This web service adjusts one or more time cards for daily billing. Daily billing allows you to round hours to a whole day and invoice for that day. For example, if you worked four hours, but your minimum billing is for full days, the bill will be adjusted up from four to eight hours.
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Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description | Sample Data |
RequestId | Int32 | No | Click here for more information | 1 | |
SessionTicket | String | Yes | Click here for more information | AWuKIeUvHQC5lNzuzE3Ugg== | |
AdjustmentCodeIdentity | PwsAdjustmentCodeRef | No | This structure represents the unique key fields associated with identifying an adjustment code. Adjustment codes are required whenever you make a monetary adjustment to a time or cost card. | ||
AdjustmentOrders | PwsDailyBillingAdjustmentOrder | No | This structure represents the fields associated with a time card daily billing adjustment | ||
Explanation | String (1024) | No | An explanation as to why this adjustment was applied. | Time Card Description update |
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PwsAdjustTimeForDailyBilling Response