Panel | ||
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Request Elements
Element | Data Type | Required? | Default | Description |
RequestId | Int32 | Boolean | ||
SessionTicket | String | Boolean | ||
AddCommentsToInvoiceMessagesFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to prepend comments (NewInvoiceMessages) to invoice messages |
AddressClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out address (if false, address is left as is if all address fields are null in PwsInvoiceDetail structure |
AppliedPrepaidAmountsClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out applied prepaid amounts (if false, applied prepaid amounts are left as is if it not specified in PwsInvoiceDetail structure. |
BillingInstructionsClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out billing instructions (if false, billing instructions are left as is if it null in PwsInvoiceDetail structure. |
ClientMessageClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out client message (if false, client message is left as is if it is null in PwsInvoiceDetail |
FinanceApprovalStatus | String (1) | No | A to set to approved, U to set to unapproved, null to leave as is | |
FullDetailFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to include the full details of the invoice in the response |
IncludeAdjustmentHistoryFlag | Boolean | No | false | If FullDetailsFlag is set, true to include adjustment history in invoice detail. |
IncludeFullAdjustmentHistoryFlag | Boolean | No | false | If FullDetailsFlag is set and IncludeAdjustmentHistoryFlag is set, true to include full card breakdown with each adjustment history record. |
Invoice | Yes | Invoice to be saved | ||
InvoiceDateClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out invoice date (if false, invoice date is left as is if it is null in PwsInvoiceDetail structure. |
InvoiceEmailRecipientsClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out invoice email recipients (if false, invoice email recipients are left as is if it not specified in PwsInvoiceDetail structure. |
InvoiceMessagesClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out invoice messages (if false, invoice messages are left as is if it is null in PwsInvoiceDetail structure. |
InvoiceTaxesClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out invoice taxes (if false, invoice taxes are left as is if not specified in PwsInvoiceDetail structure. |
LocksToSteal | No | If stealing existing locks, specify lock holders from PwsFault response | ||
ManagementApprovalStatus | String (1) | No | A to set to approved, U to set to unapproved, null to leave as is | |
NewInvoiceMessages | String (1000) | No | Invoice messages to include in workflow email. May also be added to invoice messages for the new invoice. | |
NotifyFinanceTeamFlag | Boolean | No | True to send an e-mail to the finance team response for finance approval of invoice upon update. | |
NotifyManagementTeamFlag | Boolean | No | True to send an e-mail to the management team response for management approval of invoice upon update. | |
NotifyPmTeamFlag | Boolean | No | True to send an e-mail to the PM team response for project manager approval of invoice upon update. | |
OverrideAccountingPeriodClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out override accounting period (if false, override accounting period is left as is if it is null in PwsInvoiceDetail structure. |
OverrideCapExceededWarningFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to override cap exceeded warning and allow invoice to be updated anyway |
ProjectManagerApprovalStatus | String (1) | No | A to set to approved, U to set to unapproved, null to leave as is | |
ProjectorLockSetId | Int32 | No | A projector lock set id is an identifier for a group of one or more locks held as a unit | |
PurchaseOrderNumberClearFlag | Boolean | No | false | True to null out purchase order number (if false, purchase order number is left as is if it is null in PwsInvoiceDetail structure |
Request Usage Example(s)
Code Block | ||||||
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<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:pws="http://projectorpsa.com/PwsProjectorServices/" xmlns:req="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Requests/" xmlns:bil="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Billing/" xmlns:com="http://projectorpsa.com/DataContracts/Shared/Common/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <pws:PwsSaveInvoice> <!--Optional:--> <pws:serviceRequest> <req:SessionTicket>AcQ1BEusAT8qGh8BhF0OFg==</req:SessionTicket> <bil:FinanceApprovalStatus>A</bil:FinanceApprovalStatus> <bil:Invoice> <com:InvoiceNumber>DRAFT00156</com:InvoiceNumber> <com:ClientMessage>Please pay by YYYY-MM-DD. Thank you for your cooperation.</com:ClientMessage> <com:ContractLineItems> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <com:PwsInvoiceContractLineItem> <!--Optional:--> <com:AppliedPrepaidAmount>0</com:AppliedPrepaidAmount> <!--Optional:--> <com:ContractLineItemIdentity> <!--Optional:--> <com:ContractLineItemCode>P001063-CL1</com:ContractLineItemCode> </com:ContractLineItemIdentity> </com:PwsInvoiceContractLineItem> </com:ContractLineItems> <!--Optional:--> <com:PurchaseOrderNumber>PO-WS-1</com:PurchaseOrderNumber> </bil:Invoice> <!--Optional:--> <bil:NewInvoiceMessages>Invoice Message #1</bil:NewInvoiceMessages> <!--Optional:--> <bil:NotifyFinanceTeamFlag>1</bil:NotifyFinanceTeamFlag> <!--Optional:--> <bil:NotifyManagementTeamFlag>1</bil:NotifyManagementTeamFlag> </pws:serviceRequest> </pws:PwsSaveInvoice> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> |