ErrorNumber | ErrorCode | ErrorText |
14009 | RoleResourceMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Resource may not be specified when resouce clear flag is set. |
14010 | RoleCostCenterMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Cost center may not be specified when cost center clear flag is set. |
14011 | RoleLocationMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Location may not be specified when location clear flag is set. |
14012 | RoleTitleMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Title may not be specified when title clear flag is set. |
14013 | RoleKeywordsMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Keywords may not be specified when keywords clear flag is set. |
14014 | ShareCostCenterMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Share cost center may not be specified when share cost center clear flag is set. |
14015 | BaseRatesOnTitleMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Base rates on title may not be specified when base rates on title clear flag is set. |
14016 | RoleStartDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Role start date may not be specified when role start date clear flag is set. |
14017 | RoleEndDateMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Role end date may not be specified when role end date clear flag is set. |
14018 | RoleDescriptionMayNotBeSpecifiedWhenClearFlagSet | Role description may not be set when role description clear flag is set. |
14025 | RdcTransferRateIncomplete | RDC transfer hourly rate specified without RDC transfer currency, or vice versa. |
54199 | RdcTransferDataIncomplete | RDC transfer hourly rate specified without RDC transfer currency, or vice versa. |
54204 | NoPermissionToChangeRdcTransferRate | You do not have permission to change the RDC transfer rate. |
54583 | InvalidValueForMode | The value specified for mode is invalid. Valid values are R for Request, A for Allocate and E for Effective (for retrieval operations only). |
54738 | ShareCostCenterInactive | The specified share cost center is inactive. |
54741 | RoleNameNotSpecified | Role name is required for new roles. |
54743 | RoleNameAlreadyInUse | Specified role name is already in use. |
54776 | MissingPreferredAllocatedCostCenter | Missing preferred or allocated cost center. |
54777 | MissingPreferredAllocatedLocation | Missing preferred or allocated location. |
54875 | MissingValueForCostCenterOrLocationAnyFlags | Resource type, cost center and location any flags are required for new roles. |
55003 | NoPermissionToChangeRatesOrRdcExceptions | You do not have permission to change rates or RDC exceptions. |
57535 | TitleNotFound | The specified title does not exist. |