This structure contains the complete set of information about an engagement. The structure is used both to retrieve detailed engagement information and to pass information about an engagement back to the server to get updated.
Panel | ||
| ||
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data | |||||
EngagementCode | String | This is the engagement code, which can uniquely identify a project | P001396(20) | One of EngagementCode or EngagementUid is required | The engagement code is a unique identifier for an engagement. See "NewEngagementCode" for guidance on how to change the engagement code of an existing engagement. | P001320 | ||||
EngagementId | Int32 | This is the engagement idOn Insert: No On Update: No | The engagement Id is a unique identifier for an engagement. For internal use only. | |||||||
EngagementUid | Int64 | This is the unique identifier of See EngagementCode | A unique and immutable identifier for an engagement | 11529215046073246991152921504607326368 | ||||||
ClientIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The client associated with the engagement | ||||||||
EngagementName | String (255) | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The engagement name | .Web Services | Engagement Documentation | |||||
Address | On Insert: No On Update: No | The billing address associated with the engagement | ||||||||
BillingAdjustedRevenueTimeBudgetAmount | Double | Billing Adjusted Revenue Time Budget Amount | 25000On Insert: No On Update: No | The billing adjusted time revenue time budget amount associated with the engagement | ||||||
BillingCultureIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The billing culture associated with the installation | The billing culture associated with the engagement | |||||||
BillingCycleIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The billing cycle associated with the engagement | ||||||||
BillingInstructions | String | Billing Instructions (1000) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The billing instructions associated with the | clientThis client should be billed on the 15th of each engagement | Please bill this client at the end of each month. | ||||
ClientAmountCostBudgetAmount | Double | Client Amount Cost Budget AmountOn Insert: No On Update: No | The client amount cost budget amount associated with the engagement (applicable only when TimeBudgetMetric is "C", null otherwise) | 10000 | ||||||
ClientMessage | String (4000) | On Insert: No On Update: No | A per-invoice | client message to appear on the invoice. | Thank you for using revcorp-bb. We appreciate your business. | ClientMessagePlain | String | This may include RTF markup. | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} | |
ClientMessagePlain | String (4000) | On Insert: No On Update: No | A per-invoice | client message to appear on the invoice | , in plain text.Thank you for using revcorp-bb. We appreciate your business.. This is in plain text format. | We appreciate your business! | ||||
ContractRevenueTimeBudgetAmount | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No | The contract revenue time budget amount associated with the engagement | |||||||
CostAlertsBasisType | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The cost alerts basis type associated with the engagement "A" for actuals to date "E" for estimate at completion | E | ||||||
CostBudgetMetric | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The cost budget metric associated with the engagement "C" for client amount "D" for disbursed amount "E" for expense amount | C | ||||||
CostCenterIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The cost center associated with the engagement | ||||||||
CostContractTerms | String (1) | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
CurrencyIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The currency associated with the engagement | ||||||||
DisbursedAmountCostBudgetAmount | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No | The disbursed amount cost buget amount (applicable only when TimeBudgetMetric is "D", null otherwise) | |||||||
EngagementStageIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The engagement stage associated with the engagement | ||||||||
EngagementTypeIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The engagement type associated wtih the engagement | ||||||||
ExpenseAmountCostBudgetAmount | Double | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The expense amount cost budget amount (applicable only when TimeBudgetMetric is "E", null otherwise) | |||||||
HoldbackAmount | Double | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
HoldbackPercent | Double | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
HoldbackType | String (1) | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
InheritAddressFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement address is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritBillingCycleFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement billing cycle is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritBillingInstructionsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement billing instructions is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritClientMessageFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement client message is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritInvoiceContentFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement invoice content is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritInvoiceScopeFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement invoice scope is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritInvoiceTemplateFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement invoice template is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritPaymentTermFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement payment terms is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement purchase order is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritTimeBillingTypeFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement time billing type is inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InvoiceContent | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | B | The invoice content associated with the engagement "B" for time and cost together "S" for time and cost separately | B | |||||
InvoiceScope | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | E | The invoice scope associated with the engagement "C" for client "N" for purchase order number "E" for engagement "P" for project | E | |||||
InvoiceTemplateIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The invoice template associated with the engagement | ||||||||
ManagerIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The engagement manager associated with the engagement | ||||||||
MaxCostContractAmount | Double | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
MaxTimeContractAmount | Double | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
MinCostContractAmount | Double | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
MinTimeContractAmount | Double | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
NewEngagementCode | String (20) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The new engagement code. This is used by PwsSaveEngagement to support changing an existing engagement code. You can both identify an engagement by engagement code and modify the engagement code by specifying the original code in EngagementCode and the new value in NewEngagementCode. NewEngagementCode will always be null in responses from PwsGetEngagement. On Insert, if both the EngagementCode and NewEngagementCode are specified, the NewEngagementCode will take precedence. Note: The engagement code may only be changed if numbering for engagements is configured as Manual or Hybrid. | |||||||
PaymentTermIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The payment term associated with the engagement. Click PwsPaymentTermRef for more information. | ||||||||
PurchaseOrderNumber | String (50) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The purchase order number associated with the engagement | P-001 | ||||||
ResourceDirectCostTimeBudgetAmount | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No | The resource direct cost time budget amount (applicable only when TimeBudgetMetric is "R", null otherwise) | |||||||
RevenueEarnedByDate | DateTime | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
RevenueRecognitionMethod | String (50) | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
TimeAlertsBasisType | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The time alerts basis type "A" for Actuals to Date "E" for Estimate at Completion | E | ||||||
TimeBillingType | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | H | The time billing type "D" for Daily "H" for Hourly | H | |||||
TimeBudgetMetric | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | B | The time budget metric "B" for Billing Adjusted Revenue "C" for Contract Revenue "R" for Resource Direct Cost "H" for Working Hours | B | |||||
TimeContractTerms | String (1) | deprecated | ** This field has been deprecated in favor of Contract Line Items. Please see PwsContractLineItemDetail for more information ** | |||||||
Timestamp | String | On Insert: No On Update: No | Base64 encoded timestamp | AAAAAA971aM= | ||||||
On Insert: No On Update: No | The user defined fields associated with the engagement | |||||||||
WorkMinutesTimeBudgetAmount | Int32 | On Insert: No On Update: No | The time budget amount for work minutes (applicable only when TimeBudgetMetric is "H", null otherwise) | |||||||
CalculateEngagementBudgetFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the engagement budget flag will be calculated based on the sum of the project budgets associated with the engagement | true | |||||
ChargeableMinutesTimeBudgetAmount | Int32 | On Insert: No On Update: No | The chargeable minutes time budget amount. | |||||||
InheritInvoiceEmailSettingsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the invoice email settings will be inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InvoiceEmailSettings | On Insert: No On Update: No | Invoice email settings control whether email distribution of invoices is enabled for this client, and if so, who the sender and recipients of the email are, the subject line, the email template and other related settings that are in effect. | ||||||||
InheritRenderReceiptsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the render receipts setting for the engagement will be inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
RenderReceiptsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', receipts will be rendered on invoices associated with the engagement. | true | |||||
AutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the engagement's pre-payment balance will be automatically applied to the balance on new invoices | true | |||||
InheritAutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the auto apply available balance engagement setting will be inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
InheritTaxTypesFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the tax type(s) associated with the engagement will be inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | true | |||||
TaxType1Identity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The tax types that apply for invoices under this engagement | ||||||||
TaxType2Identity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The tax types that apply for invoices under this engagement | ||||||||
TaxType3Identity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The tax types that apply for invoices under this engagement | ||||||||
InheritRenderedInvoiceFormatFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the rendered invoice format setting for the engagement will be inherited from the client. Please see Inheritance for more information. | ||||||
RenderedInvoiceFormat | String(1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The configured rendered invoice format (P for PDF, X for XLS, C for CSV). Controls the format of rendered invoices. Most commonly, they are rendered as PDFs. | |||||||
ManagementTeam | PwsEngagementManagementTeamMember[] | This structure represents a member of the engagement management team for an engagement. |
Usage Example(s)
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
<b:EngagementId i:nil="true"/>
<b:ClientId i:nil="true"/>
<b:EngagementName>Web Services Documentation</b:EngagementName>
<b:AddressLine1>100 Main Street</b:AddressLine1>
<b:AddressLine2 i:nil="true"/>
<b:CompanyName>Acme 1000</b:CompanyName>
<b:BillingAdjustedRevenueTimeBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:CultureId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BillingCycleId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BillingInstructions>Please bill this client at the end of each month.</b:BillingInstructions>
<b:ClientAmountCostBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:ClientMessage>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs17We appreciate your business!\par}</b:ClientMessage>
<b:ClientMessagePlain>We appreciate your business!</b:ClientMessagePlain>
<b:ContractRevenueTimeBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:CostCenterId i:nil="true"/>
<b:CostCenterName>Executive Team (USA)</b:CostCenterName>
<b:CostCenterNumber>Executive Team (USA)</b:CostCenterNumber>
<b:CurrencyId i:nil="true"/>
<b:DisbursedAmountCostBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:EngagementStageId i:nil="true"/>
<b:EngagementTypeId i:nil="true"/>
<b:EngagementTypeName>Executive - Contract Type</b:EngagementTypeName>
<b:ExpenseAmountCostBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:HoldbackAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:HoldbackPercent i:nil="true"/>
<b:InvoiceTemplateId i:nil="true"/>
<b:UserDisplayName>Betty Smith</b:UserDisplayName>
<b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
<b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId>
<b:MaxCostContractAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:MinCostContractAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:NewEngagementCode i:nil="true"/>
<b:PaymentTermId i:nil="true"/>
<b:PaymentTermName>Net 30</b:PaymentTermName>
<b:ResourceDirectCostTimeBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:RevenueEarnedByDate i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceDisplayName>John Doe</b:ResourceDisplayName>
<b:ResourceId i:nil="true"/>
<b:TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:TextValue>Web Services Documentation</b:TextValue>
<b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfName>EN-Text List</b:UdfName>
<b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:TextValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:UdfId i:nil="true"/>
<b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:DateValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:TextValue>Web Services Documentation</b:TextValue>
<b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/>
<b:WorkMinutesTimeBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:ChargeableMinutesTimeBudgetAmount i:nil="true"/>
<b:UserDisplayName>Betty Smith</b:UserDisplayName>
<b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
<b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId>
<b:InvoiceTemplateId i:nil="true"/>
<b:UserDisplayName>Abby Whelan</b:UserDisplayName>
<b:UserId i:nil="true"/>
<b:TaxTypeId i:nil="true"/>
<b:TaxType2Identity i:nil="true"/>
<b:TaxType3Identity i:nil="true"/>
</b:EngagementDetail> |