This structure represents information about an installation's a collection of account settings related to time entry parameters.
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Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
FirstDayOfWeek | DayOfWeek | The first day of the week in time entry for the account. | Sunday |
Level1Grouping | String | The first level of grouping in time entry. Groupings allow for projects to be grouped by different criteria in time entry. The settings chosen here affect the display of projects for everyone who uses time entry. The group/subgroup choices include:
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Level2Grouping | String | The second level of grouping in time entry. Groupings allow for projects to be grouped by different criteria in time entry. The settings chosen here affect the display of projects for everyone who uses time entry. The group/subgroup choices include:
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MissingTimeBasisWeeklyFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', missing time is calculated by week, otherwise, missing time is calculated by day. | false |
PercentCompleteGranularity | Int16 | When resources enter time in time entry, they may have the option of specifying how complete a certain task is. This setting determines the allowed increments. For example, when set to 25% resources can only choose 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%. | 25 |
ProjectFormatString | String | When viewing projects in time entry, this setting determines additional information that will be displayed next to the project name. | {ProjectCode} |
ReportingTimeIncrement | Int32 | This is the granularity with which resources can enter their time. Available options include 60, 30, 15, 12, 6, 3, and 1 minutes. The last option, 1 minutes is only available if another setting on this page, Display hours as, is set to Hours and Minutes. | 15 |
RequireLocationFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', locations will be required on time cards. | false |
RequireNotificationFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true' anyone who enters time on behalf of someone else has to send out an email with a note explaining why. In addition to the person who had time entered for them, anyone with the notification Time has been entered on behalf of another resource will also receive an email. | false |
ShowToDateValuesFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true',the total number of hours that have been logged against the project/task over the current year will be displayed in time entry. | true |
TimeEntryFormat | TimeEntryFormat | The time format that will be displayed in time entry. Options include "Decimal" (i.e. 2.5) or "Minutes" (2:30). | Minutes |
TimeOffReasons | *** deprecated *** | *** deprecated *** | |
Udf1 | The first time card user defined field. | ||
Udf2 | The second time card user defined field. | ||
Enforce24HourDailyLimitFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', time entry will not allow resources to enter more than 24 hours a day. | true |
OboPermissionFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the authenticated user has permission to enter time on behalf of others. | true |
ResourcesCanUpdateHtgFlag | Boolean | ??? hours to go ???If set to 'true', resources are permitted to submit estimated hours remaining along with their time entries. | true |
Usage Example(s)
Code Block | ||||||
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<a:Parameters> <a:FirstDayOfWeek>Sunday</a:FirstDayOfWeek> <a:Level1Grouping i:nil="true"/> <a:Level2Grouping i:nil="true"/> <a:MissingTimeBasisWeeklyFlag>false</a:MissingTimeBasisWeeklyFlag> <a:PercentCompleteGranularity>25</a:PercentCompleteGranularity> <a:ProjectFormatString>{ProjectCode}</a:ProjectFormatString> <a:ReportingTimeIncrement>15</a:ReportingTimeIncrement> <a:RequireLocationFlag>false</a:RequireLocationFlag> <a:RequireNotificationFlag>false</a:RequireNotificationFlag> <a:ShowToDateValuesFlag>true</a:ShowToDateValuesFlag> <a:TimeEntryFormat>Minutes</a:TimeEntryFormat> <a:TimeOffReasons/> <a:Udf1> <a:UdfDatatype>P</a:UdfDatatype> <a:UdfRequiredFlag>false</a:UdfRequiredFlag> <a:UdfValues xmlns:b="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"/> <a:UdfIdentity xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>TC-Jira</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606857618</b:UdfUid> </a:UdfIdentity> <a:UdfConnectorCode>JIRA2</a:UdfConnectorCode> <a:UdfDetailSubstitutionCode>C</a:UdfDetailSubstitutionCode> <a:UdfItemDetailPageUrl>https://projectorpsa.atlassian.net/browse/{0}</a:UdfItemDetailPageUrl> <a:DecimalDigits i:nil="true"/> </a:Udf1> <a:Udf2> <a:UdfDatatype>P</a:UdfDatatype> <a:UdfRequiredFlag>false</a:UdfRequiredFlag> <a:UdfValues xmlns:b="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"/> <a:UdfIdentity xmlns:b="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"> <b:UdfId i:nil="true"/> <b:UdfName>TC-Zendesk</b:UdfName> <b:UdfUid>1152921504606857619</b:UdfUid> </a:UdfIdentity> <a:UdfConnectorCode>ZENDESK2</a:UdfConnectorCode> <a:UdfDetailSubstitutionCode>U</a:UdfDetailSubstitutionCode> <a:UdfItemDetailPageUrl>https://projector.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/{0}</a:UdfItemDetailPageUrl> <a:DecimalDigits i:nil="true"/> </a:Udf2> <a:Enforce24HourDailyLimitFlag>true</a:Enforce24HourDailyLimitFlag> <a:OboPermissionFlag>true</a:OboPermissionFlag> <a:ResourcesCanUpdateHtgFlag>true</a:ResourcesCanUpdateHtgFlag> </a:Parameters> |