This structure contains the complete set of information about a Contract Line Item. The structure is used both to retrieve detailed contract line item information and to pass information about a contract line item back to the server to get updated.
- PwsContractLineItemDetail
- ContractLineItemName: String
- EngagementCode: String
- EngagementId: Int32
- EngagementUid: Int64
- EngagementIdentity: PwsEngagementRef
- CostContractTerms: String
- DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency: Double
- DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency: Double
- HoldbackAmount: Double
- HoldbackPercent: Double
- HoldbackType: String
- MaxCostContractAmount: Double
- MaxTimeContractAmount: Double
- MinCostContractAmount: Double
- MinTimeContractAmount: Double
- RevenueEarnedByDate: DateTime
- RevenueRecognitionMethod: String
- RevenueSchedule: PwsRevenueScheduleItem
- TimeContractTerms: String
- ContractTypeIdentity: PwsContractTypeRef
- InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag: Boolean
- ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag: Boolean
- OverageProjectIdentity: PwsProjectRef
- PurchaseOrderNumber: String
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
ContractLineItemName | String | Contract Line Item Name | Web Services Engagement |
EngagementCode | String | Engagement Code. A unique identifier for an Engagement | E001395 |
EngagementId | Int32 | Engagement Id. A unique identifier for an Engagement. For internal use only. | |
EngagementUid | Int64 | Engagement Unique Id. A unique and immutable identifer for an engagement. | 1152921504607083377 |
EngagementIdentity | |||
CostContractTerms | String | Cost Contract Terms "F" for Fixed Price "T" for Time and Materials "C" for Time and Materials with a cap Null on update means leave as is | T |
DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency | Double | Deferred Revenue Opening Balance in the Engagement Currency | 20000 |
DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency | Double | Deferred Revenue Opening Balance in the General Ledger Currency | 15000 |
HoldbackAmount | Double | Holdback Amount. Applies only when holdback type is A; null otherwise. | 5000 |
HoldbackPercent | Double | Holdback Percent. Applies only when holdback type is P; null otherwise. | .25 |
HoldbackType | String | Holdback Type. "N" for none "A" for Amount "P" for Percent | N |
MaxCostContractAmount | Double | Maximum Cost Contract Amount Must be specified for cost contract terms F or C, and null otherwise. | 10000 |
MaxTimeContractAmount | Double | Maximum Time Contract Amount Must be specified for time contract terms F or C, and null otherwise. | 20000 |
MinCostContractAmount | Double | Maximum Cost Contract Amount Must be specified for cost contract terms F or C, and null otherwise. | 5000 |
MinTimeContractAmount | Double | Minimum Time Contract Amount Must be specified for time contract terms F, and null otherwise. | 15000 |
RevenueEarnedByDate | DateTime | This is a date by which an engagement is expected to finish. | 2018-06-30T00:00:00Z |
RevenueRecognitionMethod | String | Revenue Recognition Method "P" for percent complete "R" for revenue schedule Leave blank for non-billable engagements. | P |
RevenueSchedule | |||
TimeContractTerms | String | Time Contract Terms "T" for Time & Materials "F" for Fixed Price "C" for Not to Exceed | |
ContractTypeIdentity | |||
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | Boolean | Inherit Purchase Order Number from Parent Client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag | Boolean | When set to "true", the contract will be modeled to account for contracted hours and overages. This setting is typically used when setting up service contracts where a client purchases a fixed amount of hours for a specific time period. Time that exceeds the allottment is then billed at a different rate. This overage is handled by a separate project. Only available for Fixed Price time contracts using a revenue schedule | true/false |
OverageProjectIdentity | For Contract Line Items that are defined to model Contracted Hours and Overages, this is the project to which hours that exceed a set number within a date range will be transferred. | P001395-002 | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | Purchase Order Number associated with the Contract Line Item | PO-1234 |