Client Report - Data Fields

Client Report - Data Fields

Data fields available in the Client Report.

Auto Apply Available Balance (Yes/No)For clients with a pre-payment balance, if set to "true" automatically apply the balance to new invoices.
Billing Address AttentionText field denoting the intended recipient within an organization.
Billing Address CityThe city name.
Billing Address Company NameThe company name. 
Billing Address CountryThe country name. 
Billing Address Line 1The primary address information (i.e. Street Address).
Billing Address Line 2The secondary address information (i.e. Apartment Number or Floor).
Billing Address State/ProvinceThe state or province name. 
Billing Address Zip/PostalCodeThe zip or postal code.
Billing Adjusted Discount %The standard billing adjusted discount percent for the client.
Billing CycleBilling Cycles are used to determine when and how often clients should be invoiced. Each client and engagement can be assigned a billing cycle, and users can choose to create invoices only for engagements with a particular billing cycle.
Billing InstructionsThe billing instructions associated with the client.
Client MessageA per-invoice message to appear on the invoice. This may include RTF markup. 
Contract Discount %The standard contract discount percent for the client.
Email Invoice Enabled (Yes/No)The settings that control whether email distribution of invoices is enabled for this client, and if so, who the sender and recipients of the email are, the subject line, the email template and other related settings that are in effect.
Email Invoice From Display NameThe user identity that will be assigned to the "From" field in the invoice email
Email Invoice From Email AddressThe email address the invoice email will be sent from
Email Invoice Handling

The invoice email type

"P" to include invoice as a PDF

"H" to embed invoice as HTML in email

"W" to upload invoice to project workspaces and include a link in the email 

Email Invoice TemplateThe invoice email template that will be used for this invoice
Invoice Content

The invoice content associated with the client.

"B" for time and cost together

"S" for separately 

Invoice Scope

The invoice content associated with the client.

"C" for client

"N" for purchase order number

"E" for engagement

"P" for project 

Invoice TemplateThe template to use for rendering invoices.
New Project Rate CardThe standard rate card identity for the client.
Payment TermsThe payment terms set up for the client.
Primary Client Inactive (Yes/No)If set to true, the primary client is currently set to "Inactive"
Primary Client NameThe client name. This is a unique identifier for the client.
Primary Client NumberThe client name. This is a unique identifier for the client.
Primary Client UIDThe client Uid is a unique and immutable identifier for a client.
Purchase Order NumberThe purchase order number for the client.

Render Receipts (Yes/No)

If set to 'true', receipts will be rendered on the invoice.
Time Billing Type

The time billing type:

"D" for daily

"H" for hourly 

Use Default Rates (Yes/No)If set to 'true', default rates will be applied for this client.

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