This structure contains the complete set of information about a project role (less any subordinate entities). The structure is used both to retrieve detailed project role information and to pass information about a project role back to the server to get updated.
- PwsProjectRoleDetail
- ExternalSystemIdentifier: String
- ProjectRoleId: Int32
- ProjectRoleUid: Int64
- BaseRateOnTitleIdentity: PwsTitleRef
- CandidateIdentities: PwsResourceRef[]
- CostCenterAnyFlag: Boolean
- CostCenterCriteria: PwsCostCenterCriteria[]
- CostCenterIdentity: PwsCostCenterRef
- DefaultSchedulingMode: String
- Description: String
- Keywords: String
- LocationAnyFlag: Boolean
- LocationIdentities: PwsLocationRef[]
- LocationIdentity: PwsLocationRef
- NewExternalSystemIdentifier: String
- ResourceIdentity: PwsResourceRef
- RoleEndDate: DateTime
- RoleName: String
- RoleStartDate: DateTime
- ShareCostCenterIdentity: PwsCostCenterRef
- SkillCriteria: PwsSkillCriteria[]
- TitleIdentities: PwsTitleRef[]
- TitleIdentity: PwsTitleRef
- RdcTransferCurrencyIdentity: PwsCurrencyRef
- RdcTransferHourlyRate: Double
- RevenueTransferHourlyRate: Double
- UserDefinedFields: PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail[]
- RateExceptions: PwsProjectRoleRateException[]
- RdcExceptions: PwsProjectRoleRdcException[]
- InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag: Boolean
- PurchaseOrderNumber: String
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
ExternalSystemIdentifier | String |
ProjectRoleId | Int32 |
ProjectRoleUid | Int64 |
BaseRateOnTitleIdentity |
| |
CandidateIdentities |
| |
CostCenterAnyFlag | Boolean |
CostCenterCriteria |
| |
CostCenterIdentity |
| |
DefaultSchedulingMode | String |
Description | String |
Keywords | String |
LocationAnyFlag | Boolean |
LocationIdentities |
| |
LocationIdentity |
| |
NewExternalSystemIdentifier | String |
ResourceIdentity |
| |
RoleEndDate | DateTime |
RoleName | String |
RoleStartDate | DateTime |
ShareCostCenterIdentity |
| |
SkillCriteria |
| |
TitleIdentities |
| |
TitleIdentity |
| |
RdcTransferCurrencyIdentity |
| |
RdcTransferHourlyRate | Double |
RevenueTransferHourlyRate | Double |
UserDefinedFields |
| |
RateExceptions |
| |
RdcExceptions |
| |
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | Boolean |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String |