Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
ClientId | Int32 | On Insert: No On Update: No | The client Id is a unique identifier for a client. For internal use only. | ||
ClientNumber | String (20) | On Insert: Yes On Update: Yes (if ClientUid is not supplied) | The client number is a unique identifier for a client. If not specified, this field will be auto generated. | C000117C000121 | |
ClientUid | Int64 | On Insert: No On Update: Yes (if ClientNumber is not supplied) | The client Uid is a unique and immutable identifier for a client | 11529215046069614821152921504606998462 | |
ClientName | String (50) | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The client name | Projector PSA Parent Inc. | |
InactiveFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the client is marked as inactive | true/false |
ParentClientIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The identity of this client's parent, if any. Circular relationships are not permitted (a client cannot be it's own parent, nor can a client's parent refer back to the client as it's parent, and so forth). Click here for more information. | |||
Address | On Insert: No On Update: No | The billing address for the client. Click here for more information. | |||
BillingCycleIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The billing cycle set up for the client. Click here for more information. | |||
BillingInstructions | String (1000) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The billing instructions associated with the client | Please bill this client at the end of each month. | |
ClientMessage | String (4000) | On Insert: No On Update: No | A per-invoice message to appear on the invoice. This may include RTF markup. | Thank you for choosing Projector PSA We appreciate your business! | |
ClientMessagePlain | String (4000) | On Insert: No On Update: No | A per-invoice message to appear on the invoice. This is in plain text format. | Thank you for choosing Projector PSA We appreciate your business! | |
InheritAddressFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the address is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritBillingCycleFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the billing cycle is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritBillingInstructionsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the billing instructions is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritClientMessageFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the client message is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritInvoiceContentFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the invoice content is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritInvoiceScopeFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the invoice scope is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritInvoiceTemplateFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the invoice template is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritPaymentTermFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the payment terms are inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the purchase order number is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritStandardRatesFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | true | If set to 'true', the standard rates flag is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritTimeBillingTypeFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the time billing type is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InvoiceContent | String (1) | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | B | The invoice content associated with the client. "B" for time and cost together "S" for separately | B |
InvoiceScope | String (1) | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | E | The invoice content associated with the client. "C" for client "N" for purchase order number "E" for engagement "P" for project | E |
InvoiceTemplateIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The template to use for rendering invoices | |||
NewClientNumber | String (20) | On Insert: No On Update: No | This is used by PwsSaveClient to support re-numbering clients. You can both identify a client by client number and modify the client number by specifying the original client number in ClientNumber and the new value in NewClientNumber. NewClientNumber will always be null in responses from PwsGetClient. Note that the client number may only be changed if numbering for clients is configured as Manual or Hybrid. | ||
PaymentTermIdentity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The payment terms set up for the client. Click here for more information. | |||
PurchaseOrderNumber | String (50) | On Insert: No On Update: No | The purchase order number for the client | Acme 123P-001 | |
StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercent | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No | The standard billing adjusted discount percent for the client | 105 | |
StandardContractDiscountPercent | Double | On Insert: No On Update: No | The standard contract discount percent for the client | 510 | |
StandardRateCardIdentity | On Insert: Yes On Update: No | The standard rate card identity for the client. Click here for more information. | |||
