This web service retrieves a list of client summary records (PwsClientSummary), based on specified search criteria. You can specify which client or clients to retrieve either by specifying a set of search criteria, or by specifying a specific client (PwsClientRef). The web service returns a list of clients (PwsClientSummary).
Info |
In order to protect our servers from inadvertent service overuse or intentional attack, and to fairly distribute services to all our customers, we have implemented a rate limiting algorithm. When fully deployed, this new algorithm will cause services to either succeed with new warnings or fail with new errors when services are consumed at too high a rate. Programs that consume Projector services should be enhanced to handle rate limiting errors so that they can continue functioning properly. For more information please visit: Projector Rate Limiting Behavior. |
Request Format
Panel |
title | PwsGetClientList Request |
- PwsGetClientListRq
Request Elements
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Common Input | Common Input | yes | PwsClientRef | PwsClientRef [1] | no | Sample Data |
RequestId | Int32 | No |
| Click here for more information | 1 |
SessionTicket | String (50) | Yes |
| Click here for more information | AavFwbZgVb9V4tr3R7BbzQ== |
ClientIdentity | PwsClientRef | No |
| For this service, the caller may specify a client identity to retrieve a specific client summary. If a client identity is not specified all clients fitting the other specified criteria will be returned. |
IncludeInactiveFlag | Boolean | noNo | falseValid | values for this field include "true" or "false". If set to 'true', inactive clients will be included in the response. This flag is disregarded if a client is specified in ClientIdentity. | true/false |
MaxRowsToReturn | Int32 | no | infinite | Maximum No |
| The maximum number of clients to be returned. This value is disregarded if a client is specified in ClientIdentity. | 100 |
QueryString | String (255) | no | Find all clients matching specified string in client name or client number | No |
| A search string to narrow down the results. A client will be included in the results if the search string matches the client number or client name, or if it is a child to a client that is matched based upon the criteria. This value is disregarded if a client is specified in ClientIdentity. | Parent |
LastUpdatedSinceTimestamp | DateTime | No |
| Only clients that have been updated on or after the specified date/time will be retrieved. This value is disregarded if a client is specified in ClientIdentity. | 2018-01-01 |
Request Usage Example(s)
Code Block |
language | xml |
title | Example 01 - Client Id is not specified |
collapse | true |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pws="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/" xmlns:req="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Requests/" xmlns:com="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<ClientId>?</ClientId> </pws:PwsGetClientList>
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Code Block |
language | xml |
title | Example 02 - Client is specified |
collapse | true |
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pws="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/" xmlns:req="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Requests/" xmlns:com="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<ClientNumber>?</ClientNumber> <req:SessionTicket>AavFwbZgVb9V4tr3R7BbzQ==</req:SessionTicket>
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Response Format
Response Elements
Response Usage Example(s)
Code Block |
language | xml |
title | Example 01 |
collapse | true |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<PwsGetClientListResponse xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/">
<PwsGetClientListResult xmlns:a="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Responses/" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Messages xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/" xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"/>
<!--req:QueryString>?</QueryString--><ResponseId xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/">1</ResponseId>
<Status xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/">Ok</Status>
<ServerTimestampUtc xmlns="http://projectorpsa.com/CommonServices/">2018-01-17T19:52:55.4411759Z</ServerTimestampUtc>
<a:Clients xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/">
<b:ClientId i:nil="true"/>
<b:ClientName>Parent Inc.</b:ClientName>
<b:ParentClientIdentity i:nil="true"/>
<b:ClientId i:nil="true"/>
<b:ClientName>Child Inc.</b:ClientName>
<b:ClientId i:nil="true"/>
PwsGetClientList - Common Errors and Warnings
- For all errors and warnings please refer to the Complete List of Errors and Warnings
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
104 | RowCountExceeded | Row count limit exceeded |
10100 | MaxRowsToReturnOutOfRange | Invalid value specified for MaxRowsToReturn |
50045 | ViewPermissionDenied | Permission denied |
57629 | ClientNotFound | Specified client not found |
57633 | UnexpectedErrorRetrievingClientList | Unexpected error retrieving client list |