Element | Data Type | Description | Default | Sample Data |
EngagementCode | String | This is the engagement code, which can uniquely identify an engagement. | P001396 | |
EngagementId | Int32 | This is the engagement id. For internal use only. | ||
EngagementUid | Int64 | This is the unique identifier of an engagement | 1152921504607324699 | |
ClientIdentity | PwsClientRef | |||
EngagementName | String | The engagement name. | Web Services Engagement | |
Address | PwsAddress | |||
BillingAdjustedRevenueTimeBudgetAmount | Double | Billing Adjusted Revenue Time Budget Amount | 25000 | |
BillingCultureIdentity | PwsCultureRef | |||
BillingCycleIdentity | PwsBillingCycleRef | |||
BillingInstructions | String | Billing Instructions associated with the client | This client should be billed on the 15th of each month. | |
ClientAmountCostBudgetAmount | Double | Client Amount Cost Budget Amount | 10000 | |
ClientMessage | String | A per-invoice client message to appear on the invoice. | Thank you for using revcorp-bb. We appreciate your business. | |
ClientMessagePlain | String | A per-invoice client message to appear on the invoice, in plain text. | Thank you for using revcorp-bb. We appreciate your business. | |
ContractRevenueTimeBudgetAmount | Double | Contract Revenue Time Budget Amount | 10000 | |
CostAlertsBasisType | String | Cost Alerts Basis Type. The default value for this field is "E" for estimate at completion. | "A" for actuals to date "E" for estimate at completion | |
CostBudgetMetric | String | Cost Budget Metric. The default value for this field is "C" for client amount. | "C" for client amount "D" for disbursed amount "E" for expense amount | |
CostCenterIdentity | PwsCostCenterRef |