How do I track whether my resources are reporting enough billable hours?

Organizations often require their resources to report a minimum number of billable hours per week or month.

  • On the parameters tab set the Calculate Utilization for dropdown to yield.
  • Add the following row field to your report:

    Row Field

    Resource Display Name

  • Add the following data fields to your report:

    Data Field


    Billable Type Hours

    The number of billable hours

    Billable Type Percent

    Percentage of UBH dedicated towards billable work

  • Optionally add these additional data fields:



    Nonbillable Type Hours

    The number of nonbillable hours

    Nonbillable Type Percent

    Percentage of UBH dedicated towards nonbillable work

    Missing Type Hours

    Similar to billable/nonbillable described above

    Missing Type Percent

    Similar to billable/nonbillable described above

    Total Hours

    Total of billable and nonbillable hours

    Total Percent

    Percent that is yielded. If less than 100% then resources could be reporting more hours. If more than 100% then they are working more than expected.

From the resulting report you will see the total number of billable hours and what percent of their time is dedicated to billable work. We have also included nonbillable time and total time so that you can see whether the reason for not meeting their billable requirements are because of missing time or nonbillable time. Finally we include total hours/percent so that you can see if your resources are overworking themselves to meet billable requirements.