- For all errors and warnings please refer to the Complete List of Errors and Warnings
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
19021 | ExpenseDocumentOrDisbursingCostCenterRequired | Must specify either an expense document or a disbursing cost center for retrieving approvers. |
65686 | CanOnlyRetrieveApproversForExistingExpenseReports | Approvers can only be retrieved for existing non-ER expense documents. |
65818 | ResourceMismatchSelectingApprovers | The specified resource does not match the resource associated with the specified expense document. |
65819 | ResourceMayOnlyBeSpecifiedForExpenseReports | A resource identity may only be specified when retrieving approvers for an expense report. |
65820 | ExpenseDocumentRefOrResourceRefRequiredForExpenseReports | Please specify either an expense document identity or a resource identity, or both. When retrieving approvers for an expense report. |