This web service inserts or updates a single project based on a detailed project structure (PwsProjectDetail). The service returns the identity (PwsProjectRef) of the project that has been inserted or updated. The caller can optionally request that the full project detail (PwsProjectDetail) be included in the response. Please note, upon creation of a new project, certain attributes may be derived from engagement type defaults or inherited from the engagement.
Panel | ||
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Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
Int32 | No | Click here for more information. | 1 | ||
String | Yes | Click here for more information. | Ad0gaqAh34T3anLQ/dUmpQ== | ||
CloseDateClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to "true", the end date of the project will be cleared. | false |
CostGlccOverrideClearFlag | Boolean | deprecated | |||
DescriptionClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to "true", project description will be cleared. | false |
FullDetailFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to "true", full project element will be included in response. | false |
Mode | String (1) | Yes | Applies if FullDetailFlag is set to true: A to retrieve booked data for roles R to retrieve requested data for roles E to retrieve effective data for roles (booked data for booked roles, requested data for requested roles) | A/R | |
PercentLikelihoodClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to "true", project percent likelihood will be cleared. When this value is cleared, the percent likelihood is derived from the percent likelihood value associated with the project's stage. | false |
Project | Yes | Structure that contains the complete information of the project. Please click here for more information. If PwsProjectDetail refers to an existing project, this request updates this project; otherwise, this request creates a new project. | |||
StealLockFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to steal lock if it is currently locked (otherwise, service will fail if engagement is locked) | false |
TimeGlccOverrideClearFlag | Boolean | deprecated | |||
WorkspaceMessagesClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to "true", project workspace message will be cleared. | false |
ForceAdvancedSetupChangeFlag | Boolean | No | false | Advanced: This can be used to force PLCC mapping changes for time and/or cost mappings in the face of existing transactional data. If this flag is not set to true, an error will be returned if you attempt to change the time or cost PLCC mappings and there are time card or cost card transactions associated with the project. Note you must also have advanced project setup permission to force the mapping changes. | false |
EngagementTimestamp | String | No | This is a Base64 encoded timestamp utilized for engagement locking. To protect against overwriting other changes, you may optionally echo back the timestamp returned in a prior response. This will cause the request to fail if any change has been made between the two invocations. | ||
ManagementTeamClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to "true", clear the non-PM members of the project management team. | false |
BdDashboardClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | If set to "true", clear the Belladati (advanced analytics) dashboard configuration for this project, and BdDashboards data is ignored. | false |
ExpenseTypeConfigurationClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | if set to "true", clear the expenes type configuration for this project. | false |
ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
13020 | ProjectRateGapOrOverlap | A gap or overlap was detected in the specified project rate date ranges. Project rates must cover all of time with no overlaps. |
13023 | RateCardNotSpecifiedForProjectRate | At least one specified project rate is missing a rate card. |
13037 | WorkspaceMessagesMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | The workspace messages may not be specified when the associated clear flag is set. |
54039 | BookedResourceOnlyFlagConflict | Use of obsolete booked resources only flags in conflict with booked resources allowed code. |
54059 | EngagementNotSpecified | A specified engagement identity was incomplete. Each engagement identity must specify either an engagement id, and engagement uid or an engagement code. |
54061 | EngagementNotFound | The specified engagement does not exist. |
54076 | EngagementIsLocked | The engagement is locked by PPSA Support User and may not be updated. |
54083 | BookResourceCostCenterRequired | Book resource cost center is required when allow code is C |
54177 | InvalidProjectPlccMappingType | Invalid value specified for project PLCC mapping type. Valid values are TR for time card revenue, RDC for resource direct cost, SRDC for subcontractor resource direct cost, OR for ODC revenue and OE for ODC expense. |
54178 | ??? issue #36085 | Invalid cost center type specified |
54180 | ProjectPlccMappingsMissing | PLCC mappings are incomplete. |
54181 | ProjectPlccMappingsCostCenterInvalid | Cost center is required when cost center type is 'Specific', and may not be specified when cost center type is not 'Specific'. |
54182 | ProjectPlccMappingsAllocationFractionOutOfRange | Allocation percentages must be between 0% and 100%. |
54248 | SpecifiedContractLineItemNotUnderSpecifiedEngagement | The specified contract line item is not under the specified engagement. |
54666 | LocationNotEnabledForProjects | The specified location is not enabled for projects. |
54670 | ProjectNameRequired | Project name is required for new projects. |
54685 | ProjectDatesCannotBeChangedTime | Project cannot be saved because time cards exist outside of specified open and close dates. |
54687 | ProjectCodeAlreadyInUse | The specified project code is already in use. |
54724 | ProjectsCannotChangeEngagements | Projects may not be moved from one engagement to another. |
54823 | AssignedResourcesOnlyFlagInvalidForNonDtmProjects | The assigned resources only flag may only be set for DTM projects. |
54876 | ProjectRateCurrencyMismatch | All project rate cards must be in the same currency as the engagement. |
57525 | CostCenterNotFound | The specified cost center does not exist. |
57540 | LocationNotSpecified | Location is required. |
57541 | LocationNotFound | Specified location does not exist. |
57543 | ProjectStageNotFound | The specified project stage does not exist. |
57550 | UserNotSpecified | User is required. |
57551 | UserNotFound | Specified user does not exist. |