Panel | ||
| ||
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
Messages | Click here for more information | ||||
ResponseId | Int32 | Click here for more information | 1 | ||
Status | RequestStatus | Click here for more information | Ok | ||
ServerTimestampUtc | DateTime | Click here for more information | 2018-01-18T17:08:48.5836504Z | ||
Engagement | The complete set of information about the engagement | ||||
EngagementIdentity | The unique keys used to identify the engagement | ||||
EngagementTimestamp | String | This is a Base64 encoded timestamp utilized for engagement locking. For internal use only. | AAAAAA98Yvs= | ||
LockStolenFromUserIdentity | If a lock is stolen in the process of updating an engagement, this identifies the user from which the lock was stolen from |
- For all errors and warnings please refer to the Complete List of Errors and Warnings
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
109 | AddressAttentionTruncated | Address attention exceeded maximum length (50) and was truncated |
113 | AddressCityTruncated | Address city exceeded maximum length (20) and was truncated |
110 | AddressCompanyNameTruncated | Address company name exceeded maximum length (50) and was truncated |
116 | AddressCountryTruncated | Address country exceeded maximum length (20) and was truncated |
111 | AddressLine1Truncated | Address line 1 exceeded maximum length (50) and was truncated |
112 | AddressLine2Truncated | Address line 2 exceeded maximum length (50) and was truncated |
114 | AddressStateOrProvinceTruncated | Address state or province exceeded maximum length (20) and was truncated |
115 | AddressZipOrPostalCodeTruncated | Address zip or postal code exceeded maximum length (20) and was truncated |
62437 | AttemptToDeleteRequiredUdf | An attempt was mode to delete a required UDF value |
54640 | BilledAmountExceedsContractAmount | The total amount billed to date exceeds the current contract amount |
12019 | BillingAdjustedRevenueMayNotBeSpecified | Billing adjusted revenue time budget amount specified when time budget metric is not B |
12020 | BillingAdjustedRevenueOutOfRange | Billing adjusted revenue time budget amount out of range |
57659 | BillingCycleNotFound | Specified billing cycle not found or inactive |
117 | BillingInstructionsTruncated | Specified billing instructions exceeded maximum length (1000) and was truncated |
12027 | ClientAmountMayNotBeSpecified | Client amount cost budget amount specified when cost budget metric is not C |
12028 | ClientAmountOutOfRange | Client amount cost budget amount out of range |
118 | ClientMessageTruncated | Specified client message exceeded maximum length (4000) and was truncated |
57629 | ClientNotFound | Specified client not found or inactive |
57631 | ClientNotSpecified | Client required for new engagements |
12021 | ContractRevenueMayNotBeSpecified | Contact revenue time budget amount specified when time budget metric is not C |
12022 | ContractRevenueOutOfRange | Contact revenue time budget amount out of range |
54611 | CostCenterCannotBeChangedDueToActivity | Cost center cannot be changed because there has been invoicing or accounting activity |
54610 | CostCenterNotEnabledForEngagements | Specified cost center not enabled for engagements |
57525 | CostCenterNotFound | Specified cost center not found |
57524 | CostCenterNotSpecified | Cost center required for new engagements |
12016 | CostContractAmountsCannotBeSpecified | Minimum and maximum cost contract amounts may not be specified when CostContractTerms is null |
54602 | CreateEngagementPermissionDenied | Permission denied to create engagement |
57531 | CultureCurrencyIncompatibility | Specified billing culture not compatible with engagement currency |
57527 | CultureNotFound | Specified billing culture not found |
57528 | CultureNotValidForAccount | Account is not configured to use specified culture |
57526 | CultureOrCurrencyNotSpecified | Billing culture required for new engagements |
57529 | CurrencyNotFound | Specified engagement currency not found |
