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Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
ClientID | int | Client ID. For internal use only. | 114506 |
ClientNumber | string | Client Number. Unique ID associated with the client record. | CL1234 |
ClientUid | long | Client Unique ID. For internal use only. | 1152921504606961482 |
ClientName | string | Client Name | Revcorp-WS |
InactiveFlag | boolean | Signifies of client is inactive. | "true" or "false" |
ParentClientIdentity | int | Parent Client ID. For internal use only. | 114505 |
Address | PwsAddress | Client Address |
BillingCycleIdentity | PwsBillingCycleRef | Billing Cycle Identity. |
BillingInstructions | string | Billing instructions | Please bill on the 15th of every month. |
ClientMessage | string | Client Message | Thank you for your business. |
ClientMessagePlain | string | Client Message in plain text format | Thank you for your business. |
InheritAddressFlag | boolean | Inherit address from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritBillingCycleFlag | boolean | Inherit billing cycle from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritBillingInstructionsFlag | boolean | Inherit billing instructions from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritClientMessageFlag | boolean | Inherit client message from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritInvoiceContentFlag | boolean | Inherit invoice content from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritInvoiceScopeFlag | boolean | Inherit invoice scope from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritInvoiceTemplateFlag | boolean | Inherit invoice template from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritPaymentTermFlag | boolean | Inherit parent term from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | boolean | Inherit purchase order number from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritStandardRatesFlag | boolean | Inherit standard rates from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritTimeBillingTypeFlag | boolean | Inherit time billing type from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InvoiceContent | string | Invoice Content | "B" for time and cost together "S" for separately |
InvoiceScope | string | Invoice Scope | "C" for client "N" for purchase order number "E" for engagement "P" for project |
InvoiceTemplateIdentity | PwsInvoiceTemplateRef | Invoice Template Identity |
NewClientNumber | int | New Client Number |
PaymentTermIdentity | PwsPaymentTermRef | Payment Term Identity |
PurchaseOrderNumber | string | Purchase Order Number | PO-1234 |
StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercent | double | Standard Billing Adjusted Discount Percent | 7.25 |
StandardContractDiscountPercent | double | Standard Contract Discount Percent | 0 |
StandardRateCardIdentity | PwsStandardRateCardRef | Standard Rate Card Identity |
TimeBillingType | string | Time Billing Type | "D" for daily "H" for hourly |
Timestamp | string | Row version in Base64 format | AAAAAA9Dhpo= |
UserDefinedFields | PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail | Client User Defined Fields |
InheritInvoiceEmailSettingsFlag | boolean | Inherit invoice email setting from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InvoiceEmailSettings | PwsInvoiceEmailSettings | Invoice Email Settings |
InheritRenderReceiptsFlag | boolean | Inherit render receipts flag from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
RenderReceiptsFlag | boolean | Render receipts flag | "true" or "false" |
AutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | boolean | Auto apply available balance flag | "true" or "false" |
InheritAutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | boolean | Inherit auto apply available balance flag from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
InheritTaxTypesFlag | boolean | Inherit tax types flag from parent client (if any) | "true" or "false" |
TaxType1Identity | string | Tax Type 1 ID | PST |
TaxType2Identity | string | Tax Type 2 ID | GST |
TaxType3Identity | string | Tax Type 3 ID | HST |
Usage Example(s)
<ClientId i:nil="true"/>
<ClientName>Acme 123</ClientName>
<ParentClientIdentity i:nil="true"/>
<AddressLine1>100 Main Street</AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2 i:nil="true"/>
<Attention>Jane Doe</Attention>
<CompanyName>Acme 123</CompanyName>
<BillingCycleId i:nil="true"/>
<BillingInstructions>This client should be billed on the 15th of every month</BillingInstructions>
<ClientMessage>We appreciate your business!</ClientMessage>
<ClientMessagePlain>We appreciate your business!</ClientMessagePlain>
<InvoiceTemplateId i:nil="true"/>
<NewClientNumber i:nil="true"/>
<PaymentTermId i:nil="true"/>
<PaymentTermName>Net 15</PaymentTermName>
<PurchaseOrderNumber>Acme 123</PurchaseOrderNumber>
<StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercent i:nil="true"/>
<StandardContractDiscountPercent i:nil="true"/>
<StandardRateCardIdentity i:nil="true"/>
<UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<UdfName>Sign On Date</UdfName>
<BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<UdfName>Contact Name</UdfName>
<BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceDisplayName>John Smith</ResourceDisplayName>
<ResourceId i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceReferenceSystemId>SL (USA) - 03</ResourceReferenceSystemId>
<TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<UdfName>Additional Info</UdfName>
<BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<TextValue>Client Info pending</TextValue>
<NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<TextValue>This cllient has an additional locaion in San Francisco, CA.</TextValue>
<NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<UserDisplayName>Jane Doe</UserDisplayName>
<UserId i:nil="true"/>
<UserReferenceSystemId>Employee - 123</UserReferenceSystemId>
<InvoiceTemplateId i:nil="true"/>
<UserDisplayName>Web Services</UserDisplayName>
<UserId i:nil="true"/>
<TaxTypeId i:nil="true"/>
<TaxType2Identity i:nil="true"/>
<TaxType3Identity i:nil="true"/>