDefault | No page layout was specified and there is no default layout for this page. |
50510 | NoLockPermission | Caller lacks permission to obtain requested lock. |
50511 | EntityCreationLockRequestForRootEntity | Entity creation locks are only supported for subordinate entities within a lock family. |
50512 | EntityCreationLockTouchRowversion | Entity creation lock check cannot be called with touch rowversion option. |
50513 | ViewCannotBeDeleted | View may not be deleted (code = |
50517 | TitleIsInactive | Title |
50518 | LocationIsInactive | Location |
50519 | CostCenterIsInactive | Cost center |
50520 | ResourceTypeIsInactive | Resource type |
50521 | ExceptionRdcCurrencyIsInactive | A specified exception RDC currency ( |
50522 | OnlySystemViewsMayBeReset | Only system views may be reset. |
50523 | DefaultLayoutViewCannotBeMadePrivate | View may not be made private because it is part of a default layout. |
50524 | PublicLayoutViewCannotBeMadePrivate | View may not be made private because it is part of a public layout. |
50525 | SharedLayoutViewCannotBeMadePrivate | View may not be made private because it is shared to one or more user privately. |
50526 | ViewCannotBeMadePrivate | View may not be made private (code = |
50527 | CannotDeletePageLayoutSystemDefault | Layout |
50528 | CannotDeletePageLayoutAccountDefault | Layout |
50529 | CannotDeletePageLayout | Page layout |
50530 | NoPermissionToMaintainPageLayout | You do not have permission to modify page layout |
50531 | CannotMaintainPageLayout | Page layout |
50532 | CannotMakeLayoutPrivateSystemDefault | The system default layout cannot be converted to a private layout. |
50533 | CannotMakeLayoutPrivateAccountDefault | Page layout |
50534 | CannotMakeLayoutPrivate | Page layout |
50535 | NoPermissionToMakeLayoutPublic | You do not have permission to convert page layout |
50536 | CannotMakeLayoutPublic | Page layout |
50537 | LayoutMustBeGlobalSystemDefault | The system default layout must be globally shared. |
50538 | LayoutMustBeGlobalAccountDefault | Page layout |
50539 | LayoutMustBeGlobal | Page layout |
50541 | CannotMaintainPageView | Page view may cannot be modified (code = |
50542 | NoPermissionToMakeViewPrivate | You do not have permission to convert this view to a private page view. |
50543 | NoPermissionToMakeViewPublic | You do not have permission to convert this view to a public page view. |
50544 | ViewCannotBeMadePublic | View may not be made public (code = |
50545 | NoPermissionToViewPageLayout | You do not have permission to view page layout |
50546 | PageLayoutCannotBeRetrieved | Page layout |
50547 | NoPermissionToSetDefaultPageLayout | You do not have permission to set |
50548 | CannotSetDefaultPageLayoutPrivate | Layout |
50549 | CannotSetDefaultPageLayoutNonGlobal | Layout |
50550 | CannotSetDefaultPageLayout | Page layout |
50556 | PageLayoutCannotContainDuplicateViews | Page layouts may not contain duplicate views. View |
50558 | CliTimeHardCapExceeded | This action cannot be completed without exceeding the Not to Exceed Hard Cap limit for this contract line item – " |
50559 | TimeHardCapExceeded | This action cannot be completed without exceeding the Not to Exceed Hard Cap limit for one or more contract line items, including " |
50560 | CliCostHardCapExceeded | This action cannot be completed without exceeding the Not to Exceed Hard Cap limit for this contract line item – " |
50561 | CostHardCapExceeded | This action cannot be completed without exceeding the Not to Exceed Hard Cap limit for one or more contract line items, including " |
50997 | MessageInConstruction | Friendly error message in construction ( |
50999 | UnknownDatabaseError | A database error has occurred. |
51008 | ReportRequestNotCompleted | Report request not yet completed. |
51009 | ReportRequestEmpty | Report is empty. |
51010 | ReportRequestFailed | Report failed. |
51011 | ReportRequestDeleted | Report was deleted. |
53009 | RoleCannotBeInactivatedActivityOnRole | Role cannot be made inactive when hours are requested or booked, submitted time cards are associated with the role, there are pending time card transfers onto the role, or voiding an invoice would revert time cards to the role. |
53010 | ResourceCannotBeChangedTimeCards | Resource cannot change on role with time cards. |
54039 | BookedResourceOnlyFlagConflict | Use of deprecated TimeEntryRestrictedToResourcesAssignedToRolesFlag and/or ExpenseEntryRestrictedToResourcesAssignedToRolesFlag in conflict with specified values for preferred BookTimeResourcesAllowCode and/or BookExpenseResourcesAllowCode. |
54043 | CostCenterCannotBeSpecifiedUnlessAllowCodeIsC | Book resource cost center may only be specified when allow code is C. |
54066 | NoPermissionToDeleteProjectRole | You do not have appropriate permission to delete role |
54067 | RoleAssignedToTask | This project role cannot be deleted because it is currently assigned to a project task. |
54068 | RoleHasReportedTime | This project role cannot be deleted because there is time reported against it or a there is a pending incoming transfer of time. |
54074 | RoleHasHoursBookedOrRequested | This project role cannot be deleted because it has hours booked or requested to it. |
54083 | BookResourceCostCenterRequired | Book resource cost center is required when allow code is C. |
54087 | NoPermissionToDeleteProjectTaskType | You do not have appropriate permission to delete this project task type. |
54099 | ProjectTaskTypeAssignedToTask | This project task type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one project task. |
54138 | ProjectTaskTypeAssignedToTimeBaseline | This project task type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one time baseline bucket. |
54150 | UnableToUpdateProjectPlccMappings | P&L routings may not be updated for this project using the deprecated PLCC type and GLCC override settings. Please use the PlccMappings instead. |
54172 | DuplicateProjectPlccMappings | Duplicate PLCC mappings have been specified. |
54177 | InvalidProjectPlccMappingType | Invalid value specified for project PLCC mapping type. Valid values are TR for time card revenue, RDC for resource direct cost, SRDC for subcontractor resource direct cost, OR for ODC revenue and OE for ODC expense. |
54178 | InvalidProjectPlccMappingCostCenterType | Invalid value specified for cost center type in PLCC mappings. |
54179 | ProjectPlccRevenueMappingsOnNonBillableProject | Non-billable projects may not have routings for time revenue and ODC revenue. |
54180 | ProjectPlccMappingsMissing | PLCC mappings are incomplete. |
54181 | ProjectPlccMappingsCostCenterInvalid | Cost center is required when cost center type is 'Specific', and may not be specified when cost center type is not 'Specific'. |
54182 | ProjectPlccMappingsAllocationFractionOutOfRange | Allocation percentages must be between 0% and 100%. |
54183 | ProjectPlccMappingsAllocationsIncomplete | Allocation percentages must add up to exactly 100% for a single mapping type. |
54195 | InvalidValueForPrimaryMetric | An invalid value was specified for project baseline primary metric. |
54198 | NoPermissionToDeleteProjectTask | You do not have appropriate permission to delete this project task. |
54199 | RdcTransferDataIncomplete | RDC transfer hourly rate specified without an RDC transfer currency, or vice versa. |
54200 | SpecifiedRdcTransferCurrencyInactive | The specified RDC transfer currency is inactive. |
54201 | TaskHasTimeReported | This project task cannot be deleted because time has been reported against it or there has been invoicing activity involving the project. |
54202 | TaskHasChildTasks | This project task cannot be deleted because it has child tasks. Specify CascadeDeleteFlag to recursively delete child tasks. |
54203 | NoPermissionToChangeRevenueTransferRate | You do not have permission to change the revenue transfer rate. |
54204 | NoPermissionToChangeRdcTransferRate | You do not have permission to change the RDC transfer rate. |
54215 | ContractLineItemNonBillable | Specified contract line item is non-billable. |
54229 | StartDateRequiredForActiveRole | A start date is required when allocating hours for a role that has already started. |
54230 | NoPermissionToViewRole | You do not have permission to view the selected role. |
54233 | NoPermissionToDeleteContractLineItem | You do not have permission to delete this contract line item. |
54234 | NoPermissionToDeleteProjectTaskRole | You do not have appropriate permission to delete this project task role. |
54235 | ContractLineItemContainsInvoicedOrAchievedMilestones | A contract line item may not be deleted if it contains invoiced or achieved milestones. |
54242 | ProjectTaskRoleHasTimeReported | This project task role cannot be deleted because time has been reported against it. |
54245 | HoursCannotBeRequestedOnRole | Hours cannot be requested on role |
54246 | NoPermissionToDeleteMilestones | You do not have permission to maintain milestones. |
54247 | CannotDeleteInvoicedOrAchievedMilestones | A contract line item milestone may not be deleted if it contains invoiced or achieved milestones. |
54248 | SpecifiedContractLineItemNotUnderSpecifiedEngagement | The specified contract line item is not under the specified engagement. |
54251 | ContractLineItemRequiredForMultipleCliEngagement | Contract line item is required on project creation when engagement contains multiple contract line items. |
54252 | ProjectsCannotBeMovedUnderDifferentContractLineItem | Projects can not be moved among contract line items. |
54260 | HoursCannotBeScheduledOnRole | Hours cannot be scheduled on role |
54261 | RoleCannotNotifySchedulers | Schedulers cannot be notified for role |
54265 | RoleCannotNotifyProjectManagers | Project managers cannot be notified for role |
54273 | NoPermissionToApproveRole | You do not have permission to approve role |
54274 | RoleCannotBeApprovedUnnamed | Role |
54279 | ProjectReferenceInvalid | A specified project identity was incomplete. Each project identity must specify either a project id, a project uid or a project code. |
54282 | RoleCannotBeApproved | Role |
54284 | CannotUseThisServiceToUpdateBaselines | This service can be used to create new baselines only, not to update an existing baseline. |
54285 | BaselineNameIsRequired | A baseline name is required. |
54286 | AtLeastOneBaselineMetricMustBeActive | At least one metric must be made active. |
54292 | PrimaryBaselineMetricMustBeEnabled | Primary baseline metrics must be an enabled metric in the baseline. |
54316 | NoPermissionToRejectRole | You do not have permission to reject role |
54324 | InvalidValueSpecifiedForBasisDimensionOrTimephase | An invalid value was specified for basis, dimension or time phase when creating a project baseline. |
54325 | RoleCannotBeRejected | Role |
54326 | NoPermissionToFinalizeRole | You do not have permission to finalize role |
54327 | RoleCannotBeFinalizedUnnamed | Role |
54328 | RoleCannotBeFinalized | Role |
54370 | NoPermissionToViewEngagement | You do not have appropriate permission to view this engagement. |
54371 | NoPermissionToSubmitRole | You do not have permission to submit role |
54390 | RoleCannotBeSubmitted | Role |
54418 | CannotCloseOutDeletedRole | Role |
54449 | NoPermissionToCloseOutRole | You do not have permission to close out role |
54483 | StartDateOrIntervalCountSpecifiedForNonTimephasedBaseline | Non-timephased baselines must not have a start date or an interval count other than zero. |
54484 | StartDateAndIntervalCountRequiredForTimephasedBaseline | Timephased baselines require a start date and a positive interval count. |
54487 | BucketsSpecifiedOnCreatedForBaselineWithBasis | Only baselines created from no basis may have bucket values specified at creation. |
54488 | NoPermissionToCreateProjectBaseline | You do not have appropriate permissions to create this project baseline. |
54489 | BaselineDimensionMismatch | A value for a dimension that does not match the project baseline's dimension setting was specified. |
54490 | BudgetValueSpecifiedForInactiveMetric | A budget value was specified for a metric that is not active in the project baseline. |
54496 | RoleCannotBeClosedOut | Role |
54517 | NegativeBudgetAmountSpecifiedForProjectBaseline | Project baselines may not contain negative budgeted amounts. |
54518 | SpecifiedProjectBaselineBucketDatesInvalid | The specified bucket dates for a project baseline bucket are invalid. |
54519 | DuplicateKeyFoundInBaselineBuckets | Duplicate key found in specified baseline buckets. |
54520 | ProjectBaselineNameAlreadyInUse | The specified project baseline name is already in use. |
54526 | ProjectBaselineExternalSystemIdentifierAlreadyInUse | The specified project baseline external system identifier is already in use. |
54527 | CannotCloneRoleResourceInactive | Specified role is inactive as of the effective date. |
54528 | CannotCloneRoleCostCenterInactive | Specified cost center is inactive. |
54529 | CannotCloneRoleCostCenterNotEnabled | Specified cost center is not enabled for resources. |
54530 | NoPermissionToCloneRole | You do not have permissions to clone role |
54535 | RevenueEarnedByDatePriorToLastRevRecCutoff | The revenue earned by date for this contract line item is before the last revenue recognition cutoff date, or it is the same as the last revenue recognition cutoff date and there is revenue remaining to be recognized. |
54536 | NoPermissionToDeleteEngagement | You do not have appropriate permissions to delete this engagement. |
54537 | RoleCannotBeClonedRoleDates | Role |
54538 | RoleCannotBeCloned | Role |
54544 | NoteCannotBeAddedDeletedRole | Notes cannot be added to role |
54545 | NoteCannotBeAddedToRole | Note cannot be added to role |
54556 | RoleHoursCannotBeClonedPermissions | Hours cannot be copied to cloned role for role |
54569 | ActualsCutoffDateRequiredForSpecifiedBasis | An actuals cutoff date is required for basis types A and B. |
54583 | InvalidValueForMode | The value specified for mode is invalid. Valid values are R for Request, A for Allocate and E for Effective (for retrieval operations only). |
54584 | NoPermissionToViewProject | You do not have appropriate permissions to view this project. |
54586 | NoPermissionToDeleteProject | You do not have appropriate permission to delete this project. |
54588 | NoPermissionToDeleteProjectBaseline | You do not have appropriate permission to delete this project baseline. |
54591 | ProjectRoleHasAdjustments | Project cannot be deleted because it is the only project underneath an engagement that has adjustments associated with it. |
54592 | ProjectRoleHasTimeCards | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more draft, submitted, rejected, approved or deleted time cards associated with the roles on this project. |
54593 | ProjectRoleHasInvoices | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more invoices associated with the roles on this project. |
54596 | ProjectHasUndeletedRoles | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more undeleted roles. |
54597 | ProjectHasInvoices | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more invoices associated with the project. |
54598 | ProjectHasTimeCards | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more draft, submitted, rejected, approved or deleted time cards that are now or have been at one time associated with the project. |
54599 | ProjectHasAdjustments | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more adjustments associated with the project. |
54600 | ProjectHasCostCards | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more draft, submitted, rejected, approved or deleted cost cards that are now or have been at one time associated with the project. |
