Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Go to Time Entry at
  2. Click Import at the bottom center of your screen
  3. Choose your JIRA/Zendesk integration from the dropdown list and the time period you are interested in:
  4. Map Projector fields to JIRA/Zendesk fields. The left column contains Projector time card fields. The right column shows your available JIRA/Zendesk fields. 
  5. Click Review Time
  6. Map any fields in red that don't have a mapping yet. Then tick the checkbox  to flag it for import.
  7. Click Import or Import and Close



The following metadata can be imported from JIRA into Projector.

Issue ID
Issue Key
Issue Summary
Issue Description
Work Date
Issue Type Id
Issue Type Description
Issue Type Name
Project ID

Product Key

Project Name
Issue Resolution Id
Issue Resolution Name
Issue Resolution Description
Issue Resolution Date
Work Hours
Work Comment
Custom FieldsAny custom fields added in the External Connector configuration.


When you import Zendesk time cards, you'll get one time card for each time the ticket was updated. Ten ticket updates will result in ten time cards. There is the potential for the sum of time cards to shift away from the sum of time spent in Zendesk. This happens because Zendesk tracks time at the seconds level. Projector only goes down to the 3 minute level. Because of that, rounding will take place. The net of that rounding can result in disparities between the two systems.


When you import from Zendesk, it does on a whole day basis. So you should only import from Zendesk when you are sure no more tickets updates will be made for the day. Otherwise you can end up with duplicate data. For example, if I import at lunch time and again at dinner time, the tickets from before lunch will be imported twice.

The following metadata can be imported from Zendesk into Projector:
