The service request contains:
GetNextArTransactionRequest |
Name | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Discussion |
CompanyNumber | string(20) | no |
| If not supplied then matches all companies. |
MaxPeriodCode | string(20) | no |
| If not supplied then matches all periods. |
ForceTransDateWithinPeriodFlag | boolean | no | false | If true then alter transaction dates when needed to fall within the accounting period. |
The following data is returned:
GetNextArTransactionResponse |
| |
Name | Data Type | Discussion | |
InvoiceTransactionNumber | int | If -1 then there is no pending transaction to return. If -2 then there is at least one pending transaction that cannot be returned because there is no accounting period that it can be associated with. | |
CompanyNumber | string(20) | Company No of Invoice Cost Ctr | |
InvoiceCurrencyCode | string(4) | Invoice Currency | |
GeneralLedgerCurrencyCode | string(4) | Functional Currency of Issuing Company | |
AccountingPeriodCode | string(20) | Projector Accounting Period of the invoice | |
TransactionType | string(1) | "I" = issue | |
InvoiceDate | date | Ex: 06-Sep-2010 | |
InvoiceNumber | string(20) |
| |
PaymentTermsName | string(50) | Ex = Net 30 | |
ClientName | string(50) |
| |
ClientNumber | string(20) |
| |
TopLevelClientName | string(50) | The root Client Name | |
TopLevelClientNumber | string(20) | The root Client No | |
EngagementCode | string(20) |
| |
EngagementName | string(50) |
| |
InvoiceName | string(100) |
| |
AddressAttention | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressCompanyName | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressLine1 | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressLine2 | string(50) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressCity | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressStateOrProvince | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressZipOrPostalCode | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
AddressCountry | string(20) | From Invoice "Billing Information" | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | string(50) | From the Invoice Tab on the Invoice. | |
TimeWipEngCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Timecards included on invoice | |
CostWipEngCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Costcards included on invoice | |
NewPrepaidEngCurrAmount | money | Value of Milestones included on invoice | |
Tax1EngCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax1 amount included on invoice | |
Tax2EngCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax2 amount included on invoice | |
Tax3EngCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax3 amount included on invoice | |
GrossInvoiceEngCurrAmount | money | Sum of these amounts included on invoice:
| |
AppliedPrepaidEngCurrAmount | money | Existing Prepayment Amount applied to invoice | |
NetInvoiceEngCurrAmount | money | Gross Invoice Amount less any Applied Prepayment | |
TimeWipEngGlCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Timecards included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
CostWipEngGlCurrAmount | money | Adjusted value of Costcards included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
NewPrepaidEngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Milestones included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
Tax1EngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax1 amount included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
Tax2EngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax2 amount included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
Tax3EngGlCurrAmount | money | Value of Tax3 amount included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
GrossInvoiceEngGlCurrAmount | money | Sum of these amounts included on invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency:
| |
AppliedPrepaidEngGlCurrAmount | money | Existing Prepayment Amount applied to invoice in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
FxVarianceEngGlCurrAmount | money | Fx Variance in Ledger/Functional Currency | |
NetInvoiceEngGlCurrAmount | money | Gross Invoice Amount less any Applied Prepayment plus any Fx Variance | |
AccountsReceivableGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center of AR Account. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
AccountsReceivableGlAccountNumber | string(20) | AR GL Account No. From the Invoice Cost Center & Engagement Currency. | |
TimeWipGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center identifier for the Time WIP line item. From the Invoice Cost Center. | |
TimeWipArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Time WIP. From the Engagement Type. | |
CostWipGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center identifier for the Cost WIP line item. From the Invoice Cost Center. | |
CostWipArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Cost WIP. From the Expense Type. | |
DeferredRevenueGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Account No. used for New and Applied Prepayments on Invoice. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
DeferredRevenueArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Deferred Revenue. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
VatPayableGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center & Account No. that Tax Items are charged. From the Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
Tax1PayableArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Taxes Payable1. From Tax Types. | |
Tax2PayableArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Taxes Payable2. From Tax Types. | |
Tax3PayableArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Taxes Payable3. From Tax Types. | |
FxVarianceGlCostCenterNumber | string(159) | Cost Center where Fx Variance gets posted. From Invoice Cost Ctr. | |
FxVarianceArItemNumber | string(20) | Identifier used by the financial system to designate the GL Account for Fx Variance. Invoice Cost Ctr. |