Flex Search - Too Many Results

Flex Search - Too Many Results

When searching in Projector Web you may encounter the following error - Too many records for detail grid.

The Smart Grid is limited to showing 2,000 records for performance reasons. This page will provide you with some solutions to working around this limitation.

Summary Grid

The Smart Grid has the ability to display something called the Summary Grid. This is a second grid which only contains aggregated data. You can then click on one of these summaries to see the individual items that compose it.

In the screenshot below my summary grid (outlined in orange) is done by Project. If I click on a project the lower grid shows all the time cards associated with it.

This solution is best when you can aggregate data and drill through it one grouping at a time.

To enable the summary grid click Options | Customize Results Grids | Grid Display Options = Summary Grid with Details. Then click View/Customize to specify what you want to group on.


If you really need all the data in a single view, then Projector Web isn't the best place to be. Instead you'll want to navigate over to Management Portal and look to the Reporting area. Select the most appropriate report, run it, and view the results in your data viewer of choice.

Narrow Search

Although obvious, maybe all you need to do is narrow your search to get under the two thousand item limit.