Panel | ||
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Request Elements
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
RequestId | Int32 | No |
Click here for more information. |
SessionTicket | String | Yes |
Click here for more information. |
ActualsCutoffDate | DateTime | No |
The actuals cut off date for the cost budget baseline | ||
Basis | String | Yes |
The cost baseline basis: "N" for none "P" for project cost plan |
Dimension | String | Yes |
The cost baseline dimension: "N" for none "E" for expense type "G" for expense type group |
EngagementTimestamp | String |
No | This is a Base64 encoded timestamp utilized for engagement locking. To protect against overwriting other changes, you may optionally echo back the timestamp returned by a call to PwsGetEngagement (or a prior call to PwsSaveEngagement). This will cause the request to fail if any change has been made between invocations of PwsGetEngagement and PwsSaveEngagement. |
FullDetailFlag | Boolean |
Yes |
If set to 'true', the full detailed project cost baseline element will be included in the response |
IntervalCount | Int32 |
Yes | The interval count or number of buckets of the cost baseline |
ProjectCostBaseline |
Yes |
Details of the project cost baseline that was updated or saved. Click PwsProjectCostBaselineDetail for more information. |
ProjectIdentity |
Yes |
The project associated with the cost budget baseline |
StartDate | DateTime |
Yes | The overall start date of the project cost budget baseline |
StealEngagementLockFlag | Boolean |
Yes |
false | If set to 'true', any locks on the engagement will be stolen if it is currently locked, otherwise, if it is set to 'false' and a lock is in place the service will fail |
TimePhase | String |
Yes |
The time phase associated with the cost budget baseline: "N" for none "D" for daily "W" for weekly "H" for hourly "M" for monthly "Q" for quarterly "Y" for yearly |
Request Usage Example(s)
Code Block | ||||||
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<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pws="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/" xmlns:req="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Requests/" xmlns:sch="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Scheduling/" xmlns:com="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <pws:PwsCreateProjectCostBaseline> <pws:serviceRequest> <req:RequestId>1</req:RequestId> <req:SessionTicket>AXoSoNYPC/IRu5ISV3f2Ew==</req:SessionTicket> <sch:ActualsCutoffDate>2018-03-31T00:00:00.000Z</sch:ActualsCutoffDate> <sch:Basis>N</sch:Basis> <sch:Dimension>E</sch:Dimension> <sch:FullDetailFlag>true</sch:FullDetailFlag> <sch:IntervalCount>2</sch:IntervalCount> <sch:ProjectCostBaseline> <com:ActiveProjectCostBaselineFlag>true</com:ActiveProjectCostBaselineFlag> <com:CaMetricActiveFlag>true</com:CaMetricActiveFlag> <com:DaMetricActiveFlag>false</com:DaMetricActiveFlag> <com:Description>Client Amount Cost Baseline</com:Description> <com:EaMetricActiveFlag>false</com:EaMetricActiveFlag> <com:PrimaryMetric>C</com:PrimaryMetric> <com:ProjectCostBaselineName>Client Amount Budget</com:ProjectCostBaselineName> <com:ProjectCostBaselineBuckets> <com:PwsProjectCostBaselineBucket> <com:ClientAmount>2000</com:ClientAmount> <com:EndDate>2018-01-31T00:00:00.000Z</com:EndDate> <com:ExpenseTypeIdentity> <com:ExpenseTypeName>Per Diem</com:ExpenseTypeName> </com:ExpenseTypeIdentity> <com:StartDate>2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z</com:StartDate> </com:PwsProjectCostBaselineBucket> <com:PwsProjectCostBaselineBucket> <com:ClientAmount>2000</com:ClientAmount> <com:EndDate>2018-02-28T00:00:00.000Z</com:EndDate> <com:ExpenseTypeIdentity> <com:ExpenseTypeName>Per Diem</com:ExpenseTypeName> </com:ExpenseTypeIdentity> <com:StartDate>2018-02-01T00:00:00.000Z</com:StartDate> </com:PwsProjectCostBaselineBucket> </com:ProjectCostBaselineBuckets> </sch:ProjectCostBaseline> <sch:ProjectIdentity> <com:ProjectCode>P001407-001</com:ProjectCode> </sch:ProjectIdentity> <sch:StartDate>2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z</sch:StartDate> <sch:StealEngagementLockFlag>false</sch:StealEngagementLockFlag> <sch:TimePhase>M</sch:TimePhase> </pws:serviceRequest> </pws:PwsCreateProjectCostBaseline> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |