This structure contains the complete set of information about a Contract Line Itemcontract line item. The structure is used both to retrieve detailed contract line item information and to pass information about a contract line item back to the server to get updated.
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Element | Data Type | Description Required? | Default | (on insert/update)Description | Sample Data | ||||||
ContractLineItemCode | String | Unique Contract Line Item Code | P001395(27) | One of ContractLineItemCode or ContractLineItemUid is required Note: The ContractLineItemCode does not have to be supplied if the installation is configured to use manual contract line item numbering) | The contract line item code is a unique identifier for a contract line item | P001163-CL1 | |||||
ContractLineItemId | Int32 | Contract Line Item IdNo | The contract line item id is a unique identifier for a contract line item. For internal use only | .||||||||
ContractLineItemUid | Int64 | The Contract Line Item Uid is a On Insert: No On Update: Yes (if ContractLineItemCode is not supplied) | A unique and immutable | identifier Id for a contract line item | .1152921504607083377 | 1152921504607049238 | |||||
ContractLineItemName | String (255) | Contract Line Item Name | Web Services Engagement | EngagementIdentity | PwsEngagementRef | CostContractTerms | String | Cost Contract TermsOn Insert: Yes On Update: No | The contract line item name | Contract 192810 | |
EngagementIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The engagement associated with the contract line item | |||||||||
CostContractTerms | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The cost contract terms associated with the contract line item: "F" for Fixed Price "T" for Time and Materials "C" for Time and Materials with a cap (Not to Exceed NO Hard Cap) "H" for Not To Exceed with Hard Cap "N" for Non-chargeable Null on update means leave as | isis | C | CT | |||||
DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency | Double | Deferred Revenue Opening Balance in the Engagement Currency | 20000On Insert: No On Update: No | 0 | The deferred revenue opening balance associated with the contract line item (in the engagement currency) | 0 | |||||
DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency | Double | Deferred Revenue Opening Balance in the General Ledger Currency | 15000On Insert: No On Update: No | 0 | The deferred revenue opening balance associated with the contract line item (in the general ledger currency) | 0 | |||||
HoldbackAmount | Double | Holdback AmountOn Insert: No On Update: No | The holdback amount associated with the contract line item. Applies only when holdback type is A; null otherwise. | 5000
| |||||||
HoldbackPercent | Double | Holdback PercentOn Insert: No On Update: No | The holdback percent associated with the contract line item. Applies only when holdback type is P; null otherwise. | 0.25 | |||||||
HoldbackType | String | Holdback Type.On Insert: No On Update: No | N | The holdback type associated with the contract line item "N" for none "A" for Amount "P" for | PercentPercent | N | A | ||||
MaxCostContractAmount | Double | Maximum Cost Contract AmountOn Insert: No On Update: No | The maximum cost contract amount associated with the contract line item Must be specified for cost contract terms F or C, and null otherwise | .5000||||||||
MaxTimeContractAmount | Double | Maximum Time Contract AmountOn Insert: No On Update: No | The maximum time contract amount associated with the contract line item Must be specified for time contract terms F or C, and null otherwise | .20000||||||||
MinCostContractAmount | Double | Minimum Cost Contract AmountOn Insert: No On Update: No | The minimum cost contract amount associated with the contract line item Must be specified for cost contract terms F or C, and null otherwise | .10000 | |||||||
MinTimeContractAmount | Double | Minimum Time Contract AmountOn Insert: No On Update: No | The minimum time contract amount associated with the contract line item Must be specified for time contract terms F, and null otherwise | .15000||||||||
RevenueEarnedByDate | DateTime | The date that revenue should be earned by | 2018-06-30T00:00:00Z | RevenueRecognitionMethod | String | Revenue Recognition MethodOn Insert: No On Update: No | This is a date (in midnight UTC) by which the contract line item is expected to be complete. | ||||
RevenueRecognitionMethod | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | P | The revenue recognition method associated with the contract line item. The RevenueRecognitionMethod will be NULL unless it is a fixed price for time contract. Otherwise will be P or R. "P" for percent complete "R" for revenue schedule | R | RevenueSchedule | PwsRevenueScheduleItemP | ||||
RevenueSchedule | On Insert: No On Update: No | The information associated with the revenue and/or contracted hours schedule associated with the contract line item. Applies only when the RevenueRecogntionMethod = 'R'. | |||||||||
TimeContractTerms | String (1) | On Insert: Yes (if ContractTypeIdentity is not supplied) On Update: No | T | The time contract terms associated with the contract line item "T" for Time & Materials "F" for Fixed Price "C" for Not to Exceed | T | ||||||
ContractTypeIdentity | On Insert: Yes (if TimeContractTerms is not supplied) On Update: No | The contract type identity associated with the contract line item. For custom contract line items, this will be NULL. | |||||||||
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the purchase order number is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false | ||||||
ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | Dependent on ContractTypeIdentity, if a ContractTypeIdentity is not supplied the default is false | When set to 'true', the contract will be modeled to account for contracted hours and overages. This setting is typically used when setting up service contracts where a client purchases a fixed amount of hours for a specific time period. Time that exceeds the allottment is then billed at a different rate. This overage is handled by a separate project. Only available for Fixed Price time contracts using a revenue schedule. | true/false | ||||||
OverageProjectIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | For contract line items that are defined to model contracted hours and overages, this is the project to which hours that exceed a set number within a date range will be transferred. | |||||||||
PurchaseOrderNumber | String (50) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The purchase order number associated with the contract line item | ||||||||
Timestamp | String | On Insert: No On Update: No | This is an optimistic locking timestamp that, if provided on update request, will cause the request to fail when the timestamp stored in the database does not match the provided value. |
Usage Example(s)
Code Block | ||||||
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<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pws="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/" xmlns:req="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Requests/" xmlns:sch="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Scheduling/" xmlns:com="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<com:PurchaseOrderNumber>SOAP UI</com:PurchaseOrderNumber>
</soapenv:Envelope> |
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<b:ContractLineItemDetail> <b:ContractLineItemCode>P001163-CL1</b:ContractLineItemCode> <b:ContractLineItemId i:nil="true"/> <b:ContractLineItemUid>1152921504607049238</b:ContractLineItemUid> <ContractLineItemDetail><b:ContractLineItemName>Contract 192810</b:ContractLineItemName> <b:EngagementIdentity> <b:EngagementCode>P001163</b:EngagementCode> <b:EngagementId i:nil="true"/> <b:EngagementUid>1152921504607293498</b:EngagementUid> </b:EngagementIdentity> <b:CostContractTerms>T</b:CostContractTerms> <b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency>0</b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency> <b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency>0</b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency> <b:HoldbackAmount i:nil="true"/> <b:HoldbackPercent i:nil="true"/> <b:HoldbackType>N</b:HoldbackType> <b:MaxCostContractAmount i:nil="true"/> <b:MaxTimeContractAmount i:nil="true"/> <b:MinCostContractAmount i:nil="true"/> <b:MinTimeContractAmount i:nil="true"/> <b:RevenueEarnedByDate i:nil="true"/> <b:RevenueRecognitionMethod>P</b:RevenueRecognitionMethod> <b:RevenueSchedule/> <b:TimeContractTerms>T</b:TimeContractTerms> <b:ContractTypeIdentity i:nil="true"/> <b:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag>true</b:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag> <b:ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag>false</b:ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag> <b:OverageProjectIdentity i:nil="true"/> <b:PurchaseOrderNumber i:nil="true"/> </b:ContractLineItemDetail> |
Code Block | ||||||
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<b:ContractLineItemDetail> <ContractLineItemCode>P001395<b:ContractLineItemCode>P001320-CL1</b:ContractLineItemCode> <ContractLineItemId<b:ContractLineItemId i:nil="true"/> <ContractLineItemUid>1152921504607083377<<b:ContractLineItemUid>1152921504607083461</b:ContractLineItemUid> <ContractLineItemName>Web<b:ContractLineItemName>Web Services Engagement<Documentation</b:ContractLineItemName> <EngagementIdentity><b:EngagementIdentity> <EngagementCode>E001395<<b:EngagementCode>P001320</b:EngagementCode> <EngagementId<b:EngagementId i:nil="true"/> <EngagementUid>1152921504607324698<<b:EngagementUid>1152921504607326368</b:EngagementUid> </b:EngagementIdentity> <CostContractTerms>T<<b:CostContractTerms>T</b:CostContractTerms> <DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency>0<<b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency>0</b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngCurrency> <DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency>0<<b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency>0</b:DeferredRevenueOpeningBalanceEngGLCurrency> <HoldbackAmount<b:HoldbackAmount i:nil="true"/> <HoldbackPercent<b:HoldbackPercent i:nil="true"/> <HoldbackType>N<<b:HoldbackType>N</b:HoldbackType> <MaxCostContractAmount<b:MaxCostContractAmount i:nil="true"/> <b:MaxTimeContractAmount>30000</b:MaxTimeContractAmount> <MaxTimeContractAmount <b:MinCostContractAmount i:nil="true"/> <b:MinTimeContractAmount>30000</b:MinTimeContractAmount> <MinCostContractAmount <b:RevenueEarnedByDate i:nil="true"/> <b:RevenueRecognitionMethod>R</b:RevenueRecognitionMethod> <b:RevenueSchedule> <b:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <b:EndDate>2018-01-31T00:00:00Z</b:EndDate> <MinTimeContractAmount <b:ScheduledRevenueAmount>10000</b:ScheduledRevenueAmount> <b:StartDate i:nil="true"/> <RevenueEarnedByDate <b:ContractedMinutes i:nil="true"/> <RevenueRecognitionMethod<b:Notes>January Bucket</b:Notes> </b:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <b:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <b:EndDate>2018-02-28T00:00:00Z</b:EndDate> <b:ScheduledRevenueAmount>10000</b:ScheduledRevenueAmount> <b:StartDate>2018-02-01T00:00:00Z</b:StartDate> <b:ContractedMinutes i:nil="true"/> <b:Notes>February Bucket</b:Notes> </b:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <b:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <b:EndDate>2018-03-31T00:00:00Z</b:EndDate> <b:ScheduledRevenueAmount>10000</b:ScheduledRevenueAmount> <RevenueSchedule/> <b:StartDate>2018-03-01T00:00:00Z</b:StartDate> <b:ContractedMinutes i:nil="true"/> <b:Notes>March Bucket</b:Notes> <TimeContractTerms>T</</b:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> </b:RevenueSchedule> <b:TimeContractTerms>F</b:TimeContractTerms> <ContractTypeIdentity<b:ContractTypeIdentity i:nil="true"/> <InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag>true<<b:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag>true</b:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag> <ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag>false<<b:ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag>false</b:ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag> <OverageProjectIdentity<b:OverageProjectIdentity i:nil="true"/> <b:PurchaseOrderNumber>P-001</b:PurchaseOrderNumber> </b:ContractLineItemDetail> |
Code Block | ||||||
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<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pws="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/" xmlns:req="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Requests/" xmlns:sch="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Scheduling/" xmlns:com="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <pws:PwsSaveContractLineItem> <pws:serviceRequest> <req:RequestId>1</req:RequestId> <req:SessionTicket>AdDMw48w49OxnEUPGUuMSw==</req:SessionTicket> <sch:ContractLineItem> <com:ContractLineItemName>Service Contract A</com:ContractLineItemName> <com:EngagementIdentity> <com:EngagementCode>P001320</com:EngagementCode> </com:EngagementIdentity> <com:MaxTimeContractAmount>50000</com:MaxTimeContractAmount> <com:MinTimeContractAmount>50000</com:MinTimeContractAmount> <com:RevenueSchedule> <com:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <com:EndDate>2018-01-31T00:00:00.000Z</com:EndDate> <com:ScheduledRevenueAmount>25000</com:ScheduledRevenueAmount> <com:ContractedMinutes>2400</com:ContractedMinutes> <com:Notes>January <PurchaseOrderNumber>PO Projector PSA</Contract</com:Notes> </com:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <com:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> <com:EndDate>2018-02-28T00:00:00.000Z</com:EndDate> <com:ScheduledRevenueAmount>25000</com:ScheduledRevenueAmount> <com:StartDate>2018-02-01T00:00:00.000Z</com:StartDate> <com:ContractedMinutes>2400</com:ContractedMinutes> <com:Notes>February Contract</com:Notes> </com:PwsRevenueScheduleItem> </com:RevenueSchedule> <com:ContractTypeIdentity> <com:ContractTypeName>Contract Type - Revenue Schedule</com:ContractTypeName> </com:ContractTypeIdentity> <com:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag>false</com:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag> <com:ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag>true</com:ModelContractedHoursAndOveragesFlag> <com:OverageProjectIdentity> <com:ProjectCode>P001320-003</com:ProjectCode> </com:OverageProjectIdentity> <com:PurchaseOrderNumber>WS1320-SCA</com:PurchaseOrderNumber> </sch:ContractLineItem> <sch:EngagementCurrencyIdentity> <com:CurrencyCode>USD</com:CurrencyCode> <Timestamp>AAAAAA61fo0=</Timestamp> </sch:EngagementCurrencyIdentity> <sch:StealLockFlag>true</sch:StealLockFlag> <sch:ContractTypeClearFlag>false</sch:ContractTypeClearFlag> <sch:OverageProjectClearFlag>false</sch:OverageProjectClearFlag> </pws:serviceRequest> </pws:PwsSaveContractLineItem> </soapenv:Body> </ContractLineItemDetail>soapenv:Envelope> |