This web service retrieves a list of vendor summary records (PwsEngagementSummary), based on specified search criteria. The following parameters affect the list of vendors retrieved:
- QueryString. Find all vendors matching specified string in vendor name or vendor numberĀ
- IncludeInactiveFlag. If true, inactive vendors will be returned. Otherwise, only vendors that are not considered inactive will be returned.
- VendorId/VendorName/VendorUid/VendorNumber. If specified, the identified vendor will be returned (QueryString and IncludeClosedFlag will be ignored)
Request Format
- PwsGetVendorListRq
- RequestId: Int32
- SessionTicket: String
- IncludeInactiveFlag: Boolean
- IncludeResourceVendorsFlag: Boolean
- MaxRowsToReturn: Int32
- QueryString: String (255)
- VendorIdentity: PwsVendorRef