This web service deletes a specified client (PwsClientRef). The service will return the identity (PwsClientRef) of the deleted client (PwsClientRef).
Request Format
Panel |
title | PwsDeleteClient Request |
- serviceRequest: PwsDeleteClientRq
Request Elements
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description |
RequestIDThe caller may supply any desired value here. The value supplied will be echoed back in the response as the ResponseId.This field is required. The session ticket is generated by the web service PwsAuthenticate. |
| Click here for more information | AavFwbZgVb9V4tr3R7BbzQ== |
CascadeDeleteFlag | Boolean | No |
"true" or "" "" ', when the user wants to delete the client and |
, all of the client's children |
""- ', an attempt to delete a client that has
child clients - one more children will fail
- If set to
""- ', and the client and all of its children can be deleted, all clients are deleted
- If set to
""- ', and the InactivateIfInUseFlag is also set to true, the client and its
child clients - children will be deleted if possible, otherwise they will be marked inactive. A client can be deleted if it is not in use elsewhere and all its
child clients - children (if any) can be deleted. Otherwise, it must be inactivated
- If set to
""- ', and the InactivateIfInUseFlag is set to false, an error is returned (because at least one client cannot be deleted, per bullet 2 above)
| true/false |
ClientIdentity | PwsClientRef |
[1] | Yes |
| This is the identity of the client to be deleted |
InactivateIfInuseFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to 'true', a client that cannot be deleted because it is in use will be set to inactive, otherwise the request will fail | true/false |
Request Usage Example(s)
Code Block |
language | xml |
title | Example 01 |
collapse | true |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pws="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/" xmlns:req="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Requests/" xmlns:com="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Response Format
Response Elements
Response Usage Example(s)
Code Block |
language | xml |
title | Example 01 |
collapse | true |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<PwsDeleteClientResponse xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/">
<PwsDeleteClientResult xmlns:a="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Responses/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Messages xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/" xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<ResponseId xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/">1</ResponseId>
<Status xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/">Ok</Status>
<ServerTimestampUtc xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/">2018-01-17T19:00:18.2269303Z</ServerTimestampUtc>
<a:ClientIdentity xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<b:ClientId i:nil="true"/>
PwsDeleteClient - Common Errors and Warnings
- For all errors and warnings please refer to the Complete List of Errors and Warnings
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
101 | ClientInactivated | The client could not be deleted and instead it was marked inactive |
50046 | UpdatePermissionDenied | You do not have permission to update this item. |
57623 | UnexpectedErrorDeletingClient | There was an unexpected error while trying to delete the client. |
57624 | ClientHasChildClients | The client could not be deleted because there are one or more child clients of this client. |
57625 | ChildClientCouldNotBeDeleted | The client could not be deleted because one of its child clients could not be deleted. |
57626 | ChildIsReferencedByEngagement | The client could not be deleted because at least one engagement is associated with this client. |
57627 | ClientIsReferencedByUser | The client could not be deleted because at least one user is associated with this client. |
57628 | ClientIsReferencedByInvoice | The client could not be deleted because at least one invoice is associated with this client. |
57629 | ClientNotFound | The specified client was not found. |
57631 | ClientNotSpecified | A specified client identity was incomplete. Each client identity must specify either a client id, client uid or client number. |