57530 | CurrencyNotValidForAccount | Account is not configured to use specified currency |
12029 | DisbursedAmountMayNotBeSpecified | Disbursed amount cost budget amount specified when cost budget metric is not D |
12030 | DisbursedAmountOutOfRange | Disbursed amount cost budget amount out of range |
54617 | EngagementBillabilityCannotBeChanged | Engagement cannot be changed from billable to non-billable or vice versa |
54636 | EngagementClientIsInactive | Specified client is inactive |
54603 | EngagementCodeAlreadyInuse | Engagement code already in use |
54606 | EngagementCodeMayNotBeSpecifiedForNewEngagements | Specified engagement not found or engagement code may not be specified because account is configured to use automatic engagement numbering |
54605 | EngagementCodeRequiredForNewEngagements | Engagement code is required for new engagements because account is configured to use manual engagement numbering |
120 | EngagementCodeTruncated | Specified engagement code exceeded maximum length (20) and was truncated |
54613 | EngagementCurrencyCannotBeChanged | Engagement currency cannot be changed |
54614 | EngagementCurrencyNotFound | Specified engagement currency not found or inactive |
54616 | EngagementInvoiceTemplateIsInactive | Specified invoice template is inactive |
54076 | EngagementIsLocked | Engagement is locked by another user (identity of user is returned in SOAP fault) |
54635 | EngagementManagerIsInactive | Specified engagement manager is inactive |
54604 | EngagementNameRequiredForNewEngagements | Engagement name required for new engagements |
121 | EngagementNameTruncated | Specified engagement name exceeded maximum length (255) and was truncated |
54061 | EngagementNotFound | Specified engagement not found |
54059 | EngagementNotSpecified | Engagement not specified in service invocation |
54615 | EngagementPaymentTermIsInactive | Specified payment term is inactive |
57537 | EngagementStageNotFound | Specified engagement stage not found |
57536 | EngagementStageNotSpecified | Engagement stage required for new engagements |
54612 | EngagementTypeNotFound | Specified engagement type not found or inactive |
57538 | EngagementTypeNotSpecified | Engagement type required for new engagements |
12031 | ExpenseAmountMayNotBeSpecified | Expense amount cost budget amount specified when cost budget metric is not E |
12032 | ExpenseAmountOutOfRange | Expense amount cost budget amount out of range |
54625 | HolbackAmountCannotBeSpecifiedForFpEngagement | Holdback cannot be specified for fixed price engagements |
12035 | HoldbackAmountCannotBeSpecified | Holdback amount specified when holdback type is N or P |
54608 | HoldbackAmountMissingOrInvalid | Holdback amount required for holdback type A and must be between 0 and the time contract amount |
12040 | HoldbackAmountOutOfRange | Holdback amount out of range |
54624 | HoldbackAmountsCleared | Holdback amount was cleared because contract terms were changed from fixed price. |
12036 | HoldbackPercentCannotBeSpecified | Holdback percent specified when holdback type is N or A |
54607 | HoldbackPercentMissingOrInvalid | Holdback percent required for holdback type P and must be between 0% and 100% |
12039 | HoldbackPercentOutOfRange | Holdback percent out of range |
50038 | InactiveResourceForResourceValuedUdf | An inactive resource was specified for a resource-valued UDF |
54620 | InvalidFixedPriceContractAmounts | Minimum and maximum time contract amount must be specified and equal for fixed price engagements |
54621 | InvalidNotToExceedContractAmounts | Minimum time contract amount may not be specified for NTE engagements and maximum contract amount must be specified and non-negative |
54622 | InvalidTimeAndMaterialsContractAmounts | Neither minimum nor maximum time contract amount may be specified for T&M engagements |
10102 | InvalidTimestamp | Given timestamp is of invalid format |
62436 | InvalidUdfValue | Invalid value specified for text list UDF |
12004 | InvalidValueForCostAlertsBasisType | Invalid value for cost alerts basis type |
