Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
ElementData TypeDescriptionSample Data
ClientIDintClient ID. For internal use only.114506
ClientNumberstringClient Number. Unique ID associated with the client record.CL1234C000117
ClientUidlongClient Unique ID. For internal use only.1152921504606961482
ClientNamestringClient NameRevcorp-WSAcme 123
InactiveFlagbooleanSignifies of client is inactive."true" or "false"
ParentClientIdentityintParent Client ID. For internal use only.114505
AddressPwsAddressClient Address
BillingCycleIdentityPwsBillingCycleRefBilling Cycle Identity.
BillingInstructionsstringBilling instructionsPlease bill This client should be billed on the 15th of every month.
ClientMessagestringClient MessageThank you for We appreciate your business.!
ClientMessagePlainstringClient Message in plain text formatThank you for We appreciate your business.!
InheritAddressFlagbooleanInherit address from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritBillingCycleFlagbooleanInherit billing cycle from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritBillingInstructionsFlagbooleanInherit billing instructions from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritClientMessageFlagbooleanInherit client message from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"


booleanInherit invoice content from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritInvoiceScopeFlagbooleanInherit invoice scope from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritInvoiceTemplateFlagbooleanInherit invoice template from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritPaymentTermFlagbooleanInherit parent term from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlagbooleanInherit purchase order number from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritStandardRatesFlagbooleanInherit standard rates from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritTimeBillingTypeFlagbooleanInherit time billing type from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InvoiceContentstringInvoice Content

"B" for time and cost together

"S" for separately

InvoiceScopestringInvoice Scope

"C" for client

"N" for purchase order number

"E" for engagement

"P" for project

InvoiceTemplateIdentityPwsInvoiceTemplateRefInvoice Template Identity
NewClientNumberintNew Client Number
PaymentTermIdentityPwsPaymentTermRefPayment Term Identity
PurchaseOrderNumberstringPurchase Order NumberPO-1234
StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercentdoubleStandard Billing Adjusted Discount Percent7.25
StandardContractDiscountPercentdoubleStandard Contract Discount Percent0
StandardRateCardIdentityPwsStandardRateCardRefStandard Rate Card Identity
TimeBillingTypestringTime Billing Type

"D" for daily

"H" for hourly

TimestampstringRow version in Base64 formatAAAAAA9Dhpo=


PwsUserDefinedFieldDetailClient User Defined Fields
InheritInvoiceEmailSettingsFlagbooleanInherit invoice email setting from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InvoiceEmailSettings PwsInvoiceEmailSettingsInvoice Email Settings
InheritRenderReceiptsFlagbooleanInherit render receipts flag from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
RenderReceiptsFlagbooleanRender receipts flag"true" or "false"
AutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlagbooleanAuto apply available balance flag"true" or "false"
InheritAutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlagbooleanInherit auto apply available balance flag from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
InheritTaxTypesFlagbooleanInherit tax types flag from parent client (if any)"true" or "false"
TaxType1IdentitystringTax Type 1 IDPST
TaxType2IdentitystringTax Type 2 IDGST
TaxType3IdentitystringTax Type 3 IDHST