54602 | CreateEngagementPermissionDenied | You do not have appropriate permissions to create this engagement. |
54603 | EngagementCodeAlreadyInuse | The specified engagement code is already in use. |
54604 | EngagementNameRequiredForNewEngagements | The engagement name is required for new engagements. |
54605 | EngagementCodeRequiredForNewEngagements | This account is configured for manual engagement numbering. An engagement code must be specified for insert. |
54606 | EngagementCodeMayNotBeSpecifiedForNewEngagements | This account is configured for automatic engagement numbering. An engagement code cannot be explicitly specified for insert or update. |
54607 | HoldbackPercentMissingOrInvalid | The holdback percent is required when the holdback type is P, and it must be between 0 and 100. |
54608 | HoldbackAmountMissingOrInvalid | The holdback amount is required when the holdback type is A, and it must be between 0 and the time contract amount. |
54609 | InvalidValueForHoldbackType | The value specified for holdback type is invalid. Valid values are N for none, P for percent and A for amount. |
54610 | CostCenterNotEnabledForEngagements | The specified cost center is currently not enabled for engagements. |
54611 | CostCenterCannotBeChangedDueToActivity | The cost center may not be changed for this engagement because there has been accounting or invoicing activity. |
54612 | EngagementTypeNotFound | The specified engagement type does not exist. |
54613 | EngagementCurrencyCannotBeChanged | The engagement currency for an existing engagement may not be changed. |
54614 | EngagementCurrencyNotFound | The specified engagement currency does not exist. |
54615 | EngagementPaymentTermIsInactive | The specified payment term is inactive. |
54616 | EngagementInvoiceTemplateIsInactive | The specified invoice template is inactive. |
54617 | EngagementBillabilityCannotBeChanged | Engagements may not be changed from billable to non-billable or vice versa. |
54618 | NewCostCenterHasDifferentFunctionalCurrency | The cost center may not be changed to a different cost center that uses a different functional currency. |
54619 | TimeContractTermsCannotBeChanged | The time contract terms may not be changed for this contract line item because there are approved time cards associated with the contract line item. |
54620 | InvalidFixedPriceContractAmounts | For fixed price contract terms, both the minimum and maximum contract amounts must be specified and must be equal. |
54621 | InvalidNotToExceedContractAmounts | For not to exceed contract terms, the minimum contract amount may not be specified and the maximum contract amount must be specified. |
54622 | InvalidTimeAndMaterialsContractAmounts | Neither minimum nor maximum contract amounts may be specified for time and materials contract terms. |
54624 | HoldbackAmountsCleared | The holdback amount was cleared for this contract line item because the time contract terms were changed from fixed price. |
54625 | HolbackAmountCannotBeSpecifiedForFpEngagement | The holdback amount may only be specified for fixed price contract line items. |
54628 | NoPermissionToChangeCostCenter | You do not have appropriate permission to update the cost center for this engagement. |
54629 | NoPermissionToChangeEngagementType | You do not have appropriate permission to update the engagement type for this engagement. |
54630 | NoPermissionToUpdateBillingInformation | You do not have appropriate permission to update billing information for this engagement. |
54631 | NoPermissionToUpdateContractTerms | You do not have appropriate permission to update contract terms for this contract line item. |
54632 | NoPermissionToUpdateEngagementBudgets | You do not have appropriate permission to update engagement budgets for this engagement. |
54633 | NoPermissionToUpdateEngagement | You do not have appropriate permission to update this engagement. |
54634 | RoleHoursCannotBeClonedDates | Hours cannot be copied to cloned role for role |
54635 | RoleHoursCannotBeCloned | Hours cannot be copied to cloned role for role |
54636 | EngagementClientIsInactive | The specified client is inactive. |
54637 | OnlyPercentCompleteMethodIsSupported | Currently, only the Percent Complete revenue recognition method is supported. |
54638 | RevenueEarnedByDateMayNotBeSpecified | The revenue earned by date may not be specified when the revenue recognition method is not Percent Complete (P). |
54639 | RevenueEarnedByDateOutOfRange | The revenue earned by date may not be prior to the last revenue recognition cutoff date. |
54640 | BilledAmountExceedsContractAmount | The total billed amount exceeds the contract amount for time or cost. |
54642 | NoPermissionToSaveProjectTaskType | You do not have appropriate permission to save this project task type. |
54643 | TaskTypeIsInactive | The specified standard task type is inactive. |
54644 | CannotDeleteActiveProjectBaseline | Active project baselines cannot be deleted. |
54645 | ProjectTaskTypeNameIsRequired | The project task type name is required for new project task types. |
54646 | ProjectTaskTypeNameAlreadyInUse | The specified project task type name is already in use. |
54647 | RoleCannotBeClonedBtoRequired | Role |
54650 | CannotCloseOutDeletedProjectRole | Role |
54652 | NoPermissionToSaveProjectTask | You do not have appropriate permission to save this project task. |
54653 | PlannedStartDateAfterPlannedEndDate | The specified planned start date may not be after the specified planned end date. |
54654 | ParentOrSiblingNotOnSameProject | The task identified as this task's parent or previoud sibling does not belong to the same poject as the task itself. |
54655 | PreviousSiblingNotChildOfParent | The task identified as this task's previous sibling is not a child of the task specified as the parent task (or it is not a top level task if the specified parent task is null or being cleared). |
54656 | ProjectTaskTypeIsInactive | The specified project task type is inactive. |
54657 | ProjectTaskNameIsRequired | The project task name is required for new project tasks. |
54658 | CircularReferenceInProjectTaskHierarchy | The proposed change in the task plan structure would result in a circular reference. |
54660 | ProjectTaskHasTimeReported | The specified parent task cannot be converted from a leaf task to a non-leaf task because time has been reported against it or there has been invoicing activity associated with it. |
54661 | TaskExternalSystemIdentifierAlreadyInUse | The specified project task external system identifier is already in use. External system identifiers must be globally unique. |
54662 | NoActiveProjectTaskTypes | A new project task cannot be created because there are no active project task types on the project. |
54664 | NoPermissionToCreateProject | You do not have appropriate permission to create this project. |
54665 | NoPermissionToUpdateProject | You do not have appropriate permission to update this project. |
54666 | LocationNotEnabledForProjects | The specified location is not enabled for projects. |
54667 | NoPermissionToCloseOutProjectRole | You do not have permission to close out role |
54668 | EngagementEmpty | Warning - Engagement has no underlying projects. Deleting the engagement is recommended. |
54669 | RoleCannotBeClosedOutInvalidDate | Role |
54670 | ProjectNameRequired | Project name is required for new projects. |
54671 | CloseDatePriorToOpenDate | The specified project close date may not be prior to the project open date. |
54672 | PercentLikelihoodOutOfRange | The specified value for percent likelihood is out of range. The value must be between 0 and 100. |
54673 | ProjectCodeRequiredForNewProjects | This account is configured for manual engagement and project numbering. An project code must be specified for insert. |
54674 | ProjectCodeMayNotBeSpecifiedForNewProjects | This account is configured for automatic engagement and project numbering. An project code cannot be explicitly specified for insert or update. |
54675 | NoPermissionToChangeProjectStage | You do not have appropriate permission to change the project stage. |
54676 | NoPermissionToUpdateAdvancedSetup | You do not have appropriate permission to update advanced project setup. |
54677 | GlccOverrideMayNotBeSpecified | A time or cost GLCC override may not be specified unless the time or cost PLCC mapping type is E. |
54678 | NoPermissionToUpdateOpenFlags | You do not have appropriate permission to update project open flags. |
54679 | NoPermissionToUpdateProjectAttributes | You do not have appropriate permission to update this project. |
54680 | InvalidOrMissingTimeCardApprover | The specified time card approver is invalid or missing. |
54682 | MinutesPerDayOutOfRange | The specified value for minutes per day is out of range. The value must be between 0 and 1440. |
54683 | PlccMappingCannotBeChangedTime | PLCC mappings cannot be changed because there is at least one time card transaction associated with this project. |
54684 | PlccMappingCannotBeChangedCost | PLCC mappings cannot be changed because there is at least one cost card transaction associated with this project. |
54685 | ProjectDatesCannotBeChangedTime | Project cannot be saved because time cards exist outside of specified open and close dates. |
54686 | ProjectDatesCannotBeChangedCost | Project cannot be saved because cost cards exist outside of specified open and close dates. |
54687 | ProjectCodeAlreadyInUse | The specified project code is already in use. |
54689 | NoPermissionToSetRoleDates | WARNING: The role |
54690 | RoleEndDateCouldNotBeSet | WARNING: The role |
54691 | RoleEndDateCouldNotBeSetActuals | WARNING: The role |
54692 | RoleEndDateCouldNotBeSetBookings | WARNING: The role |
54693 | CannotDeleteReferencedContractLineItem | Contract Line Item cannot be deleted because it is in use by |
54698 | PermissionDeniedToDeleteProjectRateType | You do not have appropriate permission to delete this project rate type. |
54700 | RoleNotOnSameProject | A role was specified that does not belong to the specified project. |
54701 | ProjectRateTypeReferencedByTaskType | The project rate type cannot be deleted because there is at least one project task type that references it. |
54703 | ProjectRateRateCardInactive | A specified project rate card is inactive. |
54704 | CannotDeleteReferencedEngagement | Engagement cannot be deleted because it is in use by |
54705 | ProjectHasSystemRevenueItems | Project cannot be deleted because it is referenced by a system revenue item. |
54706 | ProjectRoleAlreadyDeleted | The specified project role is already deleted. |
54707 | RoleCannotBeDeleted | Role |
54708 | SpecifiedProjectRoleMismatchForClone | Specified project role does not belong to specified project. |
54710 | NoPermissionToRouteRole | You do not have permission to route role |
54711 | RoleCannotBeRoutedDeleted | Role |
54712 | RoleCannotBeRoutedNoop | Role |
54713 | RoleCannotBeRouted | Role |
54714 | MilestoneProjectCliMismatch | Project on different contract line item than milestone. |
54717 | NoPermissionToUpdateTasks | You do not have appropriate permission to update this project task. |
54718 | EffortMinutesOutOfRange | The effort minutes associated with a project task role must be non-negative. |
54719 | InternalTasksCannotBeAssigned | A project task role cannot be created for the specified project task because it is not a leaf task and roles may only be assigned to leaf tasks. |
54722 | ProjectTaskNotSpecified | A project task is required for new project task roles. |
54723 | ProjectRoleNotSpecified | A project role is required for new project task roles. |
54724 | ProjectsCannotChangeEngagements | Projects may not be moved from one engagement to another. |
54725 | NoRateCardsExistInCostCenterCompanyCurrency | Cannot create nonbillable projects under a cost center until a rate card exists in the company's currency. |
54726 | CannotSetRatesOnNonbillableEngagements | Rates may not be set for non-billable engagements. |
54727 | EngagementRateCardCurrencyMismatch | One or more rate cards are designated in a currency that does not match the engagement currency. |
54731 | ProjectRateTypeReferencedByInvoice | The project rate type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one invoice. |
54732 | NoPermissionToCreateRequestedRole | You do not have appropriate permission to create this requested role. |
54733 | NoPermissionToCreateBookedRole | You do not have appropriate permission to create this booked role. |
54734 | NoPermissionToUpdateRole | You do not have appropriate permission to update this project role. |
54735 | AamIntegrationChange | AAM Integration used by a dashboard cannot be changed after creation. |
54736 | PrimaryLocationNotEnabledForResources | The specified preferred or allocated location is not enabled for resources. |
54737 | PrimaryTitleInactive | The specified preferred or allocated title is inactive. |
54738 | ShareCostCenterInactive | The specified share cost center is inactive. |
54739 | InvalidResourceOrCriteriaOnUpdate | Update would result in a role without valid effective resource or criteria. |
54740 | InvalidResourceOrCriteriaOnInsert | Either a resource or a valid set of criteria are required to create a role. |
54741 | RoleNameNotSpecified | Role name is required for new roles. |
54742 | RoleDatesMustBeWithinProjectDates | Role start and end dates must be within project dates. |
54743 | RoleNameAlreadyInUse | Specified role name is already in use. |
54744 | NoPermissionToChangeRequestedResourceOrCriteria | You do not have appropriate permission to change the requested resource on this role. |
54745 | NoPermissionToChangeScheduledResourceOrCriteria | You do not have appropriate permission to change the booked resource on this role. |
54746 | NoPermissionToChangeShareCostCenterOrUser | You do not have appropriate permission to change the share cost center or share user for this role. |
54747 | NoPermissionToChangeBaseRatesOnTitle | You do not have appropriate permission to change the base rates on title for this role. |
54748 | ResourceOrCriteriaCannotBeChangedTime | Resource or criteria cannot be changed because time has been reported against this role or there is a pending incoming transfer of time. |
54749 | CannotDisableDtmDueToInvoicingActivity | DTM cannot be disabled for this project because of invoicing activity involving the project. |
54750 | CannotUpdateDeletedProjectRole | This project role is deleted and cannot be updated. |
54751 | InvalidProjectRateDateRange | A specified project rate date range is invalid. Begin dates must be prior to end dates. |
54752 | ProjectRateOverlapDetected | There is an overlap in the specified project rate date ranges. |
54753 | CannotMoveRoleToDifferentProject | Existing roles may not be moved to a different project. |
54754 | BaseRatesOnTitleMayNotBeSetForNonbillableProjects | Base rates on title may not be specified for roles on non-billable projects. |
54755 | InvalidRoleDateRange | Role start date may not be after role end date. |
54756 | RoleHasTimeReportedOutsideSpecifiedDates | Role cannot be saved because there are actuals outside of the specified role dates. |
54757 | BillingTitleOverrideInactive | The specified billing title override is inactive. |
54758 | RoleHasHoursOutsideSpecifiedDates | Cannot change role date range because of requested or booked hours outside of the proposed dates. |
54759 | PredecessorTaskInvalid | A specified project task predecessor is invalid. Predecessor tasks must be part of the same project as the task itself. |