12018 | InvalidValueForCostBudgetMetric | Invalid value for cost budget metric |
12011 | InvalidValueForCostContractTerms | Invalid cost contract terms |
54609 | InvalidValueForHoldbackType | Invalid value for holdback type |
11032 | InvalidValueForInvoiceContent | Invalid value for invoice content |
11029 | InvalidValueForInvoiceScope | Invalid value for invoice scope |
12045 | InvalidValueForRevenueEarnedByDate | The specified revenue earned by date is invalid (it must be as of midnight UTC on the given date). |
12033 | InvalidValueForRevenueRecognitionMethod | Invalid value for revenue recognition method |
12003 | InvalidValueForTimeAlertsBasisType | Invalid value for time alerts basis type |
11026 | InvalidValueForTimeBillingType | Invalid value for time billing type |
12017 | InvalidValueForTimeBudgetMetric | Invalid value for time budget metric |
12005 | InvalidValueForTimeContractTerms | Invalid time contract terms |
10500 | InvalidValueForUdfDateValue | A date-valued UDF specified an invalid value (the specified datetime must be as of midnight UTC on the given date) |
54781 | InvoiceContentRequiredForEngagement | Invoice content must be specified when InheritInvoiceContentFlag is being cleared. |
54780 | InvoiceScopeRequiredForEngagement | Invoice scope must be specified when InheritInvoiceScopeFlag is being cleared. |
50007 | ItemHasBeenUpdated | Engagement has been updated |
12009 | MaxTimeContractAmountRequiredForNte | Maximum time contract amount must be specified for NTE engagements |
54618 | NewCostCenterHasDifferentFunctionalCurrency | Cost center cannot be changed to a cost center with a different functional currency |
54628 | NoPermissionToChangeCostCenter | No permission to change engagement cost center |
54629 | NoPermissionToChangeEngagementType | No permission to change engagement stage |
54630 | NoPermissionToUpdateBillingInformation | No permission to update billing information |
54631 | NoPermissionToUpdateContractTerms | No permission to update contract terms |
54633 | NoPermissionToUpdateEngagement | No permission to update engagement |
54632 | NoPermissionToUpdateEngagementBudgets | No permission to update engagement budgets |
54637 | OnlyPercentCompleteMethodIsSupported | Currently, only the percent complete revenue recognition method is supported |
119 | PurchaseOrderNumberTruncated | Specified purchase order number exceeded maximum length (50) and was truncated |
12023 | ResourceDirectCostMayNotBeSpecified | Resource direct cost time budget amount specified when time budget metric is not R |
12024 | ResourceDirectCostOutOfRange | Resource direct cost time budget amount out of range |
54638 | RevenueEarnedByDateMayNotBeSpecified | Revenue earned by date may not be specified when revenue recognition method is not P |
54639 | RevenueEarnedByDateOutOfRange | Revenue earned by date may not be prior to last revenue recognition cutoff date |
54763 | TimeBillingTypeRequiredForEngagement | Time billing type must be specified when InheritTimeBillingTypeFlag is being cleared. |
12010 | TimeContractAmountsCannotBeSpecified | Minimum and maximum time contract amounts may not be specified when TimeContractTerms is null |
54619 | TimeContractTermsCannotBeChanged | Time contract terms cannot be changed because there are approved time cards. |
50142 | UdfNotFound | Specified UDF does not exist |
50039 | UdfRefRequired | A UDF record was supplied with an incomplete UDF identity |
62438 | UdfValueUnexpected | An unexpected non-null value was specified for a UDF (e.g. specifying IntegerValue for a string-valued UDF |
54601 | UnexpectedErrorSavingEngagement | Unexpected error saving engagement |
50046 | UpdatePermissionDenied | Permission denied |
57551 | UserNotFound | Specified engagement manager not found |
57550 | UserNotSpecified | Engagement manager required for new engagements |
12025 | WorkMinutesMayNotBeSpecified | Work minutes time budget amount specified when time budget metric is not H |
12026 | WorkMinutesOutOfRange | Work minutes time budget amount out of range |