TimeBillingType | String (1) | On Insert: No On Update: No | H | The time billing type "D" for daily "H" for hourly | H |
Timestamp | String | On Insert: No On Update: No | The row version in Base64 format | AAAAAA97WG8= | |
UserDefinedFields | On Insert: Dependent on UDF Definition On Update: No | The client user defined field values associated with this client. Click here for more information. | |||
InheritInvoiceEmailSettingsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the invoice email settings is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InvoiceEmailSettings | On Insert: No On Update: No | The settings that control whether email distribution of invoices is enabled for this client, and if so, who the sender and recipients of the email are, the subject line, the email template and other related settings that are in effect. Click here for more information. | |||
InheritRenderReceiptsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the render receipts settings is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
RenderReceiptsFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', receipts will be rendered on the invoice | true/false |
AutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | For clients with a pre-payment balance, if set to "true" automatically apply the balance to new invoices. | true/false |
InheritAutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the auto apply available balances settings is inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
InheritTaxTypesFlag | Boolean | On Insert: No On Update: No | false | If set to 'true', the tax types are inherited from the parent client (if any). Please see Inheritance for more information. | true/false |
TaxType1Identity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The tax types that apply for invoices under this client. Click here for more information. | |||
TaxType2Identity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The tax types that apply for invoices under this client. Click here for more information. | |||
TaxType3Identity | On Insert: No On Update: No | The tax types that apply for invoices under this client. Click here for more information. |
Code Block | ||||||||
| ||||||||
<b:ClientDetail> <b:ClientId i:nil="true"/> <b:ClientNumber>C000121</b:ClientNumber> <b:ClientUid>1152921504606998462</b:ClientUid> <b:ClientName>Parent Inc.</b:ClientName> <b:InactiveFlag>false</b:InactiveFlag> <b:ParentClientIdentity i:nil="true"/> <b:Address> <b:AddressLine1>100 Main Street</b:AddressLine1> <b:AddressLine2 i:nil="true"/> <b:Attention>Finance</b:Attention> <b:City>Boston</b:City> <b:CompanyName>Acme 1000</b:CompanyName> <b:Country>USA</b:Country> <b:StateOrProvince>MA</b:StateOrProvince> <b:ZipOrPostalCode>02114</b:ZipOrPostalCode> </b:Address> <b:BillingCycleIdentity> <b:BillingCycleId i:nil="true"/> <b:BillingCycleName>Monthly</b:BillingCycleName> <b:BillingCycleUid>1152921504606853180</b:BillingCycleUid> </b:BillingCycleIdentity> <b:BillingInstructions>Please bill this client at the end of each month.</b:BillingInstructions> <b:ClientMessage>We appreciate your business!</b:ClientMessage> <b:ClientMessagePlain>We appreciate your business!</b:ClientMessagePlain> <b:InheritAddressFlag>false</b:InheritAddressFlag> <b:InheritBillingCycleFlag>false</b:InheritBillingCycleFlag> <b:InheritBillingInstructionsFlag>false</b:InheritBillingInstructionsFlag> <b:InheritClientMessageFlag>false</b:InheritClientMessageFlag> <b:InheritInvoiceContentFlag>false</b:InheritInvoiceContentFlag> <b:InheritInvoiceScopeFlag>false</b:InheritInvoiceScopeFlag> <b:InheritInvoiceTemplateFlag>false</b:InheritInvoiceTemplateFlag> <b:InheritPaymentTermFlag>false</b:InheritPaymentTermFlag> <b:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag>false</b:InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag> <b:InheritStandardRatesFlag>true<InheritStandardRatesFlag>false</b:InheritStandardRatesFlag> <b:InheritTimeBillingTypeFlag>false</b:InheritTimeBillingTypeFlag> <b:InvoiceContent>B</b:InvoiceContent> <b:InvoiceScope>E</b:InvoiceScope> <b:InvoiceTemplateIdentity> <b:InvoiceTemplateId i:nil="true"/> <b:InvoiceTemplateName>A100</b:InvoiceTemplateName> <b:InvoiceTemplateUid>1152921504606878901</b:InvoiceTemplateUid> </b:InvoiceTemplateIdentity> <b:NewClientNumber i:nil="true"/> <b:PaymentTermIdentity> <b:PaymentTermId i:nil="true"/> <b:PaymentTermName>Net 30</b:PaymentTermName> <b:PaymentTermUid>1152921504606856054</b:PaymentTermUid> </b:PaymentTermIdentity> <b:PurchaseOrderNumber>P-001</b:PurchaseOrderNumber> <b:StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercent i:nil="true"/>StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercent>5</b:StandardBillingAdjustedDiscountPercent> <b:StandardContractDiscountPercent i:nil="true"/>StandardContractDiscountPercent>10</b:StandardContractDiscountPercent> <b:StandardRateCardIdentity i:nil="true"/>StandardRateCardIdentity> <b:RateCardId i:nil="true"/> <b:RateCardName>USA Rate Card</b:RateCardName> <b:RateCardType>R</b:RateCardType> <b:RateCardUid>1152921504606860819</b:RateCardUid> </b:StandardRateCardIdentity> <b:TimeBillingType>H</b:TimeBillingType> <b:Timestamp>AAAAAA97VuUTimestamp>AAAAAA97WG8=</b:Timestamp> <b:UserDefinedFields> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Date</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606856792</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/> <b:DataType>D</b:DataType> <b:DateValue>2018-01-17T00:00:00Z</b:DateValue> <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/> <b:TextValue