This structure is part of PwsProjectElement, and it represents a note associated with a project.
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Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
CreatedByUserIdentity | **deprecated** It is replaced by element CreatedByUser. | ||
CreatedTimestamp | DateTime | The UTC time of when the project note is created. | 2018-02-08T11:15:22.443 |
Note | String (1024) | The content of the project note. | Tony delivered set design first draft on 01/27 |
CreatedByUser | The user that created the project note. This structure contains the key information of a user. Click here for more information. | ||
ReadFlag | Boolean | If set to "true", this project note has been marked as read. | false |
ReadTimestamp | String | The timestamp for when the note is set to have been read. | 2018-11-12T15:57:03.727 |
NoteId | Int32 | A unique identifier for a project note. For internal use only. | |
NoteUid | Int64 | A unique and immutable identifier for a project note. |
Usage Example(s)
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<b:PwsProjectNote> <b:CreatedByUserIdentity> <b:UserDisplayName>PPSAUserDisplayName>Larry Support User<Krakauer</b:UserDisplayName> <b:UserId i:nil="true"/> <b:UserReferenceSystemId>000<UserReferenceSystemId>ID-LK</b:UserReferenceSystemId> <b:UserUid>1152921504606944261<UserUid>1152921504606944254</b:UserUid> </b:CreatedByUserIdentity> <b:CreatedTimestamp>2018CreatedTimestamp>2020-0203-08T1105T19:1500:2214.443<363Z</b:CreatedTimestamp> <b:Note>Tony delivered set design first draft on 01/27<Note>Don Carlo is one of Verdi's best operas. Italian version is better than the french one.</b:Note> <b:CreatedByUser> <b:UserDisplayName>PPSAUserDisplayName>Larry Support User<Krakauer</b:UserDisplayName> <b:UserId i:nil="true"/> <b:UserReferenceSystemId>000<UserReferenceSystemId>ID-LK</b:UserReferenceSystemId> <b:UserUid>1152921504606944261<UserUid>1152921504606944254</b:UserUid> <b:EmailAddress>support@projectorpsaEmailAddress>Larry@revcorp.com<min</b:EmailAddress> <b:FirstName>PPSA Support User<FirstName>Larry</b:FirstName> <b:LastName>PPSA Support User</b:LastName> LastName>Krakauer</b:LastName> <b:MiddleName>A</b:MiddleName> </b:CreatedByUser> <b:MiddleName>PPSA Support User</b:MiddleName>:ReadFlag>true</b:ReadFlag> <b:ReadTimestamp>2020-03-05T14:00:14.363</b:ReadTimestamp> <b:NoteId i:nil="true"/> <<b:NoteUid>1152921504606942419</b:CreatedByUser>NoteUid> </b:PwsProjectNote> |