54760 | DuplicatePredecessorSpecified | The same task was specified more than once in the list of predecessor tasks. |
54761 | ProjectRateTypeReferencedByTimecard | The project rate type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one time card. |
54763 | TimeBillingTypeRequiredForEngagement | The time billing type is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off. |
54764 | CannotMoveTaskTypeToDifferentProject | Project task types cannot be moved to a different project. |
54765 | DefaultProjectRateInvalid | The value specified for the default project rate type is invalid. The default project rate type must belong to the same project that the project task type belongs to. |
54766 | AllowedProjectRateInvalid | At least one value specified for allowed project rate types is invalid. All allowed project rate types must belong to the same project that the project task type belongs to. |
54768 | SoleRemainingTaskCannotBeDeleted | This project task cannot be deleted because it is the sole remaining task on the project. |
54769 | ProjectTaskCannotBeConvertToLeaf | Deleting or moving this project task would result in the parent task becoming a leaf task. The parent task could not be converted to a leaf task because there are no active project task types on the project. |
54770 | ProjectRoleExternalSystemIdentifierInUse | Specified project role external system identifier is already in use. |
54771 | ProjectTaskCannotMoveToDifferentProject | A project task cannot be moved from one project to another. |
54772 | ProjectTaskTypeMayNotBeSpecifiedForInternalTasks | This project task is a non-leaf task and therefore no project task type can be specified. |
54773 | DurationMayNotBeSpecifiedForInternalTasks | This project task is a non-leaf task and therefore duration may not be specified. |
54774 | ProjectTaskTypeExternalSystemIdentifierInUse | The specified project task type external system identifier is already in use. |
54775 | ProjectRateDateRangeInvalid | There is an gap or overlap in project rate date ranges. Project rates must cover all of time without overlaps. |
54776 | RevRecWithPendingRecalc | Revenue recognition could not be completed because the engagement was being recalculated; please retry. |
54777 | CannotRequestHoursRoleDeleted | Hours cannot be requested for role |
54778 | CannotScheduleHoursRoleDeleted | Hours cannot be scheduled for role |
54779 | NoPermissionToChangeRequestedResource | You do not have permission to change the requested resource for role |
54780 | InvoiceScopeRequiredForEngagement | The invoice scope is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off. |
54781 | InvoiceContentRequiredForEngagement | The invoice content is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off. |
54783 | ProjectRateTypeCannotBeMovedToDifferentProject | Project rate types may not be moved from one project to another. |
54784 | PermissionDeniedToUpdateProjectRateType | You do not have appropriate permission to update this project rate type. |
54785 | StandardRateTypeInactive | The specified standard rate type is inactive. |
54786 | ProjectRateTypeNameRequired | Project rate type name is required for new project rate types. |
54787 | ProjectRateTypeNameInUse | The specified project rate type name is already in use by a different project rate type on this project. |
54788 | ProjectRateTypeExternalSystemIdentifierInUse | The specified project rate type external system identifier is already in use by a different project rate type. External system identifiers must be globally unique. |
54789 | InvalidZeroTaskDuration | The duration for this task cannot be set to zero because there are project task roles associated with this task that have non-zero effort. |
54790 | MilestoneTasksMayNotHaveEffort | Project task roles associated with milestone tasks may not have non-zero effort. |
54792 | ProjectTasksCannotBeDeletedOnNonDtmProjects | Project tasks may not be deleted on non-DTM projects. |
54793 | CannotDeleteSoleProjectTaskType | Project task type cannot be deleted because it is the sole project task type on this project. |
54794 | ProjectTasksCannotBeMaintainedOnNonDtmProjects | Projects tasks may not be inserted or updated on non-DTM projects. |
54795 | InvalidArgumentsToPwsGetBaselineBucketDateIntervals | Invalid arguments have been specified to this service. |
54799 | XforOrPriorActivityOutsideSpecifiedDates | Cannot change role date range because of a pending inbound transfer or prior time card activity outside of the proposed dates. |
54815 | TaskOrTaskTypeHasTimeCards | This task type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by at least one time card. |
54820 | LinkTypeInvalid | The value specified for link type is invalid. Valid link types are FS, FF, SF or SS. |
54822 | TaskPlanSummarizationPending | WARNING: Task plan summarization is not complete. Some task plan information (full WBS codes, planned dates) will be missing or invalid. |
54823 | AssignedResourcesOnlyFlagInvalidForNonDtmProjects | The assigned resources only flag may only be set for DTM projects. |
54826 | RoleResourceLocked | Requested or allocated resource or criteria cannot be set or updated for role |
54827 | RoleCannotSetRequestedCriteria | Requested or allocated resource or criteria cannot be set or updated for role |
54828 | RoleCannotSetSharedScheduling | Shared scheduling cannot be set or updated for role |
54829 | RoleNoRatesOnNonBillableProjects | Rate information cannot be set or updated for role |
54830 | ProjectIsReferencedByInvoiceAdjustments | Project cannot be deleted because there are one or more adjustments associated with the project. |
54831 | RoleCannotSetRateInformation | Rate information cannot be set or updated for role |
54833 | RoleCannotSetRdcInformation | RDC information cannot be set or updated for role |
54854 | CannotChangedProjectAdvancedSetup | Cannot change advanced setup because invoices have been issued or time and/or cost cards have been approved. |
54855 | AdvancedSetupChangeWarning | Invoices have been issued or time and/or cost cards have been approved. This may be overridden using the ForceAdvancedSetupChange flag. |
54858 | RoleCannotSetBasicInformation | Basic role information cannot be set or updated for role |
54859 | NoPermissionToSwitchToCandidate | You do not have permission to switch to the specified candidate for this role. |
54860 | CandidateCannotBeCleared | The unnamed candidate may not be selected because the unnamed criteria is not complete. |
54861 | NoPermissionToSwapRole | You do not have permission to swap role |
54862 | SpecifiedEngagementManagerNotValid | The specified engagement manager is not valid. |
54863 | EngagementInvoiceTemplateNotValidInThisContext | Specified invoice template is not valid for use in this context. It may be intended as an email template. |
54864 | EngagementEmailTemplateNotValidInThisContext | Specified email template is not valid for use in this content. It may be intended as an invoice template. |
54865 | EngagementEmailTemplateIsInactive | Specified email template is not active. |
54866 | EngagementBudgetAmountsMayNotBeSpecified | Engagement budget amounts may not be specified when engagement budget is set to be calculated. |
54868 | CannotSwapRoleRatePermReqd | Role |
54869 | CannotSwapUnnamedRole | Role |
54870 | SpecifiedProjectManagerNotValid | The specified engagement manager is not valid. |
54871 | SpecifiedTimeApprovalUserNotValid | The specified time approval user is not valid. |
54872 | SpecifiedExpenseApprovalUserNotValid | The specified expense approval user is not valid. |
54873 | NoPermissionToChangeProjectManager | You do not have permission to change the project manager. |
54874 | NoPermissionToChangeWorkspaceConfiguration | You do not have permission to change the project workspace configuration. |
54875 | RoleCannotBeSwapped | Role |
54876 | ProjectRateCurrencyMismatch | All project rate cards must be in the same currency as the engagement. |
54879 | ProjectRoleNotDeleted | The specified project role is not deleted. |
54880 | NoPermissionToUndeleteProjectRole | You do not have permission to undelete role |
54883 | RoleCannotBeUndeleted | Role |
54884 | ProjectRateTypeIsReferencedByBaseline | Project rate type cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more baselines. |
54885 | ProjectTaskIsReferencedByEngagementMilestone | Project task cannot be deleted because it is linked to one or more contract line item milestones. |
54886 | CannotAssignRoleToLinkedTask | Project tasks linked to contract line item milestones may not have any roles. |
54887 | ClosedProjectsHaveFutureHours | WARNING: Project has been moved to a closed stage but there are future scheduled hours. |
54889 | LinkedTasksCannotBeOpenForTimeEntry | Project tasks linked to contract line item milestones may not be open for time. |
54890 | InternalTasksCannotBeLinked | Project tasks linked to contract line item milestones may not be internal tasks. |
54911 | EngagementEmailFromUserNotValid | Specified sender email address is not valid. |
54912 | EngagementEmailFromUserNotAuthorized | Specified sender email address is not properly authorized. |
54915 | RevRecCannotBePerformedApClosedForAdjustments | Revenue recognition cannot be performed since at least one time card to be adjusted is in a period that is closed for adjustments. |
54916 | SpecifiedEngagementStageIsInactive | The selected engagement stage is not active. |
54917 | SpecifiedProjectStageIsInactive | Specified engagement stage is not valid. |
54918 | CannotCloneProjectProjectStageIsInactive | The selected project stage is not active. |
54940 | BaseRatesOnTitleRequiredForThisRole | Base rates on title is required for this role. |
54949 | CannotChangeRequestedResourceRoleLocked | Requested resource cannot be changed for role |
54950 | SaveProjectUnsupportedForMultipleContractTerms | This service is unsupported for updating contract terms when multiple contract line items are in use. |
54961 | CannotChangeRequestedResourceRoleDeleted | Requested resource cannot be changed for role |
54962 | CannotChangeRequestedResource | Requested resource cannot be changed on role |
54964 | CannotMoveContractLineItem | Contract line items cannot be moved among engagements. |
54965 | InvalidContractInfoForNonbillableEngagement | Invalid contract line item properties requested for non-billable engagement. |
54966 | EngagementCurrencyMismatch | Currency specified does not match engagement currency. |
54967 | RevenueScheduleBucketsInvalidForRevRecMethodP | Revenue schedule buckets only be specified on revenue schedules and service contracts. |
54968 | RevenueSchedulesAreForFixedPriceContractsOnly | Revenue recognition method may be specified for fixed price time contract terms only. |
54969 | RevenueScheduleIntegrityError | The specified revenue schedule is not valid. |
54970 | ContractLineItemCodeIsRequired | Contract line item code is required for new contract line items because account is configured to use manual contract line item numbering. |
54971 | ContractLineItemCodeUnexpected | Contract line item code may not be specified because account is configured to use automatic contract line item numbering. |
54972 | ContractLineItemCodeAlreadyInUse | Specified contract line item code already in use. |
54974 | MilestoneNameAndAmountAreRequired | Milestone name and amount are required when creating new milestones. |
54975 | CannotMoveMilestone | Milestones cannot be moved from one contract line item to another. |
54976 | CannotClearAchievedDateOnInvoicedMilestone | Achieved date may not be cleared for milestones that are on an invoice. |
54977 | CannotForegoInvoicedMilestone | Achieved milestones may not be marked as foregone. |
54978 | NoPermissionToMaintainMilestones | You do not have permission to maintain milestones. |
54979 | MilestoneProjectMismatch | Specified project does not belong to the same contract line item as the milestone. |
54980 | ProjectProjectTaskMismatch | Specified project task does not belong to specified project. |
54981 | CannotLinkMilestoneToInternalOrOpenTask | Milestones cannot be linked to tasks that are open for time or that are parent tasks. |
54982 | CannotLinkMilestoneToTaskWithAssignedRole | Milestones cannot be linked to tasks that have roles assigned. |
54983 | ProjectTaskSpecifiedWithoutProject | Task may not be specified when no project is specified. |
54984 | SpecifyEitherLinkedTaskOrPlannedDate | Either planned date must be set or milestone must be linked to a task, but not both. |
54985 | NoPermissionToChangeScheduledResource | You do not have permission to change the scheduled resource for role |
54986 | ContractLineItemMilestoneNameInUse | There is already a milestone in the specified contract line item with the specified name. |
54991 | NoPermissionToUpdateProjectBaseline | You do not have appropriate permissions to update this project baseline. |
54992 | CannotUpdateEnabledBaselineMetrics | Enabled baseline metrics cannot be changed after baseline creation. |
54993 | CurrentActiveBaselineCannotBeDeselected | This service may be used to select a new active baseline, but not to deselect the current active baseline. |
54996 | CannotCreateBaselineSummarizationPending | A baseline based on the task plan cannot be created at the moment because task plan summarization is still pending. |
54998 | CannotChangeScheduledResourceRoleLocked | Scheduled resource cannot be changed for role |
55000 | TaxTypeInactiveSavingClient | A specified tax type is not active. |
55001 | SchedulingDataOutsideProposedDateRange | Scheduling data exists outside of proposed project date range. |
55002 | BillingMilestonesInvalidOnNonbillableEngagements | Billing milestones can only be associated with contract line items on billable engagements. |
55003 | NoPermissionToChangeRatesOrRdcExceptions | You do not have permission to change rates or RDC exceptions. |
55004 | RoleRateRdcExceptionErrorDetected | An error was detected in the role rates and RDC exceptions. |
55005 | RoleRateRdcExceptionOverlapDetected | An overlap was detected in RDC exception date ranges. |
55007 | CannotChangeScheduledResourceRoleDeleted | Scheduled resource cannot be changed for role |
55008 | CannotChangeScheduledResource | Scheduled resource cannot be changed on role |
55009 | CannotBookHoursForAlienResource | An attempt was made to book hours on a role for a resource you do not have resource scheduling permissions for or to change the effective resource for a role to a candidate resource for whom you do not have resource scheduling permissions. |
55014 | CannotRevRecNonbillableContract | Revenue recognition cannot be performed on non-billable contract line items. |
55015 | NoPermissionToPerformRevenueRecognition | You do not have permission to perform revenue recognition on this contract line item. |
55016 | CutoffDateMustBeEligibleBucketDate | For revenue schedules, begin date and cutoff date must identify an eligible bucket. |
55017 | RecognizedAmountExceedsTimeContractAmount | Revenue recognized cannot be set to an amount exceeding the time contract amount less any holdback. |
55018 | NoPermissionToPerformRevRecOnRdcBasis | You do not have permission to perform automatic revenue recognition using RDC basis for percent complete. |
55019 | SpecifiedCurrencyMustMatchEngagementCurrency | The specified currency does not match the engagement's currency. |
55020 | DraftRejectedUnapprovedCardsExistsPriorToCutoffDate | There are draft, rejected, or unapproved time cards on or prior to the revenue recognition cutoff date. |
55021 | NoBasisUnitsUponWhichToCalculatePercentComplete | Revenue to recognize cannot be calculated because there are no basis units upon which to allocate revenue. |
