This structure contains the complete set of information about an engagementEngagement. The structure is used both to retrieve detailed engagement Engagement information and to pass information about an engagement Engagement back to the server to get updated.
Panel | ||
| ||
Element | Data Type |
Required? | Default |
Description | Sample Data |
ClientId |
Int32 |
| The Client Id is a unque identifier for a Client. For internal use only. |
ClientNumber | String |
| The Client Number is a unique identifier for a Client. | |
ClientUid | Int64 |
| The Client Uid is a unique and immutable identifier |
for a Client. | |||||
ClientIdentity |
| ||
EngagementName | String |
| The Engagement Name | |||
Address |
| The Client Address | ||
BillingAdjustedRevenueTimeBudgetAmount | Double |
| The Billing Adjusted Revenue Time Budget Amount |
BillingCultureIdentity |
| ||
BillingCycleIdentity |
| ||
BillingInstructions | String |
| Billing Instructions |
for the client |
ClientAmountCostBudgetAmount | Double |
| Cost Budget for the Client Amount |
ClientMessage | String |
| A per-invoice client message to appear on the invoice. |
ClientMessagePlain | String |
| A per-invoice client message to appear on the invoice |
in plain text |
. | ||||
ContractRevenueTimeBudgetAmount | Double |
| Time Budget for the Contract Revenue |
CostAlertsBasisType | String |
| Cost Alerts Basis Type "A" for actuals to date "E" for estimate at completion |
CostBudgetMetric |
String |
Cost Budget Metric "C" for client amount "D" for disbursed amount "E" for expense amount |
CostCenterIdentity |
| ||||
CostContractTerms | String |
| Cost Contract Terms "F" for Fixed Price "T" for Time and Materials "C" for Time and Materials with a cap Null on update means leave as is |
CurrencyIdentity |
| ||
DisbursedAmountCostBudgetAmount | Double |
| Cost Budget for the Disbursed Amount |
EngagementStageIdentity |
| ||
EngagementTypeIdentity |
| ||
ExpenseAmountCostBudgetAmount | Double |
| Cost Budget for an Expense Amount |
HoldbackAmount | Double |
| Holdback amount. Applies only when holdback type is A; null otherwise. |
HoldbackPercent | Double |
| Holdback percent. Applies only when holdback type is P; null otherwise. |
HoldbackType | String |
| Holdback Type: "N" for none "A" for Amount "P" for Percent |
InheritAddressFlag |
Boolean |
| Inherit |
Address from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | |
InheritBillingCycleFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit Billing Cycle from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InheritBillingInstructionsFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Billing Instructions from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InheritClientMessageFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Client Message from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InheritInvoiceContentFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Invoice Content from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | |
InheritInvoiceScopeFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit Invoice Scope from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InheritInvoiceTemplateFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Invoice Template from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InheritPaymentTermFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Payment Term from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InheritPurchaseOrderNumberFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Purchase Order Number from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InheritTimeBillingTypeFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Time Billing Type from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
InvoiceContent | String |
| Invoice Content "B" for time and cost together "S" for time and cost separately |
InvoiceScope | String |
| Invoice Scope "C" for client "N" for purchase order number "E" for engagement "P" for project |
InvoiceTemplateIdentity |
| ||
ManagerIdentity |
| ||
MaxCostContractAmount | Double |
| Maximum Cost Contract Amount Must be specified for cost contract terms F or C, and null otherwise. | |
MaxTimeContractAmount |
Double |
| Maximum Time Contract Amount Must be specified for time contract terms F or C, and null otherwise. |
MinCostContractAmount | Double |
| Minimum Cost Contract Amount Must be specified for cost contract terms F, and null otherwise. |
MinTimeContractAmount | Double |
| Minimum Time Contract Amount Must be specified for time contract terms F, and null otherwise. |
NewEngagementCode | String |
| New Engagement Code |
PaymentTermIdentity |
| ||
PurchaseOrderNumber | String |
| Purchase Order Number |
| ||||
ResourceDirectCostTimeBudgetAmount | Double |
| Time Budget Amount for the Resource Direct Cost |
RevenueEarnedByDate | DateTime |
| Revenue Earn By Date |
RevenueRecognitionMethod | String |
| Revenue Recognition Method "P" for percent complete "R" for revenue schedule Leave blank for non-billable engagements. |
TimeAlertsBasisType |
String |
| Time Alerts Basis Type "A" for Actuals to Date "E" for Estimate at Completion |
TimeBillingType |
String |
| Time Billing Type "D" for Daily "H" for Hourly |
TimeBudgetMetric |
String |
| Time Budget Metric "B" for Billing Adjusted Revenue "C" for Contract Revenue "R" for Resource Direct Cost "H" for Working Hours |
TimeContractTerms |
String |
| Time Contract Terms "T" for Time & Materials "F" for Fixed Price "C" for Not to Exceed |
Timestamp |
String |
| Base64 encoded timestamp |
| |||||
UserDefinedFields |
| ||
WorkMinutesTimeBudgetAmount | Int32 |
| Time Budget Amount for Work Minutes |
(applicable only when time budget metric is H, null otherwise). |
CalculateEngagementBudgetFlag | Boolean |
| Calculate Engagement Budget Flag |
true |
/false |
ChargeableMinutesTimeBudgetAmount | Int32 |
Time Budget Amount |
for Chargeable Minutes | ||||
InheritInvoiceEmailSettingsFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Invoice Email settings from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. |
true/false | |||||
InvoiceEmailSettings |
| ||
InheritRenderReceiptsFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit |
Render Receipts flag |
from the client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||||
RenderReceiptsFlag | Boolean |
| If set to true, |
Render Receipts on the invoice. |
true/false | |||||
AutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | Boolean |
| If set to true, for engagements with a pre-payment balance, automatically apply the balance to new invoices. | true |
/false | ||
InheritAutoApplyAvailableBalanceFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit Auto Apply Available Balance flag from the Client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. |
true/false | |
InheritTaxTypesFlag | Boolean |
| Inherit Tax Types flag from the |
Client. Please see Inheritancefor more information. | true |
/false | ||
TaxType1Identity |
TaxType2Identity |
TaxType3Identity |