Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description |
RequestId | Int32 | No |
| RequestId |
SessionTicket | String | Yes |
| SessionTicket |
PwsClientRef | PwsClientRef [1] | No |
| For this service, the caller may specify up to 1 client identity. If a client identity is not specified all clients fitting the criteria will be returned |
IncludeInactiveFlag | Boolean | No | "false" | Valid values for this field include "true" or "false". If set to true, inactive clients will be included in the response |
MaxRowsToReturn | Int32 | No | infinite | Maximum number of clients to be returned |
QueryString | String | No |
| Find all clients matching specified string in client name or client number |
LastUpdatedSinceTimestamp | DateTime | No |
| Only clients that have been updated on or after the specified date/time will be retrieved |