Forecasted Budget Assigns Revenue to Non-Chargeable Time
This question gets asked many different ways, but the most common version is this - I have a resource working on Task X which only allows a zero rate. How come my forecasted hours aren't zero?
All the other ways this question get posed basically boil down to, how come the rates on my forecasted hour aren't what I expect them to be?
The key to understanding the rates on projected hours is this - Roles Drive the Rates. Anything you have set on your Task Planning tab, Task types tab, or the lower section of your Rates tab is irrelevant. None of these impact forecasted hours. Why? Because you forecast hours on a per-role basis. A role knows nothing about task types, rate types, or detailed task management (DTM). The last bit here, DTM, is a bit of a sticky wicket. You might be saying to yourself that your DTM tasks DO have task types and SHOULD be able to infer the rate type. However, the budgeting engine just isn't hooked directly into DTM plans. It is driven exclusively by the resource scheduling tab.
Solution 1
Check your project rates tab and ensure the rate card has proper values.
Solution 2
Edit each individual role and check the role rates tab. Set the proper rate on the role. If you have a resource that will deliver both billable and non-billable work you will need two roles for that resource. On one role you should book out billable work. On the other, non-billable work.