Expense Importer

Expense Importer



· Must be in CSV format with a header row.

· Must have a column headed "EmployeeID" intended for the Employee Id of the person who is getting the item in their import pool, which must be populated.

· May have a column headed "Project" which may be null or empty or may specify the project code.

· May have a column headed "ExpenseType" which may be null or empty or may specify the expense type.

· May have a column headed "IncurredDate" which may be null or empty or may specify the date.

· May have a column headed "Description" which may be null or empty or may specify the description of the item.

· May have a column headed "Location" which may be null or empty or may specify a location.

· May have a column headed "NotChargeable" which may be null or empty or may specify "true" or "false" to represent if item is billable.

· May have a column headed "HandyInfo" which may be null or empty or may specify any additional info to identify the item.

· May have a column headed "PayeeVendorName" which may be null or empty or may specify a payee vendor name.

· May have a column headed "Currency" which may be null or empty or may specify a currency code.

· May have a column headed "TotalPaid" which may be null or empty or may specify a double-precision monetary value to represent the incurred amount.

· May have a column headed "TotalDue" which may be null or empty or may specify a double-precision monetary value to represent the total amount disbursed.

· If there is a column headed "_PPSA_Status" it will be overwritten in the output file.

· If there is a column headed "_PPSA_Messages" it will be overwritten in the output file.

· Any other columns are ignored.

ALL RECORDS (each row after the header row):

· Must have a value in the required EmployeeID column.

Output File Generated:

· Will have all columns that were provided.

· The _PPSA_Status column will indicate success or failure of the operation on the associated record.

· The _PPSA_Messages columns will contain further information about the operation.

Additional Info

· User is given an option to type in a payee vendor name that will be applied to all items in the file, overriding any existing payee vendor names in the file.

· User must select a date format if file includes a column labeled "Incurred Date".