Are there default Projector task planning templates you can share with us in Smartsheet?

At the time of this FAQ’s writing there are four generic templates available to Projector clients.

  1. Basic Task Plan (% allocation driven) v3

  2. Basic Task Plan (effort oriented) v3

  3. Operation with Effort Oriented v3

  4. Inventory Tracking Sample (v4 - with Budget Field)

Each template is slightly different with varying degrees of complexity, but they all work with Projector out of the box.

To access these templates, reach out to and request access to the Projector shared starter templates. Support will temporarily share a Projector Smartsheet workspace called “_Projector Shared Starter Templates for Copying” with you, and you will be able to:

  • Use each template to create a new sheet in your own workspace

  • Open each new sheet and save as a template

Once you’ve completed this operation, Projector Support should remove your Smartsheet user from the temporarily shared Smartsheet workspace.