55022 | RevenueToRecognizeMayNotDifferFromScheduledRevenue | For revenue schedules, revenue to recognize cannot differ from the scheduled revenue amount. |
55023 | NoBasisUnitsAfterCutoffDateUponWhichToAllocateRevenue | There is revenue remaining, but there are no basis units after the cutoff date to which revenue can be allocated. |
55024 | CriteriaAlreadyCompleted | Requested or allocated criteria cannot be made incomplete once it has been completed |
55025 | NoBasisUnitsUponWhichToAllocateRevenue | There are no basis units upon which to allocate revenue. |
55026 | SpecifiedRevenueToRecognizeForIntervalWouldCauseNegativeTotal | Specified revenue to recognize for interval would cause the total revenue recognized to date to become negative. |
55027 | ExpenseTypeConfigurationIsInactive | The specified expense type configuration is inactive. |
55030 | CannotSpecifyRelatedFieldWithoutSpecifyingInheritFlag | Inherit flag not specified when related field was specified. |
55031 | InheritanceOnSpecifiedValuesIgnoredForEngagement | WARNING - Some related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to on. Ignoring those values. |
55032 | EmailEnabledFlagMustBeSpecifiedForEngagement | Email enabled flag must be specified when not inheriting email settings. |
55035 | CliFieldsSpecificiedWhenNotCreatingCli | CLI values may not be specified in this request when suppressing the creation of a CLI. |
55042 | TaskSummarizationPending | At least one task plan pending recalculation. |
55043 | CliPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlag | Purchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag. |
55044 | CliPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheriting | Purchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number. |
55045 | CliSpecifiedContractTypeIsInactive | Specified contract type is not active. |
55046 | CannotSpecifyContractAttributesWhenContractTypeSpecified | For contract line items of a specific contract type, individual contract terms settings may not be specified. |
55047 | TooManyMatchingResources | Too many resources meet hard criteria; please refine your search. |
55048 | CannotChangeRequestedResourceAllocatedCriteria | Requested resource cannot be changed for role |
55049 | CliInvalidValueForRevRecMethod | Invalid value for revenue recognition method. Valid values are P for percent complete and R for revenue schedule. |
55050 | CliInvalidContractAmountsForSpecifiedTerms | Minimum and maximum contract amounts must be NULL for non-chargeable contract terms. |
55051 | CliHoldbackAmountOrPercentMayNotBeSpecifiedForHoldbackTypeN | Hioldback percent and holdback amount may not be specified when holdback type is N. |
55052 | CliSpecifyOnlyHoldbackPercentForHoldbackTypeP | Holdback percent must be specified and holdback amount may not be specified when holdback type is P. |
55053 | CliSpecifyOnlyHoldbackAmountForHoldbackTypeA | Holdback amount must be specified and holdback percent may not be specified when holdback type is A. |
55054 | CliCannotModelContractHoursForCurrentContractTerms | Service contracts are not compatible with selected time contract terms. |
55055 | CliOverageProjectCannotBeSpecifiedNotModelingContractedHours | Overage project cannot be specified if not modelling contracted hours and overages. |
55056 | ScheduledRevenueCannotBeSpecifiedForRevRecMethodP | Scheduled revenue is required on and limited to revenue schedules. |
55057 | ContractedHoursCannotBeSpecifiedWhenNotModelingContractedHours | Contracted hours are required on and limited to service contracts. |
55058 | ContractLineItemNotAServiceContract | Specified contract line item is not a service contract. |
55059 | ProjectPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlag | Purchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag. |
55060 | ProjectPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheriting | Purchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number. |
55061 | NoServicePeriodPriorToCutoff | No service period prior to specified actuals cutoff date. |
55062 | RolePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlag | Purchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag. |
55063 | RolePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheriting | Purchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number. |
55064 | ServiceContractHasNoOverageProject | Service contract does not have an overage project specified. |
55065 | TaskPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlag | Purchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag. |
55066 | TaskPurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheriting | Purchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number. |
55067 | OverageProjectNotOpenForTimeTransfers | Overage project is not open for time transfers. |
55068 | TaskTypePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWithoutInheritFlag | Purchase order number may not be specified without inherit flag. |
55069 | TaskTypePurchaseOrderSpecifiedWhenInheriting | Purchase order number may not be specified when inheriting purchase order number. |
55072 | CalendarInfoNotAvailableForUnlinkedUser | Calendar data cannot be retrieved because the user is not linked with a resource. |
55087 | WebCalendarNotEnabled | Web calendar integration is not enabled. |
55088 | HoldbackAmountOnlyApplicableForPercentComplete | The holdback amount may only be specified for contract line items using Percent Complete as the revenue recognition method. |
55094 | InvalidNotToExceedHardCapContractAmounts | For not to exceed contract terms, the minimum contract amount may not be specified and the maximum contract amount must be specified. |
55100 | CannotRevRecDueToOverageHours | Revenue recognition cannot be completed when there are approved hours in excess of contracted hours during the period. |
55101 | OverageProjectNotInSameEngagement | The project specified as the overage project must be a part of the same engagement. |
55102 | OverageProjectMayNotBeOnSameCli | The project specified as the overage project may not be on the same contract line item. |
55104 | InvalidOverageProjectContractTerms | Overage projects must be part of a contract line item with time contract terms of non-chargeable, time and materials or not to exceed. |
55105 | OverageProjectCannotBeServiceContract | Overage projects may not be part of another service contract. |
55106 | MultipleServiceContractsCannotShareOverageProject | Multiple service contracts may not refer to the same overage project. |
55108 | SpecifiedContractTermsNotComplete | Specified contract terms are incomplete. |
55112 | CannotDisableDtmDueToMilestoneOrWatchedTasks | DTM cannot be disabled for this project because there are tasks that are either associated with milestones or are being watched. |
55113 | CannotConvertTaskToInternalSubscribers | Designated parent task has one or more subscribers and cannot be converted to an internal task. |
55114 | CannotConvertTaskToInternalMilestones | Designated parent task has one or more milestones linked to it and cannot be converted to an internal task. |
55115 | ProxyUsersCannotBeSubscribedToTasks | Proxy users may not be registered for task notifications. |
55116 | InactiveUsersCannotBeSubscribedToTasks | Inactive users may not be registered for task notifications. |
55117 | SubscribedTaskCannotBeOpenForTime | Tasks can only have subscribers when they are not open for time. |
55118 | LinkedTaskCannotBeOpenForTime | Task cannot be subscribed to because it has one or more roles assigned. |
55119 | RoleAssignedToLinkedTask | Tasks linked to milestones may not have roles assigned to them. |
55120 | RoleAssignedToSubscribedTask | Tasks that are subscribed to may not have roles assigned to them. |
55128 | CannotDeleteOverageProject | Project cannot be deleted because it has been designated as the overage project for a service contract. |
55129 | TimeContractTermsCannotBeSetNonchargeable | The time contract terms may not be changed for this contract line item because there are approved time cards associated with the contract line item. |
55130 | CostContractTermsCannotBeSetNonchargeable | The cost contract terms may not be changed for this contract line item because there are approved cost cards associated with the contract line item. |
55131 | ServiceContractHasInvoicedPeriods | Cannot disable modeling of contracted hours and overages because at least one service period has been invoiced. |
55138 | IncompleteContractTypeAttributes | When creating a contract line item with a custom contract type, all contract type attributes must be specified. |
55139 | BaselineBelongsToDifferentProject | Baseline belongs to a different project than the one being updated. |
55140 | NoPermissionToSetActiveBaselines | No permission to switch active baselines. |
55144 | TaskMilestonesCannotBeForegone | Task milestones may not be marked as foregone. |
55145 | UpdatingAchievedMilestone | Updating an achieved milestone. |
55146 | TaskMilestoneAchievedAndCompletionMismatch | Milestone linked to incomplete task will be marked pending and milestone linked to completed task will be marked achieved as of today. |
55147 | MilestoneOnIssuedInvoice | Cannot update milestones that are on issued invoices. |
55148 | MilestoneInvoiceProjectMismatch | Milestones on a project scoped invoice must be linked to the same project. |
55149 | MilestoneAchievedDateChangedWhileOnInvoice | Changing achieved date of a milestone that is already on an invoice. |
55150 | CannotMarkInternalTaskComplete | Only leaf tasks with no associated roles may be marked complete or incomplete. |
55151 | TaskMilestoneOninvoice | Cannot mark completed tasks incomplete if a milestone linked to the task is on an invoice. |
55199 | NoPermissionToUpdateProjectRole | You do not have appropriate permission to update this project role. |
55201 | AllocationExtendsBeyondRoleDates | Allocation would extend prior to project or role start date or after project or role end date. |
55202 | AllocationExtendsBeyondMaxDate | Allocation would extend beyond the maximum allowable scheduled date. |
55203 | AllocationLimitExceeded | A weekly allocation exceeded 168 hours, or a daily allocation exceeded 24 hours. |
55204 | RevRecTimeAndMaterialsWithoutAmount | Revenue recognition for time and materials time contract terms must be based on recognizing a specific revenue amount. |
55206 | BucketStartDateInvalid | Specified bucket start date is not the first day of a week bucket. |
55207 | AttemptToBookHoursOutsideRoleDates | Hours specified outside allowable date range. |
55208 | NoPermissionToRequestHours | You do not have permission to request hours on role |
55209 | NoPermissionToBookHours | You do not have permission to book hours on role |
55210 | NoPermissionToViewProjectRole | You do not have appropriate permissions to view this project role. |
55212 | CannotCloneRoleNoRatePermissions | Role |
55216 | AllocatedCriteriaNotEmpty | Cannot copy requested criteria for role because allocated criteria is not empty. |
55219 | AttemptToRequestHoursOutsideRoleDates | Hours specified outside allowable date range. |
55220 | MultipeCLIsForNonBillableEngagements | Cannot create multiple contract line items under non-billable engagements. |
55222 | RoleTypeInactive | The specified role type is inactive. |
55223 | RoleResourceTypeInactive | The specified preferred or allocated resource type is inactive. |
55224 | ShareUserInactive | The specified share user is inactive. |
55225 | InvalidRoleShare | A role may be shared to a cost center or to a specific user, but not both. |
55226 | AllocatedResourceCannotBeChanged | Allocated resource cannot be changed or cleared because resource is locked on this role. |
55227 | ShareInfoIgnoredNoPermission | WARNING: You do not have permission to share scheduling. Specified share information was ignored. |
55228 | TitleOverideIgnoredNoPermission | WARNING: You do not have permission to set billing title override. Specified override was ignored. |
55229 | RevenueTransferRateIgnoredNoPermission | WARNING: You do not have permission to set revenue transfer hourly rate. Specified rate was ignored. |
55230 | RdcTransferRateIgnoredNoPermission | WARNING: You do not have permission to set RDC transfer hourly rate. Specified rate was ignored. |
55231 | RateRdcExceptionsIgnoredNoPermission | WARNING: You do not have permission to set rate or RDC exceptions. Specified exceptions were ignored. |
55237 | NoteBucketStartDateInvalid | Specified bucket start date is not the first day of a week bucket. |
55238 | AttemptToSaveNotesOutsideRoleDates | Notes specified outside allowable date range. |
55239 | NoViewPermissionForOneOrMoreRoles | You do not have permission to view at least one specified role. |
55243 | RdcScheduleNotIncludedInResponse | WARNING: You do not have permission to view RDC rates for this role, therefore the RDC rate schedule has been suppressed from the response. |
55247 | ClearDateRangeNotExpected | Clear start or end dates may not be specified when not clearing existing hours. |
55248 | ClearDateRangeInvalid | Specified clear start or end date is not the first day of a week bucket. |
56003 | RevenueEarnedByDateMustBeAfterLastRevRecCutoffDate | The revenue earned by date must be after last rev rec cutoff date if there is revenue remaining to be earned. |
56004 | CannotConvertContractToRevenueSchedule | On conversion from percent complete to a revenue schedule, there must be a single bucket for revenue through the existing cutoff date for recognized revenue to date. |
56005 | CannotModifyScheduledBucketPriorToRevRecCutoffDate | Revenue schedule buckets prior to the revenue recognition cutoff date cannot be modified. |
56006 | OnOrMorePmTeamMemberInactiveOrInvalid | One or more project management team members are inactive or invalid. |
57060 | ResourceTypeNotAllowedForCostCenter | Cost center or resource type cannot be changed because the specified resource type is not allowed for the specified cost center. |
57211 | ResourceInitialsNotUnique | The initials entered for this resource are already in use. |
57266 | UserAlreadyLinkedToAnotherResource | The name, email address and/or employee ID that you have entered for this resource conflicts with another resource. Please edit the resource information so that it no longer conflicts. |
57279 | TaxTypeInactiveSavingEngagement | A specified tax type is not active. |
57333 | ResourceCannotChangeUser | Resource cannot be mapped to a different user. |
57334 | ResourceCannotHaveProxyClientSupportUser | Resource cannot be mapped to a proxy, client, or support user. |
57335 | ResourceProxyApprover | Resource |
57337 | ResourceOwnApprover | Resource may not approve their own |
57339 | ResourceCannotBeOwnDelegate | Resource may not be their own |
57343 | LatestResourceHistoryChangesOnly | Only the latest resource history can be altered. |
57382 | UserIneligibleForClientAssociation | User may not be associated with a client because the user is linked to a resource, does not have the primary user type for clients, has additional user types assigned, and/or has permissions or notifications granted to it. |
57383 | MayNotSpecifyBothUserStartAndEndDate | Either a start date or an end date may be specified, but not both. |
57384 | ClientUsersNotSupported | Client users cannot be maintained by this service. |
57414 | AdditionalClientUserType | Client user type cannot be an additional user type. |
57417 | RoleTypeCostCenterNotEnabledForResources | The specified cost center is not enabled for resources. |
57437 | InvalidSettingSupportUser | The setting " |
