ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
34001 | InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineBasis | The value specified for cost baseline basis is invalid. Valid values are P for Cost Plan and N for None. |
34003 | InvalidValueForProjectCostBaselineDimension | he The value specified for cost baseline dimension is invalid. Valid values are E for Expense Type, G for Expense Type Group, and N for None. |
34005 | SpecifyUpToOneDimensionInBaselineBucket | More than one dimension specified in Baseline Bucket. |
34010 | BaselineMustHaveAtLeastOneMetric | Baseline must have at least one metric. |
34013 | NoBucketsSpecifiedOnUnseededBaselineCreation | No buckets were specified on baseline creation with no basis/seed. |
34015 | BaselineDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Baseline Description may not be specified when clear flag is set. |
34016 | BaselineBucketsMayNotBeProvidedWhenClearFlagSet | Baseline Buckets may not be provided when clear flag is set. |
54195 | InvalidValueForPrimaryMetric | An invalid value was specified for project baseline primary metric. |
54284 | CannotUseThisServiceToUpdateBaselines | This service can be used to create new baselines only, not to update an existing baseline. |
54285 | BaselineNameIsRequired | A baseline name is required. |
54286 | AtLeastOneBaselineMetricMustBeActive | At least one metric must be made active. |
54292 | PrimaryBaselineMetricMustBeEnabled | Primary baseline metrics must be an enabled metric in the baseline. |
54324 | InvalidValueSpecifiedForBasisDimensionOrTimephase | An invalid value was specified for basis, dimension or time phase when creating a project baseline. |
54483 | StartDateOrIntervalCountSpecifiedForNonTimephasedBaseline | Non-timephased baselines must not have a start date or an interval count other than zero. |
54484 | StartDateAndIntervalCountRequiredForTimephasedBaseline | Timephased baselines require a start date and a positive interval count. |
54488 | NoPermissionToCreateProjectBaseline | You do not have appropriate permissions to create this project baseline. |
54489 | BaselineDimensionMismatch | A value for a dimension that does not match the project baseline's dimension setting was specified. |
54490 | BudgetValueSpecifiedForInactiveMetric | A budget value was specified for a metric that is not active in the project baseline. |
54517 | NegativeBudgetAmountSpecifiedForProjectBaseline | Project baselines may not contain negative budgeted amounts. |
54518 | SpecifiedProjectBaselineBucketDatesInvalid | The specified bucket dates for a project baseline bucket are invalid. |
54519 | DuplicateKeyFoundInBaselineBuckets | Duplicate key found in specified baseline buckets. |
54520 | ProjectBaselineNameAlreadyInUse | The specified project baseline name is already in use. |
54526 | ProjectBaselineExternalSystemIdentifierAlreadyInUse | The specified project baseline external system identifier is already in use. |
54795 | InvalidArgumentsToPwsGetBaselineBucketDateIntervals | Invalid arguments have been specified to this service. |
54991 | NoPermissionToUpdateProjectBaseline | You do not have appropriate permissions to update this project baseline. |
55140 | NoPermissionToSetActiveBaselines | No permission to switch active baselines. |