Element | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
AdjustedRevenueAmount | Double | The adjusted revenue amount is the revenue amount after write ups/downs have been applied | 560 |
AdjustmentCodeIdentity | The adjustment code identity??? Is this deprecated??? | ||
AdjustmentType | String | The time card adjustment type 'CDT' for Change Time Description 'CTT' for Change Task/Task Code 'DBT' for Adjust Time for Daily Billing 'II' for Issue Invoice 'IT' for Include Time 'RT' for Revalue Time 'ST' for Split Time 'TPC' for Transfer Time 'TPT' for Transfer Time to Role 'TRT' for Transfer and Exclude Time 'TXT' for Void Invoice 'WT' for Write Up/Down Time 'XT' for Exclude Time | TPT |
ApprovalWorkflowStatus | String | The time card's current approval workflow status: 'D' for draft 'R' for rejected 'S' for submitted 'A' for approved 'B' for billed 'T' for created by split (Transient) | A |
BillingAdjustmentAmount | Double | The total amount associated with the billing adjustment (i.e. write up/down) | 0 |
ClientIdentity | The client identity on the time card | ||
ClientName | String (50) | The client name | Projector PSA |
ContractRevenueAmount | Double | The contract revenue amount is the revenue amount based on negotiated rates | 560 |
DayFraction | Double | Fraction of a day to be charged to the client. Hours on a time card divided by the project's Day Length (measured in hours) is the starting value (Day Fraction can be overridden). Day Fraction is a positive number. It isn't generally larger than 1, but it could be. Refered to as "Billing Days" in field names, although it is based on Hours rather than Chargeable Hours. | 0.7 |
Description | String (1000) | The time card description | Initial research |
EngagementCurrencyIdentity | The currency associated with the engagement | ||
EngagementIdentity | The identity of the engagement | ||
EngagementName | String (255) | The engagement name | Web Services Engagement |
EngagementTypeBillableFlag | Boolean | If set to 'true', the engagement type is defined as billable | true |
EngagementTypeIdentity | The engagement type | ||
Explanation | String | The explanation associated with the adjustment | |
InvoiceIdentity | The invoice the time card is associated with | ||
LocationIdentity | The time card's location | ||
OldAdjustedRevenueAmount | Double | In the case of an adjustment that affected the adjusted revenue amount, this was the adjusted revenue amount prior to the adjustment | 1232 |
OldBillingAdjustmentAmount | Double | In the case of an adjustment that affected the billing adjustment amount, this was the billing adjustment amount prior to the adjustment | 112 |
OldClientIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the identity of the client, this was the identity of the client prior to the adjustment | ||
OldClientName | String (50) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the identity of the client, this was the name of the client prior to the adjustment | Projector PSA |
OldContractRevenueAmount | Double | In the case of an adjustment that affected the contract revenue amount, this was the contract revenue amount prior to the adjustment | 1120 |
OldDayFraction | Double | In the case of an adjustment that affected the day fraction, this was the day fraction prior to the adjustment | |
OldDescription | String (1000) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the description, this was the description prior to the adjustment | |
OldEngagementCurrencyIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the engagement, this was the currency of the engagement prior to the adjustment | ||
OldEngagementIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the engagement, this was the identity of the engagement prior to the adjustment | ||
OldEngagementName | String (255) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the engagement, this was the name of the engagement prior to the adjustment | Web Services Engagement |
OldEngagementTypeIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the engagement, this was the engagement type of the engagement prior to the adjustment | ||
OldLocationIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the location, this was the location prior to the adjustment | ||
OldParentProjectTaskIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the task, this was the parent task of the task prior to the adjustment | ||
OldParentProjectTaskName | String (512) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the task, this was the parent task name of the task prior to the adjustment | Task A |
OldParentProjectTaskWbsCode | String | In the case of an adjustment that affected the task, this was the work breakdown structure code of the parent task prior to the adjustment | 1 |
OldProjectIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project, this was the identity of the project prior to the adjustment | ||
OldProjectName | String (255) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project, this was the name of the project prior to the adjustment | New Web Services Project (A) |
OldProjectRateTypeIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project rate type, this was the identity of the rate type prior to the adjustment | ||
OldProjectRateTypeName | String (50) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project rate type, this was the name of the rate type prior to the adjustment | Regular |
OldProjectRoleIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project role, this was the identity of the role prior to the adjustment | ||
OldProjectRoleName | String (50) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project role, this was the name of the role prior to the adjustment | JS |
OldProjectTaskIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project task, this was the identity of the project task prior to the adjustment | ||
OldProjectTaskName | String (512) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project task, this was the name of the project task prior to the adjustment | Task A1 |
OldProjectTaskTypeIdentity | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project task type, this was the identity of the task type of the project task prior to the adjustment | ||
OldProjectTaskTypeName | String (50) | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project task type, this was the name of the task type of the project task prior to the adjustment | Task Type 01 |
OldProjectTaskWbsCode | String | In the case of an adjustment that affected the project task, this was the work breakdown structure code of the project task prior to the adjustment | 1.1 |
OldUdf1Value | The value of the first user defined field prior to the adjustment | ||
OldUdf2Value | The value of the second user defined field prior to the adjustment | ||
OldWorkMinutes | Int32 | The value of the work minutes prior to the adjustment | |
ParentProjectTaskIdentity | The parent task identity of the task associated with the time card | ||
ParentProjectTaskName | String (512) | The name of the parent task identity of the task associated with the time card | |
ParentProjectTaskWbsCode | String | The work breakdown structure of the parent task of the task associated with the time card | |
ProjectIdentity | The identity of the project associated with the time card | ||
ProjectName | String (255) | The name of the project associated with the time card | Web Services Project |
ProjectRateTypeIdentity | The identity of the rate type associated with the time card | ||
ProjectRateTypeName | String (50) | The name of the rate type associated with the time card | Regular |
ProjectRoleIdentity | The identity of the role associated with the time card | ||
ProjectRoleName | String (50) | The name of the role associated with the time card | JS |
ProjectTaskIdentity | The identity of the task associated with the time card | ||
ProjectTaskName | String (512) | The name of the task associated with the time card | Task 1 |
ProjectTaskTypeIdentity | The identity of the task type associated with the time card | ||
ProjectTaskTypeName | String (50) | The name of the task type associated with the time card | Task Type 01 |
ProjectTaskWbsCode | String | The work breakdown structure fo the task associated with the time card | 2 |
RejectedReason | String (255) | The time card's reject reason Applicable only when the ApprovalWorkflowStatus = 'R' | |
RelatedTimecardIdentity | In the case of a split, this is the identity of the related time card | ||
SplitRatio | Double | In the case of a split, this is the split ratio | |
TransactionTimestamp | DateTime | The transaction date and time associated with the time card adjustment (in UTC format) | 2018-03-08T18:12:54.203Z |
TransactionUser | The identity of the user who issued the adjustment | ||
Udf1Value | The value of the first user defined field | ||
Udf2Value | The value of the second user defined field | ||
WorkDate | DateTime | The work date associated with the time card | 2018-03-05T00:00:00Z |
WorkMinutes | Int32 | The work minutes associated with the time card | 336 |
WriteUpRatio | Double | In the case of a write up, this is the write up ratio |