57453 | InstallationOwnerMaintainUsersPermission | Users & Permissions permission must be left at overridden to Update for installation owners. |
57464 | ViewRdcAndViewProjectMarginPermissionInterdependency | View Project Margin permission and View RDC permission override flags must match and View Project Margin must be granted if View RDC permission is also granted. |
57465 | CannotDeleteCostCenterSystemRevenueItem | Cannot delete cost center because it is referenced by System Revenue Item |
57526 | CultureOrCurrencyNotSpecified | The culture and currency are required. |
57528 | CultureNotValidForAccount | The specified culture is not enabled for this account. |
57530 | CurrencyNotValidForAccount | The specified currency is not enabled for this account. |
57531 | CultureCurrencyIncompatibility | The specified culture is incompatible with the specified currency. |
57533 | ValueWithoutOverrideError | Value |
57535 | NonDefaultValueOnNonOverrideError | Value |
57536 | MissingValueOnOverrideError | Value |
57537 | ClientUserNotificationNotAllowed | Notifications may not be updated for client users. |
57552 | ParentClientIsInactive | The specified parent client is inactive. |
57553 | ClientRateCardIsInactive | The specified rate card is inactive. |
57554 | ClientPaymentTermIsInactive | The specified payment term is inactive. |
57555 | ClientInvoiceTemplateIsInactive | The specified invoice template is inactive. |
57568 | TimeBillingTypeRequiredForClient | The time billing type is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off. |
57569 | InvoiceScopeRequiredForClient | The invoice scope is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off. |
57570 | InvoiceContentRequiredForClient | The invoice content is required when inheritance is being explicitly turned off. |
57624 | ClientHasChildClients | The client could not be deleted because there are one or more child clients of this client. |
57625 | ChildClientCouldNotBeDeleted | The client could not be deleted because one of its child clients could not be deleted. |
57626 | ChildIsReferencedByEngagement | The client could not be deleted because at least one engagement is associated with this client. |
57627 | ChildIsReferencedByUser | The client could not be deleted because at least one user is associated with this client. |
57628 | ChildIsReferencedByInvoice | The client could not be deleted because at least one invoice is associated with this client. |
57637 | CircularClientRelationshipDetected | Changing this client's parent client to the specified parent would result in a circular relationship within the client hierarchy. |
57638 | MaxClientDepthExceeded | Changing this client's parent client to the specified parent would result in the configured maximum client tree depth being exceeded. |
57639 | ClientNameRequiredForNewClient | A client name must be specified when creating new clients. |
57642 | ClientNumberRequiredForNewClient | This account is configured for manual client numbering. A client number must be specified for insert. |
57643 | ClientNumberSpecifiedForAutoNumbering | This account is configured for automatic client numbering. A client number cannot be explicitly specified for insert or update. |
57644 | ClientNumberAlreadyInUse | The specified client number is already in use. |
57645 | RootClientsMayNotInheritBillingInfo | The specified client has no parent client and cannot inherit billing information. |
57713 | CannotDeleteReferencedResource | Resource cannot be deleted because it is referenced by |
57714 | CannotDeleteReferencedVendor | Vendor cannot be deleted because it is referenced by |
57715 | ClientInvoiceTemplateNotValidInThisContext | Specified invoice template is not valid for use in this context. It may be intended as an email template. |
57716 | ClientEmailTemplateNotValidInThisContext | Specified email template is not valid for use in this content. It may be intended as an invoice template. |
57717 | ClientEmailTemplateIsInactive | Specified email template is not active. |
57718 | ClientEmailFromUserIsInactive | Specified email from user is inactive. |
57719 | ClientEmailFromUserNotValid | Specified email from user is not valid. |
57722 | CannotTerminateResource | Resource cannot be terminated because there is existing resource history after termination date. |
57723 | ResourceAlreadyTerminated | Resource is already terminated. |
57724 | ProxyUsersNotSupported | Proxy users are not supported by this service. |
57731 | ClientEmailFromUserNotAuthorized | Specified sender email address is not properly authorized. |
57745 | RenderReceiptFlagMustBeSpecifiedIfNotInherited | Render receipts flag must be either inherited or specified. |
57762 | CannotSpecifyValueWhenInheritFlagNotSet | Inherit flag must be specified when related value is specified. |
57764 | SkillsCannotBeUpdatedForNonResourceUsers | Skills cannot be updated for non-resource users. |
57765 | NoPermissionToUpdateSkills | User does not have permission to update skills. |
57766 | SelfServiceNotSupportedForNotificationType | The specified notification type does not allow user self service. |
57769 | InvalidValueSpecifiedForSkillLevel | An invalid value for skill level was specified. |
57773 | SpecifiedSkillIsInactive | Specified skill is inactive. |
57792 | EngagementTypePlccInvalidMappingTypeSpecified | Invalid mapping type specified. |
57793 | EngagementTypePlccInvalidCostCenterTypeSpecified | Invalid cost center type specified. |
57794 | EngagementTypePlccRevenueMappingsOnNonBillableProject | Non-billable engagement types may not have routings for time revenue and ODC revenue. |
57795 | EngagementTypePlccMappingsMissing | Missing mapping type rows in P&L routing table. |
57796 | EngagementTypePlccMappingsCostCenterInvalid | Cost center is required when cost center type is 'Specific', and may not be specified when cost center type is not 'Specific'. |
57797 | EngagementTypePlccMappingsAllocationFractionOutOfRange | Allocation percentages must be between 0% and 100%. |
57798 | EngagementTypePlccMappingsAllocationsIncomplete | Allocation percentages must add up to exactly 100% for a single mapping type. |
57817 | CannotDeleteInstallationOwner | Installation owner user cannot be deleted or inactivated. |
57825 | SubcontractorInvoiceNotFoundOrNotValid | The specified vendor is not found or not a valid subcontractor invoice vendor. |
57826 | VendorNotValidForExpenseReports | The specified vendor is not found or not a valid expense report vendor. |
57829 | ClientAutoApplyAvailableBalanceMustBeSpecified | Auto apply available balance flag must be either inherited or specified. |
57857 | NotAllRequiredFieldsSpecified | Not all related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to off. |
57858 | NoRelatedFieldsSpecifiedSettingInherited | WARNING - No related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to off. Treating as if inherit flag was set to on. |
57859 | InheritanceOnSpecifiedValuesIgnoredForClient | WARNING - Some related fields were specified when inherit flag was set to on. Ignoring those values. |
57865 | EmailEnabledFlagMustBeSpecifiedForClient | Email enabled flag must be specified when not inheriting email settings. |
57866 | CannotDeleteLogonUsers | User cannot be deleted due to prior logon history. |
57867 | DuplicateRecipientsSpecifiedForClient | Duplicate, conflicting recipients specified in email recipient list. |
57918 | CannotDeleteReferencedUsers | User cannot be deleted because it is referenced by |
57956 | UnpaidCostCardsAssociatedWithDifferentCostCenter | There are unpaid cost cards associated with this vendor, but with a cost center other than the new vendor cost center, preventing the cost center from being changed. This error may be overridden by specifying OverrideCostCardWarningFlag = true. |
57983 | TimeOffReasonNotConfiguredForAvailabilityTracking | The specified time off reason is not configured for availability tracking. |
58007 | CombinePeriodsNotAdjacent | Accounting periods must be adjacent in order to be combined. |
58008 | CombinePeriodNameOrCodeInUse | New accounting period name or code is already in use. |
58009 | CombineExistingTransactions | Accounting periods may not be combined because there are transmitted or confirmed general ledger, invoice or payment voucher transactions. |
58013 | RoleTypeDeletionFailed | Role type could not be deleted because it is in use by at least one |
58023 | PrimaryResourceTypeInactive | The specified preferred or allocated resource type is inactive. |
58024 | BaseRatesOnTitleIsInactive | Specified value for base rates on title is inactive. |
58029 | RoleTypeNameAlreadyInUse | Specified role type name " |
58030 | RoleNameRequired | Role name is required when creating new roles. |
58041 | SplitAsOfDateOutOfRange | Split as of date must be after accounting period begin date and prior to or equal to accounting period end date. |
58042 | SplitExistingNameOrCodeInUse | New accounting period name or code for existing accounting period is already in use. |
58043 | SplitNewNameOrCodeInUse | New accounting period name or code for split accounting period is already in use. |
58044 | SplitExistingTransactions | Accounting period may not be split because there are transmitted or confirmed general ledger, invoice or payment voucher transactions. |
58916 | ResourceAlreadyScheduledForTermination | Resource already scheduled for termination. |
59919 | VendorNumberNotUnique | Vendor number is not unique. |
59928 | VendorReconciliationAcctNotNull | VendorReconciliationGlAccount must be null if ClearVendorReconciliationGlAcctFlag is set. |
59929 | ResourceVendorPayeeListNotNull | List of resource vendor payees must be empty if ClearResourceVendorPayeesFlag is set. |
59930 | VendorMgtServiceMayNotManageResources | Invalid use of Vendor Management Web Service to manage Resource Vendors. |
59932 | ExpenseReportPayeeFlagCannotBeCleared | ErAllowedResourcesCode must be null and there may be no ResourceVendorPayees when ExpenseReportPayeeFlag is to be cleared. |
59933 | AnyResourceFlagCannotBeSet | Operation would result in ErAllowedResourceCode being set to 'D' or 'C', but ResourceVendorPayees are specified. |
59934 | VendorNameInUse | Specified vendor name already in use. |
59935 | NewVendorNameRequired | New Vendor Name is required on insert. |
59936 | NewVendorNumberRequired | New Vendor Number is required on insert. |
59937 | ClearResourceVendorPayeesFlagNotSet | Operation would result in clearing Resource Vendor Payees, but ClearResourceVendorPayeesFlag is not set. |
61121 | SubcontractorInvoiceAppliesOnlyForHourlyPayCategory | A resource may only have a subcontractor invoice vendor specified if the pay category is hourly (H). |
62436 | InvalidUdfValue | The specified value for a user defined field is not recognized. |
62437 | AttemptToDeleteRequiredUdf | Required user defined field values may not be deleted. |
62438 | UdfValueUnexpected | When specifying user defined field values, be sure to only populate the proper type-specific value, based on the UDF data type. |
64103 | RoleTaskCountLimitExceeded | Number of available roles or tasks exceeds the limits of this service. |
64104 | NoMaintainTimeOffPermission | No permission to maintain time off. |
64105 | UpdatingTimeOffDifferentResource | Time off for different resource than specified. |
64106 | UpdatingRejectedTimeOff | Cannot update rejected time off. |
64113 | SchedPtoCommentRequired | A comment is required for this time off reason. |
64114 | CannotTransferToDeletedRole | Time cannot be transferred to a deleted role. |
64116 | SpecifiedScheduledTimeOffDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedResource | The specified scheduled time off record does not belong to the specified resource. |
64117 | EstimateCannotBeDeletedPerAccountSetting | Resources are not permitted to update hours to go. |
64125 | EstimateCannotBeSavedPerAccountSetting | Resources are not permitted to update hours to go. |
64138 | CannotTransferOverageDueToWrongCliType | This adjustment is only supported for contract line items that support contracted hours and overages. |
64142 | CannotTransferOverageDueToNoPriorPeriod | There is no completed contract period prior to the cutoff date. |
64145 | TimeOffCardResourceMismatch | The specified resource is not the same resource as is currently associated with the time off card. |
64146 | UnableToDeleteTimeOffCard | This time off card could not be deleted. |
64155 | CannotTransferOverageDueToClosedForTimeTransfers | Overage project is closed for time transfers. |
64157 | CannotTransferOverageDueToNoOverageHours | There are no overage hours to be transferred. |
64161 | TimeCardResourceMismatch | The specified resource is not the same resource as is currently associated with the time card. |
64162 | CannotTransferOverageDueToTooFewTransferableHours | There are not enough transferable hours available to be transferred. |
64163 | SpecifiedTaskIsSubscribedTo | Specified task is being watched by at least one user, and may not have time reported to it. |
64170 | UnableToDeleteTimeCard | This time card could not be deleted. |
64175 | ReportedTimeOffHasBeenChanged | Reported time off record has been changed by another user. |
64182 | TimecardHasBeenChanged | Time card has been changed by another user. |
64185 | InvalidTimeCardType | Invalid time card type specified in input. Valid values are R (Reported Time Off) or T (Time Card). |
64213 | UserCannotReportTime | This user cannot report time or expenses because there is no resource associated with this user. |
64215 | InvalidValueForIncludeMode | The value specified for IncludeMode is invalid. Valid values are S for submissions, A for approvals or B for both submissions and approvals. |
64216 | InvalidValueForResourceTimeEntryMemoryAction | The value specified for action is invalid. Valid values are A for add or R for remove. |
64223 | InvalidValueForListType | The specified value for ListType is invalid. Please refer to the web services documentation for the acceptable values. |
64225 | EstimateAsOfDateIsRequired | The estimate as of date is required. |
64226 | EstimateRemainingMinutesInvalid | The value specified for remaining minutes is invalid. Remaining minutes must be non-negative. |
64228 | TaskNotesIsRequired | The notes are required when saving project task notes. |
64232 | TimeOffCardWorkDateRequired | Work date is required for new time off cards. |
64233 | InvalidValueForTimeOffCardMinutes | The value specified for work minutes must be non-negative. |
64234 | UnableToUpdateTimeOffCard | This time off card could not be updated. |
64238 | MemorizedRoleTaskMismatch | The project associated with the specified project role is not the same project that is associated with the specified project task. |
64239 | TimeCardWorkDateRequired | Work date is required for new time cards. |
64240 | InvalidValueForTimeCardWorkMinutes | The value specified for work minutes must be non-negative. |
64241 | ProjectRoleConflict | The specified project role does not belong to the specified project. |
64242 | ProjectRateTypeConflict | The specified project rate type does not belong to the specified project. |
64243 | ProjectTaskConflict | The specified project task does not belong to the specified project. |
64244 | UnableToUpdateTimeCard | This time card could not be updated. |
64249 | SpecifiedDateRangeMissingIncompleteOrInvalid | A specified date range was missing, incomplete or invalid. Both the start and end dates must be specified, and the start date may not be after the end date. |
64256 | MustSpecifyRemainingMinutesOrCompletedFlag | Remaining minutes or completed flag must be specified when saving estimates. |
64258 | RemainingMinutesInvalidWhenCompletedFlagSpecified | A non-zero value for remaining minutes may not be specified when completed flag is set to true. |
64259 | SpecifiedProjectIsClosed | The specified project is closed. |
64260 | RoleMustBelongToSpecifiedProject | The specified role does not belong to the specified project. |
64261 | LimitedUserNotBookedOnSpecifiedProjectRole | The specified resource is not booked on the specified role, and the user is a limited user. Therefore the project/role information cannot be retrieved. |
64262 | ProjectRoleResourceMismatch | The specified role is not for the specified resource. |
64263 | EstimateCouldNotBeCreated | The estimate could not be saved. |
64266 | SubmitStartDateAfterEndDate | The specified submit start date is after the specified submit end date. |
64268 | AdministratorCommentsRequired | Administrator comments are required due to account settings. |
64269 | InvalidParametersToSubmitTime | When submitting time, please specify only a date range, only a time card identity or only a time off card identity. |
64291 | NotAllCardsCouldBeSubmitted | Warning: At least one time card or reported time off card could not be submitted because you do not have the proper permissions, the accounting period is closed, or the current state of the card precludes submission. |
64292 | EstimateAsOfDateOutOfRange | Specified as of date is outside of the supported date range. |
64293 | TimeOffDateOutOfRange | Specified time off date is outside of the supported date range. |
64295 | TimeCardWorkDateOutOfRange | Specified work date outside of supported date range. |
64296 | ResourceScheduleDateRangeNotValid | Requested date range falls outside of supported dates. |
64297 | WorkingScheduleDateRangeNotValid | Requested date range falls outside of supported dates. |
64299 | OneOrMoreTimeCardsNotFound | One or more time cards does not exist. |
64300 | OneOrMoreTimeOffCardsNotFound | One or more time off cards does not exist. |
64314 | CannotChangeStatusOfFroTimecards | Cannot change the status of for reporting only time cards. |
64318 | CannotChangeSubmittedTimecardsApClosed | Cannot save changes to submitted time card because the accounting period is closed for time. |
64319 | CannotChangeSubmittedTimeOffApClosed | Cannot save changes to submitted time off because the accounting period is closed for time. |
64332 | TimeCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced time card is deleted. |
64333 | TimeOffCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced time off card is deleted. |
64334 | SaveCardTimeCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced time card is deleted. |
64335 | NoPermissionToSaveTimeCard | You do not have permission to save time card. |
64338 | SplitCardTimeCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced time card is deleted. |
64340 | SubmitCardTimeCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced time card is deleted. |
64341 | OneOrMoreTimecardsOutsideProjectRoleDateRange | One or more time cards outside of project or role date range. |
64342 | ProjectRoleDatesAdjustedToAccomodateTimecards | Warning - Project or role dates adjusted to accommodate time card work date(s). |
64349 | NoPermissionToDeleteTimeOffRequest | User does not have permission to delete time off request. |
64354 | NoPermissionToRequestTimeOff | User does not have permission to request time off. |
64355 | TimeOffRequestOverlapsExistingTimeOff | Time off request overlaps with an existing time off request for the same time off reason. |
64357 | TimeOffReasonInactiveOverRange | Time off reason is inactive for at least part of the specified range. |
64365 | OneOrMoreCardsIneligibleForAdjustment | Adjustment cannot be completed because one or more cards has changed or is ineligible for adjustment. |
64367 | TimeCannotBeTransferredBookedResourcesOnly | Time cards that are associated with a subcontractor invoice cannot be unapproved. |
64368 | RoleCannotBeCreatedForTransfer | Time cannot be transferred onto this project because the project has no role for the resource, and it only allows time for booked resources. |
64521 | NoPermissionToDeleteTimeOffOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDate | The specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date. |
64522 | NoPermissionToDeleteTimeCardOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDate | The specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date. |
64523 | NoPermissionToSaveEstimateOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDate | The specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date. |
64524 | NoPermissionToSaveTimeOffOnBehalfOfResourceOnGivenDate | The specified user does not have permission to act on behalf of this resource on this date. |
64526 | AtLeastOneTimeCardNotApprovedAccountingPeriodClosed | The status of one or more time cards could not be updated because the accounting period is closed. |
64558 | AllTimecardsMustShareResourceAndDate | All time cards in a daily billing adjustment operation must belong to a single resource and work date. |
64564 | MissingTimeByPeriodNotSupported | Missing time by accounting period is not supported in installations with no accounting periods defined. |
64565 | DuplicateTimeCardSpecified | A duplicate time card was found in the input XML. |
64572 | TimeCardSplitMinutesOutOfRange | Split minutes must be between 0 and the number of minutes on the time card. |
64573 | TimeCardSplitAdjustedAmountOutOfRange | Split adjusted amount must be between zero and the adjusted value of the time card. |
64574 | SplitWouldResultInZeroHourTimeCard | The requested split adjustment would result in a time card with zero minutes of effort. |
64579 | ProjectClosedForTimeTransfers | The specified project is not open for time transfers. |
64584 | AllTimecardsMustShareResource | All time cards in a transfer operation must belong to a single resource. |
64585 | AllTimecardsMustShareProject | All time cards in a transfer-to-role or change rate/task type adjustment must be from a single project. |
64586 | SpecifiedProjectTaskMismatch | The specified project and task do not match. |
64587 | SpecifiedTaskNotALeafTask | The specified task is not a leaf task. |
64588 | SpecifiedTaskLinkedToBillingMilestone | The specified task is linked to a billing milestone, and may not have time reported to it. |
64589 | SpecifiedRoleNameRoleIdentityMismatch | The specified role name and role do not match. |
64590 | SpecifiedProjectRoleMismatch | The specified project and role do not match. |
64591 | SpecifiedResourceMismatch | The effective resource of the specified role does not match the time card resource. |
64592 | RoleRequiredForTransfer | A role must be specified. |
64594 | SpecifiedProjectRateTypeMismatch | The specified project and rate type do not match. |
64595 | SpecifiedRateNotValidForSpecifiedTask | The specified project rate type is not valid for use with this task. |
64596 | SpecifiedRoleNameAlreadyInUse | The specified new role name is already in use. |
64602 | DailyBillingAdjustmentNumberDaysMustBeNonNegative | Adjustment for daily billing must be set to a non-negative number of days. |
64604 | SpecifiedLocationInactiveOrNotEnabledForTimeCards | Specified location is inactive or not enabled for time cards. |
64606 | SpecifiedTimeOrCostUdfInactive | Specified user-defined field is inactive. |
64607 | AttemptToChangeUnavailableTimeCardUdf | Specified user-defined field value is unavailable for at least one selected time card. |
64609 | UserDefinedFieldValueIsRequired | User-defined field is required. |
64614 | ValidValuesApplyOnlyToTextListUdfs | PwsGetUdfValidValues may only be called for text list type UDFs. |
64618 | NoPermissionToViewTimecard | No permission to view time card. |
64619 | MissingOrInvalidTimeCardType | Missing or invalid value for time card type. |
64623 | TimeCardsCannotBeTransferredToUnnamedRole | Time cards may not be transferred to an unnamed role. |
64624 | CannotTransferTimeToNewRoleWhenRoleExists | Time cannot be transferred to a new role on this project because the resource already has at least one role. |
64625 | RateTypeAutoMatchFailure | Rate type auto-matching requested, but at least one time card cannot be automatically matched to a rate type on the target project. |
64627 | TimeCardAdjustmentCurrencyMismatch | At least one time card currency does not match the adjustment currency. |
64629 | TimecardRejectReasonRequired | A reject reason is required when rejecting time cards or reported time off. |
64630 | TimeCardProjectMismatchOnTransfer | Time cards specified in this adjustment must match the ProjectRef specified. |
64631 | TimeCardProjectRoleMismatchOnTransfer | Time cards specified in this adjustment must match the ProjectRoleRef specified. |
64632 | CttCannotBeAppliedToCardsFromMultipleRoles | All time cards in a CTT adjustment must be from a single role. |
64635 | StatusChangeCannotBeCompletedTimeCardsChangedOrIneligible | Status change cannot be completed because one or more cards has changed or is ineligible. |
64636 | OneOrMoreTimeCardsRejectedDuringSubmission | There was a problem with one or more time cards and the request could not be processed by the system. No updates were made. |
64640 | SpecifiedTimeOffRequestNotPendingApproval | Time off request is not pending approval. |
64641 | RequestedTimeOffReasonIsInactive | Requested time off reason is inactive. |
64644 | EstimateNotForSpecifiedResource | Estimate to be deleted is not for the specified resource. |
64645 | SpecifiedCostRelationshipTypeUdfValidIncomplete | The specified relationship type UDF value is incomplete. |
65119 | SearchStringAndResourceIdentitiesMayNotBothBeSpecified | Exactly one of search string and resource identities must be specified. |
65121 | TimeOffReasonsDateRangeInvalid | Specified start date must be prior to or equal to specified end date. |
65127 | CostCardPaymentVoucherCostCenterMismatch | Cost card's cost center does not match payment voucher's cost center. |
65128 | CostCardPaymentVoucherVendorMismatch | Cost card's vendor does not match payment voucher's vendor. |
65140 | OneOrMoreCardsAlreadyOnPaymentVoucher | One or more of the specified cost cards are already on a payment voucher. |
65141 | CannotAddFroCardsToPaymentVouchers | For reporting only cost cards cannot be placed on payment vouchers. |
65144 | CannotAddCreditCostCardsToPaymentVouchers | Credit cost cards cannot be placed on payment vouchers. |
65149 | CannotAddUnapprovedCardsToPaymentVouchers | Only approved cost cards can be placed on payment vouchers. |
65151 | ValueSpecifiedForInactiveUdf | Value may not be specified for inactive user defined field ' |
65153 | CostCardIncurredDateRangeNotValid | Specified incurred date outside the supported date range. |
65154 | ExpenseScheduleDateRangeNotValid | Requested date range falls outside of supported dates. |
65157 | SpecifyOneOfSearchStringOrProjectIdentity | Please specify a search string or a project identity, but not both. |
65160 | ImportPoolIdentityIsRequiredForDelete | Resource expense import pool identity is required. |
65164 | SoftCostCostCenterCurrencyMismatch | The soft cost batch cost center cannot be changed to the selected cost center because it is part of a company that uses a different currency than the existing cost center's company. |
65168 | PerDiemCostCardOnPv | Per diem cost cards cannot be placed on payment vouchers. |
65169 | CostCenterInactiveSavingExpenseDocument | The specified cost center is inactive. |
65170 | CannotMarkVoucherReceivedUnlessAlreadyPaid | Only paid payment vouchers may be marked received. |
65171 | PdcCostCardGroupingError | All cost cards for a particular resource and date must be from a single project and expense document. |
65172 | PdcPassthroughViolation | Passthrough expense types cannot be used with the per diem adjustment. |
65173 | CannotChangeSoftCostCostCenter | The cost center cannot be changed if there are submitted cost cards or there has been previous approval activity. |
65190 | ClientAmountLockedNonBillable | Client amount must be zero when cost card is on a non-billable engagement. |
65194 | ClientAmountLockedNonChargeable | Client amount must be zero when cost card is on a non-chargeable contract line item. |
65195 | ReceiptsMayNotBeAssociatedWithEntireExpenseDocument | Account is configured not to allow receipts to be attached to an entire expense document. |
65196 | ReceiptsMayNotBeAssociatedWithIndividualCostCards | Account is configured not to allow receipts to be attached to individual cost cards. |
65197 | NoPermissionToSubmitOneOrMoreCostCards | You do not have permission to submit one or more cost cards. |
65198 | SubcontractorInvoiceIncurredDateCannotBeChanged | Incurred date cannot be changed on subcontractor invoice cost cards. |
65199 | SubcontractorInvoiceProjectCannotBeChanged | Project cannot be changed on subcontractor invoice cost cards. |
65200 | CostCardHasBeenChanged | Cost card has been changed by another user. |
65201 | PaymentVoucherHasBeenChanged | Payment voucher operation cannot be completed because the payment voucher has changed, is ineligible or you do not have proper permission. |
65206 | ClientAmountLockedPassthrough | Client amount must match disbursed amount when cost card uses a treat costs as passthrough expense type. |
65207 | PassthroughInvalidForNonChargeableCli | Passthrough expense types may not be used for non-chargeable contract line items. |
65214 | CannotTransferPassthroughToNonChargeableCli | Passthrough costs cannot be transferred to non-chargeable contract line items. |
65215 | CannotTransferClientAmountToDifferentCurrency | Cost cards with client amount overrides cannot be transferred to an engagement with a different currency. |
65217 | CannotMoveReconciliationItem | Reconciliation items may not be moved from one payment voucher to another. |
65219 | InvalidOrMissingReconciliationItemAmount | Specified reconciliation item amount is missing or invalid. |
65223 | CostCardUdfUnavailable | Specified user-defined field is unavilable for at least one selected cost card. |
65224 | ProjectCountLimitExceeded | Number of available projects exceeds the limits of this service. |
65225 | PassthroughExpenseTypesInvalidForNonbillable | Non-billable projects cannot contain pass-through expenses. |
65227 | ExpenseDocumentMismatch | Expense document specified is not an expense report belonging to the specified resource. |
65231 | CostCardSignMismatch | A value on the cost card has a sign that is not allowed. |
65329 | ApVoucherNumberUnexpected | AP voucher number may not be specified when payment workflow status is not Transmitted. |
65330 | ApPaymentInfoUnexpected | AP payment information may not be specified when payment workflow status is not Paid. |
65336 | CannotChangeSubmittedCostCardsApClosed | Cannot save changes to submitted cost card because the accounting period is closed for expenses. |
65337 | DeleteReceiptCostCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced cost card has been deleted. |
65374 | CostCardHasBeenDeleted | One or more referenced cost card(s) have been deleted. |
65379 | SaveCardCostCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced cost card has been deleted. |
65385 | SaveReceiptCostCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced cost card has been deleted. |
65393 | SelectCardCostCardHasBeenDeleted | Referenced cost card has been deleted. |
65414 | CannotIncludeCardsOnVoucherCardsChanged | Unable to add cost cards to payment voucher because one or more included cost cards has changed. |
65420 | SessionNotFound | The specified session was not found. |
65421 | SpecifyOneOfSearchStringProjectMruFlag | Exactly one of search string, project, and mru flag must be specified. |
65463 | SpecifiedVendorForVendorChangeInvalid | Specified vendor is inactive or not enabled for expense reports. |
65468 | SpecifiedReceiptDoesNotBelogToSpecifiedExpenseDocument | Receipt/expense document mismatch. |
65470 | SpecifiedCostCardDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedExpenseDocument | Cost card/expense document mismatch. |
65476 | FullyApprovedExpenseDocumentsMayNotBeUpdated | Expense document is fully approved and can no longer be modified. |
65477 | NoPermissionToMaintainExpenseDocument | The expense document is locked. You do not have permission to modify the expense document. |
65481 | CannotRemoveLockedReceipt | Receipt is locked and cannot be removed. |
65487 | LocationInactiveOrNotEnabledForCostCards | Specified location is inactive or not enabled for cost cards. |
65495 | ExpenseDocumentHasBeenUpdatedByAnotherUser | Expense document has been changed. |
65506 | MemoryNotSupportForThisTypeOfExpenseDocument | Memory is supported only for expense report expense documents. |
65509 | MustSpecifyPaymentVoucherOrExpenseDocumentButNotBoth | Either an expense document or a payment voucher must be specified, but not both. |
65510 | ReceivedFlagIsRequired | Received flag must not be null. |
65513 | RejectReasonIsRequired | A reject reason is required when rejecting cost cards. |
65519 | CostCardAlreadyApproved | This cost card cannot be saved because it is already approved. |
65520 | IncurredDateIsRequiredForNewCostCards | Incurred date is required for new cost cards. |
65521 | TotalAmountDisbursedCurrencyIsRequiredForNewCostCards | Total amount in disbursed currency is required for new cost cards. |
65522 | IncurredAmountIsRequiredForNewFxCostCards | Incurred amount is required for new cost cards with differing incurred and disbursed currencies. |
65523 | IncurredAndDisbursedAmountMismatch | Incurred/disbursed total amount mismatch. |
65525 | UserDefinedFieldValueUnavailable | Specified user defined field value is unavailable on at least one selected cost card. |
65528 | ResourceNotActiveOverEntireDateRange | Resource is not active for at least part of requested date range. |
65529 | ExpenseReportResourceMustMatchCostCardResource | Expense report resource must match cost card resource. |
65531 | VendorInvoiceVendorMismatch | Vendor invoice vendor mismatch. |
65532 | VendorSpecifiedOnSoftCost | Vendor specified on soft cost card. |
65534 | ExpenseDocumentTypeCannotBeChanged | Document type cannot be changed. |
65535 | MissingOrInvalidDocumentType | Missing or invalid document type. |
65536 | ExpenseDocumentNameIsRequired | Document name is required. |
65537 | ExpenseReportsMustBeAssociatedWithResource | Expense reports must be associated with a resource. |
65538 | CashAdvanceAmountMustBeNonnegative | Cash advance return amount must not be negative. |
65540 | VendorIsRequiredForNewVendorInvoices | Vendor must be specified for new vendor invoices. |
65541 | VendorInvoiceVendorMustBeAVendorInvoicePayee | Vendor on vendor invoice must be enabled as a vendor invoice payee. |
65542 | VendorCannotBeChangedOnExistingVendorInvoices | Vendor cannot be changed on existing vendor invoices. |
65543 | VendorCannotBeSpecifiedForSoftCosts | Vendor cannot be specified for soft cost batches. |
65544 | ExpenseReportCostCenterMustMatchResourceCostCenter | Expense report cost center, if specified, must match resource cost center. |
65545 | VendorInvoiceCostCenterMustMatchVendorCostCenter | Vendor invoice cost center, if specified, must match vendor cost center. |
65546 | CostCenterIsRequiredForSoftCostBatches | Cost center must be specified for soft cost batches. |
65547 | DisbursingCostCenterMayNotBeChangedOnExistingExpenseDocuments | Disbursing cost center may not be changed on existing expense documents. |
65549 | VendorInvoiceDateIsRequiredForVendorInvoices | Vendor invoice date must be specified on vendor invoices. |
65550 | VendorInvoiceDateMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForVendorInvoices | Vendor invoice date may only be specified on vendor invoices. |
65551 | VendorInvoiceReferenceNumberMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForVendorInvoices | Vendor invoice reference number may only be specified on vendor invoices. |
65552 | CashAdvanceAmountMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForExpenseReports | Cash advance return amount can only be specified for expense reports. |
65554 | DocumentNumberIsRequiredForNewExpenseDocuments | Document number is required for new expense documents because account is configured to use manual expense document numbering (document type =%s). |
65555 | AccountConfiguredForAutomaticExpenseDocumentNumbering | Document number may not be specified because account is configured to use automatic expense document numbering. |
65556 | SpecifiedExpenseDocumentNumberAlreadyInUse | Specified document number already in use. |
65562 | EntireExpenseReportFlagIsRequiredForNewReceipts | Entire expense report flag is required when attaching a new receipt. |
65563 | ReceiptMayNotBeTransferredBetweenExpenseDocuments | Receipt may not be transferred between expense documents. |
65564 | ReceiptMayNotBeAssociatedWithADifferentDocument | Receipt may not be associated with a different document. |
65565 | SpecifiedReceiptHasBeenDeleted | Specified receipt has been deleted. |
65567 | ReceiptsCannotBeAddedOrUpdatedForExpenseDocument | Expense document is locked for addition/update of receipts associated with entire document. |
65568 | DocumentNotFoundInUserReceiptPoolFolder | Document not found in user receipt pool folder. |
65570 | LockedReceiptCannotBeModified | Receipt is locked and cannot be modified. |
65572 | ReceiptsAttachedToLockedCostCardCannotBeChangedOrRemoved | Cost card is locked, and receipts associated with it cannot be changed or removed. |
65577 | ExpenseDocumentMustBeSpecifiedForCloningExpenseDocument | When cloning, an expense document to clone from must be specified. |
65578 | NoPermissionToViewExpenseDocument | No permission to view expense document. |
65586 | NoPermissionToViewPaymentVoucher | No permission to view payment voucher. |
65588 | MaximumDateRangeExceededNotAllDatesReturned | Maximum date range is 365 days; not all requested dates returned. |
65593 | CannotSendSubmittedExpenseEmailRecipientIsInactive | Cannot send submitted expense email, as recipient is inactive. |
65608 | CashAdvanceAmountBelowMinimumAllowableValue | Cash advance return amount cannot be reduced below the amount already on payment vouchers. |
65609 | CashAdvanceAmountCannotExceedTotalOfResourcePaidCostCards | Cash advance return amount cannot exceed total of resource-paid cost cards. |
65610 | RemainingCashAdvanceExceedsTotalOfFreeResourcePaidCostCards | The remaining cash advance amount (the portion of the cash advance amount not already allocated to payment vouchers) may not exceed the total disbursed amount among all cost cards on this expense document not already on payment vouchers. |
65622 | CannotCreateSubcontractorInvoiceCardsChanged | Unable to create subcontractor invoice because one or more included time cards has changed. |
65628 | CanGetMileageRatesForExpenseReportsOnly | The PwsGetMileageRate service supports expense report expense documents only. |
65629 | ResourceNotOwnerOfExpenseReport | The specified resource does not match the expense report resource. |
65630 | GivenCurrencyNotSameAsReportCurrency | The specified currency does not match the expense document's disbursed currency. |
65631 | ExpenseDocumentOrDisbursingCurrencyRequired | Either an expense document or a disbursing currency must be specified when retrieving mileage rates. |
65635 | DuplicateCostCardSpecified | A duplicate cost card was found in the input XML. |
65637 | VoucherNumberLockedOnApprovedVoucher | The payment voucher number cannot be changed on approved payment vouchers. |
65638 | VoucherDateLockedOnApprovedVoucher | The payment voucher date cannot be changed on approved payment vouchers. |
65639 | VoucherRefNumberLockedOnApprovedVoucher | The payment voucher vendor invoice number cannot be changed on approved payment vouchers. |
65642 | CannotChangeVendorForExistingVoucher | The vendor cannot be changed on an existing payment voucher. |
65644 | PaymentVoucherNumberAlreadyInUse | The specified payment voucher number is already in use. |
65648 | SpecifiedDocumentNotOfSpecifiedType | Specified document type and expense document do not match. |
65649 | DisbCostCenterDiffersFromEdCostCenter | The specified disbursing cost center and expense document do not match. |
65650 | ExpDocOrCostCtrReqdForViSc | Either an expense document or cost center must be specified for vendor invoices and soft cost batches. |
65651 | ExpDocOrRrscReqdForExpenseReport | Either expense document or resource must be specified for expense reports. |
65661 | CostCardSplitClientAmountOutOfRange | The split client amount must be between zero and the client amount of the cost card. |
65672 | OneOrMoreCostCardsCannotBeDeleted | One or more cost cards cannot be deleted. |
65678 | ResourceCannotBeDeterminedForMileageRate | Resource cannot be determined in order to look up mileage rate. |
65680 | SpecifiedVendorNotEnabledForSubcontractorInvoices | Specified vendor not enabled for subcontractor invoices. |
65681 | SpecifiedExpenseTypeNotEnabledForSubcontractorInvoices | Specified expense type not enabled for subcontractor invoices. |
65682 | NoCostCardsFoundForSubcontractorInvoice | No cost cards found for subcontractor invoice. |
65685 | SubcontractorInvoicesCannotBeCreatedByService | Subcontractor invoices cannot be created or cloned via this service. |
65686 | CanOnlyRetrieveApproversForExistingExpenseReports | Approvers can only be retrieved for existing non-ER expense documents. |
65695 | CompanyPaidExpensesNotPermittedOnVendorExpenseReport | Expense reports paid to a non-resource vendor may not include company-paid expenses. |
65696 | CashAdvanceNotPermittedOnVendorExpenseReport | Cash advance return amount may not be specified for expense reports paid to non-resource vendors. |
65708 | SubcontractorInvoiceNumberMayNotBeSpecified | Document number may not be specified when numbering mode is automatic. |
65709 | SubcontractorInvoiceNumberRequired | Document number must be specified when numbering mode is manual. |
65711 | SoftCostsInvalidOnPaymentVouchers | Soft cost cards cannot be placed on payment vouchers. |
65712 | TotalAmountLockedForCardsOnApprovedVouchers | Total amount in disbursed currency cannot be changed when cost card is on an approved payment voucher. |
65713 | SpecifiedIncurrredCurrencyIsInactive | Specified incurred currency is inactive. |
65714 | IncurredAndDisbursedAmountsMayNotDifferForNonFxCards | Total amounts in incurred and disbursed currencies can only differ when incurred and disbursed currencies differ. |
65717 | ClientAmountLockedForInvoicedCards | Client amount cannot be changed when cost card is on draft or issued invoice. |
65719 | VendorLockedForCardsOnVouchers | Vendor cannot be changed for cost cards that are on payment vouchers. |
65720 | SpecifiedVendorNotAvailableForAtLeastOneCard | This vendor is not available for one or more selected cost cards. |
65722 | NonbillableCardsMayNotBeChangedToPassthroughExpenseType | Costs on non-billable projects cannot be changed to a passthrough expense type. |
65723 | StatusChangeCannotBeCompletedCostCardsChangedOrIneligible | Status change cannot be completed because one or more cards has changed or is ineligible. |
65724 | AtLeastOneCardAlreadyOnApprovedVoucher | At least one cost card is already on an approved payment voucher. |
65725 | AtLeastOneAffectedVoucherNotFullyRepresented | Unable to complete action due to contents of associated payment voucher(s). At least one affected payment voucher includes cost cards or reconciliation items not represented in this operation. |
65728 | NoPermissionToCheckVoucherStatus | You do not have permission to check payment voucher status for one or more cost cards. |
65731 | MustSpecifyEitherExpenseDocumentOrResource | When searching for expense report vendors, either an expense document or resource must be specified. |
65733 | InvalidCostCardGroupingForPwsChange | All cards in a grouping must be either on a single payment voucher or not on a voucher but eligible to be on a single payment voucher. |
65734 | SplitDisbursedAmountOutOfRange | Split base amount must be between 0 and the base amount of the cost card. |
65735 | SplitUnitsOutOfRange | Split units must be between 0 and the units on the cost card. |
65737 | TargetProjectNotOpenForCostTransfer | Target project is not open for cost transfers. |
65738 | NoPermissionToTransferCostToSpecifiedProject | You do not have permission to transfer cost cards to selected project. |
65739 | PassthroughCostsCannotBeTransferredToNonBillable | Passthrough costs cannot be transferred to non-billable projects. |
65740 | CostCardIncurredDatesOutsideProjectDateRange | Transfer cannot be completed because at least one cost card incurred date is outside of project date range. |
65741 | ProjectDatesAdjustedToAccomodateCostCardDates | Warning - Project dates adjusted to accommodate cost card incurred date(s). |
65743 | AtLeastOneSpecifiedCardNotApprovedToPay | At least one specified cost card is not approved to pay. |
65744 | AtLeastOneSpecifiedCardCurrencyMismatch | At least one cost card currency does not match the adjustment currency. |
65745 | SpecifiedSubcontractorInvoiceNumberAlreadyInUse | Specified expense document number is already in use. |
65746 | OneOrMoreCostCardsRejectedDuringSubmission | At least one cost card being operated on was rejected by the system during the submission process. |
65750 | OneOrMoreExpenseDocumentsCannotBeDeleted | One or more expense documents cannot be deleted. |
65751 | OneOrMorePaymentVouchersCannotBeDeleted | One or more payment vouchers cannot be deleted. |
65752 | NoPermissionToDeleteReceipt | You do not have permission to delete this receipt. |
65756 | ReconciliationCompleteFlagMustBeSpecified | Reconciliation complete flag must be specified. |
65757 | CannotCompleteOperationPaymentVouchersChanged | Payment voucher operation cannot be completed because one or more payment vouchers has changed or is ineligible. |
65758 | CannotMarkThisVoucherReceived | Only payment vouchers associated with expense reports may be marked received. |
65759 | OneOrMoreVouchersCannotBeMarkedReceived | One or more payment vouchers cannot be marked received or unreceived. |
65761 | DuplicateExpenseDocumentSpecified | Duplicate expense document specified. |
65763 | DuplicatePaymentVoucherSpecified | Duplicate payment voucher specified. |
65764 | NoPermissionToSaveCostCard | You do not have permission to save this cost card. |
65765 | InvalidValueForOverrideClientAmount | Override client amount cannot be set to a non-zero amount for expense report or subcontractor invoice cost cards. |
65766 | CannotChangeResourceForSiCostCards | Resource cannot be changed on subcontractor invoice cost cards. |
65767 | VendorExpenseReportCompanyMismatch | Vendor cost center and expense report cost center must be in the same currency. |
65772 | SubcontractorInvoiceDateMustBeSpecified | Subcontractor invoice date must be specified on subcontractor invoices. |
65773 | SubcontractorInvoiceDateCannotBeSpecified | Subcontractor invoice date may only be specified on subcontractor invoices. |
65774 | SubcontractorInvoiceReferenceNumberCannotBeSpecified | Subcontractor invoice reference number may only be specified on subcontractor invoices. |
65775 | CanOnlyAssociatedExpenseReportsWithResource | Only expense report expense documents can be associated with a resource. |
65776 | ExpenseReportResourceCannotBeChanged | An expense report resource cannot be changed after expense document creation. |
65777 | ExpenseReportVendorCannotBeChanged | Vendor cannot be changed on existing expense reports. |
65778 | SubcontractorInvoiceVendorCannotBeChanged | Vendor cannot be changed on existing subcontractor invoices. |
65779 | SubcontractorInvoiceVendorMustBeSpecified | Vendor must be specified for new subcontractor invoices. |
65780 | SpecifiedSubcontractorInvoiceVendorInvalid | Vendor on subcontractor invoice must be enabled as a subcontractor invoice payee. |
65781 | ExpenseReportResourceVendorMismatch | Vendor on expense report must match the resource expense report vendor. |
65782 | SpecifiedExpenseReportVendorInvalid | Vendor on expense report must be enabled as an expense report payee. |
65783 | SpecifiedExpenseDocumentVendorInvalid | Vendor is inactive. |
65784 | ExpenseReportPayeeVendorCostCenterMismatch | Non-resource payee expense report cost center, if specified, must match payee vendor cost center. |
65785 | SubcontractorInvoiceVendorCostCenterMismatch | Subcontractor invoice cost center, if specified, must match vendor cost center. |
65786 | NoPermissionToMaintainReceipts | You do not have permission to maintain receipts on this expense document. |
65787 | NoPermissionToViewCostCard | You do not have permission to view this cost card. |
65788 | CannotRetrieveReceiptsWithoutCostCards | Cannot retrieve receipts without cost cards. |
65794 | OperationCannotByCompletedPaymentVouchersChanged | Payment voucher operation cannot be completed because one or more payment vouchers has changed, is ineligible or you do not have proper permission. |
65795 | CannotAlterTotalDisbursedAmountOnApprovedVoucher | Payment voucher total disbursed amount cannot change for approved payment vouchers. |
65796 | SiCostsCannotBeChangedToPassthrough | Costs on subcontractor invoices cannot be changed to a passthrough expense type. |
65797 | AtLeastOneCardNotFromSpecifiedExpenseDocument | At least one cost card is not from specified expense document. |
65798 | VatAmountMayNotExceedTotalAmountOnDac | VAT amount may not exceed total amount. |
65799 | DisbursedAndVatAmountsDifferingSigns | Base amount and VAT amount must have the same sign. |
65800 | DisbursedAndClientAmountsDifferingSigns | Base amount and client amount must have the same sign. |
65801 | VatAmountMayNotExceedTotalAmountOnSave | VAT amount may not exceed total amount. |
65802 | CostCardMarkupPercentageOutOfRange | Markup percentage may not be less than -100%. |
65803 | DisbursedAndClientAmountsDifferingSignsOnWc | Adjustment would create one or more cost cards with disbursed and client amounts with opposing signs. |
65804 | SubcontractorInvoiceExpected | Specified expense document is not a subcontractor invoice. |
65805 | NoPermissionToMaintainSubcontractorInvoice | You do not have permission to maintain this subcontractor invoice. |
65807 | UserOrInstallationNotEnabledForAdancedAnalytics | This user or installation is not enabled for advanced analytics. |
65809 | UserTypeMismatchGettingDashboardUrl | Specified dashboard is not available for this user. |
65816 | ExpenseDocumentRefOrDocumentTypeRequired | Please specify either an expense document identity or a valid document type. |
65817 | ExpenseDocumentRefOrProjectRefRequired | Please specify either an expense document identity or a project identity. |
65818 | ResourceMismatchSelectingApprovers | The specified resource does not match the resource associated with the specified expense document. |
65819 | ResourceMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForExpenseReports | A resource identity may only be specified when retrieving approvers for an expense report. |
65820 | ExpenseDocumentRefOrResourceRefRequiredForExpenseReports | Please specify either an expense document identity or a resource identity, or both. When retrieving approvers for an expense report. |
65821 | CannotSpecifyOverrideClientAmountOnSubcontractorInvoiceCosts | Override client amount cannot be specified for subcontractor invoice cost cards. |
65822 | VendorsInvoiceNumberAlreadyInUse | Specified vendor's invoice number is already in use. |
65824 | PassthroughExpensesNotAllowedOnSubcontractorInvoices | Pass-through expense types cannot be used on subcontractor invoices. |
65825 | VATAmountAndTotalAmountSignMismatch | VAT and total amounts in incurred and disbursed currencies must all share a common sign. |
65826 | OverrideClientAmountAndDisbursedAmountSignMismatch | Override client and base amounts must share a common sign. |
65827 | CannotUnsubmitCostCardApClosed | This cost card cannot be unsubmitted because its accounting period is closed. |
65829 | SpecifiedTimeRelationshipTypeUdfValidIncomplete | The specified relationship type UDF value is incomplete. |
65830 | CannotSaveTaskNoteOnNonDtmProject | Notes can only be saved for tasks on DTM projects. |
68230 | NoPermissionToViewInvoice | You do not have permission to view this invoice. |
70007 | SriPriorToLastFroDate | Cannot create system revenue item on or prior to last FRO time card date. |
70101 | RevRecWithEmptyCli | A contract line item must have a project beneath it in order to perform revenue recognition. |
70118 | RevRecCutoffClosedForAdj | The revenue recognition cutoff date is in a period that is not open for adjustments. |
70119 | ExistingSriClosedForAdj | At least one date with existing system revenue to be cleared is in a period that is not open for adjustments. |
75003 | DocumentStorageOrWorkspacesNotEnabled | Document storage or workspaces are not enabled for this installation. |
75008 | SpecifiedVersionDoesNotExist | Specified document version number does not exist. |
75009 | SpecifiedDocumentNotInSpecifiedFolder | Specified document is not in specified folder. |
75010 | SpecifiedDocumentNotALink | Specified document is not a link. |
75011 | MaximumDocumentSizeExceeded | This file is too large. Please upload a smaller file or contact your Projector administrator about increasing the maximum file size. |
75012 | DocumentStorageCapacityExceeded | Your company has exceeded its Projector storage space. Please delete some documents or contact your Projector administrator about increasing your company's storage capacity. |
75013 | WorkspaceQuotaExceeded | You have exceeded the storage space for this workspace. Please delete some documents or contact your Projector administrator about increasing the workspace storage capacity. |
75018 | DocumentUrlRequiredForNewLink | Document URI is required for new document links. |
75019 | DocumentNameRequiredForNewLink | Document name is required for new document links. |
75023 | LockedDocumentCannotBeDeleted | Document cannot be deleted because the document is locked. |
75027 | InvalidValueForNumberPages | Invalid value specified for number of pages. |
75033 | DocumentTypeMismatchOnUpload | Please upload a file of the same type if you are attempting to create a new version of an existing document. |
75035 | FolderCostCardDeleted | This cost card has been deleted. |
75038 | DocumentExtensionInvalid | Document extension is not valid. Extensions may not exceed 10 characters, including the period. |
75040 | NotesNotSupportedForFolder | Folder type does not support attachment notes. |
75047 | DocumentLockedCannotBeRenamed | Document is locked, and cannot be renamed. |
75050 | AssociatedItemTypeFolderTypeMismatch | Associated item type does not match folder type. |
75062 | DocumentIsPendingArchiveAndCannotBeDeleted | Sorry, this document cannot be deleted because it is being archived. |
75074 | AssociatedItemMustBelongToSpecifiedFolder | Specified associated item must be associated with the given folder. |
75078 | DocumentNameAlreadyInUse | This folder already contains a document with the same name. Operation cannot be completed. |
75079 | OneOrMoreAssociatedCostCardsNotFound | One or more cost cards do not exist. |
75080 | AssociatedCostCardsMustBelongToSpecifiedExpenseDocument | One or more cost cards do not belong to the specified expense document. |
75081 | NoPermissionToViewPaymentVoucherReceipts | You do not have permission to view this payment voucher. |
75085 | DocumentViewPermissionDenied | You do not have permission to view this document or folder. |
75086 | DocumentUpdatePermissionDenied | You do not have permission to update this document or folder. |
75087 | DocumentNameContainsInvalidCharacters | The document name contains invalid characters. |
75089 | DocumentUriIsInvalid | The document URL is invalid. |
75097 | NotesNotSupportedForDocument | Notes are not applicable to given document. |
75098 | AssociatedItemsDoNotApplyToDocument | Associated items are not applicable to given document. |
75100 | CannotChangeDocumentExtension | You cannot change the extension associated with a document. |
75112 | SpecifiedAttachmentHasBeenDeleted | Specified attachment has been deleted. |
75113 | SpecifiedDocumentDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedFolder | Specified document does not belong to specified folder. |
75175 | DocumentStorageModuleNotEnabled | Document storage module not enabled for this installation. |
75176 | DocumentSizeCannotBeNegative | Document size cannot be negative. |
75178 | DocumentLinksMayNotBeUpdated | Document links may be added and removed, but not updated. |
75179 | DocumentNameIsRequired | Document name is required when uploading a new document. |
75180 | DocumentIsLocked | Document is locked. |
75181 | DocumentOrFolderRefRequired | Either an existing document ref or a target folder must be specified. |
75182 | DocumentNotInSpecifiedFolder | Document is not housed in specified folder. |
75183 | DocumentCannotBeAddedDirectlyToThisFolder | This type of folder does not support having documents added to it directly. |
75184 | FolderTypeDoesNotSupportVersioning | This type of folder does not support file versioning. |
75185 | FolderTypeDoesNotSupportDocumentLinks | This type of folder does not support file links. |
75186 | DocumentTypeCannotBeUploaded | Documents of this type may not be uploaded. |
75189 | InvalidIssueAttachmentPoolFolderSpecified | Specified issue attachment pool folder is invalid. |
75191 | DocumentTypeCanNotBeLogicallyDeleted | Logical deletion of this type of document is not supported. |
75193 | FolderTypeCodeInvalid | Invalid folder type. |
75196 | DocumentLinksDoNotSupportVersioningOrLocking | Link-type documents do not support version control and/or locking. |
75199 | DocumentNotFound | Document not found. |
75205 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
75207 | VersionNumberDoesNotExist | Specified version number does not exist. |
75208 | CannotPurgeDocumentPendingArchival | Document cannot be purged because at least one version is pending archival. |
75214 | DocumentVersionHasBeenArchived | Cannot roll back to specified version because it has been archived. |
75215 | AtLeastOneVersionPendingArchival | Document cannot be rolled back because at least one version is pending archival. |
75218 | NewUriRequiredForSetDocumentUri | New document URI must be specified. |
75220 | DocumentIsNotALink | Document is not a link-type document. |
75223 | FolderCannotBeDeletedDocumentsPendingArchival | Folder cannot be deleted because one or more documents are pending archival. |
75230 | ArchiveNotReadyForDownload | Archive is not ready for download. |
75231 | ArchiveFailedCannotDownload | Archiving process failed, cannot download archive. |
75232 | ArchiveNoLongerAvailableForDownload | Archive is no longer available for download. |
75233 | CannotDeleteVersionDocumentLocked | Document version cannot be deleted because the document is locked. |
75234 | CannotDeleteOnlyVersionOfDocument | Cannot delete only version of document. |
75235 | CannotDeleteDocumentPendingArchival | Document version is pending archival and cannot be deleted. |
75238 | DocumentArchiveNotFound | Specified document archive not found. |
75240 | ResourceMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenSearchingWorkspaces | Resource may not be specified when searching project workspaces. |
75241 | ProjectmayNotBeSpecifiedWhenSearchingResumes | Project may not be specified when searching resource resumes. |
75242 | InvalidValueForArchiveStatus | Invalid value specified for archive status. Valid values are A for accepted, D for downloaded or E for expired. |
75243 | ArchiveNotReadyForSetStatus | Archive is not ready, cannot set status. |
75244 | ArchiveFailedCannotSetStatus | Archiving process failed, cannot set status. |
75245 | ArchiveDeletedCannotSetStatus | Archive has been deleted, cannot set status. |
75246 | UnsupportedArchiveStatusChange | Unsupported document archive status change. |
75251 | CannotUploadNewVersionOfDeletedDocument | Cannot upload a new version of a deleted document. |
75254 | DocumentPendingArchiveCannotBeLocked | Document cannot be locked because it is pending archival. |
75255 | UnrenderableReceiptCannotBeUploaded | Receipt cannot be uploaded because it cannot be previewed. |
79021 | UnexpectedSfaTypeForWebServiceImport | SFA Integration not configured for web service based import. |
84004 | ProjectWorkspaceNotEnabledForProject | Project workspace is not enabled for this project. |
84008 | ProjectIssueHasBeenUpdatedByAnotherUser | Project issue has been changed. |
84015 | InvalidValueForIssuePriority | Invalid priority value. |
84017 | PriorityRequiredForSaveProjectIssue | Priority is required. |
84018 | DescriptionRequiredForSaveProjectIssue | Description is required. |
84019 | SpecifiedIssueDoesNotBelongToSpecifiedProject | Project mismatch. |
84020 | NoPermissionToUpdateProjectIssues | No permission to update project issues. |
84021 | ProjectIssueCategoryIsInactive | Project issue category is inactive. |
84022 | ProjectIssueStatusIsInactive | Project issue status is inactive. |
84024 | NoPermissionToViewPostedInvoices | No permission to view posted invoices. |
84026 | NoPermissionToViewProjectTeam | No permission to view project team. |
84028 | NoPermissionToViewProjectIssues | No permission to view project issues. |
84039 | DocumentNotAttachedToThisIssue | Document is not attached to this issue, cannot delete it. |
84041 | IssueOwnerIsNotValid | Specified issue owner is not valid. |
84042 | SpecifiedIssueAttachmentNotInPool | Document is not in the issue attachment pool, cannot attach to this issue. |
84046 | NoPermissionToViewProjectWorkspaceInfo | You do not have permission to view project workspace information. |
84052 | DocumentCannotBeUpdatedLocked | Document |
84053 | DocumentCannotBeUpdatedExistingLink | A link named |
84057 | IssueExternalSystemIdentifierAlreadyInUse | The specified project issue external system identifier is already in use. External system identifiers must be globally unique. |
84059 | DocumentCannotBeUpdatedNewLink | A document named |
84060 | DocumentCannotBeUpdatedUnspecified | A document named |
85000 | AdvancedAnalyticsNotEnabled | The advanced analytics module is not enabled. |
85002 | AamIntegrationNameAlreadyInUse | Specified AAM integration name " |
85003 | AamMultipleProjectorBIInstances | Only once instance of Projector BI integration is allowed. |
85004 | AamIntegrationNameRequiredOnInsert | AAM integration name is required on insert. |
85005 | AamTypeRequiredOnInsert | AAM type is required on insert. |
85006 | AamInstallationParamsRequiredOnInsert | AAM installation params are required on insert. |