- QueryString. Find all engagements matching specified string in engagement name or engagement code, client name or code (for engagement's client and any of it's parent clients) or project name or code (for projects that are part of the engagement).
- IncludeClosedFlag. If true, engagements that are open or closed according to the current engagement stage settings will be returned. Otherwise, only engagements that are not considered closed will be returned.
- LastUpdatedSinceTimestamp. If specified, only engagements updated after the specified timestamp will be retrieved.
- PurchaseOrderNumber. If specified, only engagements with a purchase number that exactly matches the specified value will be retrieved.
- EngagementId/EngagementUid/EngagementCode. If specified, the identified engagement will be returned (QueryString, IncludeClosedFlag, LastUpdatedSinceTimestamp and IncludeClosedFlag PurchaseOrderNumber will be ignored).
Request Format