This web service can be used to create a web invoice. You specify the attributes to use for invoice creation by providing a InvoiceSpec, an instance of PwsCandidateInvoiceSpec. This structure allows you to specify the name, scope and content of the invoice, the approval statuses and other invoice attributes. See below for full details. The caller can optionally request that the full invoice detail PwsInvoiceElement be included in the response.
Note that this service will create web invoices only, and cannot be used to create Management Portal invoices.
Request Format
* PwsCreateInvoiceRq * InvoiceSpec * InvoiceName : String(100) * ClientIdentity : PwsClientRef * PurchaseOrderNumber : String(50) * EngagementIdentity : PwsEngagementRef * ProjectIdentity : PwsProjectRef * ApprovedByFinanceFlag : Boolean * ApprovedByProjectManagerFlag : Boolean * ApprovedByManagementFlag : Boolean * EngagementCurrencyIdentity : PwsCurrencyRef * CostCenterIdentity : PwsCostCenterRef * BillingCultureIdentity : PwsCultureRef * EngagementInvoiceContent : String(1) * InvoiceScope : String(1) * InvoiceContent : String(1) * CardBeginDate : Date * CardEndDate : Date * NotifyFinanceTeamFlag : Boolean * NotifyPmTeamFlag : Boolean * NotifyManagementTeamFlag : Boolean * NewInvoiceMessages: String(1000) * AddCommentsToInvoiceMessagesFlag : Boolean * ExcludeZeroAmountTimeCardsFlag : Boolean * ExcludeZeroAmountCostCardsFlag : Boolean * FullDetailFlag : Boolean * IncludeAdjustmentHistoryFlag : Boolean * IncludeFullAdjustmentHistoryFlag : Boolean
Request Elements
Request Usage Example(s)
Response Format
- PwsCreateProjectCostBaselineResponse
- PwsCreateProjectCostBaselineResult: PwsCreateProjectCostBaselineRs
- Messages: PwsMessage[]
- ResponseId: Int32
- Status: RequestStatus
- ServerTimestampUtc: DateTime
- EngagementLockStolenFromUserIdentity: PwsUserRef **deprecated**
- EngagementTimestamp: String **deprecated**
- ProjectCostBaseline: PwsProjectCostBaselineElement
- ProjectCostBaselineIdentity: PwsProjectCostBaselineRef
- ProjectTimestamp: String
- StolenLocks: PwsEntityLockSummary [1..100]
- PwsCreateProjectCostBaselineResult: PwsCreateProjectCostBaselineRs
Response Elements
Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
Messages | The web service response status and message. Click here for more information. | ||
ResponseId | Int32 | Click here for more information | 1 |
Status | Click here for more information. | Ok | |
ServerTimestampUtc | DateTime | Click here for more information | 2018-01-29T21:55:08.7579802Z |
EngagementLockStolenFromUserIdentity | **deprecated** | ||
EngagementTimestamp | String | **deprecated** | AAAAAA62DGw= |
ProjectCostBaseline | The complete set of information about the project cost baseline. Specify FullDetailFlag = true in request to get this value returned in the response. | ||
ProjectCostBaselineIdentity | The unique keys used to identify the project cost baseline | ||
ProjectTimestamp | String | This is an optimistic locking timestamp that, if provided on update request, will cause the request to fail when the timestamp stored in the database does not match the provided value. | AAAAABFFCOw= |
StolenLocks | PwsEntityLockSummary [1..100] | This structure contains information about the locks that were stolen in order to complete this request, Will be included only when LocksToSteal is specified in the request. |
Response Usage Example(s)
PwsCreateProjectCostBaseline - Common Errors and Warnings
- For all errors and warnings please refer to the Complete List of Errors and Warnings
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
34001 | InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineBasis | The value specified for cost baseline basis is invalid. Valid values are P for Cost Plan and N for None. |
34003 | InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineDimension | The value specified for cost baseline dimension is invalid. Valid values are E for Expense Type, G for Expense Type Group, and N for None. |
34005 | SpecifyUpToOneDimensionInBaselineBucket | More than one dimension specified in Baseline Bucket. |
34007 | ParametersIgnoredForTimePhaseNone | Time Phase Parameters StartDate and IntervalCount are ignored when Time Phase specified as N for None. |
34010 | BaselineMustHaveAtLeastOneMetric | Baseline must have at least one metric. |
34013 | NoBucketsSpecifiedOnUnseededBaselineCreation | No buckets were specified on baseline creation with no basis/seed. |
34015 | BaselineDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Baseline Description may not be specified when clear flag is set. |
34016 | BaselineBucketsMayNotBeProvidedWhenClearFlagSet | Baseline Buckets may not be provided when clear flag is set. |
50024 | EntityNotFound | Entity PwsExpenseTypeRef was not found. |
50469 | EntityAlreadyLocked | One or more existing locks prevent acquisition of requested lock |
50472 | LockReleased | Lock xxxxx of type P has been released. |
50473 | InvalidLock | Invalid lock specified. |
54195 | InvalidValueForPrimaryMetric | An invalid value was specified for project baseline primary metric. |
54284 | CannotUseThisServiceToUpdateBaselines | This service can be used to create new baselines only, not to update an existing baseline. |
54285 | BaselineNameIsRequired | A baseline name is required. |
54286 | AtLeastOneBaselineMetricMustBeActive | At least one metric must be made active. |
54292 | PrimaryBaselineMetricMustBeEnabled | Primary baseline metrics must be an enabled metric in the baseline. |
54324 | InvalidValueSpecifiedForBasisDimensionOrTimephase | An invalid value was specified for basis, dimension or time phase when creating a project baseline. |
54483 | StartDateOrIntervalCountSpecifiedForNonTimephasedBaseline | Non-timephased baselines must not have a start date or an interval count other than zero. |
54484 | StartDateAndIntervalCountRequiredForTimephasedBaseline | Timephased baselines require a start date and a positive interval count. |
54488 | NoPermissionToCreateProjectBaseline | You do not have appropriate permissions to create this project baseline. |
54489 | BaselineDimensionMismatch | A value for a dimension that does not match the project baseline's dimension setting was specified. |
54490 | BudgetValueSpecifiedForInactiveMetric | A budget value was specified for a metric that is not active in the project baseline. |
54517 | NegativeBudgetAmountSpecifiedForProjectBaseline | Project baselines may not contain negative budgeted amounts. |
54518 | SpecifiedProjectBaselineBucketDatesInvalid | The specified bucket dates for a project baseline bucket are invalid. |
54519 | DuplicateKeyFoundInBaselineBuckets | Duplicate key found in specified baseline buckets. |
54520 | ProjectBaselineNameAlreadyInUse | The specified project baseline name is already in use. |
54526 | ProjectBaselineExternalSystemIdentifierAlreadyInUse | The specified project baseline external system identifier is already in use. |
54795 | InvalidArgumentsToPwsGetBaselineBucketDateIntervals | Invalid arguments have been specified to this service. |
54991 | NoPermissionToUpdateProjectBaseline | You do not have appropriate permissions to update this project baseline. |
55140 | NoPermissionToSetActiveBaselines | No permission to switch active baselines. |