This data structure can represent data in name/value pair format. This data representation format is used in limited places within Projector Web Services. For example, in PwsDocumentAssociationData, PwsValue structures are used to capture basic attributes of expense documents or cost cards associated with receipts, including (for cost cards) incurred date, expense type, disbursed amount and disbursed currency.
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Element | Data Type |
Description | Sample Data | ||
ColumnType | String | The data type of the value. Data types are: "A": List "B": Boolean "C": Code (enumeration) "D": Date "E": Email address "F": F/X rate "G": Stoplight "H": Hours "I": Integer "J": Float "K": Foreign key reference "L": Long "M": Money "N": Percentage "P": Timestamp (row version) "Q": Budget "R": Rate "S": Short "T": Date/time "U": UID (unique identifier) "V": String "W": Fixed width string "X": Day fraction "Y": Byte "Z": Units | v |
Tag | String | The tag, or name, identifying what the value represents. | incurred date |
Value | String | the value itself. Format of the value will depend upon the data type. | Mar 1 2018 |
Values | PwsSearchResultItem | A list of values (for data type "A"). Internal use only. |
Usage Example(s)
Code Block | ||||||
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<b:PwsValue> <b:ColumnType>V</b:ColumnType> <b:Tag>Type</b:Tag> <b:Value>CostCard</b:Value> <b:Values/> </b:PwsValue> <b:PwsValue> <b:ColumnType>D</b:ColumnType> <b:Tag>Incurred Date</b:Tag> <b:Value>Mar 1 2018</b:Value> <b:Values/> </b:PwsValue> <b:PwsValue> <b:ColumnType>V</b:ColumnType> <b:Tag>Expense Type</b:Tag> <b:Tag>Type<:Value>Personal Auto Mileage</b:Value> <b:Values/> </b:PwsValue> <b:PwsValue> <b:ColumnType>M</b:ColumnType> <b:Tag>Disbursed Amount</b:Tag> <b:Value>12.00</b:Value> <b:Values/> </b:PwsValue> <b:PwsValue> <b:ColumnType>V</b:ColumnType> <b:Tag>Disbursed Currency Code</b:Tag> <b:Value>CostCard<Value>CAD</b:Value> <b:Values/> </b:PwsValue> |