i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues/> <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Integer</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606856793</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/> <b:DataType>I</b:DataType> <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/> <b:IntegerValue>10</b:IntegerValue> <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/> <b:TextValue i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues/> <b:NumericValue>10</b:NumericValue> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Resource</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606856794</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/> <b:DataType>R</b:DataType> <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/> <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceIdentityValue> <b:ResourceDisplayName>John Doe</b:ResourceDisplayName> <b:ResourceId i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceReferenceSystemId>E123</b:ResourceReferenceSystemId> <b:ResourceUid>1152921504607062225</b:ResourceUid> </b:ResourceIdentityValue> <b:TextValue i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues/> <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Text</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606856795</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/> <b:DataType>T</b:DataType> <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/> <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/> <b:TextValue>Parent Client</b:TextValue> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues/> <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Text List</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606856796</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/> <b:DataType>L</b:DataType> <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/> <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/> <b:TextValue>CL-1A</b:TextValue> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues/> <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Boolean</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606856797</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue>true</b:BooleanValue> <b:DataType>Y</b:DataType> <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/> <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/> <b:TextValue i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues/> <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Stoplight</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606856814</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/> <b:DataType>S</b:DataType> <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/> <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/> <b:TextValue i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues> <b:PwsStoplightValue> <b:AsOfDate>2018-01-17T00:00:00Z</b:AsOfDate> <b:SortOrder>2</b:SortOrder> </b:PwsStoplightValue> </b:StoplightValues> <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>CL-Multiline</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606858027</b:UdfUid> <b:BooleanValue i:nil="true"/> <b:DataType>T</b:DataType> <b:DateValue i:nil="true"/> <b:IntegerValue i:nil="true"/> <b:ResourceIdentityValue i:nil="true"/> <b:TextValue>This is a parent client.</b:TextValue> <b:UdfTreatment>A</b:UdfTreatment> <b:StoplightValues/> <b:NumericValue i:nil="true"/> <b:RelationValue i:nil="true"/> </b:PwsUserDefinedFieldDetail> </b:UserDefinedFields> <b:InheritInvoiceEmailSettingsFlag>false</b:InheritInvoiceEmailSettingsFlag> <b:InvoiceEmailSettings> <b:EmailFromUserIdentity> <b:UserDisplayName>Bettina Borces</b:UserDisplayName> <b:UserId i:nil="true"/> <b:UserReferenceSystemId>Partner - 01</b:UserReferenceSystemId> <b:UserUid>1152921504607011056</b:UserUid> </b:EmailFromUserIdentity> <b:EmailInvoiceTemplateIdentity> <b:InvoiceTemplateId i:nil="true"/> <b:InvoiceTemplateName>E001</b:InvoiceTemplateName> <b:InvoiceTemplateUid>1152921504606878906</b:InvoiceTemplateUid> </b:EmailInvoiceTemplateIdentity> <b:InvoiceEmailEnabledFlag>true</b:InvoiceEmailEnabledFlag> <b:InvoiceEmailType>P</b:InvoiceEmailType> <b:Recipients> <b:PwsInvoiceEmailRecipient> <b:RecipientType>T</b:RecipientType> <b:UserIdentity> <b:UserDisplayName>Abby Whelan</b:UserDisplayName> <b:UserId i:nil="true"/> <b:UserReferenceSystemId>OPA02</b:UserReferenceSystemId> <b:UserUid>1152921504607062210</b:UserUid> </b:UserIdentity> </b:PwsInvoiceEmailRecipient> </b:Recipients> </b:InvoiceEmailSettings> <b:InheritRenderReceiptsFlag>false</b:InheritRenderReceiptsFlag> <b:RenderReceiptsFlag>false</b:RenderReceiptsFlag> <b:AutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag>false</b:AutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag> <b:InheritAutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag>false</b:InheritAutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag> <b:InheritTaxTypesFlag>false</b:InheritTaxTypesFlag> <b:TaxType1Identity> <b:TaxTypeCode>VAT</b:TaxTypeCode> <b:TaxTypeId i:nil="true"/> <b:TaxTypeUid>1152921504606868258</b:TaxTypeUid> </b:TaxType1Identity> <b:TaxType2Identity i:nil="true"/> <b:TaxType3Identity i:nil="true"/> </b:ClientDetail> |