This web service retrieves one single currency or a list of currencies (PwsCurrencyRate) based on specified search criteria. If you only provide session ticketdo not specify the currency to retrieve, a complete list of system currencies is returned. If a disbursed currency identity is provided, a complete list of system currencies with the available FX rate calculated against disbursed currency is returned. When data for conversion to and from the specified disbursed currency will be included in the response for each currency. If you do not specify a disbursed currency, but do specify a resource identity, the resource's disbursing currency is used. If neither a disbursed currency identity nor a resource identity are provided, the FX rate data will be null in the response. When an incurred currency is also provided, only incurred the specified currency, instead of the complete list of currencies, is returned.
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
RequestId | Int32 | No | Click here for more information. | ||
SessionTicket | String | Yes | Click here for more information. | ATtU220EvBSE2+GCN9U58g== | |
DisbursedCurrencyIdentity | No | If provided, it is used to calculate Fx rate against the complete list of system currencies or one incurred this response for each incurred currency will include the FX rate for conversion to or from the specified disbursed currency. | |||
EffectiveDate | DateTime | No | Today's date | It This date is used to calculate Fx determine the FX rate between the specified disbursed currency and the incurred currency or a list of system currencies. | 2018-01-01z |
IncurredOpsCurrencyIdentity | No | If not provided, a complete of system currencies is returned, Otherwise, this currency is returned in the response | |||
ResourceIdentity | No | It If specified, this resource is used to calculate determine the disbursed currency when disbursed currency identity is not provided in the request. |